Lucy Postolov, L.Ac.

(on south bundy drive)
Acupuncture in Los Angeles, CA


10:00AM - 4:00PM
10:00AM - 4:00PM
10:00AM - 4:00PM
10:00AM - 4:00PM


1990 South Bundy Drive #790
Los Angeles, CA


The American dream is often defined by a 'rags to riches' story. In Lucy Postolov's situation, she left behind Russian culture, intelligent and educated family members and career achievement to pursue spiritual and political freedom. Lucy Postolov was born in 1960 in Tashkent, capital of Uzbekistan, at that time one of the republics of Soviet Russia. By the time she was 23 she had earned her medical degree from Tashkent Medical School and later completed her residency in neurology. Always interested in Oriental Medicine, Lucy received her post medical specialty in Acupuncture and Acupressure. Being a strong willed woman, Lucy yearned for more out of life for herself and her family. In 1989, the government allowed Lucy, her husband Tony, and their 4-year-old daughter Annie to leave the country with two suitcases each - minus any valuables - and $90 per person. With only one distant relative in the United States, they arrived in California with a hopeful eye on an uncertain future.Lucy


Lucy Postolov, L.Ac. Photo Lucy Postolov, L.Ac. Photo


  • Acupuncture


“Enjoy life with woman you love all the fleeting days that are granted you under the sun, all the fleeting days. For this is your portion in life, To repay your toil here under the sun” ( Eccles.9:7-9) The Queen of Sheba before King Solomon by Giovanni Batista Tiepolo #kingsolomon #ecclesiastes #torah #love #man #woman #life #sun #enjoy #healing #repay #lucypostolov
Acupuncture point Du 24 ( Tianting)- Courtyard of Heaven or Courtyard of Spirit is located at the top of the head on the midline, 0.5cun posterior to the anterior hairline. It has a strong calming the spirit and anxiety action, clears nasal discharges and congestion ( especially now in the time of wild fires🔥and smoke 🌫). It is also known in Chinese medicine as a point for depression, insomnia, headaches, fear, palpitatation and dizziness. You could self massage this point 9 times in one direction and then 9 times in opposite direction or schedule an appointment to see me in our office (COVID- SAFE!!!) or schedule a Telemedicine appointment. #headache #dizziness #nasalcongestion #anxiety #lucypostolov #allergy #spirituality #heaven #depression #insomnia #covid_19 #wildfiresmoke #wildfirescalifornia #smoke #healing #acupuncture #chinesemedicine #health
My dear Anya!!! I didn't give you the gift of life. Life gave me the gift of you." Do you know that you are the first thing I think of each morning and the first thing I pray for each night? Happy daughter's day! You are my strength in difficult times you are my best friend . Thank you for being such a wonderful , thoughtful and supportive human being ! Happiness is spending the day with you.... I am very proud about all you medical, academical and scientific accomplishments! You are making a difference in many patients lives. But not only you are a wonderful daughter, human being and a Doctor; your are the best Mother ! Troy is a lucky boy 👦🥰! God bless both of you. Love you , mon💕#nationaldaughtersday #love #kids #motherdaughter #mother #schience #doctor #hawaii #grandchildren
#wisdom #talmud #highholidays2020 #shanatova #kindness #healing #health #healthylifestyle #meditate #lucypostolov #acupuncture #chinesemedicine #integrativemedicine #cannapyhealth #newyear #bookofliving #yomkipur #womenempowerment #womenofaction
COVID 19 : Judaism under Quarantine. Like many, I am mourning the chance to “ go” to High Holiday services at my synagogue. But I also had the joy of observing Rosh HaShanah at home so I know this year will be wonderfully meaningful . #highholidays #roshhashana #jewdaism #familytime #sunrise #sunsetphotography #meaningfullife
The Mid-Autumn Festival is the second most important traditional festival in China ( after Chinese New Year). It is a family day like Thanksgiving 🎃. Mooncakes are the must-eat Mid- Autumn food in China. Roundness is a symbol of reunion and happiness. Other foods eaten during festival are harvest food such as pumpkin, pomelos, grapes , watermelon, lotus root, taro. Water snails ( with Chinese herbs) , crabs 🦀 and duck are very popular. 🌼Families prefer Osmanthus and Chrysanthemum flower tea to enjoy the moment of reunion. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦. The principles of Chinese Medicine for this time of the year is to prevent ourselves from increasing dryness and smoke ( in California). Drink a lot of water and green tea. Eat honey, Chinese Yam, vegetable broth, pears. We all need our immune system to be stronger than ever!... #midautumnfestival #mooncake #crab #ducks #pumpkin #lotusroot #family #familytime #taro #chinesefood #chinesemedicine #acupuncture #healing #lucypostolov #wine #thanksgiving #tea #watermelon #honey #vegetablebroth #mushrooms
ACUPUNCTURE BEFORE SURGERY MAY REDUCE PAIN, OPIOID USE. #pain #surgicalpain #acupuncture #opiodsaddiction #chinesemedicine
Alex Grey is one of the most interesting artists and poet...#love #energy #energyhealing #fertility #infertility #acupuncture #chinesemedicine #lucypostolov #lovers #lust #passion #children #parents #thirdeye #pregnancy #women
#acupuncture #infertility #cancer #chinesemedicine #canceracupuncture #health #healing #healingjourney #fertility #womenempowerment #women #answer #lucypostolov #doctorwho #doctor
The Dao Masters believed that the key to a happy life is the balancing act of Yin and Yang within yourself. This individual balance centers you and makes it possible to strike a balance with another person ! What is Yin? It is a feminine, receiving, cooling, moistening-Moon Energy 🌙. What is Yang? It is male, proactive, giving, doing, achieving, warming, activating, initiating- the energy of the Sun 🌞! So..... we are all responsible for being centered and balanced within yourself and only then can we have happy and healthy sexual relationships with our partners 💥💫✨🔥 We are in a New Moon Phase of Lunar calendar right now, which is Yin. It requires the most Yin nourishment... herbal and acupuncture. Read about it in my chapter in the Textbook of Clinical Sexual Medicine published by Springer International in 2017 or please come to visit me or give me a call at 310-444-6212 to find more about it...🌔#moon #moonlight #yinyang #male #female #balance #sexualbalance #love #healthysexy #healingjourney #acupuncture #lucypostolov #waguihsiag
