Nika's Pet Spaw & ReTreat

(on seminole boulevard)
Pet Care and Grooming in Largo, FL
Pet Care and Grooming


10:00AM - 6:00PM
10:00AM - 6:00PM
10:00AM - 6:00PM
10:00AM - 6:00PM
10:00AM - 4:00PM


10634 Seminole Boulevard
Largo, FL


Nika's Pet Spaw & ReTreat Photo


SOUTHERNLIVING.COM Best and Worst Flowers to Plant for a Pet-Friendly Garden
Finished product on adding security To the yard for under the fence diggers. I've got some clients with this issue so I thought I'd show you guys what we did over here. (When I say we I mean Joe lol)
we wanted to show you guys an idea we came up with. It's not finished yet but wanted to share. It's to help deter your dogs from digging out from the yard. We already had the timbers and it helped to secure it.
Marley is on her own level of amusement
Can anyone of you even believe this review? Anyone who has EVER called to set up an appointment knows that I do not speak this way. This is absolutely hurtful that someone would do this. I do not know this person but this is awful. I do not understand why someone would blatantly leave a false review 💔 this is heartbreaking. I do not understand why someone would do that. I'm just in shock.
please Keep your eyes open and share
The holidays are coming!!! Don't forget to pre-book your pups stay. If you're new to Nika's Pet Spaw and Retreat, feel free to call and schedule a meet and greet for boarding 727 678 8220. Boarding prices $38 per night (for dogs over a year old) $48 per night (for dogs under a year old and or on medications) Additional dogs $20 per night (over a year old) $30 per night (under a year old and or on medications) Holiday day rate Is an additional $10 night of (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas day, New Years)
Kayla is an older gal. Got her cleaned up and feeling good! She was very fragile so she needed a gentle hand ❤️ such a sweet girl. I'll post the video of her feeling brand new after her groom
The Dodo October 18 at 1:00 PM · Guy rollerblades with his 75-pound dog on his back 😆
Recently re tiled all the boarding rooms as well! This is a picture of one of the big paws rooms.
Here's a video to show everyone the renovations we've been working on here at Nika's Pet Spaw and Retreat ☺️ we added a small paws boarding area, doggie lounge and are beginning to build the deck for the hang out area under our shady oak tree. I didn't get a video of the new floors in the big paws boarding side but Ill post a picture. We never stop over here! More to come!
🥰 these two were so awesome!!
Ms.sophie is learning how to play ❤️
Who wants to stand on hind legs to look out the window when you can just stand on the cabinet 😆
Hello! From Sammy 🥰
We had some puddles on the walk way out of the shop, so Joe carried her to the dog house 🥰 didn't want those pretty paws getting wet!
With the current weather situation with ETA. We are getting calls for families evacuating from flood zones and needing boarding We do have some rooms open for boarding if anyone needs a safe place for their pups. We are considered a no flood zone area. We typically do have an extra charge for day of bookings but given the possible circumstance we are waiving that fee.
She's her own breed 😎🐺
One of my littles visiting with her dogs❤️
My mom's pups hanging in the doggie lounge after grooming
Tito got a new do!
Before and after on sweet Mojo ❤️
Fun facts about poodles that most people do not realize. Poodles are hunting dogs. The hairstyles they are most known for were "for function not fashion" AKC.ORG Poodles: 10 Fun Facts About This Smart, Stylish Dog Breed
No humans allowed on the couch!
First timers❤️
Before and after ❤️🥰
Notice about online scheduler: Remember the scheduler sends out the first appointment reminder 2 days ahead of time. The reason for this 2 day in advance notice is because we have a 25% cancellation fee for appointments cancelled within 24hrs of appt date. It's my way of giving you that extra day to cancel.
Goooood morning! -from Blue
Grooming appts open tomorrow for 10a.m., 11a.m., 12pm. Please contact me for scheduling.
