Teaching my grandson Joey how to read drawings and use the scale. yes I showed him how to use a ruler first then we used the digital scale. he came within 2 feet of my estimate pretty good!
The boys got out early so they finished Painting. Nice job Fellas!
Well a few days ago we started to paint the home of Natale Concrete. The sky opened up and it rained, HARD! For weeks we had no rain and then all of a sudden.....Paint washed off. So today my wife Kim and I had a very good friend Jonny Smith who is also an employee came in on a Sunday and helped paint most of the day. Thank you for always having my back Jonny.. Here are some photos from beginning to end. “ just a little touch up!” Lol
Home Depot distribution center South Windsor
Layin it down!
9 yards 6 min.
One more..
Happy Thanksgiving!
Office got a little paint job.