Did you know that March is National Kidney Month? Take this month to explore your resources for all things kidney health. Whether it’s your nephrologist or great websites like the National Kidney Foundation, I encourage you to reach out and learn more!
#nephrologyofgeorgia #nephrologyofga #drhermesgarcia #nationalkidneymonth #ckd #kidneyhealth #kidneys #nephrology #atlanta #georgia
Happy International Women’s Day to all the magnificent, powerful, and inspirational women out there!
#nephrologyofgeorgia #nephrologyofga #drhermesgarciasanchez #internationalwomensday #womenempowerment #celebratewomen #thefutureisfemale #boss
🗣 New office hour alert! Starting now, our Friday hours have changed a bit. Our incredible staff will be in at 8AM for any questions or concerns, but I won’t start seeing patients until 11AM on Fridays now. (Monday through Thursday hours are still the same!)
#nephrologyofga #nephrologyofgeorgia #drhermesgarciasanchez #office #officehours #medicaloffice #clinic #health #atlanta #peachtreecorners
Peep our newest office read, @mujermagazine.atl ! We love being a part of this incredible project and supporting local entrepreneurs! Make sure to check out this issue for the latest health article as well as many other interesting reads 🤓
#nephrologyofgeorgia #nephrologyofga #drhermesgarciasanchez #mujermagazineatl #magazine #lifestylemagazine #healthmagazine #atlanta #georgia #venezuelanentrepreneurs
Part 2 of 3:
Did you know that about 1 of 3 U.S. adults—or about 75 million people—have high blood pressure? Only about half (54%) of these people have their high blood pressure under control.
High blood pressure is a common and dangerous condition. Having high blood pressure means the pressure of the blood in your blood vessels is higher than it should be. But you can take steps to control your blood pressure and lower your risk of heart disease and stroke. Check out today's article to learn more and get connected with more resources.
#nephrologyofgeorgia #nephrologyofga #drhermesgarciasanchez #hypertension #highbloodpressure #health #medicine #internalmedicine #nephrology