Natures Earthly Way

(on parkview drive)
Shopping in Saint Peters, MO


Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours


5 Parkview Drive
Saint Peters, MO


Whether you are a veteran of living off-grid, or new to the world of earth-friendly toilets, we invite you to visit our shop.
We are located in St. Peters, Missouri, about 30 miles from St. Louis. Please call and make an appointment to stop by and see our composting toilets in action.


Natures Earthly Way Photo


If you’re reading this, that means you’re probably interested in ways to lower your impact on the earth. We feel the same! Here’s a quick list to go through to make sure you’re doing what you can to lighten your footprint:
Why are so many people choosing to switch to a composting toilet? We can think of many reasons. First and foremost, it’s kinder to the earth. Moreover, it’s easy to install and use. Add to that the fact that it reduces your monthly expenses and we hope we’ve got you convinced! Want to learn more? Visit our website and get all your questions answered!
It’s never been a better time to make changes to your life that are better for the environment. We’re pleased to be a part of this movement and happy to encourage people to begin using earth friendly composting toilets! We’ve got all the information you might want on our website about how they work and what you need to get started. Now’s the time!
Do you have a yen for life on the sea? If you’ve ever seriously considered leaving your house behind and settling into living on a boat, take a look at this article from Discover Boating to see if it’s truly the right fit!
Are you the proud owner of a tiny home? If so, we’re sure you’re already committed to the idea of minimizing your carbon footprint and living more consciously. We’d love to offer you more information about composting toilets and how they might just be a perfect match for your eco lifestyle!
Composting toilets are an appealing alternative to a wide range of people, from RV enthusiasts to those interested in lessening their impact on the earth. We love helping everyone learn more about how they can join the composting toilet movement and help the environment! Take a look at our website to start gathering the information you need to make the switch!
If you’re already familiar with composting toilets, you know how great they are for our planet and how helpful they are in keeping monthly bills low. We’d love to introduce you to the Nature’s Head Self-Contained Composting Toilet! We’ve taken a great idea and made it better with its intuitive and easy-to-use design. Take a look at our brochure and give us a call if you have any questions!
Oh, how we love to celebrate good news about the environment! We just found this article from The Daily Climate about the 81% increase of solar power in schools. We need more and more focus on alternative, green energy and environmentally friendly practices! Take a look at the article for a pick-me-up:
We know that sometimes, folks are uncertain where to start with composting toilets. There can be a lot of questions about how they work, what to expect, how to install them, and more. We want to support people curious about making the transition by supplying them with as much access to information as possible! Our website has an FAQ section, a How They Work section, and a link to a YouTube channel filled with informational videos. Plus, you can always call us to speak to one of our team directly. We’ve got answers for you!
Calling all RV enthusiasts! Have you switched to a composting toilet yet? It’s incredibly convenient and fits perfectly into your lifestyle! At Nature’s Earthly Way, we have designed the most efficient and progressive design and our fans are raving over it. Want to learn more?
We get so much inspiration from thoughtful communities working their hardest to improve the world’s environment. We’ve been searching for some inspirational blogs to follow and found this list full of great ideas. Join us in learning more about how to soften our impact on the world:
Would you like to read up on how the Nature’s Head Composting Toilet works and get all the details you’ll need to install one in your home? We’d love to send you more information about our wonderful product. Head to our website to find multiple ways to receive a brochure:
We can think of countless reasons to switch to using a composting toilet, but this article from has narrowed it down to five convincing benefits, and we couldn’t agree more:
Have you visited our online shop recently? If you’re searching for an alternative Nature’s Head Composting Toilet handle, vents and vent accessories, extra bottles or bases, and much more, you’ll want to head there directly. Our wide selection of products is sure to meet all your needs! Take a look:
Calling all tiny home enthusiasts! Are you using a composting toilet for your house? We can’t recommend this option enough. Not only will it add to the lowered impact you have on the environment, it’s also a great way to save money on monthly utility costs. Learn more on our website!
