Natural Health Improvement Center of South Jersey

(on kings highway north)
Alternative and Non-traditional Medicine in Cherry Hill, NJ
Alternative and Non-traditional Medicine


1020 Kings Highway North
Cherry Hill, NJ


Nutrition Response Testing® is the main tool that we use in our office to get to the root cause of symptoms so that the body can truly heal. Find out what it is and why it is so effective in finding food sensitivities, immune system challenges, metal and chemical toxins, and even environmental sensitivities. Make an appointment with us to change your health and your life today! WWW.NHICSOUTHJERSEY.COM What Is Nutrition Response Testing®?
Natural Health Improvement Center of South Jersey October 2, 2019 at 9:54 AM · We are all making a difference in our little corners of the world.
What got you started on your health journey? ▶️ Were you tired? ▶️ In pain? ▶️ Stressed? ▶️ Did you have anxiety? ▶️ Depression? ▶️ Allergies? ▶️Asthma? ▶️ Eczema? ▶️ PMS? ▶️ Lyme? ▶️ Autoimmune Disease? ▶️ Digestive issues? You’ve got this. Just. Keep. Going. We are here for you every step of the way. #Momentum #HealingIsNotLinear #Nourish #KeepMovingForward #NHICDesMoines #RootCauseNutrition #OnTheFrontLinesOfWellness #FunctionalNutrition #MatchMyPressure #NutritionResponseTesting #HealthStartsHere
Not in the mood? You’re not alone! Thousands of people suffer from low libido for various reasons, all of which have a root cause. Some of these include: ▶️ Anxiety and depression ▶️ Stress ▶️ Poor body image ▶️ Low self-esteem ▶️ History of abuse ▶️ Hormonal imbalances ▶️ Parasites At NHIC, we help you get to the root cause of low libido and help you get your mojo back! Call or email us today! #lowlibido #hormoneimbalance #anxiety #stress #depression #selfesteem #bodyimage #stress #nhic #rootcause #rootcausenutrition #herbalmedicine #healthstartshere
Sarah Outlaw was live. October 1 at 1:38 PM · Introducing the NHIC 4th Quarter Health Stimulus Savings Specials! Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines Natural Health Improvement Center of South Jersey
Sarah Outlaw was live. October 12, 2019 at 10:34 AM · The Truth About Echinacea...and...My top 3 MediHerb products for your natural medicine cabinet for cold and flu “season”. Natural Health Improvement Center of South Jersey Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines #mediherb #standardprocess #coldandfluseason #wellness #herbs
The healthiest people are the most grateful. The most grateful people are the healthiest. There is always something to be grateful for. In every situation. In every rainy day. Underneath every cloud. Even in the darkness. In good times. In bad times. Always. Practice gratitude. Be grateful. Say thank you. #gratitude #love #life #purpose #fullnessoflife #grateful #peace #mindbody #nhic #wellness #wellnesslifestyle #healthy #healthylifestyle #healthstartshere
Sarah Outlaw was live. October 11, 2019 at 8:28 AM · My top 3, must-have Standard Process Inc. specific products to have in your natural medicine cabinet for cold and flu “season”. Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines Natural Health Improvement Center of South Jersey #StandardProcess #NHICSouthJersey #NHICDesMoines #HealthStartsHere #NeverGetSick #BePrepared #FoodAsMedicine
It’s a great time to take control of your health! Call 856-667-6805 or email info@nhicsouthjersey.com.
Sugar. The craving that we all struggle to part ways with. It’s in practically every packaged food we can buy. It’s hidden in more food items than we suspect. It comes in many forms. So how do we limit our consumption of it? Why should we? Reducing dietary sugar is one of the best decisions we can make for our health. Sugar can wreak havoc on our bodies for the following reasons… 😳Stimulates inflammation 😳Promoter of belly fat 😳Fuel for cancer cells 😳Contributor to heart disease I’m Megan Hamlin and I do the Nutrition Coaching for both locations either in-person or virtually in Des Moines and exclusively virtually in NJ. We’re here to help make eliminating sugar less of an intimidating task. If you’d like to learn more about the negative effects of sugar and how to diminish your cravings for it, contact us at Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines to set up your Nutrition Coaching sessions today! #nutritioncoaching #nutrition #healthcoach #sugar #kickthesugarhabit #sugardetox #wellness #nhic #healthstartshere
Make the one choice that will change the course of your health forever. Choose to take control of your health. Call or email us to make the appointment that will change your health and your life! #change #health #control #changeyourhealth #changeyourlife #nhic #onthefrontlinesofwellness #newjersey #nutrition #healthstartshere
Sarah Outlaw was live. October 17, 2019 at 1:12 PM · Keeping our kids healthy the natural way! My best tips for healthy kids! Natural Health Improvement Center of South Jersey Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines #standardprocess #mediherb #energetix #hvs #elderberry #nhicsouthjersey #nhicdesmoines #healthstartshere