Zoey and kodi coming in for some Lovins
We've got some openings for grooming over the next week. Feel free to schedule online at NIKASPETSPAW.COM Home
First timers feeling right at home waiting on owners to pick up ❤️
Omgggod😍 cooper the cutie
Taaaadaaaa!!!!! we still need the step and finishing touches. But Now our pups can enjoy lounging under their shady oak tree
Doggy deck in the works! 😁😁😁
People want to say you’re just a dog groomer... It’s so much more than that! You spend time with these dogs every time they come through your door. You bathe them, do anal glands, cut their hair, trim their nails, clean their ears, etc. Sometimes you have to do all this with the dog trying to bite you. Sometimes your trying to cut their hair while they are licking you to death because they love you! Sometimes your giving a puppy it’s first haircut and trying your best to be calm and patient while the puppy learns that the clippers and scissors aren’t going to hurt it! Sometimes your in the last few grooms of a senior dog and they start to hurt when you touch them and you try your best to be… More
Morning play time! Get all that energy out!!
My bodhi boy hanging by the new pee pole 😆
Get 5$ off your future grooms by pre booking your pups on 4 week grooming schedules 😁4 week grooming schedules are recommended for all dogs. It helps pups learn to enjoy grooming and see it as a regular part of life rather than fear coming in due to matting, Helps keep skin issues at Bay, and you essentially get à free groom at the end of the year from the monthly$5 off. Win/Win!! *Please put a note in the "notes" area that you are putting your pups on the 4 week schedule to ensure you get your $5's off*
We finally found a doorbell system that reaches the shop out back! Upon arrival, if by chance you forget your phone, please ring the door bell and I will be notified that you are here 👐
Did some Christmas photo shoots for our doggies stay over the holiday 😆👌❤️
The littles hanging out this evening ❤️
Fireworks started early! Got our piano music playing for our pups tonight. Everyone is quiet and doing good. Happy New Year!!!!!
Hanging out on the new doggie deck. I'd say it's dog approved!
Grub time!
Our littles ❤️
We finally found a doorbell system that reaches the shop out back! Upon arrival, if by chance you forget your phone, please ring the door bell and I will be notified that you are here 👐
Our Ellie with her daddy. Just a big baby ❤️
Full Scissor cut on Mr.Logan
🤘 rockin the beard
Miss penny is still looking for a home. She's very well trained. Listens to commands. She's come out of her shell so beautifully here. All she needs is a few days of safe space with a new owner and from there she's wonderful. She's shy upon initially meeting new people.
We have Ms. Penny boarding here due to an unfortunate injury of her owner. He broke his back. Her owners have come to an extremely difficult decision to have her rehomed. Penny is a very loving and gentle dog if given the chance. She is initially shy and unsure of new people. Penny has been here about a week now and by the 3rd day we got to see how sweet and loving she truly is. She loves car rides, listens very well, no potty issues, no destructive tendencies and is very adaptable. If anyone would be willing to give her a few days of safe space she will surprise you with how she is once she builds a little trust. Penny would do best as an only dog with no small children. Please help penny find a new home. She's a good girl, just needs someone willing to simply give her a little space the first few days. Never once was she aggressive towards us, we respected her boundaries and by the third day we got to see Penny as her true self. Please share. She'll be here for at least another week.
Make sure to wave hi to our mailbox guardian
Ms Darla and her alter ego.
Our next project In the works. We will soon be adding custom wood design doggy decor for sale!!!!
Penny got the ZOOOOMIES!!!!
Meet scooby, our doorman 😆
Memes Of England January 2, 2020 at 2:01 PM · 😂😂
Going through old pictures and found this gem. These Guys do EVERYTHING together. They were running and playing and both stopped at the same time 😆
I love this little guy in all his weirdness💕
Ms.Sophie ❤️
Good bye Penny❤️💔 Penny's owners were able to find a way to keep her. We are so happy for all of them, yet sad to see her go. Be a good girl Penny!!!
