New Life Counseling

(on northwest school street)
Counseling & Mental Health in Ankeny, IA
Counseling & Mental Health
Marriage & Family Counseling


8:00AM - 8:00PM
8:00AM - 8:00PM
8:00AM - 8:00PM
8:00AM - 8:00PM
8:00AM - 6:00PM
9:00AM - 2:00PM


227 Northwest School Street
Ankeny, IA


We have 14 qualified and caring therapists ready to provide you a safe environment to heal, learn and gain hope for the future. Locations in Ankeny and West Des Moines, Iowa.


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"The world is obsessed with labels and putting people in boxes. You may find yourself finding comfort and security in this identity that you’ve been given. It excuses behaviors, unhealthy thought patterns, and keeps you from growing sometimes, fearing that you may not fit under the familiar label anymore. As comfortable and familiar that box may feel, it may be false and temporary. It’s conditional upon your identifier. If you change your mind or evolve, you have to move into another box. I’ve been in so many different boxes over the course my life. Some are things I can’t change and some are things that have changed as I’ve evolved and continue to grow. Don’t be afraid to seek healing and GROW out of the box you’re in now. (Some examples of this include astrological signs, Myers-Briggs, the enneagram (if not utilized correctly), sexuality, political parties, etc.)" Repost from Instagram @flourishingthroughgrace #identity #healingmyinnerchild #emotionalhealing #bedeeplyrooted #christianmentalhealth #selflove #evolve #innerhealing #innerpeace #feeldealheal #dontstopgrowing #healing #therapistsofinstagram #christiancounseling #healingjourney #selfcare #graceupongrace #mentalhealth #cultivatewhatmatters #healthyboundaries #selfworth #childhoodtrauma #growthmindset
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 #Joshua1 #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #selfcare #christiancounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog #mentalhealth #healthandwellness #therapy #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthtips #dailyinspriation #therapistsofinstagram #mentalhealthmatters #selfgrowth #growthmindset #anxietymanagement #anxiety #practicenotperfection #Stress
Comparison is not only the thief of joy, it is the thief of compassion, connection, relationship, and empathy. Comparative suffering is when we withhold empathy from others who we think have circumstances that are not as bad as we deem our own. Remember empathy cannot run out- unlike toilet paper, Clorox wipes and hand sanitizer did! You don’t need to compare your circumstances to anyone else because its like comparing apples to oranges. CHOOSE today to let go of that need to compare and instead live your life, not impress others, but to chase your own passions. #comparativesuffering #emotionallabor #nonjudgement #therapy #couplescounseling #emdr #emotionalwellness #mindfulness #wellbeing #psychographic #empathy #abundance⁠ #therapyforwomen #allornothing #psychology #selfcare #kindness #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog #mentalhealth #healthandwellness #therapy #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthtips #dailyinspriation #therapistsofinstagram #mentalhealthmatters #recovery #selfcaretips #healthyboundaries #selfcompassion #selfgrowth #growthmindset #anxietymanagement
As the seasons shift and the year starts its gradual end, it’s a great metaphor and reminder for personal change and growth. For many, life changes can be uncomfortable, scary, and even cause anxiety. If that sounds like you, keep reading on the blog! #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #selfcare #christiancounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog #mentalhealth #healthandwellness #therapy #mentalhealthtips #dailyinspriation #mentalhealthmatters #selfgrowth #growthmindset #anxietymanagement #anxiety #practicenotperfection #Stress #change #changeyourmindset NEWLIFE-COUNSELING.COM 6 Strategies for Coping With Change | New Life Counseling
“The lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves all those who are crushed in spirit. The righteous person may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all.” Psalm 34:18-19 #Psalm34 #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #selfcare #christiancounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog #mentalhealth #healthandwellness #therapy #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthtips #dailyinspriation #therapistsofinstagram #mentalhealthmatters #selfgrowth #growthmindset #anxietymanagement #anxiety #practicenotperfection #Stress
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a pattern of self-centered and egotistical behavior that is destructive to others. We all have (or should have) some self-love which is not the same thing. This egotistical behavior goes much further, they put their own needs before others and they tend to not only step on people that get in their way but actually go out of their way to crush/ruin/hurt them. At this time there is no cure for NPD and most people affected by this are not self-aware and thus unable to get help. They have no interest in changing and therefore they rarely seek counseling. The disorder begins by early adulthood and is indicated by at least five of the following: 1.An exaggerated sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements) 2.Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love 3.Believes he/she is “special” and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions) 4.Requires excessive admiration 5.Has a sense of entitlement 6.Selfishly takes advantage of others to achieve his/her own ends 7.Lacks empathy 8.Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him/her 9.Shows arrogant, haughty, patronizing, or contemptuous behaviors or attitudes There are 3 types of NPD that are widely agreed upon: The Grandiose “overt” type, Fragile/vulnerable “covert” type, and the high-functioning “exhibitionist” type. Are you struggling with a narcissist in your life? Perhaps a significant other, spouse, friend, parent, family member, or co-worker? #narcopath #inauthentic #controltactics #unattached #theywantcompliance #narcissticabuse #healingjourney #wolfinsheepsclothing #circularreasoning #manipulationtactics #narcassisticpersonalitydisorder #narcissist #cognativetherapy #christiancounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealth #healthandwellness #therapy #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthtips #dailyinspriation #therapistsofinstagram #mentalhealthmatters #anxiousthoughts #distortedthinking #controlfreak #empathy #emotionallabor
“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control” -2 Timothy 1:7 #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #selfcare #christiancounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog #mentalhealth #healthandwellness #therapy #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthtips #dailyinspriation #therapistsofinstagram #mentalhealthmatters #selfgrowth #growthmindset #anxietymanagement #anxiety #practicenotperfection #versesforbullying
Are you acting out of perfectionism or striving for excellence? Harriet Braiker says “Striving for excellence motivates you; striving for perfection is demoralizing.” Perfectionism is a pitfall that results in disappointment, condemnation, frustration, and failure. Are you stuck in perfectionism? Dr. Don Gilbert has created a whole list on the critical differences between perfectionism and excellence, but here are three to get you started. Do any of them resonate with you? #allornothing #psychology #selfcare #kindness #perfectionism #perfectionistproblems #excellence #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog #mentalhealth #healthandwellness #therapy #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthtips #dailyinspriation #therapistsofinstagram #mentalhealthmatters #recovery #selfcaretips #healthyboundaries #selfcompassion #selfgrowth #growthmindset #anxietymanagement #anxiety #practicenotperfection #Davidstoop #emotionallabor
