Welcome to NeurOptimize, Denver’s premier choice when it comes to choosing a qEEG imaging and treatment center. We understand that mental illness symptoms are caused by our brains reacting in a certain way to stimuli, and it’s our mission to provide relief to those who may be struggling with a particular mental health issue.
Anxiety, depression, ADHD — these are all concerns that can be treated through a qEEG brain map and corresponding EEG biofeedback training. Allow us to help you gain a more thorough understanding of the way your brain works, as well as how to adjust the negative symptoms for better brain health.
Our staff is knowledgeable, and our equipment is the most advanced on the market. When we combine our neurofeedback expertise with clear, precise readings, the results create an opportunity for our clients to grow and flourish. We pride ourselves on both our professionalism and our deep care for our clients. NeurOptimize is a member of the following associations:
Biofeedback Certification International Alliance
National Board for Certified Counselors
International Neurofeedback Association
American Psychology Association
Come say hello to our caring staff:
Rachel Ragsdale LPC BCN -CEO/Owner
Carli Torr LPC BCN- CEO/Owner
Joe Castellano MA BCN- Neurofeedback Specialist and Counselor (Boulder location)
Angie Noack LPCC – Neurofeedback Specialist and Counselor (Highlands and DTC location)
We look forward to serving you as you seek more understanding of your mind and a means to accomplish your goals through neurofeedback therapy.