What is Reishi Mushroom Anyway? Reishi mushroom, also known as Ganoderma Lucidum and nicknamed “the mushroom of immortality,” is a red-brown, woody mushroom long known for its immune system and general health boosting properties in east asian medicine. A natural, water-based decoction process is used to extract the reishi’s beneficial compounds for maximum potency. Modern science is beginning to offer empirical findings that can help explain this ancient tradition—and it all starts from the gut. Read on to learn more. #reishimushroom #lingzi #imortality #immunesupport #cancer #acupuncturecancer #chinesemedicine #guthealth #brain #brainhealth #balance #healingjourney #womenempowerment #womensupportingwomen #healthyfood #lucypostolov #cannapyhealth
Prophet by Kahlil Gibran is one of my most favorite books....#prophet #spirituality #spiritualquotes #kahlilgibran #reading #books #healingjourney #health #acupuncture #womensupportingwomen #womensupportingwomen #cancer #infertility #artritis #pain #sufering #scars
#2020vision #2020 #year #clock #time #timetravel #timeandspace #balance #healing #healingjourney #acupuncture #chinesemedicene #thewomenwellnesscollective #wisdom #jokes #joke #laugh
#thewomenwellnesscollective #wisdom #healing #healingjourney #balance #acupuncture #chinesefood #chinesemedicine #integrativemedicine #doctor #roadtrip #road
I was treating my 1st veteran patient from Afghanistan 35 yrs ago while completing my double Fellowship in Neurology and Chinese Medicine in Russia. Today, in US I am treating veterans every day who were fighting the war in Afghanistan, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq ... They are suffering from PTSD, Lumbar and Cervical Pain, nightmares, Knee and Ankle Injuries, Migraines, Headaches, Post-traumatic Brain Injury and many other debilitating conditions. Life is never the same after the war, but life goes on. Looking at their scars and talking to them, the only thing I can think is how brave those men and women are and to say to them THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE! And the treatment for our veterans is FREE of charge!!! #veterans #veteransday #injury #ptsd #lowbackpain #neckpain #insomnia #insomniac #lucypostolov #acupuncture #migraine #headache #thankyou #thankuforyourservice #men #women #russia #us #afganistanwar #iraq
#oprah #magazine “So Proud of You!”#kamalaharris2020 @kamalaharris @douglasemhoff #douglasemhoff #soproud #love #support #woman #man #strongwomen #womensupportwomen #womenempowerment #integrativemedicine #healing #health #healingjourney #acupuncture #lucypostolov #couple
The 3d day of election results.... and our nervous system and brain are working on overdrive. Words of wisdom: the fable from Confucius Master Chuang Tzu 400 B.C. , when he asked the best boatman the secret of his mastery the answer was: “ The art of control is to give up control.”
#wisdom #world #change #clever #yesterday #today #womeninbusinessuk #women #election2020 #biden2020 #trump #health #healing #balance #men
HARVARD HEALTH PUBlSHING HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL Harvard Women's Health Watch The health benefits of TAI CHI 🧘🏻 This gentle form of exercise can help maintain strength, flexibility, and balance, and could be the perfect activity for the rest of your life. Updated: August 20, 2019Published: May, 2009 Tai chi is often described as "meditation in motion," but it might well be called "medication in motion." There is growing evidence that this mind-body practice, which originated in China as a martial art, has value in treating or preventing many health problems. And you can get started even if you aren't in top shape or the best of health. In this low-impact, slow-motion exercise, you go without pausing through a series of motions named for animal actions — for example, "white crane spreads its wings" — or martial arts moves, such as "box both ears." As you move, you breathe deeply and naturally, focusing your attention — as in some kinds of meditation — on your bodily sensations. Tai chi differs from other types of exercise in several respects. The movements are usually circular and never forced, the muscles are relaxed rather than tensed, the joints are not fully extended or bent, and connective tissues are not stretched. Tai chi can be easily adapted for anyone, from the most fit to people confined to wheelchairs or recovering from Harvard Women's Health Watch The health benefits of tai chi This gentle form of exercise can help maintain strength, flexibility, and balance, and could be the perfect activity for the rest of your life. A growing body of carefully conducted research is building a compelling case for tai chi as an adjunct to standard medical treatment for the prevention and rehabilitation of many conditions commonly associated with age. An adjunct therapy is one that's used together with primary medical treatments, either to address a disease itself or its primary symptoms, or, more generally, to improve a patient's functioning and quality of life . #health #healing #balance #taichi #move #meditate #medicated #harvardmedicalschool #life #muscle #animal #women #menopausesupport #thewomenwellnesscollective #womensupportwomen #lucypostolov
Watching dolphins 🐬 is one of the best form of meditation 🧘🏻‍♀️ #meditation #meditate #thewomenwellnesscollective #balance #healing #health #lucypostolov #dolphins #ocean #oceanlife
#picasso #solitude #time #work #healingjourney #wisdom #womensupportingwomen #thewomenwellnesscollective #art #health #integrativemedicine #acupuncture #lucypostolov #cbd #cbdhealth #men #women
Hello Dear Patient and Friend, Could you please leave a (5 star) review for me on Google Reviews? Just follow this link! or click below where it says: "Lucy Postolov, L.Ac. would love your feedback" Thank you so much and I wish you a most Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving! Be well and stay healthy, Lucy G.PAGE Lucy Postolov, L.Ac. would love your feedback
I am proud to announce my 3d book published in collaboration with Dr. Waguih William IsHak! Wellness medicine is the field that focuses on improving overall functioning, quality of life, and wellbeing, beyond symptom management of medical illness, leading to restoration and maintenance of health. The Handbook of Wellness Medicine provides a practical guide to the latest in evidence-based medicine, as well as best practice, to assist healthcare professionals in utilizing the full range of interventions to improve wellness and help patients complete their journeys to full health . Waguih William IsHak, MD, FAPA is Professor and Clinical Chief of Psychiatry at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, and Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. IsHak has over 30 years of experience in psychiatry, psychotherapy, and psychopharmacology, with specific expertise in quality of life, ways to restore and maintain health. The book is published by Cambridge press and is available on . #
This quote could be one of the theories on how acupuncture works ....#wounds #pain #healingjourney #healing #light #lighting #balance #womenempowerment #women #acupuncture #rumi
