If you offer credit card processing and you aren't sure of your fees or you know you're paying too much in processing fees, reach out to Michele Germain at 920-309-0340 and she will give you an honest assessment of your situation and let you know if she can help you reduce your costs.
What is the appropriate way to leave a Google review for a business.
What are you doing to let your customers know if your business is open or closed during this time?
It's important to OVER COMMUNICATE to everyone. Use social media and email communication.
If you need help or ideas to get your message out, please reach out. I'm here to help.
I’m grateful I can work from anywhere in the world. This week takes me to the mountains! Today while I’m in Utah, I published a new e-commerce site so a business in Ohio can sell their furs online!!
We help businesses with their websites, SEO and social media marketing. Let me know if you need help!
3 years ago I set up a website for Roth Furs. Now we’re overhauling the site and setting up a store so you can buy online. I love working with my clients & meeting their customers !
What are you doing online to increase your company sales?
Happy Thanksgiving!