Nada's Italy

(on east blvd)
Hotels & Travel in Charlotte, NC
Hotels & Travel
Tours & Charters
Travel Agencies


10:00AM - 6:00PM
10:00AM - 6:00PM
10:00AM - 6:00PM
10:00AM - 6:00PM
10:00AM - 6:00PM


310 East Blvd
Charlotte, NC


Benvenuti! We are a boutique travel company founded by Florence native, Nada Vergili, specializing in authentic personalized experiences in Italy and immersive encounters with Italy's breathtaking landscapes, colorful local cultures and authentic regional cuisines while delivering high-quality standards of service.


Nada's Italy Photo Nada's Italy Photo Nada's Italy Photo Nada's Italy Photo Nada's Italy Photo Nada's Italy Photo Nada's Italy Photo Nada's Italy Photo Nada's Italy Photo Nada's Italy Photo Nada's Italy Photo


  • Italy Tours
  • Spain Tours
  • France Tours


Nada Vergili September 17 at 10:06 AM · Nada's Italy, agenzia di viaggio con base in USA ed in attivita' da piu' di 15 anni, e' alla ricerca di nuovi accompagnatori turistici su tutto il territorio italiano per la stagione 2021. Siamo specializzati in tour esclusivi (culturali, lusso, enogastronomici, etc.) per piccoli gruppi (non piu' di 12 pax). Si richiede esperienza pluriennale con patentino di accompagnatore, conoscenza impeccabile dell'inglese sia parlato che scritto, e soprattutto, una massima etica professionale e morale. Mandare il CV a: (si prega di NON mandare messaggi tramite Facebook) Condividete, grazie.
Nada Vergili August 29 at 10:40 AM · 🇮🇹 UPDATE FROM ITALY: (this coming from my extensive network of family, friends, and colleagues): Italy is completely back to "normal" and most businesses have been able to open back up. People are going about their days as they were pre-covid, with the exception of the elderly and those with compromised immune systems. The major industry that is suffering at the moment is hospitality, as incoming travel restrictions from the USA, among a few other countries, continue causing immense losses to small businesses and the overall national economy. Nonetheless, a large amount of Italians have taken their yearly summer vacation, flooding Italian beaches, national parks, and countryside resorts, some venturing out abroad to popular summer destinations such as Greece and Spain. Restaurants, museums, hotels, bars, even nightclubs have reopened throughout the country. The ordinance of using of masks and social distancing is still required, albeit not always followed by everyone, especially in dense shopping and dining areas of city centers. The summer vacation frenzy, alongside many who are returning from visiting other European countries, has caused some random spikes in cases, even though at this point the pandemic is being viewed as under control for the most part and certainly not posing the threat of hospitals getting over-run as was the case in the early phases of the break out. Numbers of cases are still very low throughout Italy but the situation is closely being monitored as testing continues to avoid another wave. Schools are on track to open up as originally scheduled in mid September, but details on new safety measures still need to be clarified on a national level. Trials of a vaccine (one of the 31 currently being conducted world wide) on 7,000 human volunteers begun a little over a week ago in Rome, with thousands more joining in on the trials in upcoming weeks at the National Institute for Infectious Diseases Lazzaro Spallanzani. Data on results will be released soon. If all goes well they are expecting a vaccine as early as beginning of 2021. As of right now, there are strong rumors that Italy and the rest of the Schengen area (EU) should completely open up to American travelers before the end of the year. 🇺🇸 UPDATE FROM THE USA (for my Italian friends): despite what is being reported on Italian news reports, we are not in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. Each state has a different amount of cases and different regulations as far as safety measures go. There are some "hotspot states" for the pandemic such as California, Texas, and Florida, however, even within these states there are cities and areas where few cases have been reported. The largest cities with largest population concentration have it the worst. Because the USA is a federal government, each state decides independently on how to handle the pandemic. Not only that, within the state, each county rules out its own ordinances, which may drastically vary even between neighboring counties. That is why some states currently have quarantine requirements, depending on where you're traveling from, while others don't. The challenge to contain the spread of the virus and why it's taking much longer here to do so compared to most European countries is mostly due to the fact that it's almost impossible to find a "one size fits all" kind of approach because of the sheer geographical extension of the country and its significantly different needs and socio-economic dynamics between rural and more populated states. With that said, it seems that people are, for the most part, going about their regular lives. Fishing, golfing, shopping, going to restaurants, home parties etc. Those who can work from home are doing so. Most businesses are open and require the use of masks in order to enter their establishment, but I've noticed it's mostly the owner's decision to enforce or not to enforce this rule (despite what the ordinance states). People who are traveling are mostly going to the