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RON! 🎉🎂🥂🎈🎊💃🏻 There are friends, there is family, and there are friends that become family.....Ron is my friend, my practice manager for over 27 years! My patients call him “ Gate Keeper “. After my late husband passed away 8 years ago my daughter started calling him “ father figure”, my grandson calls him” - -On”. Marlene Dietrich said : “ It is friends you can call up at 4 a.m that matter. I did call Ron while I was a widow at 4 am because I had a sore throat, or another BF disappointed me 🤦🏻‍♀️. And it was Ron who blessed me to marry my new husband and who supports me in all my creative ideas. I am very lucky to have such a great FRIEND 🕺🏻#friends #friendship #healing #happybirthday #creativity #creative #ideas #bf #daughter #grandson #patients #lucypostolov #balance #acupuncture
The moon is a feminine symbol, universally representing the rhythm of time as it embodies the cycle. The phases of the moon symbolize immortality and eternity, enlightenment or the dar k side of Nature herself. It might reflect inner knowledge, or the phases of man's condition on earth, since it controls the tides, the rains, the waters, and the seasons. It is the middle ground between the light of the sun and the darkness of night, and thus often represents the realm between the conscious and the unconscious. In astrology, the moon is a symbol of the soul, and in the horoscope it determines the subject's capacity for reflection and adaptation. It also provides analogy for the stages of human development: the new moon is infancy, the crescent is youth and adolescence, the full moon is maturity and pregnancy, and the waning moon represents the decline of life, sleep. #fullmoon #lunareclipse2020 #women #womenempoweringwomen #feminine #energy #lucypostolov #life #pregnancy
Acupressure in pediatrics practice: light massage of the skin around the bed of the nail. Calms the “ shen” - mind, spirit of the child. I use it to help my grandson to fall asleep and recommend it to my patients- young mothers. Works like MAGIC ✨💫🌙!!! #sleep #insomnia #child #children #goodnight #calm #balance
Happy Thanksgiving! I am grateful for all frontline workers, medical workers and everyone who are taking care of other people in these days....I am deeply grateful for my family, patients and All of you! #thanksgiving #thankful #integrativewomenshealth #thewomenwellnesscollective #healingjourney #family #lucypostolov #balance
The Dilts Pyramid of Logical Levels (DPLL) is one of the fundamental instruments on which coaching is based. It is a hierarchical model of neurological levels developed by Robert B. Dilts- one of the most famous experts in the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programing (NLP). He successfully recognized the importance of acting at multiple levels in order to successfully achieve change. The Dilts pyramid is a model of personal alteration that goes from one level to another. Changing something on a higher level would necessarily change things on the lower levels. It can help you see the aspects of your life in a deeper level, hence you can improve the quality of your manner of living. It is very effective exercise in situations where you need a comprehensive look at your goal. The Dilts pyramid can also be used when you find yourself insecure about your choices or you lack self-confidence.#diltspyramide ##yourself #choices #nlp #logic #skills #behaivor #inviroment #identity #balance #healingjourney #health #lucypostolov
@innermade. Grafic/ design Practicing self-care isn’t always easy. Most of us are crazy busy, have stressful jobs, family, children or are too consumed with technology to make time for ourselves. Me-time is usually last on the agenda. Worse, we can sometimes feel guilty about taking the time required to take care of ourselves. However, these days , more that ever it is so important to make sure we take good care of our body, mind, and soul every day!!!Learning how to practice self-care will help you stay healthy, happy, and resilient to infection and virus. #selfcare #stress #healthiswealth #healthjourney #healingjourney #happy #family #child #virus #infectionprevention #lucypostolov #body #mind #soul #sleep #meditation #gratitude #art #nature
Acupuncture alleviates neuropathic symptoms due to chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) in breast cancer survivors. A randomized-controlled trial was conducted at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (Boston, Massachusetts). The results demonstrate that an 8-week intensive acupuncture protocol (18 sessions) greatly reduces pain intensity levels, pain interference, and average pain levels. [1] The results also show significant improvements in CIPN-specific and general quality of life scores, functional assessment of cancer therapy neurotoxicity subscales, and brief pain inventory short-form scores. In addition, stage I–III breast cancer patients with persistent CIPN after chemotherapy had better neurotoxicity questionnaire sensory scores (PNQ) over waitlist control patients. Moreover, low intensity acupuncture treatment regimens contributed to clinically significant reductions in sensory CIPN symptoms. Chemotherapy drugs like Taxanes and platinum agents (especially paclitaxel and docetaxel) are widely used in the early stage and metastatic stages of breast cancer treatment, which can cause CIPN. The symptoms of CIPN vary, but usually present with pain and paresthesia. The incidence of CIPN in patients with breast cancer ranges between 30% and 97%, which is related with poor physical function, increased risk of falling, and greater disability in cancer survivors. Many studies focus on medications or dietary supplements to treat CIPN in patients with cancer, including pharmacologic agents like duloxetine, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, non-narcotic and narcotic analgesics, or dietary supplements like glutamine, glutathione, vitamin E, and vitamin B12. Many treatments cause different types of side effects such as fatigue, dizziness, insomnia, and nausea. Acupuncture is proven to be safe and demonstrates efficacy in alleviation of CIPN symptoms, improving nerve system conduction, and reducing symptom distress. [2–5] Importantly, acupuncture effectively prevents deterioration of CIPN from grade II to grade III in breast cancer patients after finishing paclitaxel chemotherapy. [7] #cancer #acupuncture #boston #danafarbercancerinstitute #neuropathy #chemotherapy