Sarah Outlaw was live. October 17, 2019 at 3:02 PM · AMAZING alternative to popcorn!! Check out the video to find out what it is. Real Life Outlaw Natural Health Improvement Center of South Jersey Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines
In case you missed our workshop this past week on the benefits of intermittent fasting, here is a brief review! ✅It gives vital organs a complete rest ✅It promotes elimination of waste ✅It allows the body to adjust and normalize ✅Helps the body break down and absorb swellings, deposits, damaged tissue, and abnormal growths ✅It restores useful condition to the cells and tissues ✅It increases the body's ability to digest and assimilate nutrition ✅It allows the body to conserve and reroute energy which in turn strengthens the mind It is the perfect reset for the digestive system, and assists the body in cleaning out the cells! While not for everyone, intermittent fasting does have its benefits. If you are not sure if it’s for you, make an appointment and we can help you determine what is best for you. #intermittentfasting #fasting #autophagy #detox #digestion #cells #cellularregeneration #wellness #nutrition #nhic #healthstartshere
“Mom, I have a tummy ache!” How many times have we heard that one? Not just kids, adults are having a myriad of stomach issues that we see daily at our office. Digestive issues and the symptoms from them are the #1 reason people are seeking us out for help The key to a happy tummy is balance. A gut out of balance is full of bad bacteria, yeast, and parasites. This imbalance contributes to gas, bloating, pain, skin issues including eczema and rashes, reflux, constipation, diarrhea, and leads to a slew of diagnosable conditions. Hit tummy trouble at the root cause. Come see us! #tummytrouble #rootcause #digestion #digestivehealth #guthealth #nhic #realhealth #healthstartshere
Sarah Outlaw was live. 21 hrs · Stop focusing on illness and focus on health! Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines Natural Health Improvement Center of South Jersey
Everything seems daunting at the beginning. A new year...especially this one. Starting a business. Moving. Starting school. Changing your health. Everything. But bit-by-bit you move forward. You learn. You grow. Nothing is truly impossible. It just seems that way at every beginning. But remember… Every beginning has an end. A finish line. A light at the end of the tunnel. A prize. A moment in time to look back on how far you’ve come. How much you’ve achieved. Every beginning has a goal. Make a plan. Step-by-step Reach for yours. Begin. #health #beginnings #healthybeginnings #wellness #wellnesslifestyle #goals #finishline #light #reach #start #desmoines #southjersey #healthgoals #nelsonmandela #quotes #quotestagram #quotestoliveby #healthquotes #inspire #inspiration #nhic #healthstartshere
Tired and wired? Can’t sleep? Try these tips! ERICALAYNE.CO Mind Won't Shut Off? Research Says Try These 7 Keys for Deep Sleep
Get some sleep! If you’re struggling, we can help. #sleep #healthysleep #naturalsleepoptions #realhealth #rootcause #wellness #nhic #healthstartshere
Be accountable. Be committed. In life. In health. In everything. #lifelessons #healthyliving #mind #body #spirit #soul #wellness #quotes #commitment #stickwithit #accountability #nhic #healthstartshere
Sarah Outlaw was live. December 31, 1969 at 6:00 PM · 10 Signs of Magnesium Deficiencies That You’ll Want to Pay Attention To and What to Do About It! More info available at https://drjockers.com/10-signs-magnesium-deficiency/ Natural Health Improvement Center of South Jersey Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines #standardprocess #magnesium #ezmg #ezmgchallenge
Don’t forget about taking care of YOU! You’re worth it!
Eat your stress goodbye! Our favorite stress-reducing diet. #stressless #goodmoodfood #eattolive NHICSOUTHJERSEY.COM Eat Your Stress Goodbye - Stress Reducing Diet | Natural Health Improvement Centers
Along with a whole food, healthy diet, taking appropriate supplements, and using non-toxic hair care products, essential oils and carrier oils can also be used to promote hair growth naturally. These include: ❇️Coconut oil and castor oil ❇️Tea Tree oil ❇️Lavender ❇️Rosemary ❇️Peppermint You can make a hair mask by mixing one of the first oils with a couple drops of each of the essential oils, massage it into the scalp and cover with a shower cap for a minimum of 20 minutes before washing out. Castor oil (be sure to purchase organic, hexane-free) especially is used around the world for hair growth along with rosemary oil, so even choosing castor oil alone or adding rosemary would be beneficial. You can even use castor oil by itself on your eyebrows and eyelashes to promote growth safely and effectively. #beautytips #hairgrowth #naturalbeauty #realhealth #coconutoil #castoroil #lavender #teatree #rosemary #peppermint #hairmask #nhic #healthstartshere
Quality of life matters just as much as length of life. Live life healthy. Live life well.