The number one question we get about the Nature’s Head Self-Contained Composting Toilet is about odor. It’s understandable that this is a major concern for people interested in our product so let us assure you, they do not smell! If you’re curious about how they work, we welcome you to either call us or visit our website, which is packed full of information:
This year has been hard, no doubt, but it has also been helpful in the way of assisting people to zero in on their priorities. What’s truly important to you as you look at the decisions you make? For us, this is a simple question. We’re always interested in finding ways to live closer to nature and to reduce our impacts. Our composting toilet model has helped us and countless others to realize that goal. Want to learn more?
Do you have questions about how composting toilets work? Or are you wondering if you can install one in your basement? We’ve got answers to these and more questions on our website. Take a look over our FAQ and How They Work pages for a wealth of information and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions for us!
At Nature’s Earthly Way, we’re big fans of the planet. Our toilet design, the Nature’s Head Self-Contained Composting Toilet, is a great example of our devotion. This model is the best one on the market and the most environmentally friendly way to dispose of your waste. Want to join in our mission to lessen the impact on our earth?
The spookiest night of the year is upon us! We hope you all have a safe and enjoyable Halloween this year!
If you’re anything like us, the term Carbon Footprint was just a buzzword until we truly investigated it. Have you ever wondered exactly what this means and how you participate in it? We did some research and found this article with great information on the topic:
"How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes!" -- Maya Angelou We’re enthusiastically grateful for all those who have bravely served our country! Thank you, veterans!
Are you thinking of transitioning your life to include more sustainability? We’d like to introduce you to the Nature’s Head Self-Contained Composting Toilet. This odor-free waterless waste containment product is not only easy to use but offers your household the opportunity of making less of an impact on the environment. Head to our website to read more:
We’re living in interesting times. According to an article from The Washington Post, at least one million Americans are living full time in RVs. How has living on the road improved people’s lives? We enjoyed reading through the post to learn more:
We really believe in our product and that’s enough for us, but it does feel encouraging when others recognize our work, too! The Nature’s Head Self-Contained Composting Toilet landed in first place for Best Composting Toilets 2020 from Tiny House, Huge Ideas! Thanks for the positive review!
If you’ve been curious about making the switch to a composting toilet but unsure how it might suit your lifestyle, we recommend taking a look at the Testimonials page on our website. We’ve featured several reviews which we think provide helpful insight to what it’s like to use the Nature’s Head Self-Contained Composting Toilet! Take a look and let us know if you have any questions:
Would you like to receive more information about our composting toilet? We’ve got a brochure packed with all the information you need to make the switch to a waste management system gentler on the earth. Give us a call with your mailing address or fill out the form on our website and we’ll get reading material in the mail to you!
Happy Thanksgiving! We’re grateful for so much today; friends, family, community, and pumpkin pie. We hope you have a fun and filling day!
If you’ve made the decision to switch to a composting toilet and are preparing to install one in your home, you’ll want to stop by the Specifications page on our website. We’ve got all of the dimensions and features listed there to help get you set up for our product!
Among many things, this year has been a time to reflect on the way we live our lives and make conscious choices about ways in which we want to change and grow. Have you been interested in investing in a more eco-friendly household system? A composting toilet is one of the best ways to move forward into the future by making less of an impact on the environment. Take a look at our website to learn more about these wonderful products and let us know if you have any questions:
When people start getting serious about switching to a composting toilet, there are bound to be many important questions which arise. We understand the need for good answers and helpful information, so we’ve created an FAQ page on our site. Read through to get the answers you need and if you find you have more questions, don’t hesitate to call!
Are you more of a visual learner? We’ve got a page on our website devoted to videos which help to explain composting toilets, how they work, why they are beneficial, what to expect when you make the switch, and much more. Take a look!
Ready for some big changes? If you’re thinking of converting your life to live on the road, you can’t go wrong with a composting toilet! The Nature’s Earthly Way model is the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly option. Take a look at our website and give us a call for more information!
