Our client was terminated while in the process of applying for medical leave. Defendant initially took the position that “this case is a loser.” @ Manukyan Law Firm
Feedback from our wonderful clients 😊 @ Manukyan Law Firm
Virtual mediations aren’t so bad after all!!
Even a viral outbreak doesn’t excuse employment law violations. If you’re working during the new coronavirus crisis, you need to read this article.
FAQ: How COVID-19 Affects Employment Law in California
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August 2, 2019 at 3:34 PM ·
We are ready to listen to your needs. Discuss your case with a skilled attorney a Manukyan Law Firm today.
Some dishonest employers misclassify their employees in order to try to short their wages and save money. Do you think your employer might be misclassifying you? Head to the blog of Manukyan Law Firm in Glendale to learn more.
Employee Misclassification in California: How It Happens & How to Stop It
Manukyan Law Firm updated their phone number.
We always want to look out for your best interests, which is why we have officially launched our bilingual website for both English and Spanish speakers.
Visit our new page to see our positive reviews from satisfied clients and how our qualified attorneys can help you fight for your rights 👉 www.manukyanlawfirm.com
Did you know that your employer is breaking the law if you're forced to work during unpaid lunch breaks?
Unless the nature of the job requires you to remain on duty during the meal period after both parties agree to these terms beforehand, you have the right to refuse to work.
Hostile work environment isn't just the manager yelling at you. It comes in many forms like underpaying, competitive coworkers and employees feeling afraid constantly.
Because the signs are often subtle, keep an eye out for situations that make you feel unwelcome — it’s the best way to spot a hostile environment.
Manukyan Law Firm updated their phone number.
Muchos empleados tienen lo suficiente para realizar una demanda y no lo saben por falta de conocimiento de las leyes de empleo.
Es por eso que consultar con un abogado laboral es necesario para presentar una reclamación correctamente y permanecer protegido de represalias por parte del patrono durante todo el proceso.
¡Ponte en contacto con nosotros hoy! ☎ (866) 777-6768
Has your employer committed a wage or hour violation? If so, you may have grounds for a suit.
We know how emotionally challenging bringing a suit against your employer can be, so we always treat clients with the utmost compassion.
Contact our wage and hour claims attorney in Glendale, California today ☎ (866) 777-6768
Manukyan Law Firm was created for employees who were treated unfairly or discriminated against to level the playing field against employers successfully.
Schedule a free consultation with our employment law experts to receive all the support and assistance you need with your workplace harassment, discrimination, wages, and unfair termination case.
La discriminación por edad en el empleo toma muchas formas y es difícil detectarlo a veces. Si tiene 40 años o más y fue despedido o simplemente recibió trato injusto en el área laboral por razones de edad, conozca sus derechos para someter su demanda con la evidencia necesaria hoy.
Obtenga más información en nuestro blog 👉 www.oficinalegalmanukyan.com/blog
Cuando las tareas se parecen mucho a las de un empleado regular y usted es un pasante sin paga, su empleador fácilmente se expone a penalidades.
Estos dos roles son diferentes y no es normal que usted tenga esa carga de trabajo. Conozca sus derechos y cómo puede solucionar este trato injusto.
Obtenga más información en nuestro blog 👉 www.oficinalegalmanukyan.com/blog
January is peak hiring season. Though it's more difficult today due to the ongoing global pandemic, it's still possible to land a great job opportunity.
Take a look at these useful resources to prepare yourself, gain new skills to expand your options, and stand out from the rest of the applicants. https://www.businessinsider.com/how-job-search-new-year-pandemic-hiring-guide-2021-1
Bathroom breaks are a right. Remember that no employer is legally allowed to withhold access to restroom facilities. Stay safe at work by understanding and exercising your rights!
Requirements related to restroom facilities and bathroom break policies are outlined in OSHA's sanitation standards.
El robo de salario ocurre con una frecuencia alarmante en California. Muchos empleadores (grandes y pequeños) defraudan a sus trabajadores al no pagarles el salario mínimo o las horas extras requeridas, haciendo deducciones indebidas o negándose a pagarles por completo.
Según el Departamento de Trabajo de los Estados Unidos, las violaciones del salario mínimo ocurren aproximadamente 372,000 veces por semana solo en California.
Do you have a viable legal case against your employer? Many people are unsure, but our team of legal professionals can help you figure it out.
Contact us with the details of your situation and we will help you determine if you have a strong case under the law. Schedule a free consultation with our employment law experts to receive all the support and assistance you need.
Aproximadamente 75% de las personas que sufren acoso sexual en el lugar de trabajo no lo denuncian.
Una de las razones es que los empleados que están sujetos a un comportamiento inapropiado no tienen claro cuándo cruza la línea hacia el acoso ilegal.
Por eso es importante definir qué es el acoso sexual en el lugar de trabajo.
Obtenga más información en nuestro blog 👉 https://www.oficinalegalmanukyan.com/blog/
In general, employers can ask employees to take personality tests, but the tests must not violate certain employee rights. Some personality tests have been found to violate an employee's right to privacy. For example, if the test questions intrude too much on personal, sexual or religious matters, the test could be illegal.