If walking is more your speed, then you’ll love this post! Here are 8 health benefits of walking daily: 🚶‍♀️Helps with weight loss 🚶‍♀️Increases lung capacity 🚶‍♀️Improves heart health 🚶‍♀️Helps lower sugar cravings 🚶‍♀️Helps regulate blood pressure 🚶‍♀️Boosts immunity 🚶‍♀️Good for the mind and the body 🚶‍♀️Walking in nature is good for the soul Get out and take a walk, by yourself or with a friend! #Walk #Walking #Fitness #Wellness #FitnessLifestyle #WellnessLifestyle #HealthBenefits #DailyWalk #WeightLoss #HeartHealth #BloodPressure #HealthConcerns #NHIC #HealthStartsHere
If you can’t take care of your own health, what else is there? How can you take care of all the hundreds of other responsibilities you have if your own “temple” is neglected? You are responsible to nourish and take care of yourself well. The time and effort is necessary. Make your health and nourishment a priority.
My motto has always been, “If you see me running, call the police because someone’s chasing me”. I’m not a fan...but there are some pretty amazing benefits of running that I wanted to share with you. Maybe they’ll motivate me as I motivate you! 😉 Running... 🏃‍♀️ Improves mental health and reduces depression 🏃‍♀️ Improves cardiovascular fitness 🏃‍♀️ improves your immunity 🏃‍♀️ Improves cognitive function 🏃‍♀️ reduces risk of many cancers 🏃‍♀️ Burns plenty of calories One of the best programs to get started running as the couch to 5K program. It can help get even the most anti-runners pro running! Start out walking, then try running and see if you like it. For all of my running friends out there, I am super jealous and keep up the good work! #run #running #hearthealth #fitness #fitlife #fitnesslifestyle #wellness #exercise #mind #body #immunesystem #cardiovascular #couchto5k #workout #health #nhic #healthstartshere
I don’t know about you but I don’t have the time to be sick! Invest in your health now or pay a steeper cost later. You’re worth it!
Sarah Outlaw was live. November 21, 2019 at 6:01 PM · A simple technique that you can use anywhere to help relieve acute stress, anxiety, and panic. Natural Health Improvement Center of South Jersey Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines
A different take on “you are what you eat”. 😊 Think about it. How do you feel when you eat a beautiful green salad full of colorful vegetables with some grilled salmon versus a McDonald’s hamburger? You should feel amazing after you eat! Whole, healthy food regenerates your cells. Processed food degenerates them. You truly are what you eat.
Abigail Arculeo at NHIC South Jersey’s company. Support local! Raw Powered Products October 14, 2019 at 3:58 PM · With the holiday season coming up homemade items are safe, perfect gifts!! . . . . #homemade #healthcare #skincare #animal #pet #gifts #dogtreats #dog #naturalskincare #natural #naturalskincareproducts #tallow #tallowsoap #skin #care #animalproducts #limitedingredients #naturalhealth
Squash is one of the nutritional perks of fall. Learn more about some types of squash and add them to your meal plans! photos courtesy of Atkins
Whole food nourishment is key to both prevent type II diabetes and reverse it. There are a few foods to simply stay away from which are listed in the infographic. Opt for good quality protein, leafy greens, Cruciferous vegetables, and especially healthy fats that will keep your blood sugar stable. You CAN control your blood sugar! Food matters. #bloodsugar #diabetes #bloodsugarcontrol #health #realhealth #wholefood #nutrition #wellness #rootcausenutrition #nhic #healthstartshere
This. Let’s take time to nourish our souls over this long weekend. We all need it!
Happy Thanksgiving from the NHIC Family to yours! We are so thankful for you...our amazing, loyal patients, old and new who have stuck with us through thick and thin and who have trusted us to come alongside you on your health journeys. Thank you for supporting our mission and purpose to help make you the healthiest you that you are meant to be. We appreciate you more than you will ever know! So much gratitude! #thanksgiving #happythanksgiving #gratitude #grateful #nhic #realhealth #wellness #rootcausenutrition #healthstartshere
Happy Thanksgiving from the NHIC Family to yours! We are so thankful for you...our amazing, loyal patients, old and new who have stuck with us through thick and thin and who have trusted us to come alongside you on your health journeys. Thank you for supporting our mission and purpose to help make you the healthiest you that you are meant to be. We appreciate you more than you will ever know! So much gratitude! #thanksgiving #happythanksgiving #gratitude #grateful #nhic #realhealth #wellness #rootcausenutrition #healthstartshere
Literally our best friend on holidays and always! Digest well with Zypan. Don’t do Thanksgiving without it. Take a few during or after your meal and say goodbye to indigestion, heartburn, or stomach aches. You’re welcome! 😉 #zypan #hcl #digestion #thanksgiving #standardprocess #healthydigestion #guthealth #nhic #wellness #onthefrontlinesofwellness #holiday #healthstartshere
Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines 11 hrs · What are my teeth trying to tell me about my health?
Get your immune system in shape with medicinal mushrooms! AVIVAROMM.COM Medicinal Mushrooms: Fitness for Your Immune System - Aviva Romm MD
Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines December 1 at 10:20 AM · What is my skin trying to tell me? How the face map plus muscle testing gets to the root cause of skin issues.
Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines 14 hrs · Join us as we launch the Standard Process Inc. Detox and Purification Challenge 2021! Sign up for our virtual workshop here to get prepared! https://fb.me/e/zMGBnWdz Register for the challenge and be entered to win great prizes here: https://go.standardprocess.com/detox-purification-challenge #detox #purification #newyears2021 #standardprocess
Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines December 8 at 11:36 AM · What is my tongue telling me about my health?
It simply is. Be nourished. Be well.
Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines was live. December 7 at 12:48 PM · December specials and contests at NHIC!
Jess Milner at NHIC South Jersey 49 mins · Wild Yam is a favorite of many NHIC patients, and for good reason! This is not the same yam you typically pick up in the produce section and serve at holiday tables. This is usually found as a root, powder, liquid, or capsule. It's been used for centuries and is well known for its hormonal benefits (it can encourage the body to produce estrogen) Wild Yam... 💚 can help reduce hot flashes 💚 supports healthy digestion 💚 supports the gallbladder 💚 helps relieve joint pain 💚 can give you some energy 💚 helps regulate blood sugar 💚 improves cholesterol levels 💚 is anti-inflammatory 💚 is anti-spasmodic 💚 promotes healthy mood We have some wild yam options available in our office so ask about it at your next visit! #holisticnutrition #eatrealfood #nhicsouthjersey #healthstartshere #mediherb #standardprocess #herbalremedies #wildyam
Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines 16 hrs · What are my favorite books and what authors do I recommend?
Food doesn’t have to be fancy to be good or good for you. 💚Some of our favorite meals are simple. Baked chicken, sautéed green beans, and sweet potatoes for example. Seasoned well, they make a deliciously good meal. 💚Simple soups like chicken soup made with leftover baked chicken, carrots, celery, onion, garlic, salt, pepper, thyme, rice, and chicken stock. So easy and so delicious. 💚Frozen, wild-caught salmon baked in the oven served with steamed broccoli and wild rice. Fabulous! Think simple food. Think real food. Think good food. Eat to live! #goodfood #realfood #realhealth #healthy #fresh #wholefood #healthyfood #nutrientdense #simplefood #nhic #healthstartshere
Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines was live. December 14 at 7:35 PM · Join us as we kick off the Standard Process Inc. 21 or 28 Day Detox & Purification 2021!
Join our webinar tonight for our 2021 Detox challenge kick off! MON, DEC 14 New Year Purification, Detox, and Weight Management Challenge
We have experienced such beautiful stories of people who have overcome such adversity with their health and have turned it completely around within one year! Just think how healthy you can be in five years if you take it one year at a time! Never underestimate the power of the body’s ability to heal, or the power of determination. #healthstartshere
Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines 16 hrs · Happy Winter Solstice!
❄️☀️Happy Winter Solstice!☀️❄️ It’s the time of year when the light of the sun begins a new solar cycle. Today is the darkest night of the year as the sun’s strength builds and the days grow longer and longer. It’s a time to rest and reflect in the peace of the darkness knowing that the return of brighter days are coming. Solstice can mark the end of some things and the beginning of others. Take the time to soak it all in, breathe, write down things that no longer bring you peace or serve your highest and greatest good, celebrate the things and people that do, and look forward to the light and a brighter tomorrow! ❄️Happy Winter!❄️ #Solstice #WinterSolstice #Winter #Light #Rest #Reflect #Peace #Beginnings #GreatestGood #KeepMovingForward #BrighterTomorrow #Health #Healthy #MindBodySoul #Wellness #Happy #Happiness #NHIC #HealthStartsHere
Look for the opportunities...and believe.
We are in full on meal planning mode over here! These Meal Prep Tips for Less Holiday Stress will help you make the most of your Sundays. They’re so easy, anyone can do them! And they’ll make your life easier during this hectic time of year. REALLIFEOUTLAW.COM The Best Meal Prep Tips for Less Holiday Stress - Real Life Outlaws
How do you save time and your sanity during the holidays? Freezer meals! These delicious clean eating recipes are perfect for meal prep and planning, so they’ll save you time, money, and headaches this holiday season. Get Recipes From Sarah's Real Life Outlaw Blog Here: https://www.reallifeoutlaw.com/10-easy-make-ahead-freezer-meals-for-the-holidays/
Proverbs says, “as a person thinks, they are”. Overthinking isn’t the best for your mental health. It can create a reality that isn’t accurate, leading to anxiety and increased stress which is bad for your adrenals and your immune system. Take a breath. Calm your mind. Here are our favorite ways to stop the overthinking cycle. 😊Deep breathing 😊Meditating 😊Praying 😊Journaling 😊Talking a walk in nature 😊Sitting in the sunshine 😊Practicing gratitude 😊Drinking a cup of tea 😊Reading something positive and uplifting 😊Spending time with loved ones 😊Hanging out with a pet 😊Puttering around the kitchen cooking something amazing 😊Doing something for someone else 😊Making someone smile This time of year is a good time for a reset. Take steps to get control of your thoughts and shape your mind and reality towards things that nourish you, mind, body, and soul. #mentalhealth #overthinking #anxiety #positivemind #adrenalhealth #makesomeonesmiletoday #gratitude #nature #sunshine #wellness #reset #health #reality #realhealth #mind #body #soul #peace #innerpeace #proverbs #nhic #healthstartshere
Put your health first by coming to NHIC on the top of your list of things to do in 2021! You deserve better health! Call 856-667-6805 or email info@nhicsouthjersey.com to make an appointment to change your health today! Already a patient? Refer a friend and earn Clinic Cash! . . . . #nhicsouthjersey #cherryhill #nj #southjersey #newjersey #health #nutrition #nutritionist #nutritionresponsetesting #designedclinicalnutrition #standardprocess #wholefood #newyear #2021 #healthylifestyle #wellness #naturalhealth #nhic #healthstartshere
If there’s one thing we’ve learned this year it’s how short and fleeting life is. Don’t wait for “perfect” or wish your life away. Enjoy life now! Bloom where you are planted. Cultivate beautiful relationships, good health, and a sense of community. This IS your perfect! #healthstartshere
Wishing you peace and love, a very Merry Christmas, a Happy Holiday, and a beautiful day! From all of us at NHIC, May your day truly be Merry, Blessed, & Bright!
