Maria Ochoa Financial and Insurance Services

(on fairview road)
Financial Services in Charlotte, NC
Financial Services


9:00AM - 4:00PM
9:00AM - 4:00PM
9:00AM - 4:00PM
9:00AM - 4:00PM
9:00AM - 4:00PM


6100 Fairview Road
Charlotte, NC


Maria M. Ochoa, CLU, ChFC handles financial affairs for a select group of families and small businesses. She started her career in the financial service industry in the early 1990's. To keep pace with clients' needs, Maria has access to new products and enhanced product features through her qualifying and lifetime membership in the Million Dollar Roundtable. Membership in the Million Dollar Roundtable is strictly limited to the top 2% of all financial services professionals worldwide. Maria earned her Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU) designation in 2001 and her Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC) in 2002 from the American College. As a native of Cuba, she is fluent in Spanish since she learned the language growing up.


Maria Ochoa Financial and Insurance Services Photo


Follow the trends to find your next business idea. FORBES.COM The Pandemic Has Accelerated And Spawned Trends That Startups And Small Businesses Can Leverage
Niching down is about to become the business latest trend. Here's why this kind of focus might be good for you, too. FORBES.COM Why Severely Niching Down Your Business’ Focus Will Lead To A Stronger Bottom Line
Learn from these recent trends in student loan debt to understand how to pay for higher education. USNEWS.COM See 10 Years of Average Total Student Loan Debt
Failure is just a step on the way to success if you follow these five bits of guidance. FORBES.COM Council Post: Fives Tips On Turning Failure Into Success
How to save money - Learn to start saving now. BUSINESSINSIDER.COM Half of millennials who aren't investing are waiting until they earn more money, and they could be making a big mistake
Fraudsters take advantage of uncertainty and fear, and there's certainly plenty of both during this time of #COVID19. Here are some steps you can take to help protect yourself from scams. NEWYORKLIFE.COM Protect yourself from pandemic fraud.
Self-care is more than a buzzword, it's an important part of daily life, especially right now. These seven business leaders share ways to avoid burnout during challenging times. FORBES.COM 7 Business Leaders Share Their Self-Care Secrets
The rule of 55 could let you use 401(k) funds early. See if this rule applies to you. BUSINESSINSIDER.COM The rule of 55 lets you tap into your 401(k) early without paying a penalty, but only if you meet the age requirement and other terms
If you were laid off you may still be able to claim unvested 401(k) money from your employer. Find out how. FORBES.COM Laid Off? Your Employer Might Owe You Unvested 401(k) Money
Focused on the leadership approach of New York Life Chairman and CEO Ted Mathas as well as the company’s mutuality and financial strength, the September 2020 Best’s Review cover story “Past as Prologue” explores how New York Life’s 175-year history of successfully navigating challenging events guides the company’s future. Read the full feature here. NEWYORKLIFE.COM New York Life’s 175-year history highlighted as a guide to company’s future in ‘Best’s Review’ cover story.
Life doesn't always go according to even the best laid plans. Sometimes, we just have to go with the flow. Here are some strategies for doing just that. FORBES.COM Council Post: Go With The FLOW: The Power Of Wishing Things As They Are
Beautiful Mountain Sunrise! Have a great week Everyone!!
These 12 steps can help you tackle your debt. MONEY.USNEWS.COM 12 Things to Do When You're Deep in Debt
Working from home during Coronavirus has taught us a lot about how we get work done and how we connect with our teammates. This author describes how we can bring what we’ve learned back to the office for a more people-centric work environment. FORBES.COM Life After Coronavirus: Why We Should Never Go Back To Business As Usual
Thinking about an early withdrawal from your 401(k)? Here's what you need to know. BUSINESSINSIDER.COM How to withdraw from your traditional 401(k) account early — the strategies to avoid penalties and fees
Electric supplier, NRG, has its workforce split between virtually and in the field. CEO Mauricio Gutierrez discusses his management approach for the new normal. FORBES.COM Keeping The Lights On: How NRG’s CEO Mauricio Gutierrez Manages A Workforce Split Between The Field And Their Homes
When it comes to the election, one of the best things investors can do for their portfolio is to leave politics out of it. Learn why when it comes to the historical performance of markets, the political party in charge makes little to no difference. NEWYORKLIFE.COM Politics, Elections, and Your Portfolio.
