Michael Schecter, OD

(on fishinger blvd)
Eye doctors & Optometrists in Hilliard, OH
Eye doctors & Optometrists


9:00AM - 7:00PM
8:30AM - 5:00PM
8:30AM - 5:00PM
8:30AM - 5:00PM
8:30AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 1:00PM


3716 Fishinger Blvd.
Hilliard, OH


Michael Schecter, OD Photo


  • Eye Exams
  • Contact Lenses
  • Laser Vision Consultation
  • Emergency Eye Services
  • Designer Eye-Wear
  • Optometry


In honor of National Taco Day, we wanted to remind you just how SPEC-TACO-LAR you are! #tacoday #optometry #optical
Wearing a face mask? Here are 7 ways to avoid foggy glasses: https://bit.ly/3mM2zFm
In a recent survey, more than 60% of Americans reported experiencing symptoms such as headaches, blurred #vision and sensitivity to light as a result of using a digital device. Learn more about the symptoms and preventative tips here: https://bit.ly/32Dbtgx #digitaleyestrain #eyehealth #computervisionsyndrome
Can’t remember? It’s been too long! Call us today to schedule your eye exam!
Ready or not...it's here! Today is the first day of fall!
Sheep have rectangular pupils that give them amazing peripheral #vision – it's estimated their field of vision is between 270 and 320 degrees! #animaleyefact
Macular degeneration is a leading cause of #vision loss. It affects the central part of the retina, which is responsible for the detailed vision needed for reading, driving a car, recognizing faces, etc. Yearly dilated #eye exams are critical to the diagnosis and management of macular degeneration. #maculardegeneration
It's #animaleyefact Friday!
Cleaning your contact lenses with water, bottled or tap, can lead to serious eye infections. Always use contact solution! #contactlenses
Get into the spirit of the season with a new pair of frames! 🍂👓
October is Home Eye Safety Awareness Month! Before you go out and do yard work this weekend, be sure to protect those peepers! #eyesafety
Wishing all of our awesome patients have a great weekend!
Let us help you find a stylish new pair of frames for the season!
To all the brave men and women who have served and continue to serve in our armed forces, we thank you for your courage. #VeteransDay
Fall into style with a pair of gourd-geous new frames! 🍂👓
Don’t forget to use your vision benefits before the end of the year! Call us today to schedule your appointment!
If you have #diabetes, have a comprehensive dilated eye exam at least once a year. It’s the best thing you can do to save your #sight.
words cannot espresso how much our patients mean to us! #nationalespressoday
Remember you can use your FLEX spending dollars on eyewear, prescription sunglasses and contacts. But the year is ending fast! Use it or lose it! Make an appointment today, before it’s to late!
We are so thankful for patients like you! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
We made it! It's Friday! 🎉
They say that when it comes to your health, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. It turns out this is true for your eyes, too! Did you know that apples are rich in bioflavonoids, which are known for boosting vision health? Today is National Eat a Red Apple Day so grab an apple and enjoy all the benefits of this crunchy fruit!
The American Optometric Association recommends having a comprehensive eye exam at least once every two years, even if you aren't experiencing vision issues. Call us today to schedule your appointment!
Don’t wait till it’s too late! Use your flex spending account and your medical/optical benefits before the year is over!
If you stare at a computer all day, avoid eye strain by adjusting your screen so your eyes are level with the top of the monitor. This allows you to look slightly down at the screen.
Gift yourself some new eyewear this holiday season!
Cold outdoor air and heated indoor air often have less moisture in them than other environments. In the winter, you may experience dry skin, chapped lips, and dry eyes due to this low humidity .Keep yourself hydrated and increase your intake of omega-3s or run a humidifier in your home to improve the quality of your indoor air.
Today is the first official day of winter! Only 89 days until SPRING!
If your vision seems more blurry than usual or you find yourself having frequent headaches, it might be time to schedule an eye exam and get a new pair of glasses!
Using a humidifier is one of the best things you can do for dry eyes during the winter months.
Hmm... we didn’t even think of doing this! 🤣 🤣
If you see this on Amazon or advertised on Instagram, DO NOT BUY IT. It’s a total scam and will not work. (This is just a public health warning from your friendly neighborhood Optometrist 😀)
Happy New Year! Did you know that champagne bottles contain more pressure than a car tire? This means that the cork can travel at 50 miles per hour which is strong enough to shatter glass and also permanently damage your vision! Always hold the bottle at a 45 degree angle away from yourself or any bystanders!
Studies show that regular physical activity may decrease our chances of developing age-related #eye diseases like #glaucoma and macular degeneration. In a study of over 5,000 people, regular exercise decreased the incidence of glaucoma by 25%.