All is calm. All is bright.
The New Year is the best time to cleanse the body. Read the #purification and #weightloss quick start guide to see if this 28-day program is for you. Call our office if you would like to start on January 4th with our group. Download our guide: https://bit.ly/2Wk1yZt #detox #cleanse #purification #organic #wholefood #gentle #feelgreat #nhic #standardprocess #healthstartshere
What's your word of the year? Tell us what it is and why you chose it!
Wishing you health, togetherness, peace, and community this year! Happy New Year!
It’s the last day of 2020 and if someone told you you could only keep three of the things on this list going into 2021, what would they be?
There is still time to get in on the 2021 Detox Challenge! Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines was live. December 14, 2020 at 7:35 PM · Join us as we kick off the Standard Process Inc. 21 or 28 Day Detox & Purification 2021!
Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines 3 hrs · Introducing Ashwagandha Forte! You’ll want this in your life! #ashwagandha #adaptogen #mediherb #standardprocess #stressless #thinkbetter #immunesupport
Nutritional words of wisdom from Dr. Royal Lee.
Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines 22 hrs · Workshop run-down and specials at NHIC you won’t want to miss! We appreciate you!
Wellness Webinars are back! Here are all of our webinars for January. They are listed in central time and will be available via zoom link and also directly on Facebook live and recorded. All are welcome to attend!
Join us Monday for a very informative webinar on Thyroid Health! https://fb.me/e/3tkLmSQJ9 Sarah Outlaw was live. January 14, 2020 at 11:28 AM · Sauna Talk with Sarah! It’s thyroid health awareness month and we are going over some must hear information about overall endocrine and thyroid health! Tune in! People pay a lot to hear this type of info, and I am giving it to you for free! Natural Health Improvement Center of South Jersey Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines
Sarah Outlaw was live. December 31, 1969 at 6:00 PM · 🥑!!!Best Chocolate Avocado Pudding Recipe Ever!!!🥑 Eat fat, lose fat! How to make chocolate avocado 🥑 pudding with Sarah Outlaw, MH, MSACN Recipe: 6 organic avocados 🥑 1/2 cup organic full fat coconut 🥥 milk to desired thickness 4 TBS coconut 🥥 oil 2 tsp - ish of vanilla extract 2 scoops Collagen peptides 1/4 cup real, organic maple 🍁 syrup to taste 1/2 cup organic cacao powder A pinch of sea salt or pink salt Blend in a high powered blender, taste to see if you like it (take two bites...the first is always weird), and chill for a minimum 30 minutes. Enjoy! Natural Health Improvement Center of South Jersey Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines Real Life Outlaw
Natural Health Improvement Center of South Jersey January 19, 2020 at 7:57 PM · All cleanses are not created equal, and neither are protein powders. That's why we at NHIC use Standard Process Inc. SP Complete (& Dairy Free), Detox Balance, and Veg-Pro Complete. Whole food nutrition for a cleanse or every day. Available at our offices. Basic Shake Recipe: * 1-1 1/2 cups of veggies & fruit * 1 TBS coconut oil * 2 rounded scoops (TBS) of any Standard Process protein powder * 1 cup water or coconut milk * ice cubes to thicken (optional) Then build from there! Blend & Enjoy! #standardprocess #sppurification #detoxchallenge #realhealth #nutrition #nhicsouthjersey #nutritionresponsetesting #matchmypressure #healthstartshere
Did you know we help with fertility, prenatal, and postnatal nutrition? We have helped many couples realize they’re dream of having children over the years! We do require that both partners be on a program with us when pregnancy is the goal. There’s a lot that goes into it including finding stressor in both partners, testing for nutrition, and making sure all deficiencies and imbalances are handled. We are here for you every step of the way. Let us help you through your fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum journey! Contact us to get started! #fertility #familyplanning #infertility #prenatal #pregnancy #pregnancyplanning #naturalfertility #naturalfamilyplanning #naturalpregnancy #paleopregnancy #prenatalnutrition #healthyfertility #prenatalnutrition #functionalnutrition #nutritionresponsetesting #rootcausenutrition #nhic #healthstartshere
Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines was live. January 18 at 7:31 PM · What is Nutrition Response Testing? Getting to the Root Cause of Symptoms.