beach, to visit family or taking short local trips to destinations they can drive to rather than fly to. Hospitality, travel and retail, among many other industries are suffering. Despite what's being reported in the media, cases have been significantly decreasing over the past 4 weeks throughout most of the country. The curve continues to go down, perhaps due to the increased use of masks. The opening of schools varies by state and by county and, from what I understand, the progress of which is going to be evaluated month to month, with possible changes. Overall, I feel there is a considerable amount of stress and built up tension among the population, given to the combination of "bad news" we are subjected to on a daily basis. Besides being bombarded by news of the pandemic, there are also riots and social tensions, wild fires, hurricanes, and political campaign ads..... Lots of divisiveness, frustration, anger, and confusion, caused in part by the fact that we don't know who to believe and don't have a trusted source of news where to get actual facts from, that are not politically charged. Covid has become a politicized topic, adding to the noise of campaign chatter. No idea and no clear understanding on the strategy or action plan regarding Covid19 to be put in place by the local and national government in the upcoming months. No news (that I'm aware of), as far as when the US will start allowing Europeans and other foreign travelers back in. I hope this helps both sides understand what's going on. If you have more you'd like to add, please do so (no political or divisive comments please). Let's all hope in better times for all 🙏
🇮🇹 UPDATE FROM ITALY: (this coming from my extensive network of family, friends, and colleagues): Italy is completely back to "normal" and most businesses have been able to open back up. People are going about their days as they were pre-covid, with the exception of the elderly and those with compromised immune systems. The major industry that is suffering at the moment is hospitality, as incoming travel restrictions from the USA, among a few other countries, continue causing immense losses to small businesses and the overall national economy. Nonetheless, a large amount of Italians have taken their yearly summer vacation, flooding Italian beaches, national parks, and countryside resorts, some venturing out abroad to popular summer destinations such as Greece and Spain. Restaurants, museums, hotels, bars, even nightclubs have reopened throughout the country. The ordinance of using of masks and social distancing is still required, albeit not always followed by everyone, especially in dense shopping and dining areas of city centers. The summer vacation frenzy, alongside many who are returning from visiting other European countries, has caused some random spikes in cases, even though at this point the pandemic is being viewed as under control for the most part and certainly not posing the threat of hospitals getting over-run as was the case in the early phases of the break out. Numbers of cases are still very low throughout Italy but the situation is closely being monitored as testing continues to avoid another wave. Schools are on track to open up as originally scheduled in mid September, but details on new safety measures still need to be clarified on a national level. Trials of a vaccine (one of the 31 currently being conducted world wide) on 7,000 human volunteers begun a little over a week ago in Rome, with thousands more joining in on the trials in upcoming weeks at the National Institute for Infectious Diseases Lazzaro Spallanzani. Data on results will be released soon. If all goes well they are expecting a vaccine as early as beginning of 2021. As of right now, there are strong rumors that Italy and the rest of the Schengen area (EU) should completely open up to American travelers before the end of the year. 🇺🇸 UPDATE FROM THE USA (for my Italian friends): despite what is being reported on Italian news reports, we are not in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. Each state has a different amount of cases and different regulations as far as safety measures go. There are some "hotspot states" for the pandemic such as California, Texas, and Florida, however, even within these states there are cities and areas where few cases have been reported. The largest cities with largest population concentration have it the worst. Because the USA is a federal government, each state decides independently on how to handle the pandemic. Not only that, within the state, each county rules out its own ordinances, which may drastically vary even between neighboring counties. That is why some states currently have quarantine requirements, depending on where you're traveling from, while others don't. The challenge to contain the spread of the virus and why it's taking much longer here to do so compared to most European countries is mostly due to the fact that it's almost impossible to find a "one size fits all" kind of approach because of the sheer geographical extension of the country and its significantly different needs and socio-economic dynamics between rural and more populated states. With that said, it seems that people are, for the most part, going about their regular lives. Fishing, golfing, shopping, going to restaurants, home parties etc. Those who can work from home are doing so. Most businesses are open and require the use of masks in order to enter their