Ever wondered what a retinal detachment and hemorrhage looks like? Here’s one severe example, compared to a normal eye. #optometry #retinal #eyedoctors #eye #optometryeducation #blood #vision
Give us a call at 614-876-1766 to set up an appointment!
As many of us are putting more screen time in daily than we normally do, don't forget to take a 20 second break from your computer screen every 20 minutes and focus your #eyes on something at least 20 feet away. #digitaleyestrain #202020rule
January is National #Glaucoma Awareness Month. Because glaucoma can begin to develop without noticeable symptoms, the best way to protect your #sight is to schedule regular comprehensive #eye exams. #eyehealth #vision
At Mill Run Vision Center, we commit to protecting our staff, our patients and your families. Safer Together. Stronger Together.
Do you plan on watching any movies this weekend? Sit at a distance equivalent to at least five times the width of your TV screen to avoid #eyestrain & headache.
Dude, you don’t have to wait for your exam in the middle of the street! Come on into the office...sheesh! #bern #berniesanders #berniememes #optometry #optical #optometryhumor #millrun #inauguration
Choroidal melanoma, which forms in the back of the eye, can only be detected during a comprehensive eye examination. The average five-year survival rate for people with a small choroidal melanoma is 84%, and it decreases to 47% for people with a large choroidal melanoma. Getting regular eye examinations is so incredibly important, because without an eye exam you wouldn’t even know if you have one. #optometry #ophthalmology #optometrist #retina #cancer #melanoma #cancerprevention #eyeexam #millrunvision
Maybe they should have consulted on Optometrist first? 😂 #optometry #humor #eye #optometryhumor #eyedoctor #funny #ophthalmology
New year, new benefits. If you forgot to use your benefits in 2020, make sure to use them early this year. Call us today to schedule your appointment!
Why the Covid-19 vaccine is so important and effective. Read the article! #covid_19 #vaccine #covidvacccine #optometry #medicine https://messaging-custom-newsletters.nytimes.com/template/oakv2?abVariantId=1&campaign_id=9&emc=edit_nn_20210118&instance_id=26125&nl=the-morning&productCode=NN&regi_id=120686347&segment_id=49584&te=1&uri=nyt%3A%2F%2Fnewsletter%2Fbef2a621-8397-5b83-8f34-17ad0bb04bc6&user_id=41f3dcea6d2c5ec79574839c5940ff77&fbclid=IwAR3iaCOjl75xaOJ-iKHPnJC4aPEFqQul-2k3WKwY9pBzXkjTwMa2RR8G8Hk
That day when you’re double masking with an N95 and a surgical mask and realize you look like a T-Rex 😂!
Unfortunately, children with vision problems often don’t complain about their eyes, and so digital eye strain symptoms can go unnoticed. Schedule an eye exam today — especially if your child is rubbing their eyes, squinting, excessively blinking, or experiencing any other primary digital eye strain symptoms.
JK (sorta)! 🤪 #optometryhumor #optometry #doctor #doc #physicalexam #optometryoffice
Always store your glasses in a case to keep them protected but also keep them clean and dust-free when you're not wearing them.
Our office design, seen on the wall behind the front reception room desk as you walk in the office. What do you think? #optometry #optometryoffice #optical #optometrist #eyedoctor
#eyefacts #optometry #optometrist #kids
Who want to help Super Middle-Aged-Man? #optometry #optometryhumor #eyedoctor #optometrist #superman #comics
Tomorrow is Groundhog Day! We want to know your prediction...LOVE if you think spring is right around the corner. LIKE if you think winter is going to stick around for a little while longer.
I just love advertisements that depict a doctor holding the wrong ophthalmic instrument the wrong direction with the wrong hand, while looking though it with his forehead! 🙄🤣 🤦🏻‍♂️#optometry #doctor #optical #ophthalmologist #eyehealthtips #eyes #optometryhumor
Do you see it? #optical #optometry #opticalillusion #eyedoctor #binocular #eyes
Did you know that #glaucoma is the largest cause of blindness worldwide? It affects the nerves in the eye and cannot be reversed. However, it can be controlled, potentially slowing down vision loss. Schedule an eye exam today to help prevent vision loss for you and your family!
February is Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Awareness month. To help reduce your risk, schedule regular comprehensive eye exams, wear sunglasses, and avoid smoking cigarettes. Contact us today to schedule your comprehensive eye exam!
Macular degeneration, also known as age-related macular degeneration (AMD or ARMD), is a medical condition which may result in blurred or no vision in the center of the visual field. Causes and risk factors include... Aging: Approximately 10% of patients 66 to 74 years of age will have findings of Macular Degeneration. The prevalence increases to 30% in patients 75 to 85 years of age. Smoking: Research shows that smoking doubles the risk of AMD. Race: AMD is more common among Caucasians than among African-Americans or Hispanics/Latinos. Genetics & Family history: The lifetime risk of developing late-stage Macular Degeneration is 50% for people who have a relative with the condition, versus 12% for people who do not have relatives with the condition. #optometry #eye #health #optometrist #vision