Join us tonight via webinar or facebook live for the workshop that started it all! Learn what exactly Nutrition Response Testing is, the methodology and science behind it, and how we use it at NHIC as our main modality to get to the root cause of symptoms. Invite your friends and family as a tool for you to help explain what it is that we do that is sweeping the nation with better health and real results! 7:30 CST/8:30 EST. https://fb.me/e/6pbGLu7I8
Sarah Outlaw was live. January 18, 2020 at 10:25 AM · Toxic Beauty...bedroom chat with Sarah. Natural Health Improvement Center of South Jersey Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines Real Life Outlaw Better, Safer Beauty by Sarah Outlaw
We all do better when we support each other as friends, family, community, and humans. Take the time to lift someone else up and encourage them today!
Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines 15 hrs · Level up your health at NHIC! New testing available!
✨Get your sparkle back!✨ Being sick dims your sparkle! Whether it be digestive issues, allergies, skin issues, anxiety, depression, autoimmune disease or any other chronic health issue, it’s difficult to be the you you’re meant to be! Through Nutrition Response Testing and Designed Clinical Nutrition, we are able to find the root causes of your health issues and make the corrections needed so you can heal from the inside out. You can get your sparkle back with NHIC! Book an appointment to change your health! #nhicsouthjersey #cherryhillnj #cherryhill #southjersey #newjersey #nj #realhealth #nutrition #nutritionist #nutritionresponsetesting #health #liveyourbestlife #healthy #mediherb #sparkle #shine #rootcausenutrition #standardprocess #echinacea #herbs #herbalist #herbaltherapy #herbalmedicine #therapeutic #naturalhealth #holistic #holistichealth #alternativemedicine #nhic #onthefrontlinesofwellness #healthstartshere
At Natural Health Improvement Centers of South Jersey and Des Moines we use cutting edge muscle testing technology to get to the root cause of your health issues quickly and efficiently, then design an individualized plan of action to get you on your path to better health. WWW.NHICSOUTHJERSEY.COM Nutrition Response Testing® Natural Health Improvement Center of South Jersey January 25, 2018 at 7:22 PM · At Natural Health Improvement Center of South Jersey, your health is our priority. We offer safe, natural solutions for many health problems. Call us at 856-667-6805 to make an appointment to change your health today! www.nhicsouthjersey.com
Join us in wishing Jess Milner at NHIC South Jersey a very Happy Birthday today! 🎂🎈🎊🎁 We are so grateful for the real healthcare she provides our community at NHIC!
At NHIC our goal is never to overhaul your whole diet. Instead, it’s to teach you how to be more mindful of the foods you eat to nourish your body. Eat to live! #EatToLive #Nourished #Wellness #WellnessLifestyle #MindfulEating #FeedTheSoul #NourishLifestyle #HealthStartsInTheKitchen #Nutrition #WholeFood #HealthyFood #HealthyEating #Keto #Paleo #Lowcarb #NutrientDense #Mediterranean #EatHealthy #GrainFree #GlutenFree #HealthyFats #EatYourVeggies #NHIC #RealLifeOutlaw #HealthStartsHere
Natural Health Improvement Center of South Jersey January 30, 2019 at 9:44 AM · What the heck is she doing? It's called Nutrition Response Testing and it's a non-invasive way of testing the body for food sensitivities, immune system challenges, metals, chemicals, molds, and other toxins. Just like an allergist does a patch test or scratch test to find sensitivities, Nutrition Response Testing uses the body's own reflexes to accurately determine if there is something stressing out the nervous system and causing symptoms. We then use nutrition to make the corrections so that the body can begin to start the self-healing process. This proprietary method of testing is super accurate and very effective. We have helped thousands of people get their health back, and we can help you too! Call today! 856-667-6805 For more information and FAQs please visit our website: www.nhicsouthjersey.com Muscle Testing Research: ONE Research Foundation: http://bit.ly/2DMH1US BMC: http://bit.ly/2Trx8Bh E-Touch for Health http://bit.ly/2HHeJyP #muscletesting #kinesiology #nutritionresponsetesting #standardprocess
Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines January 29 at 1:25 PM · Introducing new functional hormone testing available at NHIC!
Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines 12 hrs · Your health is not found behind a 😷, at the end of a 💉, or at the bottom of a 💊 bottle. Find out where real health is!
High praise for NHIC! This is what we expect when we help our patients get to the root cause of their symptoms. Health really does start here!
Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines February 4 at 1:35 PM · Mold in the bedroom? You’ll never guess where we are finding it!