Are you working alongside a partner, spouse, or children? Here are some tips to create a happy co-working environment. FORBES.COM Tips For Staying Sane While Working From Home With Your Partner And Kids
Looking for a scary story this #Halloween? Once, there was a couple who didn't prepare for their retirement. Take the necessary steps now to make sure this frightening scenario doesn't happen to you. NEWYORKLIFE.COM How to save money—learn to start saving now | New York Life
Financially happily ever after is a dream you can make come true. Here's your guide. BUSINESSINSIDER.COM 7 steps to successfully merge finances with your significant other
Clarifying your life vision. Everything in life happens twice, first in your mind & then in the external world. Learn about this creative process of imagining and seeing the unseen in this article by Paul Karasik of the Business Institute. http://thenautilusgroup.com/nautilusnavigator/karasikclarifyingyourlifevisionapproved.pdf
Sometimes we all need a little push to move past failure and try again. Consider this your push. FORBES.COM Council Post: Don’t Let The Stigma Of Startup Failure Stop You From Trying
Heather Nesle, President of the New York Life Foundation talks with Jorge Moreno, MD, Assistant Professor at Yale School of Medicine, to get a frontline physician's perspective on the #COVID19 crisis and why bereavement support matters. NEWYORKLIFE.COM Ask the Expert: Educating non-medical healthcare professionals in supporting bereaved families
Create value for your customers now, and you will come back stronger. FORBES.COM COVID-19 Will Continue To Test Small Businesses—Here’s How To Respond
Do you like to swim in the ocean? It turns out that riding the waves can offer key lessons for your business. FORBES.COM Council Post: Riding The Waves: Five Steps To Take When Things Don't Go As You Planned
Check your business for these seven success indicators. FORBES.COM 7 Signs Your Business Will Succeed
New York Life Chairman and CEO Ted Mathas recently appeared on Yahoo Finance to discuss the company’s response to #COVID19 and the economic uncertainty of 2020. He highlighted how the combination of New York Life’s 175-year track record of successfully navigating challenging times and commitment to preparedness allows the company to be confident in its ability to remain well-positioned. He also emphasized the importance of remaining agile and humble. Watch the full broadcast here. NEWYORKLIFE.COM Ted Mathas discusses benefits of New York Life’s preparedness in Yahoo Finance broadcast appearance.
The stories we're told about money as children help shape our beliefs and actions in adulthood. Here's how to develop your own approach to money. FORBES.COM Is Your Parents’ Attitude To Money Limiting Your Success?
We all know there are many factors that contribute to being financially secure in retirement, but did you know that gender could be one of them? Learn how men and women differ when it comes to retirement preparedness. NEWYORKLIFE.COM Understanding how gender impacts retirement readiness | New York Life
This one is for you, couples. If you disagree about how much retirement savings you will need, you aren't alone. WSJ.COM How Much Retirement Savings Is Enough? Why Couples May Disagree
Don't start your day with someone else's top priority. Do these things before you check your email in the morning. FORBES.COM 5 Things To Do Before You Check Your Email
Take these three steps to grow your company out of the pandemic. FORBES.COM How To Scale Your Business In Tough Times
Learn how to make compound interest work for (and not against) you with this lesson. BUSINESSINSIDER.COM Understanding the way compound interest works is key to building wealth or avoiding crushing debt. Here's how to make it work for you
Read this article where women leaders share their experiences — and truths — with thriving despite the pandemic. FORBES.COM Women Make Strides In Business Ownership—And Find New Ways To Thrive—Despite Threats From Covid-19
We all get stuck from time to time when trying to execute on our big dreams. These three tips can help you fulfill them. FORBES.COM Council Post: Three Key Elements Of Executing An Idea In Business
Delegating can mean accepting "good enough." It can also mean business growth. Here's how. FORBES.COM This Is Why Entrepreneurs Who Settle For ‘Good Enough’ Will Get Ahead
FDIC...SPIC...learn the details behind those letters to understand how your money is insured and why it's important to know. KIPLINGER.COM FDIC, SPIC: Who’s Protecting Your Assets? | Kiplinger
Are you planning now for the next economic downturn? It's time. FORBES.COM Why And How You Need To Think Hard About The Next Bear Market Now
How do your retirement savings compare? NERDWALLET.COM Average Retirement Savings by Age - NerdWallet
You are really special, in all you say and do. You've made a difference in my life. I am thankful now for YOU!! Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!