El acoso en el lugar de trabajo es una realidad desafortunada que muchas personas enfrentan todos los días. No necesitas sufrir en silencio. Sus abusadores deben ser perseguidos y procesados de conformidad con la ley en su totalidad.
Llámenos hoy para discutir los detalles de su caso. (866) 777-6768
Severe forms of any of the following cognitive disabilities should qualify for protection from the ADA:
- Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia
- Certain mental illnesses (for example, generalized anxiety disorder)
- Some developmental and/or intellectual disabilities (such as autism, Asperger's syndrome, and Down Syndrome)
- Learning disabilities (such as dyslexia)
- Low IQ or intellectual disorder
As workplaces become more flexible, people with disabilities continue to face discrimination during the hiring process.
As highlighted in a new report by the Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT), the widespread adoption of algorithm-based hiring tools has only exacerbated existing inequities and discriminatory practices.
Some of the hiring tools in use today may not be accessible to people with physical disabilities. This is a clear violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which explicitly bars inaccessible test formats if employers can’t provide reasonable accommodations.
Whether it’s an unwanted text message or unwanted touching, you shouldn’t feel scared to speak up.
Statistics may show that sexual harassment cases have significantly increased lately, but it’s only because more people are speaking up about their experience. Don’t stay silent! Both state and federal law protect you.
Jokes fit the definition of unlawful harassment when they meet one of the following conditions:
- Enduring the jokes becomes a condition of continued employment for the affected person.
- Jokes are severe or pervasive enough to create a work environment that a reasonable person would consider intimidating, hostile, or abusive.
In a survey of almost 7,000 lawyers, more than half of female attorneys working today report experiencing sexual harassment in the workplace, and 63% of female attorneys report experiencing bullying.
Everyone deserves to feel safe and respected at work, lawyers are no exception.
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In a survey of almost 7,000 lawyers, more than half of female attorneys working today report experiencing sexual harassment in the workplace, and 63% of female attorneys report experiencing bullying.
Everyone deserves to feel safe and respected at work, lawyers are no exception.
Were you fired or laid off because of your disability? This is illegal, and you may have a claim against your former employer.
Your employer is required by law to make reasonable accommodations for you. Did this fail to happen for you?
Ciertas modificaciones en procesos y espacios permiten que personas con discapacidades tengan las mismas oportunidades no solo para conseguir un trabajo, sino para realizar con éxito sus tareas laborales. Por ley, estas deben ser implementadas para desarrollar el trabajo en la misma medida que las personas sin discapacidad.
Obtenga más información en nuestro blog 👉 https://www.oficinalegalmanukyan.com/blog/
Do you need legal help? Look no further! Manukyan Law Firm will fight for you. We focus on disability discrimination and sexual harassment cases. We can help you get your life back on track by getting the compensation you deserve. Contact us today!
Las leyes de California definen los parámetros de una “discapacidad”, aunque lo que califica como discapacidad puede cambiar según el caso.
Obtenga más información acerca de cuáles son las discapacidades que la ley reconoce en nuestro blog 👉 https://www.oficinalegalmanukyan.com/blog/
Employers must ensure employee safety. Workers with disabilities may need extra measures.
One way is to provide restricted duty programs. These programs control the type of work conducted, the length of time working without breaks, the amount of energy needed to complete a task, and the length of time. Employees can be in a restricted work program for a short time, or they can be hired on in that capacity.
Según la Oficina Internacional de Trabajo (ILO), más del 60% de las personas con discapacidad están en edad de trabajar, sin embargo, experimentan una tasa de desempleo entre un 80% y un 100% más alta que la media de los trabajadores sin discapacidad.
En California, es ilegal que un empleador se niegue a contratar a un solicitante debido a su discapacidad.
The two major forms of harassment included in the legal definition of sexual harassment in California:
- “Quid pro quo” sexual harassment: When a supervisor requests a sexual favor in exchange for a job-related benefit.
- Hostile work environment: Inappropriate behavior in the workplace, pervasive enough to create an abusive work atmosphere for one or more employees (including sexual or gender-based harassment).
Do you need legal help? Look no further! Manukyan Law Firm will fight for you. We focus on disability discrimination and sexual harassment cases. We can help you get your life back on track by getting the compensation you deserve. Contact us today!
Si puede hacer el trabajo con normalidad, es ilegal que un empleador se niegue a contratarlo o promoverlo, despedirlo o degradarlo, acosarlo o pagarle menos debido a su discapacidad.
Si cree que sus derechos han sido violados, podemos ayudarlo a presentar una demanda por discriminación.
Have you ever had a coworker or boss make an uncomfortable comment about your gender or body? If so, you may have been the victim of sexual harassment.
Sexual harassment should never be tolerated, and the only way to stop it is to defend your rights and dignity. We are here to help, so call today.
Do you need a lawyer when reporting sexual harassment?
There may be certain specific steps to protect your rights. An experienced employment lawyer will help you figure out the right HR or other employee to whom you should report first. Also, a lawyer can work with you to outline your description of the harassing conduct.
Being sexualized at work is not only uncomfortable; it is 🚫 illegal. Federal law requires employees to be able to work in an environment that is not sexualized. If this is not respected in your workplace, you probably have grounds to file a lawsuit.