Convenience. If you ask any senior citizen or convalescing patient, most prefer to remain at home rather than utilize the services of a nursing home or assisted living facility. Open Arms Personal Care is a home health care agency providing the necessary assistance needed for clients who are not in need of complex medical care, but are having difficulty taking care of their own needs.
Comfort. The privilege of staying at home for as long as possible can mean a great deal to seniors and other clients. In a lot of cases, their biggest fear is the loss of independence.
Confidence. Home care makes it possible for individuals who wish to remain at home to be able to do so with confidence. Clients who utilize home health care come from all ages and backgrounds and, likewise, have different needs.
Capabilities. A wide variety of personal care services including walking assistance, personal hygiene and housekeeping are provided. Mail organizing, recreational activities and family respite care are additional services available as well as meal preparation and transportation for doctors408 appointments or running errands.