“Again he said, “What shall we say the kingdom of God is like, or what parable shall we use to describe it? It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest of all seeds on earth. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds can perch in its shade”. - Mark 4:30-32 In the parable of the mustard seed, Jesus is communicating that even though the mustard seed is small and insignificant in appearance, it has a life and potential hidden within. With effort and cultivation, it can become large, bigger than all the others in the garden, and provide peaceful shade for the birds. The mustard seed is symbolic for both the kingdom of God and our faith. This spiritual principal teaches us not to despise what is small and insignificant in the eyes of man because HE is able to bring life and greatness out of it. 1 Corinthians 1:28 says, “God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important”. #selfcontrol #feelings #identity #psychology #selfcare #kindness #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog #mentalhealth #healthandwellness #therapy #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthtips #therapistsofinstagram #mentalhealthmatters #recovery #healthyboundaries #selfcompassion #anxietymanagement #anxiety #mustardseedfaith #mypotential #identity
“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of others.” - Philippians 2:3-4 #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #selfcare #christiancounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog #mentalhealth #healthandwellness #therapy #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthtips #dailyinspriation #therapistsofinstagram #mentalhealthmatters #selfgrowth #growthmindset #anxietymanagement #anxiety #practicenotperfection #Stress #versesforbullying
While we champion the fact that face-to-face bullying has decreased in schools and society, it has not disappeared. Hate speech between children and teens on social platforms increased a staggering 70%. Check out these 8 tips to combat cyberbullying and more about the impact of social distancing on bullying- on the blog! #cyberbullying #cyberbullyingawareness #bullying #thebullyproject #stopbullying #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #suicideprevention #justice #kindness #educationsystem #cyberbully #respectyourself #respectothers #boundaries #peerpressure #toxicrelationships #bullyingpreventionmonth #christianmentalhealth #blog #therapistofinstagram NEWLIFE-COUNSELING.COM Cyberbullying: Social Distanced Bullying | New Life Counseling
“That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” - 2 Corinthians 12:10 #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #selfcare #christiancounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog #mentalhealth #healthandwellness #therapy #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthtips #dailyinspriation #therapistsofinstagram #mentalhealthmatters #selfgrowth #growthmindset #anxietymanagement #anxiety #practicenotperfection #Stress #versesforbullying
It’s the most wonderful time of the year—food is plentiful, gifts are wrapped, and the entire family is gathered together. Holiday season truly is something special. But it can also be a time of unmet expectations, disappointment, angst, and family quarrels. We all have an idea of what our perfect holiday season looks like, and when reality doesn’t match expectation, stress builds and relationships can be damaged. .... Read more on the blog! #holidayseason #holidayexpectation #expectationvsreality #familytime #christmas #thanksgiving #healthyboundaries #selfcaretips #realisticexpectations #therapistsofinstagram #mentalhealthblog #mentalhealth #mentalhealthtips #christiancounseling #dailyinspriation #selfgrowth #growthmindset #anxietymanagement #anxiety #selfcompassion NEWLIFE-COUNSELING.COM Holidays: Check your Expectations : New Life Counseling
Our world is fast paced; it’s one of constant movement, goals, a need to achieve, grow and do more and more. The byproduct of a fast-paced world is a huge population of people that struggle just being. Have we confused being and doing to a point where we think that doing is being? Being: “the state of existing, the most important or basic part of a person’s mind or self” Doing: “the act of making something happen through your own actions” The state of being requires a person to slow down and actively monitor their thoughts and feelings, to assess and reflect. Doing is not bad, but when life keeps you in a constant state of doing, you may lose track of the big picture, become overwhelmed and anxiety ridden. Endless focus on ‘what I do’ without thought on ‘who I am’ actually drains our energy and takes us further from our goals, rather than closer to them. Stop for a minute and ask yourself, “Is what I am doing informed by who I am?” or “Am I doing this thing simply because I’m used to it, or is there a larger goal in mind?” #allornothing #psychology #selfcare #kindness #perfectionism #perfectionistproblems #excellence #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog #mentalhealth #healthandwellness #therapy #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthtips #dailyinspriation #therapistsofinstagram #goalsetting #goals #slowdown #whoIam #whatido #anxiety #selfcompassion #selfgrowth #growthmindset #anxietymanagement #identity
In this fantastic post by @heyamberrae, she writes: We all make mistakes, say things we don’t mean & act in ways that are out of alignment with values. What matters is how we respond when we do mess up. A few things I’ve learned: 1. Take responsibility & apologize — When I mess up, I own it. I acknowledge where I fell short, and the impact it had on them. I realize that while I can’t change what happened, I can be proactive about repairing the situation. 2. Reflect on what happened & what you learned — I’ll take a step back to get perspective by asking: Why did this happen? How did I get myself in this situation? What did I learn here? 3. Make a commitment — Failures help us learn and grow so long as we take the time to reflect on how we’ll prevent it from happening again in the future. Once I feel clear on what I learned, I’ll make a new commitment to myself moving forward so I’ll prevent a repeat of the situation. 4. Forgive yourself — Shaming ourselves won’t help us heal or move forward. Making mistakes doesn’t make us bad people. We’re human. We’re learning. Embrace the journey. ✨ #allornothing #psychology #selfcare #kindness #perfectionism #perfectionistproblems #excellence #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog #mentalhealth #healthandwellness #therapy #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthtips #dailyinspriation #therapistsofinstagram #goalsetting #goals #slowdown #whoIam #whatido #anxiety #selfcompassion #selfgrowth #growthmindset
But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves. Malachi 4:2 #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #selfcare #christiancounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog #mentalhealth #healthandwellness #therapy #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthtips #dailyinspriation #therapistsofinstagram #mentalhealthmatters #selfgrowth #growthmindset #anxietymanagement #anxiety #practicenotperfection #Stress #votw
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29 #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #selfcare #christiancounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog #mentalhealth #healthandwellness #therapy #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthtips #dailyinspriation #therapistsofinstagram #mentalhealthmatters #selfgrowth #growthmindset #anxietymanagement #anxiety #practicenotperfection #Stress #votw
Do you ever find yourself looking at other professionals in your industry and envy their achievements or talents? Do you try to emulate them in order to be successful like them? Why? We are all uniquely designed and we each have a different combination of strengths and skills. Stop trying to be just like someone else- not only do you not know who they really are, but you will fail every time. You are you. Embrace that and work to better your unique skills and strengths. Besides, there are likely others out there trying to emulate you because you are worth emulating. #should #allornothing #psychology #selfcare #kindness #perfectionism #perfectionistproblems #excellence #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog #mentalhealth #healthandwellness #therapy #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthtips #dailyinspriation #therapistsofinstagram #mentalhealthmatters #recovery #selfcaretips #healthyboundaries #selfcompassion #selfgrowth #growthmindset #anxietymanagement #anxiety #practicenotperfection
