Many married couples dream of starting a new life together. Sometimes, a petition denial can get in the way.
Spouses And Green Cards: The Basics
The private prison industry profits immensely off of immigration detention in the United States, and the number of ICE detention facilities in the rural south, Louisiana in particular, has dramatically expanded in recent years. These asylum seekers have no realistic possibility of winning their case without a good attorney, yet the isolated geography of these locales makes it extremely difficult for these asylum seekers to obtain legal counsel. There are hundreds of detainees in these ICE jails, and only a handful of attorneys to take their cases.
How video chat fuels the American deportation machine
Undocumented immigrants are not undocumented by choice. The existing laws do not provide a legalization option for the vast majority of them. This is why we need Congress to pass comprehensive common sense immigration reform.
Why Don’t Immigrants Apply for Citizenship?
Asylum is a basic human right
Asylum Seekers Face a Dangerous Journey—and United States Interference
What can residents do when they're in the process of removal?
4 Relief Options From Being Sent Back
Muchnicki & Bittner, LLP updated their phone number.
The USCIS fee increase for Oct 2 has been halted by court order.
Judge Blocks USCIS Fee Increases: Here’s Why It Happened
Five common mistakes immigrants make when processing requests to bring relatives into the U.S.
Reunification Is In The Details