Gut health matters! Standard Process Inc. #standardprocess BLOG.STANDARDPROCESS.COM Top 7 Reasons Why Your Gut’s Microbiome Health Matters
Our goal is not to have a waiting list practice. Our goal is not for people to have to wait to get in to see us. Our goal is to get people on our schedule to get the real health help they need as soon as possible. Our front desk is working hard to get all new patients who call for an appointment in either the same week if at all possible, or the following week. We even expand hours as needed to accommodate. Your health is important. You shouldn’t have to wait to get it taken care of! #health #realhealth #physicalhealth #mentalhealth #socialwellbeing #nutrition #wellness #functionalhealth #nhic #functionalnutrition #rootcausenutrition #nutritionresponsetesting #onthefrontlinesofwellness #healthstartshere
Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines February 10 at 10:33 AM · Why CellCore Biosciences is our #1 choice for our toughest Lyme, parasite, mold, and heavy metal cases. A little more about each of our favorite, game-changing products and how we as Advanced Celllcore Practitioners are using them at NHIC.
The office is closed today for inclement weather. Stay warm!
Good reminder! Derek A Henry 22 hrs · A big problem. Seriously.
We would actually flip that around to say, nutrition is your king, and exercise is your queen. But that’s just us Nutritionists being biased! ;)
Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines was live. February 16 at 7:31 PM · The Parasite Workshop that got everyone grossed out and talking!
There’s still time! #makesomeonesmiletoday
Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines 23 hrs · Mind, Mood, & Memory!
At NHIC we are Happily Holistic! We take a whole body, holistic approach to health and nutrition. You’re not just a gallbladder, or a stomach, or a liver. You are the sum of all your parts and all those parts work together. Let us help you get to the root cause of your symptoms holistically and help get you on the path to real health! Contact us to book an appointment! .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ #wellness #wellnessjourney #well #holistichealth #holistic #holisticwellness #holisticliving #realhealth #functionalfitness #functionalhealth #wellnesslifestyle #newjersey #newjerseynutrition #southjersey #nj #southjerseymoms #newjerseymoms #realhealth #cherryhill #cherryhillnj #nhic #nhicsouthjersey #onthefrontlinesofwellness #healthstartshere
Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines was live. February 22 at 7:30 PM · Why Are My Adrenals Freaking Out!?!
Calm the stress down! Our Adrenal Health Virtual Workshop is Tonight! Watch live on FB https://fb.me/e/4WS6TIXsv (link also in instagram profile) or register for the zoom link. See you there! #adrenalfatigue
Sarah Outlaw February 21 at 6:26 PM · How Titan’s life was saved holistically with the tools I have in my toolbox and with the guidance of Dr. Cameron Moorehead and Nutrition Response Testing once we could get him home. #nutritionresponsetesting #energetix #standardprocess
Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines was live. 8 hrs · Digestion 101: What You Need to Know NOW!
Sarah Outlaw was live. 16 hrs · Do you know where your supplements and vitamins come from? This information may shock you! Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines Natural Health Improvement Center of South Jersey
#Repost Jess Milner at NHIC South Jersey ・・・ How can we help your family? Well, lots of ways! We get to the root cause of many health problems like skin rashes, headaches, digestive issues, unexplained weight loss or gain, hair loss, chronic allergy symptoms, and so much more! Come see just how amazing our non-invasive testing can help you feel! #holisticnutrition #eatrealfood #nhicsouthjersey #healthstartshere #rootcause #truehealthcare #matchmypressure
This article from 2017 popped up in my memories today because we’ve been talking about it for quite a while now. It’s only getting worse as more and more people younger and younger are being diagnosed with colon and rectal cancers. Get a handle on your digestion ASAP! Join us tonight for our in-depth Digestion 101 Workshop. Sign up here: https://fb.me/e/3C4rJOwzM NYTIMES.COM Colon and Rectal Cancers Rising in Young People (Published 2017)
All Disease Begins in the Gut, and so does All Health! Digestion is the process in which all the food you eat is broken down so the body can utilize the nutrients. Gut issues as simple as a stomach ache after eating, to gas, bloating, burping, SIBO, H. pylori, IBS, Gastritis, Chron's, and others are not normal! They have a root cause! Join us to learn about the importance of digestion, how it impacts your health, and what can impede your digestive abilities. We are breaking it all down for you in this all new, highly informative never-before-shared workshop Join our vitrual workshop via zoom (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86568336989) or facebook on Monday, March 1st at 7:30pm Central. See you there!
Don't forget to watch our Fertility, Pregnancy, and Postpartum workshop tomorrow night! I'll be covering this very controversial subject and so much more!!! https://fb.me/e/Hi9v4NdY YAHOO.COM Study: Drinking Caffeine While Pregnant Worse For Kids Than Once Thought
Find a friend you can get cuttings from and go plant crazy! BALCONYGARDENWEB.COM 24 Hanging Basket Plants You can Grow from Cuttings
Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines March 5 at 9:39 AM · Inflammation! The root of all that ails you.