Jessie Gonzalez Cox January 21 at 11:04 PM · Found this girl in the area of 40th and Yukon. If anyone knows the owner, can help find the owner or can help foster DM me. She is not chipped I can’t keep her. 😞
Night time potty/hang out sesh with penny ❤️
Paws Inn Paradise January 27 at 1:00 PM ·
Christine Brooks January 25 at 6:24 PM · Lol
Handsome boy 😍
Michael Salter January 21 at 1:50 PM · Didn’t know this. Good to know.
Finally got around to painting the client area from beige to la french market green❤️ only took 4 years to get to it lol
Meet Reese! Such a sweet girl, Bernadoodle pup. I fell head over heels 😍
Daycare babies❤️❤️ Frank and Kevin. I love when dogs have Human names. I'm curious to know all the unique names of your animals and why you chose that name for them. I named my dog Bodhi because as a young puppy he just seemed to understand life and had a balanced understanding of other dogs that might be nervous and was able to get them out of their shells and feeling comfortable here.
Just a reminder. As the days are warming up the fleas are coming back as well!! And with a vengeance! Please make sure you're ahead of the game and get your pups on a high quality flea preventative ahead of time ❤️
The Daily Laughs January 30 at 2:54 PM ·
Shanna Rae April 4, 2020 at 4:23 PM · Taken from another page... My Neighbors Black Cat had Kittens and they found a baby possum on their deck that must have fallen off of it’s Mom. The Mama Cat took it in as one of her kittens, But she doesn’t understand why this little funny Kitten hangs on her all the time 😊. At this point in time we need to be more like the Animals, take care of eachother in their time of need
Video might be upside down lol but still worth it. What a sweet sweet little puppy❤️
Omg y'all what a cutie!!
I'm so happy to see more pups getting on the 4 week schedule. Pups are coming in happier, doing better with grooming and pet parents are able to keep their pups in the styles they prefer to have. Another aspect is that pet parents are telling me that "dog smell" in their house has become minimal due to their pups having more frequent baths. Win win for everyone. Remember that you get $5 discounts for for all future grooms for having pups on the 4 week grooming schedule 💕
Before and after on Ms.Mocha
Love my Bodhi boy. He is very sweet and loves his family. He doesn't mind new people coming over but he is still a guardian. When we go on our runs, he knows what his job is. Keep mama safe. One day we went for a run and a woman walking past us stopped and wanted to acknowledge his beauty. She then, without asking permission (innocently but still inappropriately) reached out to pet his head.Bodhi didn't lunge at her but he warned her with a growl. She seemed surprised. I stepped back with my Bodhi boy and informed her that he is not to be touched and we parted ways. I will not aplogise for him doing his job. Would you walk up to a complete stranger and hug them or touch their face because you find them to be beautiful? Lol. If someone did that to me I would react accordingly. Food for thought. Black Kraken Kennels February 15 at 5:20 PM · PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT With the number of dogs that have been sold over the past year, I’ve begun to see a trend of posts popping up on GSD forums that go something like this: “I brought my baby home 6 months ago and he’s been the sweetest thing until now. Then yesterday I took him out and just as a stranger was reaching in to pet him he snapped and tried to bite the stranger’s hand. What’s wrong with my baby?! How can I fix this?!” Inevitably, a bunch of commenters chime in with helpful advice like “give the strangers treats and let them feed your dog before they pet him”, or “oh, you should have redirected to a toy”, or my personal favourite “you should get him neutered”. Let me make it easier. If you wanted the personality of a golden retriever you should have bought a golden retriever. But that’s not what you brought home. You brought home a large guardian breed that is genetically predisposed to be wary of strangers. That a GSD owner is surprised by their dog’s aggressive reaction to having its personal space invaded by a stranger does not indicate a problem with the dog, it indicates a misunderstanding of the breed. Now there will be some GSD owners who will push back, saying “my boy just loves everyone. All he wants is to meet people and get pats and treats. He wouldn’t hurt a fly”. Those dogs unquestionably exist, but know this: as working line GSD breeders seeking to preserve and advance the breed, this is not a trait we select for. To be clear, a properly socialized GSD (note that proper socialization does not mean allowing your dog to meet and interact with every strange person and animal it comes across) should not be lunging at the end of its leash at every stranger passing by. Non-reactivity should be a training goal from early in the dog’s life. However this is NOT the same thing as expecting your dog to enjoy - or even tolerate - being touched by strangers. As owners it is our job to train our dogs to be non-reactive to stimuli outside our control. A dog that does not like being passed by strangers on a sidewalk must be taught to tolerate this stimulus as we do not control who we pass on a sidewalk, or when. However it is also our job to work within the bounds of our dog’s individual personality as it pertains