Especially in these difficult times, the holidays can bring with it the dilemma of how to balance what the “biblical response” is and what you can emotionally tolerate. As Christians it can be a hard to find balance or set limits and boundaries. The great news is that it’s a skill Jesus demonstrated for us in a variety of situations. Keep reading this blog post by one of our amazing counselors, Emilie Lelacheur. New on the blog! #settinglimits #holidayseason #holidayexpectation #expectationvsreality #familytime #christmas #thanksgiving #healthyboundaries #selfcaretips #realisticexpectations #therapistsofinstagram #mentalhealthblog #mentalhealth #mentalhealthtips #christiancounseling #dailyinspriation #selfgrowth #growthmindset #anxietymanagement #anxiety #selfcompassion NEWLIFE-COUNSELING.COM Holiday Stress and Boundaries | New Life Counseling
I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:26 #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #selfcare #christiancounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog #mentalhealth #healthandwellness #therapy #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthtips #dailyinspriation #therapistsofinstagram #mentalhealthmatters #selfgrowth #growthmindset #anxietymanagement #anxiety #practicenotperfection #Stress #votw
If it is a matter of strength, he is mighty! And if it is a matter of justice, who can challenge him? Job 9:19 #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #selfcare #christiancounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog #mentalhealth #healthandwellness #therapy #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthtips #dailyinspriation #therapistsofinstagram #mentalhealthmatters #selfgrowth #growthmindset #anxietymanagement #anxiety #practicenotperfection #Stress #votw
When life is too busy and you feel overwhelmed, that is your cue to revaluate your priorities. It is ok to say no to things, and the difficult truth is that you control 90% of your commitments. It is your choice what you put your time, effort, and thoughts into. Recognizing WHY you feel overwhelmed is an important part of self-care and time management. And remember- saying no is a perfectly ok thing to do. Know your limits, set personal boundaries, and don’t cross them. #feelingslie #selfcontrol #feelings #identity #psychology #selfcare #kindness #excellence #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog #mentalhealth #healthandwellness #therapy #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthtips #dailyinspriation #therapistsofinstagram #mentalhealthmatters #recovery #healthyboundaries #selfcompassion #growthmindset #anxietymanagement #anxiety #practicenotperfection
Promote hope. It increases vision, feeds dreams, restores faith, deepens friendship, upgrades attitudes, champions mental health, and grows our heart. Reposted from @patsyclairmont #selfcare #christiancounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog #mentalhealth #healthandwellness #therapy #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthtips #dailyinspriation #therapistsofinstagram #mentalhealthmatters #recovery #selfcaretips #healthyboundaries #selfcompassion #selfgrowth #growthmindset #anxietymanagement #anxiety #practicenotperfection #Stress #Stressmanagement #breakingshame #endthestigma #cognativetherapy
Self-care is described as being mindful of your own limits and needs so you can ensure your own physical, emotional, and mental well-being. This is especially important in a world where intentionally resting is often seen as being lazy, and where burnout is an official clinical syndrome. Self-care strategies typically include exercising daily, eating a healthy diet, investing in a hobby, reading a book, or prioritizing “me-time”. As a Christian counseling practice, we are going to take it a step further- what does the Bible say about self-care? The Bible doesn’t explicitly address self-care, but it is pretty clear that God has provided instruction that we care for our bodies and mind and that we prioritize rest. Unfortunately, the self-care movement is often grounded int the assumption that the power for healing and well-being lies within. The Bible is clear that true rest and healing is found in Christ. So as a Christian how can we develop a biblical practice of care? Here are some examples: 1. Recognize limitations and practice good stewardship of your body and mind. 2. Go the source: pray and read your bible regularly 3. Turn to the gospel as a sustainable motivation for life and work 4. Develop healthy habits- these are helpful but not ultimate. Be sure you are ultimately finding your peace and joy not from working out, but from God. Instead view healthy habits as an act of worship and stewardship. Sadly, the self-care movement often makes empty promises. We can change everything in our lives, but the gospel is clear that the problem is not with our circumstances but within our sinful nature. You won’t find that deep joy and peace without a source that exists outside of yourself- we find life, joy, and peace in Christ alone. #selfcare #selfcontrol #controlfreak #identity #psychology #kindness #excellence #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog #mentalhealth #healthandwellness #therapy #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthtips #dailyinspriation #therapistsofinstagram #mentalhealthmatters #recovery #healthyboundaries #selfcompassion #growthmindset #anxietymanagement #anxiety #practicenotperfection #Stress #Stressmanagement
New blog post and a free Thanksgiving Tree gratitude activity download! .... For many of you this Thanksgiving will look different and you might be missing what you don’t have in this moment. It might feel hard to enter into this season of thankfulness with real gratitude in your heart. I want you to think about all the ways you and your children have overcome this year’s challenges, heartbreaks, and disappointments... Read more on the blog! Click here to download your free Thankful Tree activity #gratitude #gratefulfor2020 #gratefulheart #thankful #holidayseason #holidayexpectation #expectationvsreality #familytime #christmas #thanksgiving #healthyboundaries #selfcaretips #realisticexpectations #therapistsofinstagram #mentalhealthblog #mentalhealth #mentalhealthtips #christiancounseling #dailyinspriation #selfgrowth #growthmindset #anxietymanagement #anxiety #selfcompassion
We have a surprise coming soon... can you guess what it is? #mentalhealthmatters #selfcare #christiancounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog #mentalhealth #healthandwellness #therapy #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthtips #dailyinspriation #therapistsofinstagram #recovery #selfcaretips #healthyboundaries #selfcompassion #selfgrowth #growthmindset #anxietymanagement #anxiety #practicenotperfection #Stress #Stressmanagement #breakingshame #endthestigma #cognativetherapy
Happy December! How are you all doing today? Feel free to use this december check-in template to reflect on last month and plan this month with intentionality. You can find our new products on our online store at #digitalplanner #goalsetting #planningforsuccess #reflection #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthplanner #mentalhealthgoals #therapistsofinstagram
We are doing a little sale over on the store AND we just added new digital downloadable products! Check it out! #sale #mentalhealthmerch #digitalplanner #goalsettingworkbook #softesttshirtever
We are looking for a front desk team member! Please check out the link below for more information on the job posting.
He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true. Revelation 21:5 #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #selfcare #christiancounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog #mentalhealth #healthandwellness #therapy #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthtips #dailyinspriation #therapistsofinstagram #mentalhealthmatters #selfgrowth #growthmindset #anxietymanagement #anxiety #practicenotperfection #Stress #votw
New Life Counseling December 2 at 9:00 AM · We are looking for a front desk team member! Please check out the link below for more information on the job posting.
