Mark D. Smith | Legacy Mutual Mortgage

(on southwest parkway)
Mortgages and Mortgage Brokers in Austin, TX
Mortgages and Mortgage Brokers


8:30AM - 5:30PM
8:30AM - 5:30PM
8:30AM - 5:30PM
8:30AM - 5:30PM
8:30AM - 5:30PM


5707 Southwest Parkway
Austin, TX


Legacy Mutual Mortgage is an approved HUD lender and a member of the Texas Mortgage Bankers Association. We’ve been in business since 2003, and we originate, underwrite, and close conventional, FHA, VA, Texas Vet, and USDA Mortgage loans.

The team at Legacy simplifies the process, constantly communicates, and serves the needs of homeowners on a personal and professional level.

Branches located throughout Texas and in Tennessee and Colorado.


Mark D. Smith | Legacy Mutual Mortgage Photo Mark D. Smith | Legacy Mutual Mortgage Photo


  • Mortgage Loan Services
  • Residential Mortgages
  • Commercial Mortgages


Mark Smith - Legacy Mutual Mortgage Austin NMLS# 295910 is with Moses Flores. April 30, 2019 at 12:55 PM · Meet Mark Smith! Learn why he does what he does and the reasons why he loves being a Loan Officer. Thank you to Moses Flores for the amazing video.
It's like an oven here! August is almost done - and rates are still pretty darned hot. Watch the video to see why and what's happening! Copyright © Legacy Mutual Mortgage. All rights reserved. Legacy Mutual Mortgage is a division of Crockett National Bank and is an Equal Housing Lender, NMLS# 278675. Legacy Mutual Mortgage is not responsible for any inaccuracies or changes pertaining to (said Realtor and/or Real Estate Agency listed above) and their services or transactions. All offers are subject to credit approval. Not all persons will qualify. All statements made are subject to change without prior written notice. Please see your Legacy Loan Officer for current offers, rates and programs. BBEMAILDELIVERY.COM Mark's Market Update - 08/28/2020 - v1
We are helping to support The Central Texas Food Bank! Help us reach our goal by donating today! Spinelli Residential Group at KW Austin Portfolio Real Estate August 26 at 3:44 PM · We appreciate the support of our matching sponsors as we aim to raise $5,000 by August 31st for Central Texas Food Bank by August 31st. Please visit the link below to help our neighbors who are in need! Thank you Mark D. Smith Summer Land Maulden Ashley Moore !
If you like our service or have feedback to share, don't forget to leave a review on our site. THEMARKSMITHTEAM.MYHOMEHQ.BIZ Leave a Review
GOING ON VACATION....! Even I need a recharge every now and then. Since COVID hit - I've been working from home. Nothing wrong with that, and certainly, I've gotten my fill of family - dogs, Tammy, kids - while working from home. That's a great thing. However, the problem with working from that it horribly blurs the lines between work and home. Which one's which? Granted, I've now got the shortest commute between work and home: Ten feet - I open the door to my office, and don't feel guilty that I stop at the Neighborhood Bar and Grill and grab my Tanqueray and Tonic in my to-go cup and continue my commute to the living room. Connor has a homework question (and with English, History, and Accounting - I can help! - Tammy's got the Algebra and Chemistry - Homey don't play that...!), I'm there. Liam wants to ask me a question - I can answer it. Lunch? The restaurant is 20 feet away, and I can order whatever's on the menu. It's glorious. But, at 7:00 p.m. - I'm at work. Or, at 6:00 a.m. - I'm at work. Or, on the weekend - I'm at work. There's no boundary between work and non-work anymore thanks to COVID quarantining. Thus - I think it's more important than ever for people to recognize when "it's time" and get away - get away from the home. Get away from the office. Get away from the home that's become the office, or the office that's was the home... ...and slip your toes into the sand and stare out at the ocean and be thankful for what you have, who you are surrounded with and that life, despite its bubbles, debates, masks, and pretty darned good. Cheers from Port A.... Mark D. Smith If you need to contact me, my team will be handling my emails while I am out. Please email TeamMarkSmith@Legacymutual. BBEMAILDELIVERY.COM 10/08/2020 - Mark's Market Update - hopefully, rates don't change while I'm on vacation!