As Thanksgiving Day Approaches, our blessings we recall. The things we are most grateful for, We recollect them all.......
Just for women: We know it's been an especially challenging year for you. Try these tips to help you bounce back. KIPLINGER.COM The Pandemic Has Hit Women Hard: 6 Tips to Bounce Back | Kiplinger
Taking a big leap in your life can help you develop true confidence and create more options for your future. FORBES.COM Why Faking It Fails And How To Start Banking True Confidence
Looking to deduct college expenses? There are options. FORBES.COM Can You Deduct College Tuition On Your Federal Income Tax Return?
For many households, a major consequence of #COVID19 has been less income. Learn what you can do now to help reduce the impact and protect your financial future. NEWYORKLIFE.COM How to adjust when your financial situation changes.
Overview of Qualified Business Income tax deduction. Listen as CPA Robert Keebler, founder of Keebler & Associates, and The Nautilus Group’s Matt Pate, JD, LL.M., discuss how a key provision of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, signed into law in 2017, helps business owners and individuals. https://vimeo.com/292358648/9f99ff3e87
How to raise children who are not entitled. Attorney Patricia Annino from Rimon, PC, explains crucial teaching methods that will prevent your children from growing up entitled as well as the importance of feeling connected to a much bigger community in this 15-minute interview. https://vimeo.com/288554771
Parenting stress in affluent families. The pressure to keep up with others can add undue stress to the challenges of parenting. Listen to Rimon, PC attorney Patricia Annino’s advice in her interview below. https://vimeo.com/288555412
We all know we should live within our means. These tips can help us stay on budget. FORBES.COM 11 Ways To Combat Lifestyle Inflation
Give someone the gift of financial literacy this season. Here are a few ideas that may last a lifetime. FINANCE.YAHOO.COM 9 awesome financial gifts for teaching kids about money
We were all in it together this year. So it makes sense that we learned some of the same key lessons. Communication is still everything. FORBES.COM Council Post: Five Lessons Every Organization Learned In 2020
Planning a move? See if your new home state is on this tax-friendly list. KIPLINGER.COM The 10 Most Tax-Friendly States for Middle-Class Families | Kiplinger
Stop comparing yourself to others — and a few other tips to help cure your financial anxiety. FORBES.COM How To Cure Financial Anxiety
Family members of eligible healthcare workers who lost their lives to #COVID19 can verify eligibility to apply for the #BraveofHeartFund at E4E Relief here. https://www.braveofheartfund.com/?cmpid=smca_Bd_BOH_NA_1405951_NA_NA_NA_gen_NA_gen_IP_na_NA
A Christmas Classic.....
Thinking about moving? These states won't tax pension income. KIPLINGER.COM 14 States That Won't Tax Your Pension | Kiplinger
There are upsides to starting a business right now. Here's how to make the most of them. LOANS.USNEWS.COM Funding a New Business During COVID-19
We were all in it together this year. So it makes sense that we learned some of the same key lessons. Communication is still everything. FORBES.COM Council Post: Five Lessons Every Organization Learned In 2020
Let's face it — focus is elusive when working from home as a parent. These tips might help. FORBES.COM Council Post: Three Tips For Improving Your Focus If You're A Parent Working From Home
"For nothing will be impossible with God...." Merry Christmas Everyone!!
Waiting on Santa.....