to stimuli that are within our control, and to have enough respect for our dog to not put it in avoidable, uncomfortable situations. The solution is not to give strangers treats to feed your dog before petting it, or to redirect to a toy, or to spay or neuter your dog. It’s not to try to train your dog to tolerate something it is genetically predisposed not to like. The solution is to stand up for your dog and stop allowing strangers to approach it. Some pet owners may not like having to manage their dog in this way. They should have bought a different breed. In closing, allow me to leave you with the 5 words every GSD owner should get comfortable saying loudly and firmly: “Please don’t touch my dog.” EDIT: To avoid any spread of confusion by the few who have misunderstood the post, most GSDs can be trained to tolerate being touched by strangers. Nothing above says otherwise. But if you feel the need to train your GSD to tolerate being touched by strangers when it hates it, perhaps you didn’t buy the right breed. EDIT 2: None of the behaviour described in the post relates to being protective. The behaviours people most often interpret as their dog being “protective” are almost never actually protective behaviours. EDIT 3: Although it’s irrelevant to the message of the post, I changed labradoodle to golden retriever. A few people were getting hung up on what kind of dog was chosen for comparison rather than figuring out it was just intended to be any kind that contrasts “a guardian breed that is genetically predisposed to be wary of strangers”. To avoid distraction I changed it to a Golden Retriever, which is probably what I should have gone with in the first place.
Just so you all know, this is the reality of grooming puppies lol. There is a reason why I do not recommend anything more than a mini groom for a first groom. ***Also, the shears are closed and cannot hurt this puppy by licking them, the blunt tip of the shears is never pointed at the dog making them harmless, just looks intimidating*** What I am doing is *attempting* to teach the puppy with the shears closed by laying them on the area I would be trimming.(which we barely accomplished much lol) I'm hoping by sharing this video it will give everyone an insight on how important it is to take time with puppies and for owners to not expect much from the first few grooms. I do not ever recommend anyone attempt to groom their puppy themselves. This takes time and experience in precision snips in between puppy wiggles. So now that everyone has had their dose of anxiety for the morning, have a wonderful day everyone 😆💕
Stella 💕
😆 The Dodo February 14 at 5:00 PM · Rescue dog stalks his dad every day — then starts bringing him "gifts" from outside 😂
I took this video for this pups owner. I wanted to share with you all the magic of just taking the time to find a solution for a dogs fear. This little hand held dryer has done wonders for my pups with fear of having their faces blow dried. This little guy was absolutely terrified of the regular dryer. Attacking, running away. Then within a few seconds of the hand held dryer he was much calmer. Does it take longer? Yes it does. The little dryer doesn't have much power to it. But if it means taking an extra 10 minutes and sparing a dog further trauma, then why not?! This little man was cage dried at the previous groomers, and always went home stinking like he never got a bath (because cage dryers really don't do a thorough job and I still to this day don't use them) today he went home smelling great and feeling good. All in a day's work at Nika's Pet Spaw and Retreat ❤️ I owe a big thanks to my sharpener for introducing me to that little magic dryer. I'll be using this more often
Nedra Ross December 12, 2020 at 3:01 PM ·
Savage Paramedics Yesterday at 2:17 PM ·
Getting our small paws yard ready ❤️❤️❤️
Just so you all know, this is the reality of grooming puppies lol. There is a reason why I do not recommend anything more than a mini groom for a first groom. ***Also, the shears are closed and cannot hurt this puppy by licking them, the blunt tip of the shears is never pointed at the dog making them harmless, just looks intimidating*** What I am doing is *attempting* to teach the puppy with the shears closed by laying them on the area I would be trimming.(which we barely accomplished much lol) I'm hoping by sharing this video it will give everyone an insight on how important it is to take time with puppies and for owners to not expect much from the first few grooms. I do not ever recommend anyone attempt to groom their puppy themselves. This takes time and experience in precision snips in between puppy wiggles. So now that everyone has had their dose of anxiety for the morning, have a wonderful day everyone 😆💕
Stella 💕
Groomies Yesterday at 4:02 PM · Credit; Unknown
Pawsitive Principles with Bree is with Laura Wells and Grace Wiggins. March 6, 2019 at 7:34 PM · Collect brushed fur into a bag and put it into a bird feeder. The birds will take away the fur and use it for their nests to keep them nice and warm!! Love this idea!!! 🐾
This little man is here for his second time. His first time he was scared to death of his nails being trimmed. I spend the time and showed him respect. Look at him his second time here. Now what's not in the video is the last paw. He did begin to get upset. But still maintained his composure. I am so proud of this little guy!!!