“How time flies when one has fun!” - Samuel Beckett. I was pleasantly surprised when I got this award: Cedars-Sinai is honored to commend Lucy Postolov for 20 years of Distinguished Service to Cedars-Sinai Medical center! I reflect back on how grateful and honored I am to be able to serve YOU and my community. I am blessed to be able to go to one of the best Medical Centers in the world and help my patients after surgery, chemotherapy, during the birth of their children and many other moments of pain and despair. #pain #healing #healingjourney #cancer #cancersupport #thewomenwellnesscollective #integrativewomenshealth #surgery #cemotheraphy #cancerawareness #cedarssinai #lucypostolov #askdrsuzanne #drwaynejonas #fun #balance #health
#intelligence #knowledge #imagination #signs #true #lucypostolov #anyapostolova #womensupportingwomen #doctors #womenphysicians #healingjourney #balance #bh #acupuncure
The first sunset of a New Year.... new hopes, new beginnings, new dreams. Happy, healthy New Year! #happyholidays #happynewyear2021 #dreams #beginning #hopes #balance #acupuncture #lucypostolov
Re post @thewomenswellnesscollective Every daughter contains her mother and all the women who came before her. The unrealized dreams of our maternal ancestors are part our heritage. To become optimal healthy and happy, each of us must get clear about the ways in which our mother’s history both influenced and continues to inform our state of health , or believes, and how we live our lives. Every woman who heals herself helps heal all the women who came before her and all those who will come after her. #drchristiannorthrup - Mother-daughter Wisdom @nicksebastian #motherhood #mother #motherdaughter #wisdom #womensupportingwomen #motherslove #askdrsuzanne #lucypostolov #integrativemedicine #anyapostolova #acupuncture #chinenesemedicine
Acupuncture, TCM and Overthinking “The most difficult battles in life are those we fight within.” Chinese Proverb In truth, we overthink our overthinking. We overthink texts and emails – wondering if we missed something, wondering what they may have meant, wondering if we miss-spoke, or miss-typed. A recent post on summed it up perfectly: “Over thinking ruins you. It ruins the situation. It twists things around. It makes you worry. It just makes everything worse than it actually is. In Traditional Chinese Medicine Deficient Spleen and Stomach ( not as an organ but as a System)will change the healthy process of “thinking” into the unhealthy “over thinking” Thoughts transform from being obedient servants into difficult masters and become in charge of the mind instead of being the opposite. They feel like they are stagnant, “undigested” and difficult to move on from. They seem to appear whenever they please and stay as long as they like.”TCM World summarizes: “Worry, anxiety, and overthinking are the emotions associated with the Stomach. If you constantly worry or over-think things (especially negative thoughts), get anxious easily, you may have a Stomach imbalance or function disorder. Experiencing any emotions chronically or excessively can damage Stomach and digestive health, as the digestive system processes not just the food you eat, but the thoughts and emotions that you internalize.” As I see it, the solution has two roads: first, taking care of the Spleen and Stomach and then breaking our overthinking cycle which by now, is no longer simply a bad habit, but has become second nature.. The TCM suggestions for a healthy Spleen include: “Eating warm and dry foods to lessen inner dampness. Individuals with deficien Spleens should practice tai-chi and meditation. I am afraid I am overthinking this post 🤔. Painting Tangled Up in Thoughts by VV Art Batik #anxiety #fear #overthinking #acupuncture #tcm #integrativemedicine #healing #balance #doctorwho #lucypostolov #vvartbatik #anyapostolova #meditation #womensupportingwomen
The first sunset of a New Year.... new hopes, new beginnings, new dreams. Happy, healthy New Year! #happyholidays #happynewyear2021 #dreams #beginning #hopes #balance #acupuncture #lucypostolov
Winter morning Snow, frost and sunshine ... Lovely morning! Yet you, dear love, its magic scorning, Are still abed ... Awake my sweet! Cast sleep away, I beg, and, rising, Yourself a northern star, the blazing Aurora, northern beauty, meet. Last night a snowstorm raged, remember; A turbid haze swam in the somber, Wind - ravaged sky, and through the gray Murk of the clouds the moon shone dully, And you sat listless, melancholy ... But now - look out the window, pray - 'Neat lucid skies of clearest azure, Great snowy carpets, winter's treasure, A rich and dazzling sight, lie spread. The wood is etched against them darkly, The first, rime - starred, are green and sparkling, In shiny mail the stream is clad. A mellow glow like that of amber Illumes the room ... Its good to linger Beside the gaily crackling stove, And think and dream ... But let our honest Brown mare without delay by harnessed That we may take a slag ride, love. We'll give free rein to her, and lightly, The snow of morning gleaming brightly, Skim over it, and, full of glee, Cross empty fields and empty meadows, A once green wood with trees like shadows, A stream and bank long dear to me. Alexander S. Pushkin #snow #morning #frost #christmas #holidays #pushkin #poet #poetry #russian #winter #beauty
The history repeats itself. The great empires rise and fall . The pandemics of cholera, bubonic plague, smallpox and influenza have killed millions of people in the past . The evidence of rising anti-Semitism in Europe has become impossible to ignore. In the continent where horror of Holocaust is still a living memory. “There is nothing new under the Sky, But that which has been before “- paraphrase of Shakespeare’s Sonnet. And as my Dad used to say : “ Your children will do to you, what you do to me....”. So! Let’s remember the lessons of the history! Some of them are hard ones, some are easy ones. Any mistake of the history come to your mind? #history #mind #mistake #holoucast #europe #today #tomorrow #antisemitism #pandemic #health #healing #healingjourney #lucypostolov #acupuncture #chinesemedicine
Re post @thewomenswellnesscollective Every daughter contains her mother and all the women who came before her. The unrealized dreams of our maternal ancestors are part our heritage. To become optimal healthy and happy, each of us must get clear about the ways in which our mother’s history both influenced and continues to inform our state of health , or believes, and how we live our lives. Every woman who heals herself helps heal all the women who came before her and all those who will come after her. #drchristiannorthrup - Mother-daughter Wisdom @nicksebastian #motherhood #mother #motherdaughter #wisdom #womensupportingwomen #motherslove #askdrsuzanne #lucypostolov #integrativemedicine #anyapostolova #acupuncture #chinenesemedicine
The first sunset of a New Year.... new hopes, new beginnings, new dreams. Happy, healthy New Year! #happyholidays #happynewyear2021 #dreams #beginning #hopes #balance #acupuncture #lucypostolov