While this year has been extraordinarily challenging, we’re glad to see more and more people becoming interested in composting toilets and choosing to use them. This kind of upswing is what we need to make meaningful changes to our planet and help lower our carbon footprints. To all of our community, new and old, thank you for investing in our planet’s health!
Taking things one day at a time right now is helpful, given all we’re up against. But it’s important to remember that we’ll need to shift our focus towards repairing the earth once the pandemic is over. We found this article about sustainability enlightening and we’re all for this kind of investigation and action at Nature’s Earthly Way!
We’re so grateful to the wonderful customers who have left glowing testimonials about the Nature’s Head Self-Contained Composting Toilets! This valuable feedback has helped others get a sense of what it means to switch to a composting toilet and how accessible it is to everyone. Thank you!
Have you heard about composting toilets and are looking for more information? We’re glad you found us! Our website is packed full of answers to how these wonderful products work and how to prepare to bring one into your life. Take a look:
If you’re interested in moving into a tiny home but unsure how to prepare, you’re not alone. Downsizing your possessions means placing a priority on quality, not quantity, and getting creative about storage. One of the best things to do in order to really prepare is to get advice from people who’ve already been through the transition, like the folks in this article:
Looking for information about the dimensions of our product, the Nature’s Head Self-Contained Composting Toilet? We want you to be fully prepared to install your new toilet with all details necessary for a smooth transition. Head to our website to take a look at our Specifications page and be sure to give us a call if you need any further information!
It’s relatively easy these days to get flooded with grim news. That’s why we’re always happy to share positive updates for our world! Take a look at this list of good news for our environment:
From everyone at Nature’s Earthly Way, we want to wish you a happy holiday! However you celebrate, we hope you’re safe and healthy, happy and rested!
Have you visited our online store? Whether you’re thinking of using a composting toilet or have been for a while, we’ve got great products to enhance your experience! Aside from our composting toilet product, we have replacement parts and upgrades to look through. Hop on over to our website to browse:
From the whole team at Nature’s Earthly Way, we hope everyone has a Happy New Year! With everything this past year put us through, we are grateful to be moving onto a brighter and more hopeful era. Cheers!
On the fence about composting toilets? We get it. It’s definitely a significant change in your life but it’s one that we feel you’ll be glad you’ve made. Our website has some lovely testimonials from folks who have made the choice to use our product and we think it can help shed some light on how this improves your life!
Is reducing your carbon footprint on your list of goals for the upcoming year? There are a lot of ways you can change how your life affects the environment and one of them is to make the switch to a composting toilet! Nature’s Earthly Way can help with all the information, details, and our top-rated composting toilet product. Head to our website to learn more!
At Nature’s Earthly Way, we are big fans of conserving our water usage. Beyond composting toilets, there are so many ways to achieve this that are accessible to most households. From turning off the water while you brush your teeth to opting for a bath instead of a shower, there are many things you can do each day. Take a look at this article for more ideas:
You may have heard many great things about composting toilets, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re ready to make the switch. We understand you might still have questions and want more information. We’ve got a handy “How They Work” page on our website that can offer you the answers you’re looking for:
If you’re anything like us, a fresh year also feels like a fresh start. Among all the wonderful things you plan to do this year, we hope you’ll include reducing your impact on the earth by utilizing more sustainable practices in your home. The Nature’s Head Self-Contained Composting Toilet can help you achieve that goal! Take a look at our website to learn more:
Are you wondering if you can install our composting toilet in your basement? Or whether you need to keep the fan running at all time? Or perhaps you’re wondering about the difference between composting toilets and compostable toilets? We have all of these and more questions answered on our FAQ page. Please take a look and let us know if you’re looking for any further information!
Are you following us on Instagram? We’d love to connect with you there! Stay up to date on our wonderful product, the Nature’s Head Self-Contained Composting Toilet and join our environmentally conscious community!
Are you in the process of moving your life onto a boat? Or perhaps you’re transitioning to living in an RV or tiny home? Well, we’d love to support your minimalism move by offering you the perks of a composting toilet. Take a look at our website to learn more about why this product is the perfect addition to your life:
“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” -Martin Luther King Jr. We want to wish everyone a Happy Martine Luther King Day! We are always so encouraged and humbled by the incredible strength behind his messages and today, we are taking time and space to honor him.