Today is National Wear Red Day to raise awareness about women's heart health. Your eyes can offer a window into your cardiovascular health! ❤️ #WearRedDay #eyehealth
#eyefacts #optometry #optometrist #kids
Who want to help Super Middle-Aged-Man? #optometry #optometryhumor #eyedoctor #optometrist #superman #comics
Tomorrow is Groundhog Day! We want to know your prediction...LOVE if you think spring is right around the corner. LIKE if you think winter is going to stick around for a little while longer.
Happy Monday! Today is a great day to call and schedule your annual eye examination! #vision #eyehealth
#optometry #optical #opticalillusion #eye #eyes #eyedoctor #cool
February is Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Awareness month. To help reduce your risk, schedule regular comprehensive eye exams, wear sunglasses, and avoid smoking cigarettes. Contact us today to schedule your comprehensive eye exam!
Macular degeneration, also known as age-related macular degeneration (AMD or ARMD), is a medical condition which may result in blurred or no vision in the center of the visual field. Causes and risk factors include... Aging: Approximately 10% of patients 66 to 74 years of age will have findings of Macular Degeneration. The prevalence increases to 30% in patients 75 to 85 years of age. Smoking: Research shows that smoking doubles the risk of AMD. Race: AMD is more common among Caucasians than among African-Americans or Hispanics/Latinos. Genetics & Family history: The lifetime risk of developing late-stage Macular Degeneration is 50% for people who have a relative with the condition, versus 12% for people who do not have relatives with the condition. #optometry #eye #health #optometrist #vision
Today is National Wear Red Day to raise awareness about women's heart health. Your eyes can offer a window into your cardiovascular health! ❤️ #WearRedDay #eyehealth
#eyefacts #optometry #optometrist #kids
PLEASE DO NOT BITE THE NICE DOCTOR OK? Oh, and if this is blurry you probably need an eye exam! (jk)🤣🤣 #optometry #eyechart #optical #optometryhumor #eye #eyedoctor
So what is digital eye strain? If you are experiencing tired or⁠ irritated #eyes, blurred #vision, headaches or even neck⁠ and shoulder pain after using digital devices, you may⁠ be suffering from digital eye strain.⁠ Learn more about the symptoms and how you can prevent vision problems associated with digital eye strain here: https://bit.ly/3b8V6eI
Happy Monday! Today is a great day to call and schedule your annual eye examination! #vision #eyehealth
#optometry #optical #opticalillusion #eye #eyes #eyedoctor #cool
February is Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Awareness month. To help reduce your risk, schedule regular comprehensive eye exams, wear sunglasses, and avoid smoking cigarettes. Contact us today to schedule your comprehensive eye exam!
Macular degeneration, also known as age-related macular degeneration (AMD or ARMD), is a medical condition which may result in blurred or no vision in the center of the visual field. Causes and risk factors include... Aging: Approximately 10% of patients 66 to 74 years of age will have findings of Macular Degeneration. The prevalence increases to 30% in patients 75 to 85 years of age. Smoking: Research shows that smoking doubles the risk of AMD. Race: AMD is more common among Caucasians than among African-Americans or Hispanics/Latinos. Genetics & Family history: The lifetime risk of developing late-stage Macular Degeneration is 50% for people who have a relative with the condition, versus 12% for people who do not have relatives with the condition. #optometry #eye #health #optometrist #vision
Missed last year’s appointment? Call us today to schedule your eye exam! #eyeexam #vision
#AMD, or age-related macular degeneration, is a leading cause of vision loss for Americans age 50 and older. It affects central vision, where sharpest vision occurs, causing difficulty in conducting daily tasks such as driving, reading, and recognizing faces.
PLEASE DO NOT BITE THE NICE DOCTOR OK? Oh, and if this is blurry you probably need an eye exam! (jk)🤣🤣 #optometry #eyechart #optical #optometryhumor #eye #eyedoctor
So what is digital eye strain? If you are experiencing tired or⁠ irritated #eyes, blurred #vision, headaches or even neck⁠ and shoulder pain after using digital devices, you may⁠ be suffering from digital eye strain.⁠ Learn more about the symptoms and how you can prevent vision problems associated with digital eye strain here: https://bit.ly/3b8V6eI
Happy Monday! Today is a great day to call and schedule your annual eye examination! #vision #eyehealth
#optometry #optical #opticalillusion #eye #eyes #eyedoctor #cool
Wear #sunglasses anytime you're outdoors to protect your eyes from harmful ultraviolet (UV) light. Choose sunglasses with both UVA and UVB protection.
