Mr. Robert Fortney NCC, LPC

(on 34th street)
Counseling & Mental Health in Lubbock, TX
Counseling & Mental Health
Health and Medical


3302 34th Street
Lubbock, TX


Proudly Serving: Lubbock, TX

Don't hesitate to call Mr. Robert Fortney NCC, LPC in Lubbock, TX. We are committed to your satisfaction. Call us today.

Substance Abuse Therapy

Substance Abuse Treatment
Drug Addiction Treatment
Drug Abuse Rehab
Drug Treatment

Depression Treatment

Depression Therapy
Depression Therapist
Depression Treatment Center
Depression Doctors

Anger Treatment

Anger Management Therapist
Anger Management Therapy
Anger Management Treatment
Anger Management

Anxiety Treatment

Anxiety Therapist
Anxiety Psychologist
Anxiety Therapy
Anxiety Doctor

General Counseling

Individual Counselor
General Counselor

Family Counseling

Family Counselor


Company name
Mr. Robert Fortney NCC, LPC
Counseling & Mental Health


  • What is the phone number for Mr. Robert Fortney NCC, LPC in Lubbock TX?
    You can reach them at: 806-370-7856. It’s best to call Mr. Robert Fortney NCC, LPC during business hours.
  • What is the address for Mr. Robert Fortney NCC, LPC on 34th street in Lubbock?
    Mr. Robert Fortney NCC, LPC is located at this address: 3302 34th Street Lubbock, TX 79410.