A healthy pregnancy and postpartum begins before conception! In this highly informative virtual workshop, Sarah Outlaw, MH, MSACN will help you navigate through everything you need to know about healthy fertility, conception, pregnancy, and postpartum. We will focus on hormones and nutritional needs so that you can have the healthiest pregnancy possible and avoid postpartum issues. Join us virtually via zoom or facebook. https://fb.me/e/Hi9v4NdY See you there! #fertility #naturalfamilyplanning #naturalcycles #takechargeofyourfertility #naturalpregnancy #healthypostartum #wellness #prenatal #postnatal #postpartum #postpartumdepression #healthybaby #pregnancynutrition #fertilityfoods #rootcausenutrition #healthymama #nhic #healthstartshere
The next time you’re thinking about getting a B12 shot, consider this: Each mL of sterile aqueous solution contains: Cyanocobalamin (B12) 1000 mcg with sodium chloride 0.22% w/v, ammonium sulfate 0.1% w/v, citric acid 0.01% w/v, sodium citrate 0.008% w/v, and benzyl alcohol 1.0% v/v (preservative). “Cyanocobalamin injection contains aluminum, and aluminum toxicity may occur with prolonged administration in high-risk patients, including those with renal impairment and premature neonates.” I don’t know about you but I would much rather take a B12 supplement sourced from food than get injected with aluminum and other cleaning product ingredients. Educate before you allow things to be injected into your body, even vitamins! #educate #foodasmedicine #b12 #toxic #b12shot #vitamins #wholefood #nhic #healthstartshere
Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines 3 hrs · Gallbladder’s attack!!! Yes you read that right.
More high praise this week for NHIC South Jersey! We love getting to the root cause of health issues and we love our patients! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “I have been seeing Sarah and her practitioners for over a year now and have experienced great results! They are very knowledgeable, and have helped me through a variety of issues!” -S.S.
Our Practitioners are Top Notch! Here’s what a patient had to say about Abigail Arculeo at NHIC South Jersey! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “Abbi was just fantastic. She took the time to answer our questions and she did not rush us out. Highly recommend Abbi to all!” -M.S.
Things like this are what we see every day with our patients! shared from Eating, Elevated. Eating, Elevated. March 11 at 2:56 PM · Repeat after me: THERE’S 👏🏼 NO 👏🏼 SUCH 👏🏼 THING 👏🏼 AS COLIC 👏🏼 (Or eczema for that matter). There’s always a root cause. This parasite here.. about a foot long when measured, came out of a 4 month old. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
This poses an interesting challenge in practice as we test for chemicals daily. We have to keep updating our testing in order to detect the new chemicals constantly infiltrating our bodies. PHYS.ORG Study finds evidence of 55 new chemicals in people
Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines 19 hrs · Introducing the new Microbiome test by Standard Process Inc. available at our office! #standardprocess #microbiome #guthealth
Introducing the new Microbiome test by Standard Process Inc. available at our office! #standardprocess #microbiome #guthealth
Sarah Outlaw March 23, 2018 at 4:16 PM · Patient “complained” of irritability, joint pain, and overall discomfort. I tested her and was able to pinpoint specific issues contributing to her symptoms. I was able to offer nutritional support so that she can feel better soon! This is the beauty of what I do! #nutritionresponsetesting #farmvisit #nutritionalsupport #ilovemyjob Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines Natural Health Improvement Center of South Jersey
Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines Yesterday at 12:05 PM · Spring Clean YOU! Join us! https://fb.me/e/1ftN8gIbN
Spring is finally here! It's time to Spring Clean YOU! Join us in the community education room of our Des Moines office space (or virtually) for our much anticipated Spring Cleanse, Detoxifcation, Purification, and Weight Management Workshop! In this workshop you will learn how to: - Remove Toxins - Manage Weight - Reduce Stress - Have Clearer Skin - Sleep Better - Think Clearer - Cleanse the Right Way - and more! Learn How to Purify, Nourish, and Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle and Body Weight! Attend live in Des Moines or watch virtually via zoom (https://fb.me/e/1ftN8gIbN) or our Facebook page. Thank you! See you there!
Nutrition Response Testing Works! Jeanne M Barry Yesterday at 8:25 AM · Does anyone recognize this famous woman? She did Nutrition Response Testing to get her health back on track. She has the means and resources to have done anything. She choose this. Doesn’t work for everyone but the people it does work for, I’ve seen nothing better! Beyond that, I’ve seen miracles in my office, many times over. 😊


Company name
Natural Health Improvement Center of South Jersey
Alternative and Non-traditional Medicine


  • What is the phone number for Natural Health Improvement Center of South Jersey in Cherry Hill NJ?
    You can reach them at: 856-667-6805. It’s best to call Natural Health Improvement Center of South Jersey during business hours.
  • What is the address for Natural Health Improvement Center of South Jersey on kings highway north in Cherry Hill?
    Natural Health Improvement Center of South Jersey is located at this address: 1020 Kings Highway North Cherry Hill, NJ 08034.