Makemytaxes.Com is founded by a CPA licensed in state of NY/NJ/DE and offer on line tax services to individuals with complex tax issues, to name a few, foreign income reporting and compliance and more. Also, we help small businesses those who cannot afford to engage a full service accounting firm but still expect that they receive most professional and up to date tax advice and reporting of their business income. Furthermore, we provide services to individuals entrusted with fiduciary responsibilities of managing a trust, estate or foundation and need help to comply with tax laws.
Our services are offered without any limitation of borders or boundaries. Makemytaxes.Com can service any individual or business in any 50 states and or provinces or anywhere in the world. We accomplish this by using the technology and arranging a web meeting by making an appointment where we can transfer documents and meet face to face saving time and money of travelling to the accounting office for a meeting.