Happy Labor Day from Magic Dust and Clean!
Let's hear it for the custodians and janitors (like our staff) who spend their summers working, even when the kids are out of school. #news https://goo.gl/5oRzGa
Custodians Spend The Summer Cleaning The School
Did you know that the French have trained crows to clean up trash outdoors? #funfact http://www.onegreenplanet.org/news/trained-crows-cleaning-litter-french-amusement-park/
Trained Crows Are Cleaning Up Litter in a French Amusement Park. Why In the World Aren't People Responsible For This?! - One Green Planet
For residential dusting, commercial cleaning, and everything in-between, call 984-255-8749 today! http://www.magicdustandclean.com/
One messy partner and one clean partner? Stop the arguing and hire a cleaning team! https://goo.gl/Q1Jbqa
There's No Solution If They're Messy and You're Clean
Click here to see how hiring a housekeeper made this woman’s life better! https://goo.gl/2TidD2
Why hiring a house cleaner was the best decision I ever made