Florida law allows people to protect themselves and their property from imminent danger.
When Can I Stand My Ground?
What happens when the taking of needed prescriptions is met by the flashing lights of a police cruiser?
When Is It Safe To Drive After Taking Prescription Meds?
Having a medical marijuana card doesn't cancel out company policy.
An Employer's Rules Can Deny Certain Substances
People convicted of felonies may be sentenced to serve one of these types of probations in lieu of prison.
How Does Felony Probation Work In Florida?
Can someone lose their professional license because of a criminal charge?
The Interplay Of Criminal Action And Licensure
Whether the drug ingested was alcohol or something else, Florida law states a DUI can be issued if the driver is intoxicated.
Legal Medications Can Lead To A DUI Charge
The penalties for theft often depend on the type of theft a person is charged with.
The 2 Types Of Theft Crimes In Florida
What does Florida law say about defending homes from danger?
Florida's "Stand Your Ground" Law
Drug convictions can significantly affect a person's education.
Will Drug Charges Impact My Student Aid?