establishment, but I've noticed it's mostly the owner's decision to enforce or not to enforce this rule (despite what the ordinance states). People who are traveling are mostly going to the beach, to visit family or taking short local trips to destinations they can drive to rather than fly to. Hospitality, travel and retail, among many other industries are suffering. Despite what's being reported in the media, cases have been significantly decreasing over the past 4 weeks throughout most of the country. The curve continues to go down, perhaps due to the increased use of masks. The opening of schools varies by state and by county and, from what I understand, the progress of which is going to be evaluated month to month, with possible changes. Overall, I feel there is a considerable amount of stress and built up tension among the population, given to the combination of "bad news" we are subjected to on a daily basis. Besides being bombarded by news of the pandemic, there are also riots and social tensions, wild fires, hurricanes, and political campaign ads..... Lots of divisiveness, frustration, anger, and confusion, caused in part by the fact that we don't know who to believe and don't have a trusted source of news where to get actual facts from, that are not politically charged. Covid has become a politicized topic, adding to the noise of campaign chatter. No idea and no clear understanding on the strategy or action plan regarding Covid19 to be put in place by the local and national government in the upcoming months. No news (that I'm aware of), as far as when the US will start allowing Europeans and other foreign travelers back in. I hope this helps both sides understand what's going on. If you have more you'd like to add, please do so (no political or divisive comments please). Let's all hope in better times for all 🙏
Our July newsletter! Check out a tasty summer salad recipe, Nada's letter, weddings in Italy, and more! ❤️🍷😃🍝🇮🇹 MYEMAIL.CONSTANTCONTACT.COM When You Can't Go to Italy.. Bring Italy to You! Italian Trivia, Weddings, and More 🍷😍🍝
Nada Vergili July 13 at 12:17 PM · Hai una piccola azienda agricola o laboratorio artigiano in Italia? Vuoi promuovere i tuoi prodotti unici e speciali a consumatori americani? Hai l'autorizzazione FDA (per prodotti alimentari) e puoi fare spedizioni in USA? Contattami mandando un'email a: Condividete pure 😊
Hai una piccola azienda agricola o laboratorio artigiano in Italia? Vuoi promuovere i tuoi prodotti unici e speciali a consumatori americani? Hai l'autorizzazione FDA (per prodotti alimentari) e puoi fare spedizioni in USA? Contattami mandando un'email a: Condividete pure 😊
Nada Vergili June 26 at 11:33 AM · If you're even remotely thinking of traveling to Italy at any time NEXT year, NOW would be the time to plan. Why? Because all those people who haven't been able to go this year because of the pandemic are planning for 2021 (think world-wide, not just USA), PLUS everyone else who was already planning to go next year... At Nada's Italy we're almost booked up for the Fall, so if your travel bug has been itching and you're interested in one of our small group socially-distanced, off-the-beaten path, cultural tours of Italy, let me know!! You can send an email to : or call 1-877-959-8365 ❤️🍝🍷😍🌞🇮🇹
Love our local guides! 😍 Nada Vergili June 8 at 9:29 AM · Our fabulous City Guide Simona on the fishing docks in Bari, in the beautiful region of Puglia. I want to be there now!! 🌞😍🌞 And how cool are the fishermen tenderizing the octopus by the traditional way of beating it up?? (okay maybe not so cool for the 🐙) Join us on the Puglia Paradise small group tour limited to 12 travelers to discover this wonderful unspoiled area of Italy with Simona and the Nada's Italy family! 💕🥰🍝🍷🇮🇹 "Tours for people who don't go on tours." #nadasitaly #youarethejourney
We love our City Guides! 💚🤍❤ Here's Barbara aka the "Roman Encyclopedia" giving us some interesting tidbits while standing in front of the Spanish Steps in Rome. 🇮🇹 #youarethejourney #nadasitaly #wemissyou #seeyouinitaly
Margherita hops on her Vespa ❤🛵❤ for a fun ride along the Amalfi Coast 😃🇮🇹
Is it possible not to fall in love with the breathtaking Amalfi Coast? We say NO! And having a fun local guide like Margherita makes it even more memorable ❤
Our incredible City Guide Elisa Florence Guide Acciai Elisa . We can't wait to see you again!! ❤🥰❤
Explore Venice with locals! Keep the dream alive! Stay safe and see you soon, a presto! 😊
Our fabulous City Guide Simona, local expert for the region of Puglia. Come explore with her next year on our Puglia Paradise tour! 🌷😊🌷
YOUTUBE.COM We Are Travelers Nada Vergili October 21 at 12:19 PM · So so soooo EXCITED to release this video! While we must wait a little while longer before we can travel back to Italy, as we all deal with the tumultuous times at hand, it's still worth reminding ourselves that traveling is one of the most beautiful experiences in life. I hope you all enjoy this video and the beautiful music composed professionally by my talented brother Kays who also edited it for me. 🎶❤️🎵❤ #wewillbeback #wemissitaly #seeyousoon #nadasitaly #youarethejourney #italy #italytravel
Buongiorno from Piazza San Pietro at the Vatican in Rome!! Our fabulous Program Manager Giorgia will make sure your next trip runs smooth, ensuring that your safety is always the top priority. See you soon! Ciao from Italia! 💚🤍❤ #youarethejourney #nadasitaly #wemissyou #seeyouinitaly