Family members of eligible healthcare workers who lost their lives to #COVID19 can verify eligibility to apply for the #BraveofHeartFund at E4E Relief here. https://www.braveofheartfund.com/?cmpid=smca_Bd_BOH_NA_1405951_NA_NA_NA_gen_NA_gen_IP_na_NA
A Christmas Classic.....
Thinking about moving? These states won't tax pension income. KIPLINGER.COM 14 States That Won't Tax Your Pension | Kiplinger
It's a NEW DAWN....It's a NEW DAY... It's a NEW YEAR! Happy 2021 Everyone!!
New York Life Chairman and CEO Ted Mathas recently discussed the role of New York Life’s mutuality in the company’s unwavering focus on keeping its promises to policy owners through dramatic and unexpected economic and societal moments in history. The profile, titled “175 Years of Experience,” discusses New York Life’s response to the #COVID19 pandemic, the company’s commitment to nurturing and maintaining a diverse workforce, and how New York Life is standing up in support of racial equality and social justice. Read here. NEWYORKLIFE.COM Ted Mathas, New York Life CEO, discusses New York Life’s mutuality and 175 years of experience.
Let's face it — focus is elusive when working from home as a parent. These tips might help. FORBES.COM Council Post: Three Tips For Improving Your Focus If You're A Parent Working From Home
"For nothing will be impossible with God...." Merry Christmas Everyone!!
Waiting on Santa.....
Family members of eligible healthcare workers who lost their lives to #COVID19 can verify eligibility to apply for the #BraveofHeartFund at E4E Relief here. https://www.braveofheartfund.com/?cmpid=smca_Bd_BOH_NA_1405951_NA_NA_NA_gen_NA_gen_IP_na_NA
It's OK if you and your partner don't walk down the aisle but you might consider an agreement to help ensure financial security. KIPLINGER.COM Living Together, But Not Married? Consider A Cohabitation Agreement | Kiplinger
There's no better way to celebrate our 175th anniversary than to honor those making a difference during #COVID19. Learn how #NYLFoundation is recognizing these extraordinary individuals with $1.75M in grants to nonprofits with the #LoveTakesAction award. NEWYORKLIFE.COM Love Takes Action Awards winners.
It's a NEW DAWN....It's a NEW DAY... It's a NEW YEAR! Happy 2021 Everyone!!
New York Life Chairman and CEO Ted Mathas recently discussed the role of New York Life’s mutuality in the company’s unwavering focus on keeping its promises to policy owners through dramatic and unexpected economic and societal moments in history. The profile, titled “175 Years of Experience,” discusses New York Life’s response to the #COVID19 pandemic, the company’s commitment to nurturing and maintaining a diverse workforce, and how New York Life is standing up in support of racial equality and social justice. Read here. NEWYORKLIFE.COM Ted Mathas, New York Life CEO, discusses New York Life’s mutuality and 175 years of experience.
Let's face it — focus is elusive when working from home as a parent. These tips might help. FORBES.COM Council Post: Three Tips For Improving Your Focus If You're A Parent Working From Home
"For nothing will be impossible with God...." Merry Christmas Everyone!!
Inhale…exhale…And now you're ready to dig into these W2 changes. FORBES.COM Big Reporting Changes, Coming To A 2020 W-2 Near You
Pay attention to these economic indicators. FORBES.COM 4 Stock Market Sentiment Indicators: Euphoric-Plus
Objectives and a budget are the obvious ones. But there are so many ways to manage business growth. Here are four more. FORBES.COM 6 Ways To Manage Business Growth
It's OK if you and your partner don't walk down the aisle but you might consider an agreement to help ensure financial security. KIPLINGER.COM Living Together, But Not Married? Consider A Cohabitation Agreement | Kiplinger
There's no better way to celebrate our 175th anniversary than to honor those making a difference during #COVID19. Learn how #NYLFoundation is recognizing these extraordinary individuals with $1.75M in grants to nonprofits with the #LoveTakesAction award. NEWYORKLIFE.COM Love Takes Action Awards winners.
