....yes people, AOL mail is down, I'm aware I can't do a thing about it ....y'all can stop asking me! (And yes AOL mail matters now since Verizon shoves it down your throat with FIOS) .....
.....I feel like I'm obliged to make a "company statement" about this alleged "super-flu" going around now (hell everyone else it) .....so here goes: I'm gonna keep living my life the same damned way, I won't cancel jobs or vacation plans or any outings for it (though call me after 7pm or before 7am and I reserve the right to kick you to the back of the line :p) ....I'm going to go on living my standard daily life, because at the end of the day when it's my time to punch out of this world, no $5 mask made out of all the toilet paper y'all wiped the shelves of Wal-Mart clean of, is gonna make a drop of difference of me stopping fate from having its "final destination moment" with me #LiveYourGoddamnLivesPeople!
Multi-tasking at its finest!
(Also my way of getting this stuff out of the house ASAP)
So...anyway ....while I'm at it, I don't really like to bash other people's businesses (well I do when they're inept, and this one is pretty damned inept) ....and yeah I've had my issues with home Advisor since I've started with them and shit like this just proves that they don't give a single damn about "quality checks" ....I mean fucks sake, do you think *I* could fix this??
....nothing to see here, just killing two birds with one stone, appeasing Facebook AND testing a customer's news feed ....how's THAT for value? (I should add my home Advisor rant later ....)
...geesh, I almost forgot this! (and Facebook was nagging me to post stuff anyway), but it's almost that time of year....that ONE WEEK I actually take off and vacation (yay!), so if you're looking to get me or need computer stuff done, I will not be in town from July 29-August 6th, so break it now, or for a week hold your peace :D