The history repeats itself. The great empires rise and fall . The pandemics of cholera, bubonic plague, smallpox and influenza have killed millions of people in the past . The evidence of rising anti-Semitism in Europe has become impossible to ignore. In the continent where horror of Holocaust is still a living memory. “There is nothing new under the Sky, But that which has been before “- paraphrase of Shakespeare’s Sonnet. And as my Dad used to say : “ Your children will do to you, what you do to me....”. So! Let’s remember the lessons of the history! Some of them are hard ones, some are easy ones. Any mistake of the history come to your mind? #history #mind #mistake #holoucast #europe #today #tomorrow #antisemitism #pandemic #health #healing #healingjourney #lucypostolov #acupuncture #chinesemedicine
Re post @thewomenswellnesscollective Every daughter contains her mother and all the women who came before her. The unrealized dreams of our maternal ancestors are part our heritage. To become optimal healthy and happy, each of us must get clear about the ways in which our mother’s history both influenced and continues to inform our state of health , or believes, and how we live our lives. Every woman who heals herself helps heal all the women who came before her and all those who will come after her. #drchristiannorthrup - Mother-daughter Wisdom @nicksebastian #motherhood #mother #motherdaughter #wisdom #womensupportingwomen #motherslove #askdrsuzanne #lucypostolov #integrativemedicine #anyapostolova #acupuncture #chinenesemedicine
The first sunset of a New Year.... new hopes, new beginnings, new dreams. Happy, healthy New Year! #happyholidays #happynewyear2021 #dreams #beginning #hopes #balance #acupuncture #lucypostolov
I work in Integrative medicine with physical and mental conditions for the last 35 years and know first hand how human mind , power of intent, thoughts and emotions effect the outcome of healing journey. This energy can change our environment and affect people around us. #energy #thoughts #biohack #action #create #healing #healingjourney #consciousness #effects #selfrealization #balance #lucypostolov #askdrsuzanne #womeninbusiness #women #yasmeenacreates
The history repeats itself. The great empires rise and fall . The pandemics of cholera, bubonic plague, smallpox and influenza have killed millions of people in the past . The evidence of rising anti-Semitism in Europe has become impossible to ignore. In the continent where horror of Holocaust is still a living memory. “There is nothing new under the Sky, But that which has been before “- paraphrase of Shakespeare’s Sonnet. And as my Dad used to say : “ Your children will do to you, what you do to me....”. So! Let’s remember the lessons of the history! Some of them are hard ones, some are easy ones. Any mistake of the history come to your mind? #history #mind #mistake #holoucast #europe #today #tomorrow #antisemitism #pandemic #health #healing #healingjourney #lucypostolov #acupuncture #chinesemedicine
Re post @thewomenswellnesscollective Every daughter contains her mother and all the women who came before her. The unrealized dreams of our maternal ancestors are part our heritage. To become optimal healthy and happy, each of us must get clear about the ways in which our mother’s history both influenced and continues to inform our state of health , or believes, and how we live our lives. Every woman who heals herself helps heal all the women who came before her and all those who will come after her. #drchristiannorthrup - Mother-daughter Wisdom @nicksebastian #motherhood #mother #motherdaughter #wisdom #womensupportingwomen #motherslove #askdrsuzanne #lucypostolov #integrativemedicine #anyapostolova #acupuncture #chinenesemedicine
The first sunset of a New Year.... new hopes, new beginnings, new dreams. Happy, healthy New Year! #happyholidays #happynewyear2021 #dreams #beginning #hopes #balance #acupuncture #lucypostolov
I work in Integrative medicine with physical and mental conditions for the last 35 years and know first hand how human mind , power of intent, thoughts and emotions effect the outcome of healing journey. This energy can change our environment and affect people around us. #energy #thoughts #biohack #action #create #healing #healingjourney #consciousness #effects #selfrealization #balance #lucypostolov #askdrsuzanne #womeninbusiness #women #yasmeenacreates
The history repeats itself. The great empires rise and fall . The pandemics of cholera, bubonic plague, smallpox and influenza have killed millions of people in the past . The evidence of rising anti-Semitism in Europe has become impossible to ignore. In the continent where horror of Holocaust is still a living memory. “There is nothing new under the Sky, But that which has been before “- paraphrase of Shakespeare’s Sonnet. And as my Dad used to say : “ Your children will do to you, what you do to me....”. So! Let’s remember the lessons of the history! Some of them are hard ones, some are easy ones. Any mistake of the history come to your mind? #history #mind #mistake #holoucast #europe #today #tomorrow #antisemitism #pandemic #health #healing #healingjourney #lucypostolov #acupuncture #chinesemedicine
Re post @thewomenswellnesscollective Every daughter contains her mother and all the women who came before her. The unrealized dreams of our maternal ancestors are part our heritage. To become optimal healthy and happy, each of us must get clear about the ways in which our mother’s history both influenced and continues to inform our state of health , or believes, and how we live our lives. Every woman who heals herself helps heal all the women who came before her and all those who will come after her. #drchristiannorthrup - Mother-daughter Wisdom @nicksebastian #motherhood #mother #motherdaughter #wisdom #womensupportingwomen #motherslove #askdrsuzanne #lucypostolov #integrativemedicine #anyapostolova #acupuncture #chinenesemedicine
#resentment #forgivness #healing #healingjourney #balance #negativeenergy #energy #lucypostolov
I am thankful for another Birthday! I am another year older and wiser. I am grateful for my daughter Anya driving for 7 hrs in each way with my adorable grandson Troy on icy ❄️ road through rain to be with me just for few days. To my friends , patients, family members for Birthdays wishes, flowers, gifts, sweets , phone calls and cards. To my husband- the greatest Man- for his love and care. My journey so far in life was not easy but still amazing and I want to thank God for that! #happybirthday #wish #wishlist #blessings #gifts #family #chieldren #men #friends #healing #lucypostolov