Zoe Sanders‎Groomers Uplifting Groomers March 9 at 3:48 AM · This is to who made the original post! Tell your bather she’s famous 😂😂😂 a husky fan page made this.
Ella St shared a post to the group: Groomers Uplifting Groomers. March 7 at 10:45 PM · Fit At 40 February 20 at 10:21 AM ·
❤️😭 Highlands County Sheriff's Office March 12 at 8:10 PM · Here is a special treat to send you into the weekend crying some happy tears: A couple of months ago, a family who lives near Fort Meade lost their dog after he ran off chasing a rabbit. Despite making all efforts to find him – Facebook posts, calling Animal Control and Animal Services, leaving a towel outside so he may catch the scent, etc. – they could not find him. Two months to the day after he was lost, they had pretty much given up hope of ever seeing their dog again. That’s when the phone rang. Turns out their dog had been picked up by somebody on their way to Highlands County and, after a couple of months, it wound up in the hands of our Animal Services folks. Teri Dosil at Animal Services thought the dog looked familiar and started digging through Facebook posts. Sure enough, it was the same dog. His name is Bruiser. To say Bruiser had a joyous homecoming would be putting it lightly. Tyler, who is 10, was simply overcome when his parents surprised him with his best friend. The two have been inseparable since then.
TREEHUGGER.COM Please Stop 'Rescuing' Gopher Tortoises, Florida Asks Jaida Jones shared a link to the group: I Love St. Pete. March 15 at 3:08 PM · Hi, friends! If you’re new to FL, please take a peek at this article so we can keep our Gopher Tortoises alive. 🐢🌱 they’re land turtles, not water turtles. Sadly, many of these little dudes die due to people “rescuing” them and putting them in the water. They can’t swim. They’ll drown. So if you see a rather dinosaur-esque turtle eating some grass, please leave him alone. He’s where he belongs. 💚
Just a friendly reminder lol Velda Richardson shared a post to the group: Groomers Uplifting Groomers. March 16 at 6:57 PM · Jennifer Janes March 16 at 12:17 PM · Samantha Slade😂😂😂😂😂
Winnie❤️ such a good boy! His face cracks me up 😂
Groomies March 11 at 4:02 PM · Credit; Unknown


Company name
Nika's Pet Spaw & ReTreat
Pet Care and Grooming


  • What is the phone number for Nika's Pet Spaw & ReTreat in Largo FL?
    You can reach them at: 727-678-8220. It’s best to call Nika's Pet Spaw & ReTreat during business hours.
  • What is the address for Nika's Pet Spaw & ReTreat on seminole boulevard in Largo?
    Nika's Pet Spaw & ReTreat is located at this address: 10634 Seminole Boulevard Largo, FL 33778.
  • What are Nika's Pet Spaw & ReTreat(Largo, FL) store hours?
    Nika's Pet Spaw & ReTreat store hours are as follows: Mon: Closed, Tue-Fri: 10:00AM - 6:00PM, Sat: 10:00AM - 4:00PM, Sun: Closed.