At Master Eye Associates, we offer a wide range of services, which include: Routine eye exams for glasses and contact lenses, eye health assessment utilizing dilation and Optomap retinal imaging, dry eye assessment, treatment of eye infections and emergencies, LASIK and Cataract surgery co-management.
Dr. Iranpour:
Dr. Sara Iranpour was born and raised in Houston, Texas. She received her Bachelor of Science degree from Houston Baptist University, with a double major in Biology and Spanish. She then went on to pursue a doctorate in Optometry at the University of Houston, College of Optometry. Dr. Iranpour completed an internship at Randolph Air Force Base in San Antonio, where she provided primary eye care to air force personnel and their families. She also completed a second internship at La Nueva Casa de Amigos, a community health clinic located in downtown Houston. Her area of training focused on ocular diseases such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, and various ocular surface diseases.