It's a NEW DAWN....It's a NEW DAY... It's a NEW YEAR! Happy 2021 Everyone!!
You may not be able to do all the things you want to do this year, but things will get better. So use this time to manage your debt and prepare for brighter days. NEWYORKLIFE.COM Debt management—Keep debt from limiting your future | New York Life
Inhale…exhale…And now you're ready to dig into these W2 changes. FORBES.COM Big Reporting Changes, Coming To A 2020 W-2 Near You
Pay attention to these economic indicators. FORBES.COM 4 Stock Market Sentiment Indicators: Euphoric-Plus
Objectives and a budget are the obvious ones. But there are so many ways to manage business growth. Here are four more. FORBES.COM 6 Ways To Manage Business Growth
It's OK if you and your partner don't walk down the aisle but you might consider an agreement to help ensure financial security. KIPLINGER.COM Living Together, But Not Married? Consider A Cohabitation Agreement | Kiplinger
There's no better way to celebrate our 175th anniversary than to honor those making a difference during #COVID19. Learn how #NYLFoundation is recognizing these extraordinary individuals with $1.75M in grants to nonprofits with the #LoveTakesAction award. NEWYORKLIFE.COM Love Takes Action Awards winners.
Can you claim a deceased spouse’s Social Security benefits? In most cases, you can but there are a lot of conditions that determine when you can file, and how much you can get. This video from AARP explains. VIDEOS.AARP.ORG If My Spouse Dies, Can I Collect Their Social Security Benefits?
Learning to let go - and other tips for an efficient 2021. FORBES.COM 5 Ways To Secure Productive Efficiency In 2021
What's in a name for your start up? Everything, if you pick the right one. FORBES.COM How To Choose A Business Name That’s Right For You
Interest rates are key to the current bull market — here's why. MARKETS.BUSINESSINSIDER.COM Here's the difference between the dot-com bubble and today's soaring stock market, according to DataTrek
You may not be able to do all the things you want to do this year, but things will get better. So use this time to manage your debt and prepare for brighter days. NEWYORKLIFE.COM Debt management—Keep debt from limiting your future | New York Life
Inhale…exhale…And now you're ready to dig into these W2 changes. FORBES.COM Big Reporting Changes, Coming To A 2020 W-2 Near You
Even success has its risks. Don't forget how you got there in the first place, and keep challenging yourself. FORBES.COM Is Success Making You Lazy?
Right vs. best. Today vs. tomorrow. Leadership's tense moments are when the learning happens. FORBES.COM Leadership Is Filled With Tension. Can That Be A Good Thing?
These are the habits that make a difference in how far you'll go. And here's how to get them in top shape. FORBES.COM Fix Your Keystone Habits To Transform Your Life
Can you claim a deceased spouse’s Social Security benefits? In most cases, you can but there are a lot of conditions that determine when you can file, and how much you can get. This video from AARP explains. VIDEOS.AARP.ORG If My Spouse Dies, Can I Collect Their Social Security Benefits?
Learning to let go - and other tips for an efficient 2021. FORBES.COM 5 Ways To Secure Productive Efficiency In 2021
What's in a name for your start up? Everything, if you pick the right one. FORBES.COM How To Choose A Business Name That’s Right For You
Efficiency could be the real win here, but law firms need to understand the limits of AI. FORBES.COM Council Post: How AI Is Being Used In The Legal Industry
Think of the current landscape as an opportunity, and you'll come back more resilient than ever. FORBES.COM Council Post: Three Ways Leaders Must Reshape Their Workplace For Greater Resilience
Even success has its risks. Don't forget how you got there in the first place, and keep challenging yourself. FORBES.COM Is Success Making You Lazy?
Right vs. best. Today vs. tomorrow. Leadership's tense moments are when the learning happens. FORBES.COM Leadership Is Filled With Tension. Can That Be A Good Thing?
