Use the best clinical sources to stay abreast of the situation. Most people will be directed to self-isolate and/or self-quarantine unless they are at high risk, due to underlying medical conditions, especially respiratory conditions. Here in NJ, the DOH has set guidelines for who should seek further care. Use common sense. Fever greater than 100.4, cough and difficulty breathing/shortness of breath are the criteria to contact your physician, preferably by phone so as not to spread disease if you are infected. Stay safe, cyberverse.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
This will protect you and others. If you are unsure, please call and we can advise you. Dr.Lopez and David are here to help. Please don’t hesitate to reach out.
El dr. Marco Lopez esta de regreso en la oficina y viendo pacientes. Debido a la crisis de COVID19 hemos reducido nuestro horario de 9am – 3pm de lunes a Viernes. Estamos siguiendo el protocolo de distanciamiento social y el protocolo del CDC para interacccion con pacientes.
Si estas infectado o crees que podria estar, se DEBE hacer quarentena voluntaria.
Si esta libre de sintomas, puedes asistir para tratamiento. Todos los pacientes se estan viendo por cita. Si llegas temprano o tarde, llama de tu auto antes de entrar el edificio o la oficina. Estamos limitando entrada a dos (2) pacientes a la vez a la oficina. Se debe usar mascarilla y guantes. El area de tratamiento y espera se limpia con cloro entre visitas. Esto Tambien require tiempo. Estamos para ayudarlos en loque necesiten.
No deberias ir a tu primario, centro de urgenica o la sala de emergiencia para dolor de cuello o espalda.
Esto te protegera a ti y a los demas de posibles contagios. Si tienes dudas, por favor llamanos y te aconsejaremos. El dr. Lopez y David estan aqui para ayudarte. No dudes en llamarnos.
Dr. Marco Lopez is back in the office and treating patients. Due to the COVID19 crisis we have reduced hours from 9am – 3pm, Monday through Friday. We are following social distancing guidelines and CDC recommendations for patient interaction.
If you are infected or think you might be infected, you MUST self-quarantine.
If you are symptom free, you may come in for treatment. At this time, patients are seen by appointment. If patients are running late or early, they should call from their car first before entering the office as we limiting access to two (2) patients at a time. You should wear protective face mask/covering and gloves. Treatment areas are wiped down with a Clorox solution between patients. This requires drying time. We are here to help.
You should NOT be going to your primary care, urgent care or the emergency room for neck or back pain.
This will protect you and others. If you are unsure, please call and we can advise you. Dr.Lopez and David are here to help. Please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Codman's Pendulum Exercise
Be a team player. You are your brother's keeper. Stay safe cyberverse.
COVID-19 Self-Assessment
COVID-19: I'm Sick. What Should I Do?
It's been 7 months....and winter is looming. Mental health issues related to our lock down and the pandemic are especially hard for people with depression and other mental health disorders. NAMI, The National Alliance on Mental Health has a 24-hour helpline: 800-950-6264. The relapse and overdose rate has increased by 30% since March 2020.