It’s true, the Airstream life is for us. Have you ever been inspired to remodel one of these beautiful campers into a living space? First, we’re glad to tell you that you can install a composting toilet very easily into your van life. Second, if you’re looking for inspiration, we’ve always got ideas. Take a look:
“Is the Nature’s Earthly Way a compostable toilet?” We’re glad you asked! The term “compostable” actually refers to object or material that is able to be composted. Instead, our product is a composting toilet, meaning that it does the work of composting the materials within it. For more answers to your questions, visit our website’s FAQ page!
2021 could be a great year to switch to some habits that cut down your carbon footprint. Want some inspiration to get you started? From reducing your water usage by switching to a composting toilet to investing in an electric car, there are countless ways to be gentler on the earth! This article has some further inspiration:
Are you in the process of moving your life onto a boat? Or perhaps you’re transitioning to living in an RV or tiny home? Well, we’d love to support your minimalism move by offering you the perks of a composting toilet. Take a look at our website to learn more about why this product is the perfect addition to your life:
“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” -Martin Luther King Jr. We want to wish everyone a Happy Martine Luther King Day! We are always so encouraged and humbled by the incredible strength behind his messages and today, we are taking time and space to honor him.
It’s true, the Airstream life is for us. Have you ever been inspired to remodel one of these beautiful campers into a living space? First, we’re glad to tell you that you can install a composting toilet very easily into your van life. Second, if you’re looking for inspiration, we’ve always got ideas. Take a look:
Every day is a great day to adopt more habits that are friendly to the environment. There are some more obvious ones that many people are aware of but what else can we do? From consolidating weekly errands into one trip, starting a compost pile, finding your local food kitchen, to reusing packaging from online orders, there’s an abundance of ideas for how we can all participate further! Take a look at this article for inspiration:
Are you looking for a composting toilet in Missouri? You’ve come to the right place! At Nature’s Earthly Way, we have developed the number one product in this market, the Nature’s Head Composting Toilet! To learn more and find out how to purchase and install one in your home, visit our website!
“Is the Nature’s Earthly Way a compostable toilet?” We’re glad you asked! The term “compostable” actually refers to object or material that is able to be composted. Instead, our product is a composting toilet, meaning that it does the work of composting the materials within it. For more answers to your questions, visit our website’s FAQ page!
2021 could be a great year to switch to some habits that cut down your carbon footprint. Want some inspiration to get you started? From reducing your water usage by switching to a composting toilet to investing in an electric car, there are countless ways to be gentler on the earth! This article has some further inspiration:
Are you in the process of moving your life onto a boat? Or perhaps you’re transitioning to living in an RV or tiny home? Well, we’d love to support your minimalism move by offering you the perks of a composting toilet. Take a look at our website to learn more about why this product is the perfect addition to your life:
“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” -Martin Luther King Jr. We want to wish everyone a Happy Martine Luther King Day! We are always so encouraged and humbled by the incredible strength behind his messages and today, we are taking time and space to honor him.
Take it from the National Park Service, composting toilets are a great idea! They have been huge fans of these products for quite a while, with one set of toilets in the Northern Cascades National Park that have been successfully operated for almost 30 years! Want to read more?
Looking for the best composting toilet on the market? Nature’s Earthly Way can help! As a distributor of the Nature’s Head Self-Contained Composting Toilet, we’ve got the top-rated product available today. We’d love to talk to you about the benefits of this toilet and give you an idea of what’s involved with making the switch. Give us a call anytime:
We’re proud to tell our customers that the Nature’s Head Self-Contained Composting Toilet is made in the USA. With its progressive, user-friendly design and so many positive reviews from satisfied customers, it really is the best option for those looking to implement healthier home systems! Take a look at our website for more information:
Every day is a great day to adopt more habits that are friendly to the environment. There are some more obvious ones that many people are aware of but what else can we do? From consolidating weekly errands into one trip, starting a compost pile, finding your local food kitchen, to reusing packaging from online orders, there’s an abundance of ideas for how we can all participate further! Take a look at this article for inspiration:
Are you looking for a composting toilet in Missouri? You’ve come to the right place! At Nature’s Earthly Way, we have developed the number one product in this market, the Nature’s Head Composting Toilet! To learn more and find out how to purchase and install one in your home, visit our website!