GET OUT AND VOTE! I believe, firmly, in the power of our democracy. We live in the greatest country on the planet. Yeah, we got our issues - but when you look at the bigger picture - I love this country. We've got a choice coming up in November. I don't care which side of the aisle you're on...and this update isn't going to be any form of political demagoguery...but simply put - you can't complain if you don't vote. If you vote - I will honor your right to complain to high heaven about how bad the president is (incoming or incumbent) - but if you don't vote... If you're a Republican - kudos to you. If you're a Democrat - awesome as well. I believe that everyone has a belief system that should be honored... ...but if you use another're dead to me. :-) BBEMAILDELIVERY.COM 10/16/2020 - Mark's Market Update - Something from Nothing
Something new is coming...
Spinelli Residential Group at KW Austin Portfolio Real Estate is with Samantha Geesin. November 19 at 5:45 PM · Thank you Mark Smith and his team with Legacy Mutal Mortgage for joining us in supporting Coats for Kids. Let us know if you have a new or gently used coat that you would like to donate. We have a donation box in our office lobby, 1611 West 5th Street, Suite 100, AND we can pick them up from you. #PlaceGives #CoatsForKidsATX #SRGAustin
Despite 2020 being a little bit crazy - tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Yeah, it's different from most of the other Thanksgivings we've had. Gone, I think, are the days where we had 30 people, all in varying stages of carbohydrate comas in the home - some watching football, some eating pie, some playing the obligatory Fall touch (or tackle) football game outside, some catching up over wine and just relaxing. The kitchen filled with the smell of turkey - some cooked very well, and some very-well-cooked. I'll never forget my first Thanksgiving with my wife in 1994 in our postage-stamp-sized apartment. I didn't know there was another bag filled with turkey junk INSIDE the turkey. Another Thanksgiving resulted in torn ligaments in my toe during the football game at the park outside of Grandma Mullane's house: The Mullane's Against the Mullane In-Law Support Network. When my toe starts to hurt, I can blame it, honestly, on "that ol' football injury"... Still, another involved Leon Lett's epic "fail" during Thanksgiving in Dallas. Tammy was so mad about that game. Thanksgiving, however, beyond the food, and the friendship, and the family - is about giving Thanks. I'm certain I'm not alone when I say that I could spend a lot of time complaining about everything 2020 hasn't been...But, I suspect that I can spend more time being thankful for what I have, who surrounds me, and who's part of my life. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Stay safe! BBEMAILDELIVERY.COM Video - November 25, 2020
CHRISTMAS TRADITIONS Welcome to Christmas in my world. I'm not going to hide behind the fact that, yeah, I'm a bit of a nerd. Or, a lot. And, Tammy fully supports it. In 1993 - we had just graduated from was our first Christmas together, and some good family friends bought us a Hallmark Christmas ornament. It was the USS Enterprise 1701-D from Star Trek the Next Generation - and a tradition was born. It's 27 years later - and we've now amassed over 60 of these things. Star Wars, Star Trek. Ships. Figurines, etc. While Christmas is about the obvious - I think it's just as important to recognize the different traditions that each of us has - how we were raised, where we are from, who we've connected to all influence what we do now. Did you light the first candle of your Menorah, yesterday? Do you open one present on Christmas Eve? Do you hang stockings? Do you listen to modern Christmas music - or, are you a traditionalist? (Nat King Cole, Bing Crosby, and the like). Posole? (um, yes, please!), Ham, Turkey, or Roast Beef? Everyone is different - and I think we can all learn a little bit about each other by asking a simple question: "What are your traditions?" Listen. Share. Then hold up a glass of cheer, and say, "Merry Christmas!" or "Happy Hanukkah" And don't tease the nerds...we like our Christmas traditions...they're just sometimes a little different...and that's okay. :-) BBEMAILDELIVERY.COM 12/11/2020 - Mark's Market Update v1