“Shoulding” is when you place expectations on yourself that are often unattainable or centered on assumptions. This is usually based in perfectionism and only leads to disappointment, shame/guilt, and condemnation. 1. BE SPECIFIC: Using a statement “I should get in shape” is not helpful. Instead be more specific to avoid guilt and make it easier to actually create change. WHAT exactly do you want and how do you know you have succeeded? “I will work out for 20 minutes 3 times a week to help lower my blood pressure.” 2. EXPLORE WHO, WHY, WHEN: Should technically conveys appropriateness- but is meaningless without context. When using should- ask who should, why they should, and under what circumstances they should. “I should eat more protein if I want to avoid a sugar crash because I want to feel more energized” This statement is attainable and is without guilt or assumptions. 3. RED FLAG: whenever you use the word should, let it be a red flag to pause and examine why you believe the statement you just said. Should is usually a judgement you internalized at some point and may not actually be true or healthy. 4. PRIORITIZE: learning to prioritize your actions will help resolve internal conflict and paralysis when the things you think you are supposed to do are opposing. Stop thinking in terms of what you should do and instead ask yourself what needs to be done first/ what is most important right now? Did you know that Shoulds and Oughts is a type of automatic negative thought pattern that distorts your perception of reality? Contact us today if you need help combating these negative thought patterns. We have 14 caring and qualified professionals who could help you with this struggle. #should #allornothing #psychology #selfcare #kindness #perfectionism #perfectionistproblems #excellence #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog #mentalhealth #healthandwellness #therapy #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthtips #dailyinspriation #therapistsofinstagram #mentalhealthmatters #recovery #selfcaretips #healthyboundaries #selfcompassion #selfgrowth #growthmindset #anxietymanagement #anxiety #practicenotperfection
For many 2020 has been a year of cancellation, job loss, loss of community, and loss of loved ones. This holiday season can be a reminder of who will not be with us and traditions that won't feel the same. Recognizing the grief you're experiencing is important to processing and finding a path forward. Here are some tips and practical ways to deal with your grief this holiday season. Read more on the blog! NEWLIFE-COUNSELING.COM Grief at Christmas | New Life Counseling
A few reminders during the Holidays: 1. Its ok if you don’t feel the joy of the season 2. Grief and sadness are normal feelings 3. Being alone doesn’t mean you are unloved or unlovable 4. There is no “perfect” Christmas 5. A new perspective changes everything- even if the situation doesn’t 6. It is ok to step away and take a break when you need it 7. It is ok to say NO 8. Setting boundaries is an act of self-respect and is loving 9. It is ok to indulge- don’t shame yourself for enjoying a treat! 10. You are permitted to change your mind 11. Your mental and emotional health matters as much as your physical health #holidayseason #selfcare #christiancounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog #mentalhealth #healthandwellness #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthtips #dailyinspriation #therapistsofinstagram #mentalhealthmatters #recovery #selfcaretips #healthyboundaries #selfcompassion #selfgrowth #growthmindset #anxietymanagement #anxiety #practicenotperfection #Stress #Stressmanagement #breakingshame
@nedratawwab made this amazing post! So good! #breakthecycle #survivorsguilt #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #practicenotperfection
We have the SOFTEST tshirts around! And we have a sale going on so the shirts are even better at just $22! Which would you choose? 🤩 Comment below and you might just get a $5 off coupon code 😉 #funnyshirts #fightnaked #simplyblessed #godisgood #raiseahallelujah #realmen #cancelmysubscriptiontoyourissues #forgivenessisthepathtofreedom #anxietyiscreativity #lovefreedomfromfear #psychologygear #newlifemerch #salesalesale
1 Timothy 1:15-17 “Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.” #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #selfcare #christiancounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog #mentalhealth #healthandwellness #therapy #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthtips #dailyinspriation #therapistsofinstagram #mentalhealthmatters #selfgrowth #growthmindset #anxietymanagement #anxiety #practicenotperfection #Stress
Stop Scrolling: Drop your shoulders, take a deep breath, relax your jaw, what do you feel? Process your feelings, don’t hide from them. #selfcare #christiancounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog #mentalhealth #healthandwellness #selfgrowth #growthmindset #anxietymanagement #anxiety #practicenotperfection #Stress #Stressmanagement #breakingshame #endthestigma
John 1:14 “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #selfcare #christiancounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog #mentalhealth #healthandwellness #therapy #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthtips #dailyinspriation #therapistsofinstagram #mentalhealthmatters #selfgrowth #growthmindset #anxietymanagement #anxiety #practicenotperfection #Stress
Practice makes progress- not perfections! We have worked so hard this fall to create some really amazing digital products for you! This is your chance to grab something for 21% off! These are instant digital download items! You can find our new products on our online store at #digitalplanner #goalsetting #planningforsuccess #reflection #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthplanner #mentalhealthgoals #therapistsofinstagram
Happy New Years! We have a storewide sale ending January 2nd! Use 2021WholeStore for 10% off everything! We have new items so be sure to check it out! You can shop at #sale #mentalhealthmerch #digitalplanner #goalsettingworkbook #softesttshirtever
Proverbs 16:9 “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #selfcare #christiancounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog #mentalhealth #healthandwellness #therapy #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthtips #dailyinspriation #therapistsofinstagram #mentalhealthmatters #selfgrowth #growthmindset #anxietymanagement #anxiety #practicenotperfection #Stress
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! We hope its a day filled with new memories and joy! -The New Life Counseling Team #merrychristmas #happyholidays #joyful
Zephaniah 3:17 “The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.” #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #selfcare #christiancounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog #mentalhealth #healthandwellness #therapy #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthtips #dailyinspriation #therapistsofinstagram #mentalhealthmatters #selfgrowth #growthmindset #anxietymanagement #anxiety #practicenotperfection #Stress
Happy New Years! Stay safe and remember to give yourself grace as you look at your 2021 goals! -The New Life Counseling Team p.s. Check out our last blog post all about goal setting! (link in bio) #newyearseve #newyear #goalsetting #realgoals #goalsetting2021 #noresolutionsrequired
Every year we hear all about New Year’s resolutions or maybe you call them goals… but isn’t this pretty much how they go? Read more on the blog about how to set and achieve your goals! NEWLIFE-COUNSELING.COM How to set goals you can actually achieve | New Life Counseling