Missed last year’s appointment? Call us today to schedule your eye exam! #eyeexam #vision
#AMD, or age-related macular degeneration, is a leading cause of vision loss for Americans age 50 and older. It affects central vision, where sharpest vision occurs, causing difficulty in conducting daily tasks such as driving, reading, and recognizing faces.
PLEASE DO NOT BITE THE NICE DOCTOR OK? Oh, and if this is blurry you probably need an eye exam! (jk)🤣🤣 #optometry #eyechart #optical #optometryhumor #eye #eyedoctor
So what is digital eye strain? If you are experiencing tired or⁠ irritated #eyes, blurred #vision, headaches or even neck⁠ and shoulder pain after using digital devices, you may⁠ be suffering from digital eye strain.⁠ Learn more about the symptoms and how you can prevent vision problems associated with digital eye strain here: https://bit.ly/3b8V6eI
Happy Monday! Today is a great day to call and schedule your annual eye examination! #vision #eyehealth
We all know one...somebody who puts things off to the last possible moment - The Procrastinator. This week is National Procrastination Week. However, putting off that eye exam can have serious consequences! Routine vision tests can detect health conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure. So don't put it off any longer - call us today to schedule your appointment!
Wear #sunglasses anytime you're outdoors to protect your eyes from harmful ultraviolet (UV) light. Choose sunglasses with both UVA and UVB protection.
Which is the FIRST thing you see? #opticalillusion #optometry #optometrist #eyes #confused #dog #cool
#DaylightSavingTime starts this weekend so make sure to set your clocks forward 1 hour on Saturday night! We want to know - what do you most look forward to doing with the extra hour of daylight?
According to the CDC, every single day, about 2,000 U.S. workers sustain a job-related #eye injury that requires medical treatment. Keep your eyes safe by wearing proper eye protection such as safety glasses, goggles, face shields, and welding helmets. #eyeprotection
We all know one...somebody who puts things off to the last possible moment - The Procrastinator. This week is National Procrastination Week. However, putting off that eye exam can have serious consequences! Routine vision tests can detect health conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure. So don't put it off any longer - call us today to schedule your appointment!
Wear #sunglasses anytime you're outdoors to protect your eyes from harmful ultraviolet (UV) light. Choose sunglasses with both UVA and UVB protection.
Missed last year’s appointment? Call us today to schedule your eye exam! #eyeexam #vision
We hope you're enjoying the first day of spring!
So happy to give the gift of sight! As Nina West would say, “Vision-ary”!
Happy St. Patrick's Day! ☘️🌈
This wonderful gift makes our office so much more fun! Thanks @linda.cahoon #optometry #optical #display #displaycase #teapot #teapots
Which is the FIRST thing you see? #opticalillusion #optometry #optometrist #eyes #confused #dog #cool
#DaylightSavingTime starts this weekend so make sure to set your clocks forward 1 hour on Saturday night! We want to know - what do you most look forward to doing with the extra hour of daylight?
Symptoms of digital eye strain, also referred to as computer #vision syndrome, include tired, burning or itching eyes, dry eyes, blurred vision and/or headache. Here are a few tips to help reduce the effects: • Place your screen 20 to 26 inches away from your eyes and a little bit below eye level. • Change your lighting to lower glare and harsh reflections. • Get a chair you can adjust. • Computer glasses with yellow-tinted lenses that block blue light can help ease #digitaleyestrain • Anti-reflective lenses reduce glare and increase contrast and also block blue light from digital devices. • Take frequent breaks by using the “20-20-20” rule
The blue light that comes from digital screens like the ones on your phone and computer can make it harder to fall asleep and get quality rest when you do. It's a good idea to put away these devices about half an hour before going to bed to avoid this. #bluelight #eyehealth
We hope you're enjoying the first day of spring!
So happy to give the gift of sight! As Nina West would say, “Vision-ary”!
Happy St. Patrick's Day! ☘️🌈
This wonderful gift makes our office so much more fun! Thanks @linda.cahoon #optometry #optical #display #displaycase #teapot #teapots


Company name
Michael Schecter, OD
Eye doctors & Optometrists


  • What is the phone number for Michael Schecter, OD in Hilliard OH?
    You can reach them at: 614-876-1766. It’s best to call Michael Schecter, OD during business hours.
  • What is the address for Michael Schecter, OD on fishinger blvd in Hilliard?
    Michael Schecter, OD is located at this address: 3716 Fishinger Blvd. Hilliard, OH 43026.
  • What are Michael Schecter, OD(Hilliard, OH) store hours?
    Michael Schecter, OD store hours are as follows: Mon: 9:00AM - 7:00PM, Tue-Fri: 8:30AM - 5:00PM, Sat: 9:00AM - 1:00PM, Sun: Closed.