Legacy Mutual Mortgage December 15 at 6:06 PM · A feat we only dreamed about just a few short years ago. Blessed beyond measure to employ the VERY best and work/partner WITH the very best to help assist over 7,000 families on their new home/refinance journey this year thus far, resulting in a pretty magical $2 BILLION funded to date. #ourcuprunnethover . . If you were/are part of this incredible goal, please SHARE THIS IMAGE - the world needs a little more GOOD shared on newsfeeds these days! To each and every family we assisted - welcome HOME for the Holidays! 🙏🎄
Jeannette Spinelli is with Hilary Cabiness and 2 others. December 21 at 7:29 PM · Thank you Mark Smith and Team. Donations as Christmas presents are always high on my list. Operation Turkey thanks you and we thank you for such a kind heart. 
Rates are awesome - but inventory's the challenge. 2021 is in the rearview mirror - let's make 2021 a better year! Rates are awesome - and inventory, arguably, is a little scarce. Watch my video to learn a little bit more. Enjoy the first Market Update Video of 2021! BBEMAILDELIVERY.COM Mark's Market Update - 01/15/2021 - v1
It's a crazy market - DON'T PANIC (and don't run out of gas...and be prepared...and think before you act. Funny story...sort of...keep reading). So - I had a day today. Had a coffee meeting at 11:15 a.m....and my phone showed me the location. I clicked the "Get directions" and Apple Maps took me to.... Spicewood. What was a ten-minute-away meeting became an "I'm going to be 30 minutes late" once I realized that Apple Maps had sent me to some random address in the middle of Spicewood, 15 miles away. So - knowing I was going to be running late - I chose to ignore better judgment and didn't fill up with gas with my car showing the needle "slightly" below the Empty line (c'mon - I can go another 20 miles with that!) Which I did...and then some. As I'm turning into the parking lot at the location I needed to be at, finally, 30 minutes late - I feel the engine sputter and the car loses power...and I turn into the parking off, out of gas. Good news - at the meeting. Bad news...late AND out of gas. So, after the meeting, I call my sainted wife and ask her to bring over the gas can from the garage (which had to be filled). She does - and I try to get the filler-spout to simply won't pull out. It says to press "right here", which I'm doing, and hard as I try - it won't pull out. I tell Tammy that I'm sorry - but it looks like I'm going to need a new gas can and a funnel. She rolls her eyes - and drives off to Home Depot to get a replacement gas can and funnel. In the meantime - I pull my Leatherman out to see if I can figure out the spigot problem...and start tearing up the plastic sleeve to find out why the spigot won't come out. And, that's when I realize that the spigot thing says, "press and PUSH"...not "press and PULL". Now - throughout all this - I wasn't mad...maybe a little embarrassed. My day went to heck because of this - and I probably will have to do something great to make it up to my wife...but I didn't get mad...and it wasn't worth getting mad over. 2nd First Look: The Far Side of Gary Larson So - here's what can be learned from this: 1) Don't panic. 2) Don't overthink the solution to the problem 3) Be prepared 4) And go back to #1. It's a crazy market - watch this video to understand why I'm not worried - and why no one should panic - people, simply, need to adjust expectations. Listen to the solution. Don't overthink the problem or the prepared...and, again, don't panic. In this video, I'll explain the specifics of WHY there's price appreciation, WHY there's heavy demand, WHY there's an inventory shortage, and what you need to do to help combat it. Share with anyone who needs to get this message - and people who you absolutely know need to hear a subject-matter expert explain how you manage when you're knee-deep in it trying to buy a home. Cheers, and thank you! I'm going to go buy a gas can...and apologize to my wonderful, and saintly, wife. BBEMAILDELIVERY.COM Supply and Demand and why Austinites should NOT panic!
Once you're done with the basics, here are some other ways to make the space look and feel better. LIFEHACK.ORG 10 Small Changes To Make Your House Feel Like A Home
