Manco Systems, Inc. is a shop floor control supplier located in Los Gatos, CA. If you have a business, you know how important data security is. We help by designing and developing turn-key data collection systems that communicate with your computers. No one wants to do inventory control by hand. Give your employees both freedom and accountability with our handheld scanners and bar code labels. It’s easy to check to see if there’s “more in the back” when you have a computerized, up-to-date system that tells you exactly what’s there and what isn’t. We can also help you with time and attendance. Don’t wonder if your employees are cheating the time clock system – have them check in and out in a personalized way that will ensure that paychecks are fair for both you and your employees. Manco Systems, Inc. has an answer for all of your supply chain problems, so give us a call today!