Our mission is to provide non-surgical, drug free pain management solutions to those suffering from severe acute and chronic back and neck pain conditions.
Conditions we treat:
•Neck & Back Pain
•Auto Injuries
•Spinal Decompression
•Disc Herniations
•Disc Bulges
•Headaches & Migraines
•Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
•Joint Pain, Arthritis
4 out of 5 Americans believe that pain is a part of getting older! Pain is something we all experience in life, but pain is NOT Normal! Just living with it or getting use to it is not the answer. Prolonged exposure to pain can, if long enough can lead to depression, with patients not even being aware of it. Do you feel like pain is controlling your life? Is it interfering with your ability to exercise, work, or sleep? We can help. Schedule an appointment today by calling (786)541-2533