We can do all things relating to telephones and computers-- from moving a phone, to moving an entire phone system. We maintain and relocate ADSL's, paging systems, high-speed data lines, and computers. Computer networking can be very complex, yet New Wrinkle Communications can link all your computers to a LAN and/or the WEB. Let us review the phone charges for your multi-line system. It is possible your service charges can be changed to save you money each month. New Wrinkle has saved thousands of dollars in phone billing for its customers, and we may be able to do the same for you! We are based out of Elkhart, Indiana, and have worked this area for the last 35 years. Chances are I have already worked on your phone lines or phone system. Goshen, Dunlap, Middlebury, South Bend, Wakarusa, and Bristol are all areas we work in. Please call us today at 574-295-7771 to take care of your needs.