Hours (please ensure that you can work the listed shift below): Monday - Thursday 10:00am - 4:00pm and Friday 9:00am – 2:00pm West Des Moines office (3737 Woodland Ave., Ste 430): Monday, Thursday and Friday Ankeny office (227 NW School St): Tuesday and Wednesday We are currently seeking a part-Time Mental Health Administrative Specialist (about 29 hrs/wk) for our front desk team at our Ankeny and West Des Moines Clinics! In this role you will check-in patients, answer phone calls, schedule appointments, and collect co-pays. OTHER DUTIES: -Perform general administrative duties (check voicemails, emails, collect payments, etc) -Scheduling in Therapy Appointment (Electronic Medical Records System) -Assist psychologists and therapists with scheduling or administrative needs -Correspond with other professionals, such as therapists, medical doctors, interns, associates, attorneys, etc. -Ensure completion of client paperwork -Any other projects that the Office Manager may assign QUALIFICATIONS: -Excellent organizational skills and ability to multitask -Proficient computer skills and experience using Microsoft Office -Strong customer service and interpersonal communication skills -Previous front desk, reception/receptionist, administrative assistant, or office experience preferred -High School Diploma required -An interest in psychology, counseling, the behavioral sciences, social work, or healthcare is strongly preferred ABOUT: New Life Counseling is a professional and faith-based counseling practice in Ankeny and West Des Moines. Our MISSION is to provide professional faith-based services that facilitate the process for personal and relational growth. We aim to offer a safe environment where we passionately seek to partner with and equip people in their unique journey towards emotional, psychological, relational, and spiritual health. NEW LIFE COUNSELING Administrative Office Assistant
As you work on your goals for the year keep this in mind. Write your goals in the present and the positive. You've got this! #selfcontrol #excellence #selfcaretips #healthyboundaries #selfcompassion #selfgrowth #growthmindset #anxietymanagement #anxiety #practicenotperfection #mentalhealthtips #dailyinspriation #therapistsofinstagram
@johncmaxwell writes: What changes do you need to make right now that you have been unwilling to make? The distance between where you are now and where you want to be is measured by the changes you are willing to make in your life. #changeyourworld #sucess #growth #opportunity #change #persistence #goals #stand #maxwellcertified #lifecoach #johnmaxwellteam #johnmaxwellleadershipcoach
Practice makes progress- not perfect! We have worked so hard this fall to create some really amazing digital products for you! This is your last chance to grab something for 21% off! These are instant digital download items! Sale ends Jan. 7th! You can find our new products on our online store at #digitalplanner #goalsetting #planningforsuccess #reflection #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthplanner #mentalhealthgoals #therapistsofinstagram
Happy New Years! Stay safe and remember to give yourself grace as you look at your 2021 goals! -The New Life Counseling Team p.s. Check out our last blog post all about goal setting! (link in bio) #newyearseve #newyear #goalsetting #realgoals #goalsetting2021 #noresolutionsrequired
Every year we hear all about New Year’s resolutions or maybe you call them goals… but isn’t this pretty much how they go? Read more on the blog about how to set and achieve your goals! NEWLIFE-COUNSELING.COM How to set goals you can actually achieve | New Life Counseling
Limitations are the rationalizations we use for doing, not doing, believing, or not believing just about anything. I know limitations FEEL real… so we think we must believe them. But what if these limitations are simply stories that we tell ourselves, excuses perhaps? Motivated reasoning causes us to confirm what we already believe, potentially ignoring contrary data; it is why we develop quite elaborate rationalizations to justify holding these beliefs. It truly is an emotional survival instinct and its completely unconscious. Basically, what this quote is saying is that, thanks to motivated reasoning, our inner lawyer can make us believe anything. If you really believe you can’t do something- you won’t be able to do it. If you believe you have a limit on your abilities- you will not pass that limitation unless you tell yourself otherwise. How can we overcome this unconscious process? Perhaps what we need is to continually challenge our inner thoughts with a WILLINGNESS TO BE WRONG. Intentionally having honest conversations with those we disagree with- not defensively or reactionary- is a smart way to challenge our inner thought processes and improve our reasoning skills. #motivatedreasoning #breakingcycles #limitations #perfectionism #identity #selfgrowth #practicenotperfection #NewlifeCounseling #therapistsofinstagram #lifecoach #therapy artwork by Blue Ivy Photography- Iowa
Closeness and connection don’t just happen. Flourishing requires time, attention, and nourishment. Assessing your connection and commitment to grow your relationship is often an uncomfortable but important task. Taking time to talk and intentionally make a renewed commitment to each other can be a way to enhance your life together. While you’re busy writing down your personal goals for the year, use our completely free worksheet to reflect on your relationship and set intentions for the upcoming months. Check it out on the blog! #relationshipgoals #newyearsamelove #therapy #marriageworks NEWLIFE-COUNSELING.COM New Year Same Love: your relationship goals | New Life Counseling
“There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the LORD” - Proverbs 21:30 #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #votw #hope #meditateonthis #goals #slowdown #identity #practicenotperfection #youcandothis #inspired #biblicalcounseling #NewlifeCounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog Drawing by Blue Ivy Photography- Iowa
As you work on your goals for the year keep this in mind. Write your goals in the present and the positive. You've got this! #selfcontrol #excellence #selfcaretips #healthyboundaries #selfcompassion #selfgrowth #growthmindset #anxietymanagement #anxiety #practicenotperfection #mentalhealthtips #dailyinspriation #therapistsofinstagram
@johncmaxwell writes: What changes do you need to make right now that you have been unwilling to make? The distance between where you are now and where you want to be is measured by the changes you are willing to make in your life. #changeyourworld #sucess #growth #opportunity #change #persistence #goals #stand #maxwellcertified #lifecoach #johnmaxwellteam #johnmaxwellleadershipcoach
Practice makes progress- not perfect! We have worked so hard this fall to create some really amazing digital products for you! This is your last chance to grab something for 21% off! These are instant digital download items! Sale ends Jan. 7th! You can find our new products on our online store at #digitalplanner #goalsetting #planningforsuccess #reflection #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthplanner #mentalhealthgoals #therapistsofinstagram
“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, ‘The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.’” - Lamentations 3:22-24 #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #votw #hope #meditateonthis #goals #slowdown #identity #practicenotperfection #youcandothis #inspired #biblicalcounseling #NewlifeCounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog
Closeness and connection don’t just happen. Flourishing requires time, attention, and nourishment. Assessing your connection and commitment to grow your relationship is often an uncomfortable but important task. Taking time to talk and intentionally make a renewed commitment to each other can be a way to enhance your life together. While you’re busy writing down your personal goals for the year, use our completely free worksheet to reflect on your relationship and set intentions for the upcoming months. Check it out on the blog! #relationshipgoals #newyearsamelove #therapy #marriageworks NEWLIFE-COUNSELING.COM New Year Same Love: your relationship goals | New Life Counseling
“There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the LORD” - Proverbs 21:30 #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #votw #hope #meditateonthis #goals #slowdown #identity #practicenotperfection #youcandothis #inspired #biblicalcounseling #NewlifeCounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog Drawing by Blue Ivy Photography- Iowa
As you work on your goals for the year keep this in mind. Write your goals in the present and the positive. You've got this! #selfcontrol #excellence #selfcaretips #healthyboundaries #selfcompassion #selfgrowth #growthmindset #anxietymanagement #anxiety #practicenotperfection #mentalhealthtips #dailyinspriation #therapistsofinstagram
“Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. Here there is no Gentile or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.” - Colossians 3:9-11 #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #votw #hope #meditateonthis #goals #slowdown #identity #practicenotperfection #youcandothis #inspired #biblicalcounseling #NewlifeCounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog
Self care doesn’t always feel great! Sometimes it does, but you often have to go through the tough task of refinement in order to get to those big feel-good moments. Bettering yourself is hard. Changing behavior patterns and making good choices is sometimes downright ugly! For example, setting a boundary and removing a toxic person from your life- even if you deeply love this person- can feel like you are walking through fire; it is still self-care. Next time you think about self-care as a bubble bath and indulging in another glass of wine- ask yourself why you think you need to escape? Taking a break isn’t wrong- but a break is not the same as escape. So, is it a break or escape? #selfcare #selfgrowth #selfworth #selfwork #breakingcycles #selfcareiswork #beingbetteriswork #growthmindset #NewlifeCounseling #therapistsofinstagram #lifecoach #therapy artwork by Blue Ivy Photography- Iowa
“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, ‘The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.’” - Lamentations 3:22-24 #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #votw #hope #meditateonthis #goals #slowdown #identity #practicenotperfection #youcandothis #inspired #biblicalcounseling #NewlifeCounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog
Closeness and connection don’t just happen. Flourishing requires time, attention, and nourishment. Assessing your connection and commitment to grow your relationship is often an uncomfortable but important task. Taking time to talk and intentionally make a renewed commitment to each other can be a way to enhance your life together. While you’re busy writing down your personal goals for the year, use our completely free worksheet to reflect on your relationship and set intentions for the upcoming months. Check it out on the blog! #relationshipgoals #newyearsamelove #therapy #marriageworks NEWLIFE-COUNSELING.COM New Year Same Love: your relationship goals | New Life Counseling
Today marks the beginning of black history month. God made us in his image. All humans are given worth, value, and dignity that can never be taken away from us. God calls us to love him and love others just as we love ourselves. John 13:35 tells us we will be known by how we love others. How will you be known? #BlackHistoryMonth #HowYouLive #beknownbylove #love #christianmentalhealth #therapy #counseling #newlifecounseling
“All hard work brings a profit but mere talk leads only to poverty.” Proverbs 14:23 Happy Sunday! #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #votw #hope #meditateonthis #goals #hardwork #practicenotperfection #youcandothis #inspired #biblicalcounseling #NewlifeCounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog
I remember being back in middle school and looking around the lunchroom, heart pounding, wondering which group I belonged to. Not sure which table to sit at- desperate to fit in, feel normal, feel safe and okay. Willing to conform to what my peers thought acceptable. Does that sound familiar? Perhaps you have felt that longing to be loved and accepted? Brené Brown says, “our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance… True belonging doesn’t require you to change who you are; it requires you to be who you are.” Accept yourself, love who you were created to be. Be kind and gentle as you walk through bettering yourself. Whatever you are doing to better yourself, do it out of love instead of hate for yourself. Do it for you- not for anyone else. #selfworth #selfwork #breakingcycles #belonging #innerpeace #identity #selfesteem #growthmindset #NewlifeCounseling #therapistsofinstagram #lifecoach #therapy
People think that perfectionism helps achieve goals. “Perfectionism, even though it creates powerful turmoil, is often maintained and understood as a positive thing.” How to break the perfection behavior cycle, challenge your automatic negative thinking, and discover if you struggle with perfectionism. Free downloadable worksheets included. Keep reading on the blog! NEWLIFE-COUNSELING.COM How to Break the Perfectionism Cycle
“Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. Here there is no Gentile or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.” - Colossians 3:9-11 #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #votw #hope #meditateonthis #goals #slowdown #identity #practicenotperfection #youcandothis #inspired #biblicalcounseling #NewlifeCounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog
Self care doesn’t always feel great! Sometimes it does, but you often have to go through the tough task of refinement in order to get to those big feel-good moments. Bettering yourself is hard. Changing behavior patterns and making good choices is sometimes downright ugly! For example, setting a boundary and removing a toxic person from your life- even if you deeply love this person- can feel like you are walking through fire; it is still self-care. Next time you think about self-care as a bubble bath and indulging in another glass of wine- ask yourself why you think you need to escape? Taking a break isn’t wrong- but a break is not the same as escape. So, is it a break or escape? #selfcare #selfgrowth #selfworth #selfwork #breakingcycles #selfcareiswork #beingbetteriswork #growthmindset #NewlifeCounseling #therapistsofinstagram #lifecoach #therapy artwork by Blue Ivy Photography- Iowa
“Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.” Song of Songs 8:4 Be sure to watch for our next blog post this Wednesday- "Living Single and Loving it!" #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #votw #hope #meditateonthis #selfworth #innerpeace #slowdown #inspired #biblicalcounseling #NewlifeCounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog
Perfect gift for #valentinesday! Shop this style now in our store on Facebook or at #Loveisafourletterword #love #softtshirt #valentinesgifts #NewLifeMerch
Today marks the beginning of black history month. God made us in his image. All humans are given worth, value, and dignity that can never be taken away from us. God calls us to love him and love others just as we love ourselves. John 13:35 tells us we will be known by how we love others. How will you be known? #BlackHistoryMonth #HowYouLive #beknownbylove #love #christianmentalhealth #therapy #counseling #newlifecounseling
“All hard work brings a profit but mere talk leads only to poverty.” Proverbs 14:23 Happy Sunday! #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #votw #hope #meditateonthis #goals #hardwork #practicenotperfection #youcandothis #inspired #biblicalcounseling #NewlifeCounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog
I remember being back in middle school and looking around the lunchroom, heart pounding, wondering which group I belonged to. Not sure which table to sit at- desperate to fit in, feel normal, feel safe and okay. Willing to conform to what my peers thought acceptable. Does that sound familiar? Perhaps you have felt that longing to be loved and accepted? Brené Brown says, “our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance… True belonging doesn’t require you to change who you are; it requires you to be who you are.” Accept yourself, love who you were created to be. Be kind and gentle as you walk through bettering yourself. Whatever you are doing to better yourself, do it out of love instead of hate for yourself. Do it for you- not for anyone else. #selfworth #selfwork #breakingcycles #belonging #innerpeace #identity #selfesteem #growthmindset #NewlifeCounseling #therapistsofinstagram #lifecoach #therapy
People think that perfectionism helps achieve goals. “Perfectionism, even though it creates powerful turmoil, is often maintained and understood as a positive thing.” How to break the perfection behavior cycle, challenge your automatic negative thinking, and discover if you struggle with perfectionism. Free downloadable worksheets included. Keep reading on the blog! NEWLIFE-COUNSELING.COM How to Break the Perfectionism Cycle
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” -Eleanor Roosevelt Remember the circle of control? You cannot control other people- their words, actions, behaviors, opinions, ideas, etc. You can however choose how you respond to them. Perhaps you need to set more personal boundaries, or perhaps you need to practice processing your hurt. Ultimately though- you are in control of your reaction. And remember, feelings don’t equal truth. #healthyboundaries #youareimportant #selfwork #innerpeace #control #Mentalhealth #therapy #gentlereminder #NewlifeCounseling
Especially around valentine’s day, our culture likes to fantasize about being in love and in a relationship. Hollywood tells us we need another person to “complete” us- the other half of our whole. Culture acts like being single must be sad. None of this is good, true, or healthy. Singleness is a time of growth and sanctuary- if you let it be so! Whether you want to get married or not, use this time of singleness wisely. Here are some tips to living single and loving it. Keep reading... NEWLIFE-COUNSELING.COM Living Single and Loving it! | New Life Counseling