I work in Integrative medicine with physical and mental conditions for the last 35 years and know first hand how human mind , power of intent, thoughts and emotions effect the outcome of healing journey. This energy can change our environment and affect people around us. #energy #thoughts #biohack #action #create #healing #healingjourney #consciousness #effects #selfrealization #balance #lucypostolov #askdrsuzanne #womeninbusiness #women #yasmeenacreates
The history repeats itself. The great empires rise and fall . The pandemics of cholera, bubonic plague, smallpox and influenza have killed millions of people in the past . The evidence of rising anti-Semitism in Europe has become impossible to ignore. In the continent where horror of Holocaust is still a living memory. “There is nothing new under the Sky, But that which has been before “- paraphrase of Shakespeare’s Sonnet. And as my Dad used to say : “ Your children will do to you, what you do to me....”. So! Let’s remember the lessons of the history! Some of them are hard ones, some are easy ones. Any mistake of the history come to your mind? #history #mind #mistake #holoucast #europe #today #tomorrow #antisemitism #pandemic #health #healing #healingjourney #lucypostolov #acupuncture #chinesemedicine
In Chinese Medicine we believe that suppressed emotions could have effect on organs, that are attached energetically to each other. ❤️The Heart 💜 organ is connected to Joy 🤩 and Happiness 💫🌟. When we have lack of joy, we can experience depression, anxiety, palpitations, insomnia... To nourish the Heart we must bring more joy into our life!!!! WHAT BRINGS JOY to your LIFE? Everyone is different ! Family, music, art, place, experience, people, spirituality, material things, travel..... Do not lose sight of the importance of love for yourself and selfcare💃🏻. Happy Valentine’s Day! #love #selfcare #valentinesday #heart #joy #pleasure #happyness #organs #child #lucypostolov #acupuncture #healingjourney
In Chinese Medicine we believe that suppressed emotions could have effect on organs, that are attached energetically to each other. ❤️The Heart 💜 organ is connected to Joy 🤩 and Happiness 💫🌟. When we have lack of joy, we can experience depression, anxiety, palpitations, insomnia... To nourish the Heart we must bring more joy into our life!!!! WHAT BRINGS JOY to your LIFE? Everyone is different ! Family, music, art, place, experience, people, spirituality, material things, travel..... Do not lose sight of the importance of love for yourself and selfcare💃🏻. Happy Valentine’s Day! #love #selfcare #valentinesday #heart #joy #pleasure #happyness #organs #child #lucypostolov #acupuncture #healingjourney
Sun Simiao was a Chinese physician and writer of the Sui and Tang dynasty. He was titled as China's King of Medicine for his significant contributions to Chinese medicine and tremendous care to his patients #diet #medicine #lifestyle #acupuncture #cure #patient #medicinanatural #lucypostolov #balance #healingjourney #healthyeating #healthylifestyle
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR. I personally LOVE this holiday and the symbolism of each year. (Anyone else 🙋🏻‍♀️?) 2021 is the year of the Metal Ox. It’s symbolic for hard working people, so those who work hard will be rewarded this year 🙌. It is a year of "Yin Golden Cow", so investing in gold, gemstones and farmland is advised by Feng Shui specialists. It's also a good year for marriage and having children. To read more about the significance of this year, head to the link below to read my full newsletter. 🧧🎊🏮
The point on the sternum between the breasts is called Ren-17. It’s the point for the "heart". Heart, not the organ, but the "seat of the soul". 😉 If somebody is suffering from a broken heart, that is the perfect point to needle, especially if they are afraid to fall in love again. ❤️ For somebody who is already in a relationship, this point could be needled by an acupuncturist or self massage, to be more open to a new kind relationship. Who needs this heart opening point this month?! 🥰🙋🏻‍♀️🥰 I’m still have a few appointment openings this month. Call my office to reserve your spot ASAP. (310)444-6212 . . . . #lucypostolovaccupuncture #heartopening #ren17 #acupuncturepoints #hearthealthy #heartandsoul #valentinesday2021 #monthoflove #holisticwelness
The Chinese New Year 🧧 celebration continues!!! We’re offering a 10% discount this month for every Zhong Gan Ling formula purchase! Why this formula? This year we’re celebrating the year of the metal ox! And metal is a lung element, which means our respiratory system is very vulnerable this year (the irony of COVID, yes!). So why not take extra measures in safety and support the immunity and overall health of your lungs? ✨ Call my office today to place your order! And feel free to comment below if you have any questions about this formula or respiratory health in general! 👇🏼💭 . . . . #ChineseNewYear #Lunghealth #respiratoryhealth #lucypostolov #chinesemedicine #acupuncture #acupunctureworks #selfcare #covid19 #covid19precautions #integrativehealth
In Chinese Medicine we believe that suppressed emotions could have effect on organs, that are attached energetically to each other. ❤️The Heart 💜 organ is connected to Joy 🤩 and Happiness 💫🌟. When we have lack of joy, we can experience depression, anxiety, palpitations, insomnia... To nourish the Heart we must bring more joy into our life!!!! WHAT BRINGS JOY to your LIFE? Everyone is different ! Family, music, art, place, experience, people, spirituality, material things, travel..... Do not lose sight of the importance of love for yourself and selfcare💃🏻. Happy Valentine’s Day! #love #selfcare #valentinesday #heart #joy #pleasure #happyness #organs #child #lucypostolov #acupuncture #healingjourney
In Chinese Medicine we believe that suppressed emotions could have effect on organs, that are attached energetically to each other. ❤️The Heart 💜 organ is connected to Joy 🤩 and Happiness 💫🌟. When we have lack of joy, we can experience depression, anxiety, palpitations, insomnia... To nourish the Heart we must bring more joy into our life!!!! WHAT BRINGS JOY to your LIFE? Everyone is different ! Family, music, art, place, experience, people, spirituality, material things, travel..... Do not lose sight of the importance of love for yourself and selfcare💃🏻. Happy Valentine’s Day! #love #selfcare #valentinesday #heart #joy #pleasure #happyness #organs #child #lucypostolov #acupuncture #healingjourney