What a market - but, as I said in my last video - "Don't Panic"... Today's installment talks about appraisals - and why appraisal gaps (the difference between the actual sales price and the appraised value) aren't happening like people expected. If you haven't watched my supply and demand video - now's the time (click here). I'll help you navigate these unchartered waters! But - no matter what - it's an aggressive market - with low supply and high demand. Make sure you're in the best position to offer the best terms. We'll help. It's what we do. BBEMAILDELIVERY.COM 01/29/2021 - Mark's Market Update V2
Locating the main water shut-off is an essential early step for homeowners. THESPRUCE.COM How to Find Your Home's Main Water Shut Off Valve
Robinhood: A case study on how to really, really, really alienate your customer base. These are the headscratchers I don't understand - how it is that a company can say one thing for years - and then, in the space of a day, completely go the opposite direction and alienate their *ENTIRE* customer base? But - it's not the first time and certainly won't be the last. My two cents: The key to being a successful person...or this world is to: 1) Do the best you can. 2) Show people you care 3) Do the right thing. This isn't an original "Mark-ism" - Lou Holtz said it - and organizations that I trust and respect believe in it and quote it as well. BUT, it's one thing to quote it - it's another thing to embrace it as your be-all/end-all. I've messed up countless times. As one of my mentors, Josh Sigman, has said, "When you've stepped on as many landmines as I have over the years, you learn how to avoid landmines." I can't agree more, as I've done the same thing. However, the measure of the person can be found by how they handle the mess-up. Do they deflect? Do they argue? Do they place blame on others? Do they communicate it early or late? Do they duck behind an e-mail or text? I think the best thing that can be done is to acknowledge and take ownership of the problem and the cause. My job is to close loans on time and ensure that everyone enjoyed the experience. Sometimes I fail - and when I do - I try to take responsibility for the failure as much as I can - because in many was how I handled it. How we handled it. Don't be a Robinhood. Know who your client is - and cater to that client. Each time. Every time. Do the best you can. Show people you care, and above all - do the right thing. Cheers, and enjoy the weekend! Mark BBEMAILDELIVERY.COM 02/05/2021 - Mark's Market Update - Don't be a Robinhood
There is no better wealth creator than Real Estate! The Mark Smith Team is hiring for two positions! Learn mortgage lending from the ground up, and be taught by one of the best loan officers in the business, working at one of the best mortgage companies in the country, in the hottest real estate market in the country. We love great attitude – and can train for great aptitude. So, if you don’t have experience…that’s not a bad thing. Experience is great – and a phenomenal attitude is even better! Apply now – and start your career in mortgage lending and real estate now! MARK SMITH - LEGACY MUTUAL MORTGAGE AUSTIN NMLS# 295910 Production Associate
If you like our service or have feedback to share, don't forget to leave a review on our site. THEMARKSMITHTEAM.MYHOMEHQ.BIZ Leave a Review
Do you have questions about getting a mortgage? Reach out to learn about the process from start to finish. BLOG.RISMEDIA.COM Know How and When to Apply for Home Loans in 2021
Homeownership comes with its share of perks. Read about five financial advantages you could get this tax season. THEMARKSMITHTEAM.MYHOMEHQ.BIZ How Homeowners Can Claim Tax Benefits
Your house can collect dirt and dust pretty quickly. Make sure it stays looking nice by sticking to a regular cleaning schedule. BOBVILA.COM 10 Cleaning Chores You Should Be Doing Every Month
If you like our service or have feedback to share, don't forget to leave a review on our site. THEMARKSMITHTEAM.MYHOMEHQ.BIZ Leave a Review
If you can live with an undesirable home feature for at least one year, you may realize that it's not a deal breaker after all. APARTMENTTHERAPY.COM The One Question You Need to Ask Yourself Before Buying a House