Setting a personal boundary indicates self-respect and communicates that you are worth being treated well. If they can’t do that or refuse- seek help or let them go. Boundaries aren’t always easy, but they are a particularly important part of self-care. #selfcareiswork #healthyboundaries #youareimportant #selfwork #selfcaretips #Mentalhealth #therapy #gentlereminder #NewlifeCounseling
“Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.” Song of Songs 8:4 Be sure to watch for our next blog post this Wednesday- "Living Single and Loving it!" #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #votw #hope #meditateonthis #selfworth #innerpeace #slowdown #inspired #biblicalcounseling #NewlifeCounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog
Perfect gift for #valentinesday! Shop this style now in our store on Facebook or at #Loveisafourletterword #love #softtshirt #valentinesgifts #NewLifeMerch
Today marks the beginning of black history month. God made us in his image. All humans are given worth, value, and dignity that can never be taken away from us. God calls us to love him and love others just as we love ourselves. John 13:35 tells us we will be known by how we love others. How will you be known? #BlackHistoryMonth #HowYouLive #beknownbylove #love #christianmentalhealth #therapy #counseling #newlifecounseling
“We won’t be distracted by comparison if we are captivated with purpose.” -Bob Goff What is it that you feel you need to focus on in this season of your life? What is your purpose? The problem with comparison is that it’s a liar. You could be flourishing and moving forward rapidly- but comparison will tell you that you barely moved an inch. Purpose doesn’t have to be some big and lofty thing- there is still purpose in the small steps. #Keepgoing and focus on the things in your control. #youcandothis #purposedriven #comparison #selfesteem #selfwork #mentalhealth #therapy #NewLifeCounseling
February is National Eating Disorder Awareness and Screening Month, and it’s our mission to provide education, awareness, and empowerment to the 30 million Americans suffering from an eating disorder along with their loved ones. Eating disorders (EDs) are complicated and often misunderstood illnesses that impact people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. It helps to look at EDs on a continuum, instead of in a “yes or no” manner. NEWLIFE-COUNSELING.COM Eating Disorder Awareness Month
You matter. No ifs, ands, or but. Just this- You matter. When others refuse to show love, kindness, or respect, remember that you are important. You have value and worth that cannot be taken away. This is Random Acts of Kindness week- so we challenge you to go out there and show kindness and love to someone. #beknownbylove #randomactsofkindness #blackhistorymonth #valentinesday #youmatter #youareimportant #mentalhealth #love #therapy #newlifecounseling
“Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire like a mighty flame.” Song of Songs 8:6 Happy Valentines Day! #valentinesday #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #votw #hope #meditateonthis #selfworth #innerpeace #slowdown #inspired #biblicalcounseling #NewlifeCounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” -Eleanor Roosevelt Remember the circle of control? You cannot control other people- their words, actions, behaviors, opinions, ideas, etc. You can however choose how you respond to them. Perhaps you need to set more personal boundaries, or perhaps you need to practice processing your hurt. Ultimately though- you are in control of your reaction. And remember, feelings don’t equal truth. #healthyboundaries #youareimportant #selfwork #innerpeace #control #Mentalhealth #therapy #gentlereminder #NewlifeCounseling
Especially around valentine’s day, our culture likes to fantasize about being in love and in a relationship. Hollywood tells us we need another person to “complete” us- the other half of our whole. Culture acts like being single must be sad. None of this is good, true, or healthy. Singleness is a time of growth and sanctuary- if you let it be so! Whether you want to get married or not, use this time of singleness wisely. Here are some tips to living single and loving it. Keep reading... NEWLIFE-COUNSELING.COM Living Single and Loving it! | New Life Counseling
Choose your direction. Sometimes it feels like nothing is working out the way you think it should. The good news is that you get to choose your reaction... go ahead and pivot your plans and goals as needed. You've got this! #goleft #pivot #mentalhealthtips #therapy #innerpeace
It may look like others have it ALL put together- I promise, they don’t. Most people are just winging it and making it up. I challenge you to let go of the word should- stop focusing on what you are *supposed* to do. Let go of fear. Choose to embrace the journey, even if it feels scary. #practicenotperfection #innerpeace #keepgoing #anxiety #should #mentalhealth #therapy #newlifecounseling
“My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Psalm 73:26 #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #votw #hope #meditateonthis #slowdown #healthandwellness #inspired #biblicalcounseling #NewlifeCounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog
“We won’t be distracted by comparison if we are captivated with purpose.” -Bob Goff What is it that you feel you need to focus on in this season of your life? What is your purpose? The problem with comparison is that it’s a liar. You could be flourishing and moving forward rapidly- but comparison will tell you that you barely moved an inch. Purpose doesn’t have to be some big and lofty thing- there is still purpose in the small steps. #Keepgoing and focus on the things in your control. #youcandothis #purposedriven #comparison #selfesteem #selfwork #mentalhealth #therapy #NewLifeCounseling
February is National Eating Disorder Awareness and Screening Month, and it’s our mission to provide education, awareness, and empowerment to the 30 million Americans suffering from an eating disorder along with their loved ones. Eating disorders (EDs) are complicated and often misunderstood illnesses that impact people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. It helps to look at EDs on a continuum, instead of in a “yes or no” manner. NEWLIFE-COUNSELING.COM Eating Disorder Awareness Month
You matter. No ifs, ands, or but. Just this- You matter. When others refuse to show love, kindness, or respect, remember that you are important. You have value and worth that cannot be taken away. This is Random Acts of Kindness week- so we challenge you to go out there and show kindness and love to someone. #beknownbylove #randomactsofkindness #blackhistorymonth #valentinesday #youmatter #youareimportant #mentalhealth #love #therapy #newlifecounseling
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14 #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #votw #hope #meditateonthis #goals #slowdown #healing #inspired #biblicalcounseling #NewlifeCounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog
If you haven't checked it out yet, we have a new blog post all about eating disorders. Check it out if you think you may have an eating disorder, or if you think your loved one may have an eating disorder. We have also created a few new shirts to honor body positivity and the struggle those with eating disorders experience- now including our first children's sizes! #eatingdisorderawareness #bodypositivemovement #innerpeace #HopeIsContagious Blog link:
Choose your direction. Sometimes it feels like nothing is working out the way you think it should. The good news is that you get to choose your reaction... go ahead and pivot your plans and goals as needed. You've got this! #goleft #pivot #mentalhealthtips #therapy #innerpeace
It may look like others have it ALL put together- I promise, they don’t. Most people are just winging it and making it up. I challenge you to let go of the word should- stop focusing on what you are *supposed* to do. Let go of fear. Choose to embrace the journey, even if it feels scary. #practicenotperfection #innerpeace #keepgoing #anxiety #should #mentalhealth #therapy #newlifecounseling
“My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Psalm 73:26 #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #votw #hope #meditateonthis #slowdown #healthandwellness #inspired #biblicalcounseling #NewlifeCounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10 #innerpeace #selfcompassion #meditateonthis #dailyinspriation #therapy