These are the habits that make a difference in how far you'll go. And here's how to get them in top shape. FORBES.COM Fix Your Keystone Habits To Transform Your Life
Can you claim a deceased spouse’s Social Security benefits? In most cases, you can but there are a lot of conditions that determine when you can file, and how much you can get. This video from AARP explains. VIDEOS.AARP.ORG If My Spouse Dies, Can I Collect Their Social Security Benefits?
Tax audit? Don't panic, prepare! Here's how. KIPLINGER.COM How to Handle an IRS Audit of Your Tax Return | Kiplinger
Is your business on this list? Find out what you can do to protect your digital side. FORBES.COM Council Post: What Businesses Are The Most Vulnerable To Cyberattacks?
Efficiency could be the real win here, but law firms need to understand the limits of AI. FORBES.COM Council Post: How AI Is Being Used In The Legal Industry
Think of the current landscape as an opportunity, and you'll come back more resilient than ever. FORBES.COM Council Post: Three Ways Leaders Must Reshape Their Workplace For Greater Resilience
Even success has its risks. Don't forget how you got there in the first place, and keep challenging yourself. FORBES.COM Is Success Making You Lazy?
Right vs. best. Today vs. tomorrow. Leadership's tense moments are when the learning happens. FORBES.COM Leadership Is Filled With Tension. Can That Be A Good Thing?
One of the best ways to learn more about life insurance is through Life Happens, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping people take personal financial responsibility through the ownership of life insurance and related policies. To learn more, visit www.lifehappens.org.
Your budget will thank you for playing a few of these tricks on your brain. TIME.COM 5 Mental Tricks That Will Make You Better at Money, According to Neuroscientists
Stop annoyances in their tracks by doing this one thing effectively. FORBES.COM The Real Reason You Get Annoyed At Work
"There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship" ~ Thomas Aquinas. Happy Valentine's Day My Friends!!!
Tax audit? Don't panic, prepare! Here's how. KIPLINGER.COM How to Handle an IRS Audit of Your Tax Return | Kiplinger
Is your business on this list? Find out what you can do to protect your digital side. FORBES.COM Council Post: What Businesses Are The Most Vulnerable To Cyberattacks?
Take comfort if any of these signs rings true for you. BUSINESSINSIDER.COM 7 signs you're rich, even if it doesn't feel like it
Acting with intention can change your life. Just take it from this model, Realtor, and successful entrepreneur. FORBES.COM Council Post: Is Intention The Key To Achieving Success?
Students and former students — see if you fall into this category. MARKETWATCH.COM Students and former students face a $15-billion debt crisis — potentially holding them back from graduating
Your 2021 side hustle starts here. TIME.COM 5 Tips for Starting a Side Hustle From Experts Who’ve Done it Before
One of the best ways to learn more about life insurance is through Life Happens, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping people take personal financial responsibility through the ownership of life insurance and related policies. To learn more, visit www.lifehappens.org.
Your budget will thank you for playing a few of these tricks on your brain. TIME.COM 5 Mental Tricks That Will Make You Better at Money, According to Neuroscientists
New York Life claimed the top spot in the Insurance: Life and Health category in the 2021 World’s Most Admired Companies ranking from @Fortune. NEWYORKLIFE.COM New York Life is #1 in our industry in 2021 Fortune World’s Most Admired Companies ranking.
What you need to know about tax brackets. KIPLINGER.COM What Are the Income Tax Brackets for 2021 vs. 2020? | Kiplinger
Take comfort if any of these signs rings true for you. BUSINESSINSIDER.COM 7 signs you're rich, even if it doesn't feel like it
Acting with intention can change your life. Just take it from this model, Realtor, and successful entrepreneur. FORBES.COM Council Post: Is Intention The Key To Achieving Success?
Students and former students — see if you fall into this category. MARKETWATCH.COM Students and former students face a $15-billion debt crisis — potentially holding them back from graduating
Your 2021 side hustle starts here. TIME.COM 5 Tips for Starting a Side Hustle From Experts Who’ve Done it Before
New York Life claimed the top spot in the Insurance: Life and Health category in the 2021 World’s Most Admired Companies ranking from @Fortune. NEWYORKLIFE.COM New York Life is #1 in our industry in 2021 Fortune World’s Most Admired Companies ranking.
