McGrath's Towing & Recovery Inc.

(on turnpike)
Auto Repair in Stoughton, MA
Auto Repair


1136 Turnpike St
Stoughton, MA


Whether you have broken down in the middle of nowhere or locked out of your car in your driveway McGrath's Towing & Recovery Inc. is the only call you need to make!
We provide full-service towing for vehicles of all types and we specialize in different and delicate jobs.
* Owner Operated
* 100% Committed To Your Satisfaction
* Honesty, Integrity and Reliability
We want to be "your tow guys."
Serving the Norfolk Area
There is a right way and many wrong ways to transport your vehicle. We adhere to all manufacturers recommended procedures and use appropriate devices to secure your vehicle.
Our professionally trained, courteous staff looks forward to serving you for all of your towing needs.


Company name
McGrath's Towing & Recovery Inc.
Auto Repair


  • What is the phone number for McGrath's Towing & Recovery Inc. in Stoughton MA?
    You can reach them at: 781-356-3320. It’s best to call McGrath's Towing & Recovery Inc. during business hours.
  • What is the address for McGrath's Towing & Recovery Inc. on turnpike in Stoughton?
    McGrath's Towing & Recovery Inc. is located at this address: 1136 Turnpike St Stoughton, MA 02072.