Psalm 66:17 “I cried out to him with my mouth; his praise was on my tongue.” #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #votw #hope #meditateonthis #selfworth #innerpeace #slowdown #inspired #biblicalcounseling #NewlifeCounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog
This free group in #westdesmoines will be a safe setting where we can come together and find support for all our individual challenges as well as the collective struggles we all have faced during the COVID-19 pandemic. This will be a place where we can work together to be emotionally healthy! Please check out the link below to register. Registration ends March 10th #anxietysupport #emotionalhealth
Good sleep is vital to your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Keep reading for 5 tips to improve your sleep and mental health in part 1 of our self-care series. NEWLIFE-COUNSELING.COM The Sleep Health Connection: Self-care part 1 - New Life Counseling
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14 #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #votw #hope #meditateonthis #goals #slowdown #healing #inspired #biblicalcounseling #NewlifeCounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog
Psalm 16:1 “Keep me safe, my God, for in you I take refuge.” #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #votw #hope #meditateonthis #selfworth #innerpeace #slowdown #inspired #biblicalcounseling #NewlifeCounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog
Life isn’t always easy; in fact, it is full of challenging times. You have a choice in how you respond to the storms that pass your way. Are you going to lift the umbrella or let yourself get wet? In other words, you can choose to shut down from the difficult feelings and become hardened and bitter, or you can grow from your experience. Its only a mistake if you choose to remain stuck. Looking back on your life, what situations have you grown most from? Were they easy or difficult situations? #makemeaning #keepgoing #hope #selfreflection #therapy #mentalhealth #Christiancounseling
Love this illustration by Sanitary Panels! Remember that burn out isn't forever and strategic self-care can help you prevent burn out all together. Not sure how? We would be happy to help you with that! #burnout #selfcare #selfwork #therapy #illustration
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10 #innerpeace #selfcompassion #meditateonthis #dailyinspriation #therapy
Psalm 66:17 “I cried out to him with my mouth; his praise was on my tongue.” #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #votw #hope #meditateonthis #selfworth #innerpeace #slowdown #inspired #biblicalcounseling #NewlifeCounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog
This free group in #westdesmoines will be a safe setting where we can come together and find support for all our individual challenges as well as the collective struggles we all have faced during the COVID-19 pandemic. This will be a place where we can work together to be emotionally healthy! Please check out the link below to register. Registration ends March 10th #anxietysupport #emotionalhealth
Its ok to have a bad day ❤️ #innerpeace #selfcompassion #meditateonthis #dailyinspriation #therapy
There are no quick cures for Generalized Anxiety Disorder or chronic anxiety, but you can try these 5 things to help you in a moment of heightened anxiety to reset your thought pattern or give your brain a small break from the stressful input. These are not a cure and they are not intended to help you suppress your thoughts or avoid your feelings as that isn’t healthy. If you are dealing with debilitating anxiety check out for more resources and contact us to set up an appointment if you are ready to talk to someone. #anxiety #anxietymanagement #practicenotperfection #should #keepgoing #therapy #mentalhealth #Christiancounseling
Anyone else think its funny that World Sleep Day is right after Daylight Savings? As you work to recover from the time change, give our latest post a read for 6 tips to stop racing thoughts. Wishing you great sleep tonight! NEWLIFE-COUNSELING.COM Stop Racing Thoughts: A Guide to Better Sleep - New Life Counseling
Psalm 16:1 “Keep me safe, my God, for in you I take refuge.” #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #votw #hope #meditateonthis #selfworth #innerpeace #slowdown #inspired #biblicalcounseling #NewlifeCounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog
Life isn’t always easy; in fact, it is full of challenging times. You have a choice in how you respond to the storms that pass your way. Are you going to lift the umbrella or let yourself get wet? In other words, you can choose to shut down from the difficult feelings and become hardened and bitter, or you can grow from your experience. Its only a mistake if you choose to remain stuck. Looking back on your life, what situations have you grown most from? Were they easy or difficult situations? #makemeaning #keepgoing #hope #selfreflection #therapy #mentalhealth #Christiancounseling
Love this illustration by Sanitary Panels! Remember that burn out isn't forever and strategic self-care can help you prevent burn out all together. Not sure how? We would be happy to help you with that! #burnout #selfcare #selfwork #therapy #illustration
What you say “yes” to shows what is valuable to you. While its important to learn how to say “no”, it is equally important to know what you want to say “yes” to. Rather than thinking about all the things you want to keep out, try thinking of the things you want to hold space for. Bottom line, every “no” is a “yes” to something else (and vise versa). #boundariesmatter #boundarysetting #breakingcycles #selfwork #sayyes #Boundaries #therapy #mentalhealth #Christiancounseling
What a great reminder from knowncounselingco This week I was listening to a sermon about the season of waiting before the promise. They talked about how the Jewish people leaving Egypt waited 40 years to reach the promised land. However, it only took the scouts 40 days to reach that same land! God, in his sovereignty, knew that the people needed time to learn, grow and develop. He provided for all their needs and waited for them to be ready. He hasn't abandoned you in this waiting. This waiting can be a gift- a time of growth and rest. God doesn't break his promises and nothing surprises him. He knows where you are going and is ok with this time you need to become all you are meant to be. If he is ok with it, you can be too. So be encouraged today as you work through whatever pain or life struggle you are dealing with. You don't have to pretend to be in a different place than you are. God is willing and ready to simply sit with you through it while providing for all your needs. #theprocess #waiting #selfgrowthjourney #christiancounselor #selfcare #selfwork #burntout
Don't go with the flow. Be the flow. #innerpeace #selfcompassion #meditateonthis #dailyinspriation #therapy
1 Peter 3:14 “But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. "Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened." #faithinspired #wordsofwisdom #makeeverydaycount #verseoftheweek #votw #hope #meditateonthis #selfworth #innerpeace #slowdown #inspired #biblicalcounseling #NewlifeCounseling #christianmentalhealth #mentalhealthblog
Its ok to have a bad day ❤️ #innerpeace #selfcompassion #meditateonthis #dailyinspriation #therapy
There are no quick cures for Generalized Anxiety Disorder or chronic anxiety, but you can try these 5 things to help you in a moment of heightened anxiety to reset your thought pattern or give your brain a small break from the stressful input. These are not a cure and they are not intended to help you suppress your thoughts or avoid your feelings as that isn’t healthy. If you are dealing with debilitating anxiety check out for more resources and contact us to set up an appointment if you are ready to talk to someone. #anxiety #anxietymanagement #practicenotperfection #should #keepgoing #therapy #mentalhealth #Christiancounseling


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New Life Counseling
Counseling & Mental Health


  • What is the phone number for New Life Counseling in Ankeny IA?
    You can reach them at: 515-225-4006. It’s best to call New Life Counseling during business hours.
  • What is the address for New Life Counseling on northwest school street in Ankeny?
    New Life Counseling is located at this address: 227 Northwest School Street Ankeny, IA 50023.
  • What are New Life Counseling(Ankeny, IA) store hours?
    New Life Counseling store hours are as follows: Mon-Thu: 8:00AM - 8:00PM, Fri: 8:00AM - 6:00PM, Sat: 9:00AM - 2:00PM, Sun: Closed.