What you need to know about tax brackets. KIPLINGER.COM What Are the Income Tax Brackets for 2021 vs. 2020? | Kiplinger
Take comfort if any of these signs rings true for you. BUSINESSINSIDER.COM 7 signs you're rich, even if it doesn't feel like it
Acting with intention can change your life. Just take it from this model, Realtor, and successful entrepreneur. FORBES.COM Council Post: Is Intention The Key To Achieving Success?
These words from tennis great Billie Jean King ring true on and off the court. FORBES.COM Pressure Is A Privilege
Make this your year of reinvention. FORBES.COM Council Post: Want To Be More Innovative In 2021? Start By Prioritizing Consumers’ Well-Being
This #WomensHistoryMonth, we celebrate all of the contributions and achievements made by women throughout history. Read this article featuring the unveiling of the Monumental Women statue in Central Park last August and New York Life’s unique connection to one of the featured figures, Susan B. Anthony. NEWYORKLIFE.COM Monumental Women grant from New York Life helps break the bronze ceiling.
Read this opinion piece on if working longer will save your retirement and then decide for yourself. MARKETWATCH.COM Opinion: Will working longer save your retirement?
If your business is just you, this one is just for you. FORBES.COM How To Position Your One-Person Business For Growth In 2021
CEOs, this one is for you, especially if you've got vaccines, work spaces, and policies on your mind. FORBES.COM Council Post: A Time Of Transition: Key Considerations For CEOs After The Pandemic
Make this the year you fix all the holes in your retirement account. FORBES.COM Plug That Leak In Your 401(k)
This investing primer can help with those future college bills. FINANCE.YAHOO.COM How Parents Should Invest Now to Pay for College Later
Plan, process, and projects are probably what you'd expect. But do you know the fourth "P" that can help you grow your company's team? FORBES.COM Council Post: The 'Four P's': A Blueprint To Building And Scaling Any Team
These words from tennis great Billie Jean King ring true on and off the court. FORBES.COM Pressure Is A Privilege
Make this your year of reinvention. FORBES.COM Council Post: Want To Be More Innovative In 2021? Start By Prioritizing Consumers’ Well-Being
This #WomensHistoryMonth, we celebrate all of the contributions and achievements made by women throughout history. Read this article featuring the unveiling of the Monumental Women statue in Central Park last August and New York Life’s unique connection to one of the featured figures, Susan B. Anthony. NEWYORKLIFE.COM Monumental Women grant from New York Life helps break the bronze ceiling.
Moving forward means leaving some things behind. FORBES.COM Let Go Of The Five Things Holding Back Your Success
There's no one answer but here are a few things to consider. BUSINESSINSIDER.COM How many stocks should you own in your portfolio? Why there's no single 'right' answer
From tracking down free money to cutting cots - these are some tips to help! FORBES.COM How To Slash Your Student Loan Debt
Make this the year you fix all the holes in your retirement account. FORBES.COM Plug That Leak In Your 401(k)
This investing primer can help with those future college bills. FINANCE.YAHOO.COM How Parents Should Invest Now to Pay for College Later
Plan, process, and projects are probably what you'd expect. But do you know the fourth "P" that can help you grow your company's team? FORBES.COM Council Post: The 'Four P's': A Blueprint To Building And Scaling Any Team


Company name
Maria Ochoa Financial and Insurance Services
Financial Services


  • What is the phone number for Maria Ochoa Financial and Insurance Services in Charlotte NC?
    You can reach them at: 704-371-8570. It’s best to call Maria Ochoa Financial and Insurance Services during business hours.
  • What is the address for Maria Ochoa Financial and Insurance Services on fairview road in Charlotte?
    Maria Ochoa Financial and Insurance Services is located at this address: 6100 Fairview Road Charlotte, NC 28210.
  • What are Maria Ochoa Financial and Insurance Services(Charlotte, NC) store hours?
    Maria Ochoa Financial and Insurance Services store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 9:00AM - 4:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.