Are you aware of how and when you can deduct your property taxes? INVESTOPEDIA.COM Don't Miss Out on Property Tax Deductions
Do you want to learn more about home loans and homeownership? Join the email list. THEMARKSMITHTEAM.MYHOMEHQ.BIZ Get Regular Updates
Making updates around your home can get you a better price when you decide to sell. MARTHASTEWART.COM Five Renovations That Can Increase the Selling Price of Your Home
With rates the lowest they’ve been in 50 years, now’s the perfect time for you to buy. We’ve perfected the no-hassle mortgage experience. Call or e-mail The Mark Smith Team today. #MarkSmithMortgage #WeGotYouCovered #HouseHunting #HomeSweetHome #Refinance #Austin #RealEstate #Realtor #RealEstateAgent #Home #Property #ForSale #Investment #RealtorLife #HouseHunting #DreamHome #JustListed
Austin homebuyers have a mortgage lender who works weekends! Mark's team is standing by. #MarkSmithMortgage #WeGotYouCovered #HouseHunting #HomeSweetHome #EverybodysWorkingForTheWeekend #Weekend #Austin #RealEstate #Realtor #RealEstateAgent #Home #Property #ForSale #Investment #RealtorLife #HouseHunting #DreamHome #JustListed
You probably spend a lot of time in your kitchen. Keep these 2021 looks in mind when you update the space. THEMARKSMITHTEAM.MYHOMEHQ.BIZ Kitchen Trends to Inspire You
Call or e-mail The Mark Smith Team today. We’ll give you the hassle-free experience you deserve and the closure you need. #closingtime #closure #closeencounters #thecloser #MarkSmithMortgage #Mortgage #HouseHunting #HomeSweetHome #Austin #RealEstate #Realtor #RealEstateAgent #Home #Property #ForSale #RealtorLife #HouseHunting #DreamHome #JustListed
FHFA STRIKES AGAIN! The Federal Housing Finance Agency (who oversees and regulates the largest investors in mortgages in the world - Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) announced in the dead of night on Wednesday (as they are wont to do) that they are requiring that Fannie and Freddie limit their total purchase of mortgages secured by second homes and investment properties to not more than 7% of their portfolio. Yikes. What this will do is throttle back second home and investment property lending - significantly. Purchases. Refinances. Doesn't matter - if it's a second home or an investment property - it will be impacted...effective for loans being delivered on or after the 1st of April. Watch the video for more details...because this is a big announcement. Big. Huge! #FHFA #federalhousingfinanceagency #purchases #refinance #property #homesweethome #realestate #investment #secondhome BBEMAILDELIVERY.COM Mark's Market Update - 03/12/2021- The FHFA Strikes Again v1
The Fair Credit Reporting Act requires nationwide credit reporting companies to provide a FREE copy of your credit report (at your request) once every 12 months. Get your free annual Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion reports at, and create a myEquifax account to get an extra 6 free reports per year! #MarkSmithMortgage #WhereHomeBuyersFindClosure #QuestionMark #TheMoreYouKnow #DontMissTheMark #CreditScore #FICO #Equifax #Experian #TransUnion #PersonalFinance #HomeBuyer
Roll Call! Mark! Lucy! Sam! Dillon! Liz! Here and ready to help you with a hassle-free mortgage. Link in Bio — contact us today! #MarkSmithMortgage #Mortgage #RealEstate #Realtor #RealEstateAgent #Home #Property #ForSale #HouseHunting #DreamHome #HomeSweetHome #movingtoAustin #Austin #TravisCounty #HaysCounty #WilliamsonCounty


Company name
Mark D. Smith | Legacy Mutual Mortgage
Mortgages and Mortgage Brokers


  • What is the phone number for Mark D. Smith | Legacy Mutual Mortgage in Austin TX?
    You can reach them at: 512-776-1363. It’s best to call Mark D. Smith | Legacy Mutual Mortgage during business hours.
  • What is the address for Mark D. Smith | Legacy Mutual Mortgage on southwest parkway in Austin?
    Mark D. Smith | Legacy Mutual Mortgage is located at this address: 5707 Southwest Parkway Austin, TX 78735.
  • What are Mark D. Smith | Legacy Mutual Mortgage(Austin, TX) store hours?
    Mark D. Smith | Legacy Mutual Mortgage store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 8:30AM - 5:30PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.