“Is the Nature’s Earthly Way a compostable toilet?” We’re glad you asked! The term “compostable” actually refers to object or material that is able to be composted. Instead, our product is a composting toilet, meaning that it does the work of composting the materials within it. For more answers to your questions, visit our website’s FAQ page!
Are you thinking about living in an RV? We love hearing about all the benefits included with making this switch. From paying off your home in a year or two, to spending more time outdoors and having the ability to travel easily, there are so many reasons to embrace this lifestyle. This couple illuminates what they’ve learned from life in an RV:
If you’re gearing up to install a composting toilet from Nature’s Earthly Way in your home, boat, or RV, our website is a great resource! With information about the dimensions, all the features included in the purchase, and detailed illustrations of the components, you’ll find the information you need to prepare for this product! Take a look:
Do you have questions about how composting toilets work or how to maintain your product from Nature’s Earthly Way? We’ve compiled a helpful FAQ section on our website to help you find quick answers to any query that might come up. As always, if you need further information, we’re always here to help:
Take it from the National Park Service, composting toilets are a great idea! They have been huge fans of these products for quite a while, with one set of toilets in the Northern Cascades National Park that have been successfully operated for almost 30 years! Want to read more?
Looking for the best composting toilet on the market? Nature’s Earthly Way can help! As a distributor of the Nature’s Head Self-Contained Composting Toilet, we’ve got the top-rated product available today. We’d love to talk to you about the benefits of this toilet and give you an idea of what’s involved with making the switch. Give us a call anytime:
We’re proud to tell our customers that the Nature’s Head Self-Contained Composting Toilet is made in the USA. With its progressive, user-friendly design and so many positive reviews from satisfied customers, it really is the best option for those looking to implement healthier home systems! Take a look at our website for more information:
We love our planet! Our work is designed to go hand in hand with the environment by reducing water consumption with the use of our composting toilet. Choosing to switch to this method of waste management means committing to lowering your impact on the earth. Want to learn more?
Whether you’ve heard of composting toilets and have been thinking of investing in one, or if you’re new to these products, we invite you to visit our website to learn more. We’ve laid out lots of useful information to help get you started on the right foot!
Are you thinking about living in an RV? We love hearing about all the benefits included with making this switch. From paying off your home in a year or two, to spending more time outdoors and having the ability to travel easily, there are so many reasons to embrace this lifestyle. This couple illuminates what they’ve learned from life in an RV:
If you’re gearing up to install a composting toilet from Nature’s Earthly Way in your home, boat, or RV, our website is a great resource! With information about the dimensions, all the features included in the purchase, and detailed illustrations of the components, you’ll find the information you need to prepare for this product! Take a look:
Do you have questions about how composting toilets work or how to maintain your product from Nature’s Earthly Way? We’ve compiled a helpful FAQ section on our website to help you find quick answers to any query that might come up. As always, if you need further information, we’re always here to help:
Take it from the National Park Service, composting toilets are a great idea! They have been huge fans of these products for quite a while, with one set of toilets in the Northern Cascades National Park that have been successfully operated for almost 30 years! Want to read more?
Have you heard of compostable and composting toilets and are wondering what the difference is? Well, one is the correct term and the other isn’t! “Compostable” means that something can be composted, such as food scraps. “Composting”, on the other hand, refers to the method or tool that facilitates the process of composting. You probably wouldn’t want to invest in a compostable toilet because after a few weeks or months, you’d find only dirt left in your bathroom! Instead, take a look at our composting toilets at Nature’s Earthly Way:
If you’ve ever wondered how composting toilets work, we’ve got the answers! We have a convenient, “How They Work” page on our website which provides a clear definition of what they are and how composting toilets function. Give it a read and don’t hesitate to reach out with any further questions!
