Norman & Miller Eyecare

At Norman & Miller Eyecare, we strive to provide the highest quality eye care services to meet our patients� needs and give them the best eye exam.

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Norman & Miller Eyecare locations in US

Norman & Miller Eyecare

US Postal Code:47905

Address: 3888 Union St., Lafayette
Store Hours:

Norman & Miller Eyecare

US Postal Code:47933

Address: 408 W Market St, Crawfordsville
Store Hours:
Mon-Fri: 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Sat-Sun: Closed

Norman & Miller Eyecare

US Postal Code:46041

Address: 1303 S. Jackson St., Frankfort
Store Hours:
Mon: 8:00AM - 6:00PM
Tue-Fri: 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Sat-Sun: Closed

Norman & Miller Eyecare

US Postal Code:46923

Address: 750 E Main St, Delphi
Store Hours:
Mon-Tue: 8:00AM - 6:00PM
Wed: Closed
Thu-Fri: 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Sat-Sun: Closed

Latest Norman & Miller Eyecare news

***Back To School Eye Exams*** 80% of a students learning is done through their vision. Make sure your child has an updated glasses or contact lens prescription before heading back to school. Call today to schedule a comprehensive exam:765-447-5413
You can now pay your bill online from our website! For added convenience to our patients, we have added the option of paying your bill online! Simply visit our website and click on the "Pay Bill" link.
Is E-Learning or added screen time causing eye strain and eye fatigue for you or your child? With the added time spent behind digital devices, the eyes can be affected. At our offices we prescribe lens technologies that help relax the focusing system of the eyes, helping to prevent digital eye strain. Ask us about these lenses next time you're in!
It's more than just an eye examination... "For doctors of optometry, they also offer an expansive look into your overall health, allowing optometrists to diagnose a wide array of common and not-so-common conditions, including diabetes, skin cancer and brain tumors." USATODAY.COM Story from American Optometric Association: Surprising things an optometrist sees during an eye exam
Enjoy your day! We’ll be back in the office tomorrow morning.
Whether it's E-learning or in-person classes, make sure your student has a comprehensive eye examination before classes begin!
Don't let your yearly vision benefit go to waste! Call to schedule your comprehensive eye examination before the end of the year. 765-447-5413
"Eye providers are able to detect more than 270 serious health conditions during annual exams.” RENEWUHC.COM 10 Things Your Eyes, Ears and Mouth Can Reveal About Your Health
Our office will be closed today due to inclement weather. We will call you to reschedule your appointment.
❤️Happy Valentine's Day from N&M Eyecare❤️
Happy New Year! We're raising our "glasses" to a wonderful 2021!
Merry Christmas from N&M Eyecare!