Nod Specialists

Infectious Disease Specialists can treat a wide range of infections including UTIs, Pneumonia, Skin Infections, Bone Infections, Post-operative infections, HIV, STDs, MRSA, and more. We can see patients online from the comfort of home in AZ or CO or in-person in our Arizona-based clinics.

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Nod Specialists

US Postal Code:85260

Address: 8952 E Desert Cove Ave, Scottsdale
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Nod Specialists

US Postal Code:85308

Address: 17560 N 75th Ave, Glendale
Store Hours:

Nod Specialists

US Postal Code:85037

Address: 9520 W Palm Ln, Phoenix
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Latest Nod Specialists news

We'd like to send a quick shout out to the Northern Arizona and Southern Arizona Telehealth Alliances for helping organize and support telehealth efforts to the rural areas of our home state. Their passionate dedication is a true force for change.
Meet Andi Ravenscroft, our director of client relations. You may know Andi as our point of contact for all of our partners. She is a passionate business professional who grew from a care coordinator to a certified nursing home administrator and is now a passionate force for making sure patients get the best care possible, wherever they are.
The COVID-19 virus mimics a bad cold, or even the flu, in many ways. Here’s an overview of how the two are alike, and how they differ. NODMD.COM Differences between COVID-19 and Seasonal Flu
The best protection against seasonal Influenza is obtaining Influenza vaccination each year!
• Hand hygiene is the #1 method to prevent the spread of illness in healthcare and within communities • Hand washing with soap and water reduces germs and amount of chemicals on hands • Hand sanitizer can quickly reduce the number of microbes on hands, however they do not eliminate all types of germs, especially ones that cause diarrheal illness • When soap and water is not available, use of at least 60% alcohol-based hand sanitizer • Hand washing should be for at least 20 seconds, covering all surfaces of hands • Hand sanitizer should be rubbed into hands until completely dried • No matter what type of hand hygiene is used, cover all areas of hands, including under nails, around the nails, near the wrists and between fingers
DID YOU KNOW? CMS recently released they are resuming full facility surveys. Ensure your staff and facility are prepared!
TUE, OCT 27 AT 2:00 PM UTC-06 COVID-360º: Vaccines, Testing, and Management
Join us Oct 27th for a fast-paced webinar on all angles of COVID-19, including testing. You'll learn the difference between PCR, Antibody, and Antigen tests, how the tests work, and each's accuracy. You'll also walk away with knowledge on staff and resident testing protocols and conditions-of-satisfaction for return-to-work and more. Click to learn more and to sign up.
Dr. Schmitz has over 25 years of pharmacy experience working in various settings, including hospital, home infusion, ambulatory care, specialty pharmacy, and geriatrics. As the founder and CEO of SRx Consultant Group, she has unique insight into improving medication compliance and healthcare outcomes for patient populations in long term care and assisted living communities.
Wow! We are so excited to have our CEO, Dr Murthy, named as one of 2020s top telemedicine innovators. It’s such an honor to be along side such leaders as Teladoc and Zipnosis. We’re continuing to push innovation forward to make special care easily accessible to all. NODMD.COM Technology Innovators Ranks Nod As Top 20 Telemedicine Innovator
On Oct 27th, Join two MDs and a PharmD to get a full view of the current state of COVID-19. The webinar will be a high-speed, high-impact session on Testing, Treatment, Vaccines, and Prevention. Medical Directors, DONs, and Providers are highly encouraged to attend to get the latest research from three powerhouses of knowledge.
Nod’s Infection Prevention Director, Megan Crosser, is leading an educational session at APIC’s virtual conference: Cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization on Oct 8th. Click to learn more about her talk: A High-Level Disinfection & Sterilization Toolkit for the Infection Preventionist. NODMD.COM Join us at APIC’s CDS Virtual Conference
Have you registered for tomorrow's live FREE webinar? We are lucky enough to have three powerhouses of knowledge presenting the latest research to help you and your staff navigate the waters to weather this long term COVID storm. If you can't make the webinar, register, and we will send you the video recording of the live event.
If you find a positive case of COVID-19 in your organization, what should you do first? Are you accepting COVID-19 patients? How do you cohort staff? During this special online event, we will answer this question and more live on Oct 27th. Click to learn more and register now.
International Infection Prevention Week (IIPW) celebrates the importance of infection prevention and the role of IPs in protecting public health. This year we recognize our infection preventionists (IPs) for battling a global pandemic and keeping the world safer.
Dr. Murthy is a Board-Certified Infectious Diseases Specialist. He has served in multiple leadership roles as Senior Medical Partner, Medical Executive Committee member, Chairperson of Infection Control, and Antimicrobial Stewardship Committees over the last decade. Dr. Murthy's infectious disease leadership will give you insight on COVID-19 testing and treatment options as well as how to manage COVID-19 in SNFs and Rural Community Hospitals.
As more data comes through, it's hard to sift through the information for what complications COVID-19 has on different conditions and what long-term effects we're starting to see. Join us on Oct 27th for a free, fast-paced webinar to learn what the latest research shows and more.
Did you miss COVID-360? No worries at all! You can catch all of the goodness from the recording. Click to see the video!
Nod Specialists updated their business hours.
We are sure you have a plan for reducing infections. How about a proactive plan designed to prevent infections, as well as control outbreaks? Learn more here
The year may be coming to an end, but our work to improve care never stops. Wishing you all the wonderfully joyous greetings to you and yours this holiday season and the upcoming new year.