Do you have a favorite prosciutto? A number of regions have their own variations of prosciutto, each with degrees of protected status, but the most prized are the Prosciutto di Parma PDO from the Emilia-Romagna region and the Prosciutto di San Daniele PDO from the Friuli Venezia Giulia region.. Click here to explore our La Dolce Vita Tour for more details: #italywemissyou #travelandleisure #nadasitaly #hanginthere #wewillbeback #youarethejourney
Aqua Marina by Monotheme for Men - This complex, masculine fragrance embodies the timeless allure of Mediterranean islands. Ideal for evening or formal wear, yet balanced enough for every day use. Mediterranean Coast by Monotheme Unisex - A modern, masculine scent tailored for every day wear. Reminiscent of fresh sea breezes and dewy summer mornings, this fragrance is dedicated to both men and women. Red Fig by Monotheme for Women - A delicate and sensual scent, dedicated to feminine and self-confident women. Floral fruity fragrance. Top notes are litchi and green notes, middle notes are Jasmine and Fig, base note is musk. Click to purchase and for other scents:
The iconic Amalfi Coast is one of the most well known and sought after Italian destinations with travelers! Have you been day-dreaming of taking a private boat along the coast and doing some shopping on Capri? Or having a caprese salad with the freshest tomatoes and most delicious mozzarella? Wakey Wakey! Your dreams are our reality! Our "Jewels of the Amalfi Coast tour " features this and much more! Click here to check available dates for 2021 & 2022! #italywemissyou #travelandleisure #nadasitaly #hanginthere #wewillbeback #youarethejourney
Check out our signature brand Bellariva by Nada's Italy to upgrade your travel accessories. Our line features a super soft, luxurious Microfiber Towel essential for travel, beach, outdoor events, or even to wrap yourself up on a chilly night! The best part is it folds up nice and thin to fit anywhere without being bulky! Our cosmetic bag features a large hook for hanging & easy access, mesh zippered compartments & 2 open sides with organized pockets for more storage. Compact, sturdy, portable, lightweight, which makes it a great choice for your next getaway! Click to purchase:
Stock up on our Award-Winning Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Tuscany! 3 sizes available, great for gifting & ships in 2 days anywhere in the US! Check out our Olive Oil and other Italian products perfect for the holidays!
We know you are missing Italy as much as we are, so let us know, what is your FAVORITE memory in Italy? We know it is hard to narrow down to just one, so go ahead and tell us a few more 😁 #nadasitaly #italywemissyou #TravelandLeisure #youarethejourney #WEWILLBEBACK #hanginthere
ITALOFILE.COM Italy Adds Two More UNESCO Sites: Mantua and Sabbioneta and the Rhaetian Railway - Italofile Easy Peasy lemon squeezy chicken recipe!! Buon Appetito! GETPOCKET.COM Recipe: Easy, Creamy Lemon Garlic Skillet Chicken
On our Northern Delights tour you explore: Milan, Bellagio, Como, Menaggio, Varenna, St. Moritz (Switzerland), Turin, the Langhe district (Barolo, Barbaresco, Alba). Indulge in glorious Italian cuisine at its finest in the historical hills of the Piemonte region, birthplace of the Slow Food movement, where the treasured white truffles and world-class wines reign supreme. Click to see available dates in 2021 & 2022: #nadasitaly #traveltheworld #italy #smallgrouptravel #italian #italianfood #italianstyle #milan #northernitaly #piemonte
Happy Monday! Enjoy a little history and interesting tidbits about the city of Turin! This industrial city has much to offer & will surprise you! You can visit Turin on our Northern Delights tour. #nadasitaly #smallgrouptravel #traveltheworld #italian #italy #turinitaly #torino YOUTUBE.COM Italy Unpacked - Turin
Did you ever wonder how traditional balsamic vinegar from Modena is made? Not the stuff in the grocery store. Produced since the Middle Ages and famous throughout the world, the traditional balsamic vinegar of Modena is made from a reduction of pressed and cooked Trebbiano and Lambrusco white grapes. The grape juice is boiled down to approximately 30% of the original volume, which produces a thick syrup called mosto cotto in Italian. Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena is then stored in wooden barrels and fermented with a slow aging process for a minimum of 12 years. This is no slow process! Delight in the gastronomic pleasures of Bologna and Modena for a journey that will satisfy all your senses with our La Dolce Vita tour! #nadasitaly #traveltheworld #italy #italian #smallgrouptravel #italianfood #Modena #balsamic
Enjoy life to the fullest with unique activities and luxury services. Be part of the culture and travel in a more authentic, relaxed way! See which tour speaks to you: #nadasitaly #traveltheworld #italy #italian #smallgrouptravel


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Nada's Italy
Hotels & Travel


  • What is the phone number for Nada's Italy in Charlotte NC?
    You can reach them at: 704-266-3034. It’s best to call Nada's Italy during business hours.
  • What is the address for Nada's Italy on east blvd in Charlotte?
    Nada's Italy is located at this address: 310 East Blvd Charlotte, NC 28203.
  • What are Nada's Italy(Charlotte, NC) store hours?
    Nada's Italy store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 10:00AM - 6:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.