Parents talk to your kids about this and how to handle situations....it happens all to often. Make sure they feel safe and positive to let someone know if it is happening to them.
Don’t keep quiet about it....stand up for others and stay strong:)
Are you in a domestic violence situation but can’t say it out loud cause your afraid. Use this signal to let others know. Others if you see this signal from someone please help them!
Kirsten Limon
September 10 at 8:44 PM ·
I help with a group at the Middle School but would love to have so much more:)
Your imperfections, your scars, and experiences are part of you but they are not you.
Just because it happened to you does not mean you deserved it or wanted it.
You do not have to accept someone else’s thoughts, ideas, or words about you.
If you have bad thoughts about yourself I want you to take a second to reflect on this:
When was the first time you felt that way?
Think back, take your time...
...It was them, it wasn’t you. They saw a point of entry and took it because it made them more powerful that way. They didn’t think or care how this would impact you.
And you, you were open, hopeful, and innocent. Believing that all hearts were good hearts just like yours. You would never believe they would lie, so you believed them.
You believed their mean words about you, you shamed yourself, you began to hate yourself to the point where your own reflection repulsed you.
It’s time to take that power back...
Yes it is a thing!!!!