Are you ready to make the switch to a composting toilet? You’ve come to the right place. Nature’s Earthly Way is your one-stop-shop for all the information and resources you could possibly want on this topic! Visit our website for details, videos, frequently asked questions, and more:
A huge thank you goes out to Tiny House, Huge Ideas for voting the Nature’s Head Self-Contained Composting Toilet the best composting toilet of 2021! We really appreciate your thorough and kind review!
Have you heard of compostable and composting toilets and are wondering what the difference is? Well, one is the correct term and the other isn’t! “Compostable” means that something can be composted, such as food scraps. “Composting”, on the other hand, refers to the method or tool that facilitates the process of composting. You probably wouldn’t want to invest in a compostable toilet because after a few weeks or months, you’d find only dirt left in your bathroom! Instead, take a look at our composting toilets at Nature’s Earthly Way:
If you’ve ever wondered how composting toilets work, we’ve got the answers! We have a convenient, “How They Work” page on our website which provides a clear definition of what they are and how composting toilets function. Give it a read and don’t hesitate to reach out with any further questions!
At Nature’s Earthly Way, we care a lot about the health of our environment. It can feel overwhelming to be faced with the kind of difficulties we’re dealing with today so we found this article with some action steps you can take right now! Take a look:
We love our planet! Our work is designed to go hand in hand with the environment by reducing water consumption with the use of our composting toilet. Choosing to switch to this method of waste management means committing to lowering your impact on the earth. Want to learn more?
Composting toilets are the natural solution to our planet’s waste problems and the word is spreading! We just saw an article from ABC News that discusses this exactly! We’re so glad more and more folks are joining our enthusiasm for these wonderful products!
Do you have questions about how composting toilets work? Or are you wondering the best way to install one in your RV? For answers to these questions and many more, we invite you to reach out to us or use our website as a resource:
Are you ready to make the switch to a composting toilet? You’ve come to the right place. Nature’s Earthly Way is your one-stop-shop for all the information and resources you could possibly want on this topic! Visit our website for details, videos, frequently asked questions, and more:
A huge thank you goes out to Tiny House, Huge Ideas for voting the Nature’s Head Self-Contained Composting Toilet the best composting toilet of 2021! We really appreciate your thorough and kind review!
Have you heard of compostable and composting toilets and are wondering what the difference is? Well, one is the correct term and the other isn’t! “Compostable” means that something can be composted, such as food scraps. “Composting”, on the other hand, refers to the method or tool that facilitates the process of composting. You probably wouldn’t want to invest in a compostable toilet because after a few weeks or months, you’d find only dirt left in your bathroom! Instead, take a look at our composting toilets at Nature’s Earthly Way:
If you’ve ever wondered how composting toilets work, we’ve got the answers! We have a convenient, “How They Work” page on our website which provides a clear definition of what they are and how composting toilets function. Give it a read and don’t hesitate to reach out with any further questions!
The world is changing, and so are people’s relationship to sustainability. We love seeing more and more of these trends coming onto the horizon, shaping our future! From more conscious energy use and an investment in slow fashion, to changes in how we recycle and farm, there are many things to look forward to in the coming years! The team at Nature’s Earthly Way likes to keep up with these trends by continuing to help people make the switch to a composting toilet. Want some inspiration for what’s more to come?
Ready to move your life onto the open waters? If you’re thinking of making a boat your home, there’s no better waste solution than a composting toilet! Easy to maintain and gentle on the earth, this product is a great addition for your new residence! Visit our website or more information:
Have you visited our online store? This is the best place to purchase the Nature’s Head Self Contained Composting Toilet as well as browse replacement parts and additions to enhance your set-up! We’ve got a variety of handles, products to improve your venting system, and optional components to look through. If you’ve got any questions after browsing our selection, don’t hesitate to reach out!
Composting toilets are the natural solution to our planet’s waste problems and the word is spreading! We just saw an article from ABC News that discusses this exactly! We’re so glad more and more folks are joining our enthusiasm for these wonderful products!
