Manns Paving & Seal Coating LLC updated their phone number.
Well the day has come to the end today where I am on the last job I sold and last job we will be doing with the business on asphalt and seal coating with the transfer of ownership after a long 20 years. I would like to say thanks to all our great customers we have had a chance to work for and all the memories of the past on all the great people we have provided services too. Would like to also say thank you to all the wonderful employees that have been with us in the last 20 years would never done all the work with out them on all those hard days and easy days. We still will be around Warsaw area providing snow removal and salt services as Manns Snow Removal & Salting LLC Please contact us at
574 269 PLOW
Another very warm day ahead starting early to beat the heat and complete another seal coat and striping job for our clients. Happy Fathers Day Dads!