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For the most part, medical advice and information, whether it's presented by the CDC or individual practitioners has been quite confusing in regards to COVID-19. Western Medicine and advanced science has done a great job in identifying different mutations of the virus and providing vaccinations so far to the most vulnerable poplulations. (I would like to stress again to wear your mask, even if you have been vaccinated.) In order to prevent COVID-19, western medicine is recommending to wear masks, social distancing, avoiding groups etc. In Eastern Medicine, there's a different protocol. For prevention we recommend taking 'Zhong Gan Ling' an anti-viral formula for upper respiratory conditions, every time you go out in public. For treatment, the herbal formula Qing Fei Pei Du Tang has a 90% response rate out of total clinical cases of COVID-19 related pneumonia. If you are interested in that formula, give us a call we have it in stock. ✨✨✨✨ . . . . #easternmeetswestern #chinesemedicine #lucypostolovacupuncture #acupuncture #easternmedicine #covid19 #covid19prevention #integrativemedicine #integrativedoctor
HAPPY MONDAY! Here's your friendly reminder that the pandemic is still alive and well. We all must continue to take precautions, wear our masks, gloves, wash our hands very often, AND take our immune-boosting herbs and vitamins! At my office, I have taken measures well above and beyond CDC requirements, which I will be sharing with you all soon!! Have a safe and beautiful start to your week!! If you have any questions about the precautions or preventative measures you should be taking at this time, feel free to comment below! 👇🏼 . . . . #lucypostolov #lucypostolovacupuncture #happymonday #mondaymotivation #covid19 #pandemicpreparedness #precautions #chinesemedicine
February is #HeartHealthAwarenessMonth. ❤️ Did you know that 80% of cardiovascular disease is preventable? In old China, the emperor would not pay the doctor, if he got sick because by nature, Chinese Medicine must be preventative. To prevent cardiovascular conditions, Chinese doctors suggest 5 major ways. #1: Stay active by exercising Tai Chi, Qi Gong and Yoga 🧘‍♀️ #2: Keep your diet healthy. According to Chinese Medicine red foods (tomatos, cherries, red beans, apple, strawberry, beef et.  help to nourish the heart. #3: No smoking! It is crucial for heart health #4: The quality of your sleep. Go to bed at a consistent time, turn off your TV, mobile devices etc. 1/2 hour before you go to bed. #5: Control your stress. Stress becomes harmful when you stay in "fight or flight mode" long after the threat has passed. Deep breathing, meditation, and drinking calm teas recommended by your herbalist will help you manage stress. In the United States, traditional chinese medicine does not treat acute heart failure. However, more experienced acupuncturists can work with a chronic heart failure. Protect your heart!! ❤️ . . . . #lucypostolov #hearthealth #accupuncture #accupuncturist #hearthealthawareness #heartdiseaseprevention #chinesemedicine #chineseherbs #integrativehealth #integrativemedicine
#HowItStartedVSHowItsGoing Today is the first day of Women's History Month!! And I'd like to celebrate it all month long by highlighting women's health + wellness facts in relation to Chinese Medicine AND my journey as a #FemaleEntrepreneur. 🌹 This isnt how it's always been. The first picture is me attending medical school alongside my mostly male classmates. In the other picture, I'm working in my beautiful office in West Los Angeles- decades later. I arrived to the USA as a refugee with $90 in my pocket and two suitcases, nothing valuable. Life wasn't the easiest, but I'm grateful for all the opportunities I've had to get me to where I am today, running a successful acupuncture practice as a Doctor in Chinese Medicine. I know i'm not the only woman with this kind of story and so I'm celebrating ALL of OUR stories this month!!! Happy Women’s Month!!! . . . . . #DrLucyPostolov #lucypostolovacupuncture #chinesemedicine #chinesemedicinepractitioner #womensmonth #womenshistorymonth #womensherstorymonth
How are YOU spending the last Saturday of the #MonthOfLove? 😍 One of my favorite activities of all is meditation 🧘‍♀️, which brings me much peace. And when I think of overall wellness, I love waking on the beach and most of all, being with my grandson 🥰 Happy weekend everyone!! . . . . #LucyPostolov #Acupuncture #Wellness #Selflove #Selfcare #peace #integrativehealth #integtativewellness #love #meditationpractice
When I applied to Medical school in Russia at the age of 17, I had to hide the fact that I am Jewish. At that time in Soviet Russia, they did not allow Jews into Medical School. Twelve years later, I had to reveal my identity in order to seek refugee status to leave the country and emigrate to the United States with my husband, Tony and my 4 year old daughter Anya. After we settled in the United States, I brought 24 of my relatives over from Soviet Russia within 3 years. As we celebrate Queen Esther and the story of Purim and how she hid her identity until the time came where it was necessary to reveal, and save her people, I remember my own story of triumph as a Jewish woman. ❤️ If you would like to read and learn the wonderful story of Esther and Purim, click the link below 🤍✨
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I’ve spent almost my entire life being “strong”, independent, and proving my worth as a woman in a very patriarchal world. It took me some time to realize, however, the being a strong woman and doing things that men can do isn’t the definition of strength I want to live by. While we’ve proven time and time again that we can get to all the places our counter sex can, I believe that a woman’s strength is in our femininity. It’s in our softness, our tenderness. Our strength is in our beauty and in our ability to nurture. Our strength is in our wisdom and ability to create. So as we celebrate #InternationalWomensDay and remember the fights our mothers, grandmothers and ancestors had to put up for equality and survival.... I also want to remind us of the importance of our UNIQUE strength as women. The one that’s not primarily thought of when the world things about being “strong 💪” Happy Women’s Day to all! 🌹 . . . . . #iwd2021 #strongwomen #womenshealth #womenshistorymonth #lucypostolovacupuncture #internationalwomensday2021 #womeninmedicine #femininity #feminism
Beauty secrets from Hollywood's ageless beauty, Lucy Liu!!! So why is #acupuncture so good for skincare?According to the study, facial cosmetic acupuncture resulted in boosted elasticity among 27 participants who received 5 acupuncture treatments. Other studies have found that multiple FCA treatments, improves skin texture, deletes fine lines and provides an all over fresh glow (January 6, 2019). During facial acupuncture the acupuncturist inserts 40 or 50 tiny and painless needles. As the needles puncture the skin they create positive micro-traumas which stimulate your lymphatic and circulatory system. This helps your complexion and promotes your skin glow. It will also stimulate the production of collagen, improve the elasticity of your skin and minimize fine lines and wrinkles. 😍 Read the rest of what Lucy Liu has to say about her beauty secrets with the link in my bio!