Do you have questions about how composting toilets work? Or are you wondering the best way to install one in your RV? For answers to these questions and many more, we invite you to reach out to us or use our website as a resource:
Are you ready to make the switch to a composting toilet? You’ve come to the right place. Nature’s Earthly Way is your one-stop-shop for all the information and resources you could possibly want on this topic! Visit our website for details, videos, frequently asked questions, and more:
If you’ve longed for a life on the open waters, maybe now is the time to make the change. Living on a boat can be less expensive, offer incredible views, provide the freedom to move as you see fit, and of course, can accommodate the Nature’s Head Self-Contained Composting Toilet! Want to read more about the benefits of this lifestyle?
The good news is, there are a lot of different ways to live a life. Whether you’re interested in owning a tiny home or taking your life on the road with an RV camper, a composting toilet is accessible to you! Want more information on how to install this product into your life?
At Nature’s Earthly Way, we think composting toilets are the way of the future. We’ve gathered lots of great information about how they work and how you can incorporate them into your home on our website. We’d love for you to take a look and learn more to see how these could benefit your life too!
The world is changing, and so are people’s relationship to sustainability. We love seeing more and more of these trends coming onto the horizon, shaping our future! From more conscious energy use and an investment in slow fashion, to changes in how we recycle and farm, there are many things to look forward to in the coming years! The team at Nature’s Earthly Way likes to keep up with these trends by continuing to help people make the switch to a composting toilet. Want some inspiration for what’s more to come?
Ready to move your life onto the open waters? If you’re thinking of making a boat your home, there’s no better waste solution than a composting toilet! Easy to maintain and gentle on the earth, this product is a great addition for your new residence! Visit our website or more information:
Have you visited our online store? This is the best place to purchase the Nature’s Head Self Contained Composting Toilet as well as browse replacement parts and additions to enhance your set-up! We’ve got a variety of handles, products to improve your venting system, and optional components to look through. If you’ve got any questions after browsing our selection, don’t hesitate to reach out!
If you’re a visual learner, we have you covered. We’ve gathered a library of helpful videos about composting toilets, how they work, how to install them, and an assortment of other helpful topics to get you started. Take a look!
Do you have a question about our composting toilet products? We’d love to assist you with getting a thorough answer. Head to our website and check out our FAQ section! Still wondering something? Give us a call anytime:
If you’ve longed for a life on the open waters, maybe now is the time to make the change. Living on a boat can be less expensive, offer incredible views, provide the freedom to move as you see fit, and of course, can accommodate the Nature’s Head Self-Contained Composting Toilet! Want to read more about the benefits of this lifestyle?
The good news is, there are a lot of different ways to live a life. Whether you’re interested in owning a tiny home or taking your life on the road with an RV camper, a composting toilet is accessible to you! Want more information on how to install this product into your life?
At Nature’s Earthly Way, we think composting toilets are the way of the future. We’ve gathered lots of great information about how they work and how you can incorporate them into your home on our website. We’d love for you to take a look and learn more to see how these could benefit your life too!
The world is changing, and so are people’s relationship to sustainability. We love seeing more and more of these trends coming onto the horizon, shaping our future! From more conscious energy use and an investment in slow fashion, to changes in how we recycle and farm, there are many things to look forward to in the coming years! The team at Nature’s Earthly Way likes to keep up with these trends by continuing to help people make the switch to a composting toilet. Want some inspiration for what’s more to come?


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Natures Earthly Way


  • What is the phone number for Natures Earthly Way in Saint Peters MO?
    You can reach them at: 636-541-5860. It’s best to call Natures Earthly Way during business hours.
  • What is the address for Natures Earthly Way on parkview drive in Saint Peters?
    Natures Earthly Way is located at this address: 5 Parkview Drive Saint Peters, MO 63376.
  • What are Natures Earthly Way(Saint Peters, MO) store hours?
    Natures Earthly Way store hours are as follows: Mon-Sun: 24 hours.