#HowItStartedVSHowItsGoing Today is the first day of Women's History Month!! And I'd like to celebrate it all month long by highlighting women's health + wellness facts in relation to Chinese Medicine AND my journey as a #FemaleEntrepreneur. 🌹 This isnt how it's always been. The first picture is me attending medical school alongside my mostly male classmates. In the other picture, I'm working in my beautiful office in West Los Angeles- decades later. I arrived to the USA as a refugee with $90 in my pocket and two suitcases, nothing valuable. Life wasn't the easiest, but I'm grateful for all the opportunities I've had to get me to where I am today, running a successful acupuncture practice as a Doctor in Chinese Medicine. I know i'm not the only woman with this kind of story and so I'm celebrating ALL of OUR stories this month!!! Happy Women’s Month!!! . . . . . #DrLucyPostolov #lucypostolovacupuncture #chinesemedicine #chinesemedicinepractitioner #womensmonth #womenshistorymonth #womensherstorymonth
How are YOU spending the last Saturday of the #MonthOfLove? 😍 One of my favorite activities of all is meditation 🧘‍♀️, which brings me much peace. And when I think of overall wellness, I love waking on the beach and most of all, being with my grandson 🥰 Happy weekend everyone!! . . . . #LucyPostolov #Acupuncture #Wellness #Selflove #Selfcare #peace #integrativehealth #integtativewellness #love #meditationpractice
"If fate does not give you something, it means that it protects you ..." - Lia Ruslanova
I’ve spent almost my entire life being “strong”, independent, and proving my worth as a woman in a very patriarchal world. It took me some time to realize, however, the being a strong woman and doing things that men can do isn’t the definition of strength I want to live by. While we’ve proven time and time again that we can get to all the places our counter sex can, I believe that a woman’s strength is in our femininity. It’s in our softness, our tenderness. Our strength is in our beauty and in our ability to nurture. Our strength is in our wisdom and ability to create. So as we celebrate #InternationalWomensDay and remember the fights our mothers, grandmothers and ancestors had to put up for equality and survival.... I also want to remind us of the importance of our UNIQUE strength as women. The one that’s not primarily thought of when the world things about being “strong 💪” Happy Women’s Day to all! 🌹 . . . . . #iwd2021 #strongwomen #womenshealth #womenshistorymonth #lucypostolovacupuncture #internationalwomensday2021 #womeninmedicine #femininity #feminism
Let's talk about it beccause we must talk about it. My heart breaks for the Asian American community. As an immigrant in this country. As a woman who has fled from racism and discrimination from her home country. And as a Chinese Medicine practitioner that values and has the deepest respect for the Asian culture, philosophy, knowledge, and people. Let's call out and continue to talk about stopping #AsianHateCrimes because violence, hate, and racism is the #RealPandemic. - - - #Acupuncture #ChineseMedicine #WomenDoctors #FemaleDoctors #WomenInMedicine #IntegrativeHealth
"If fate does not give you something, it means that it protects you ..." - Lia Ruslanova
Join me and one of my dear friends Dr. Suzanne Gilberg-Lenz for an informative Instagram LIVE as we talk all things integrative health and Cannabis!!! - - - - #Cannabis #MedicinalCannabis #IntegrativeMedicine #WomenInCBD #WomenInCannabis
#MotivationMonday Did you know that one of my favorite specialties is the acupuncture #FaceLift? Yes, there's a way to give yourself a non-surgical facelift that actually WORKS. Here are a few things you need to know about it: - Patients need 10 treatments once or twice a week - The effect of this treatment can hlep you look up to 7 years younger. - Needles are usually inserted in problematic areas. For example, if someone has more problems around the eyes or lips, that is where the needles will be inserted. - The needles that are used for facial acupuncture are especially thin and short and they are absolutely painless. 😍 - - - - #Acupuncture #ChineseMedicine #WomenDoctors #FemaleDoctors #WomenInMedicine #IntegrativeHealth
Let's talk about it beccause we must talk about it. My heart breaks for the Asian American community. As an immigrant in this country. As a woman who has fled from racism and discrimination from her home country. And as a Chinese Medicine practitioner that values and has the deepest respect for the Asian culture, philosophy, knowledge, and people. Let's call out and continue to talk about stopping #AsianHateCrimes because violence, hate, and racism is the #RealPandemic. - - - #Acupuncture #ChineseMedicine #WomenDoctors #FemaleDoctors #WomenInMedicine #IntegrativeHealth


Company name
Lucy Postolov, L.Ac.


  • What is the phone number for Lucy Postolov, L.Ac. in Los Angeles CA?
    You can reach them at: 310-444-6212. It’s best to call Lucy Postolov, L.Ac. during business hours.
  • What is the address for Lucy Postolov, L.Ac. on south bundy drive in Los Angeles?
    Lucy Postolov, L.Ac. is located at this address: 1990 South Bundy Drive #790 Los Angeles, CA 90025.
  • What are Lucy Postolov, L.Ac.(Los Angeles, CA) store hours?
    Lucy Postolov, L.Ac. store hours are as follows: Mon-Tue: 10:00AM - 4:00PM, Wed: Closed, Thu-Fri: 10:00AM - 4:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.