Panthera Corporation

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Community Service Organizations in New York, NY
Community Service Organizations


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Brazil's #Pantanal isn't only a haven for #jaguars and other #wildcats, it's a unique ecosystem that supports an abundance of diverse #wildlife. These #SelfieSunday shots are just some of those amazing species that we were lucky enough to capture on #cameratrap including a crab-eating #fox, #curassow, giant #anteater, #nightjar and white-lipped #peccary. Learn how you can help us fight #wildfires in the Pantanal and protect all the wildlife that calls it home: https://bit.ly/2JWYfku
#FieldWorkFriday: Take a glimpse of routine #fieldwork for the #puma team. #OlympicCougarProject field technician Andrew Stratton explains how we track these #bigcats through dens and kill sites, like this one. The puma marked the log with her claws as both a communication tool and to remove the outer layer of the claws, keeping them sharp enough for her next kill
As part of their Unidos livestream event to celebrate #HispanicHeritageMonth in October, Latinx in Gaming will be featuring Panthera's scientists talking about #jaguar conservation on October 9. Learn more: https://www.latinxingaming.com/unidos-fri
Panthera's Fernando Tortato talks to VICE about the ongoing #wildfires in #Brazil's #Pantanal saying, "The fire kept overcoming our efforts. We were able to protect a lot of the [Panthera] ranch, but not as much as we would have liked to....In the majority of our battles with the fire, the fire won.” Read the article: https://bit.ly/3jhbTPv VICE.COM The Amazon's Lesser-Known Cousin Has Lost a Fifth of its Area to Wildfire
For #WildlifeWednesday read all about our Conexión Jaguar project with ISA that uses #carboncredits to preserve #jaguar habitat: https://bit.ly/2EyjOZL
For #TigerTuesday listen to Panthera Chief Scientist John Goodrich's #podcast with The Animal Chat Podcast about his career in #tigerconservation, including his own first-hand experiences with these #bigcats in the wild: https://bit.ly/332Tkco PODBEAN.COM S2 E6 Animal Chat with John Goodrich
Here's a #funfact for #TigerTuesday: While #tigers are generally solitary animals, males are known to spend time with familiar females and their cubs in areas of particularly high density. It's likely that they are tolerant of these #cubs because they fathered them. Photo by: Patrick Meier
Lion Program Director Paul Funston explores the fascinating behavior of dispersing male #lions in the latest #FieldNotes blog. Learn about some recent observations we’ve made in southern Africa that support his hypothesis that subadult and even non-territorial adult males gravitate to areas with a high presence of #buffalo at key nomadic times in their lives: https://bit.ly/3lnyxGy
Caption this #SelfieSunday subject! #CaptionThis #cloudedleopard! #unflatteringcatphotochallenge
Did someone say #unflatteringcatphotochallenge?
Panthera talks to Nipashe about the alarming decline in #lion populations. There are only about 20,000 of these #bigcats left in the wild. Read more for #FelineFriday: https://www.ippmedia.com/en/news/all-eyes-tanzania-lion-populations-dwindle IPPMEDIA.COM All eyes on Tanzania as lion populations dwindle
Don't forget to join us and Latinx in Gaming tomorrow morning on Twitch for an hour of amazing #jaguar content!
Thanks to Latinx in Gaming for raising funds for Panthera during Unidos Online: a three-day-long livestream celebrating #HispanicHeritageMonth to help raise funds for charity. Don't worry if you missed it- you can watch all 45 minutes of expert #jaguar (and some #smallcat) discussion right here: https://youtu.be/0O4LGTBmlvM YOUTUBE.COM Panthera and LatinXGaming
Tune in Tuesday, October 20 at 10am EST on #InstagramLIVE for our chat with scientist Vanessa Herranz Muñoz and learn all about her work on #fishingcats! Photo by Nick Garbutt Wildlife Photography
Here's a melanistic #leopard for #SelfieSunday to celebrate #spookyseason! Even though these #bigcats are all black, you can still see their rosettes underneath the coloring. Learn more about #blackcats and melanism: http://bit.ly/2q06iGq
Panthera Puma Program Director Mark Elbroch tells Lewiston Tribune what to do if you encounter a #puma in the wild saying, "What you should do with a cat that is being aggressive is be aggressive back...I take two steps toward them, and I yell and appear as large as I can. You can use words, or if you are scared out of your wits use a primal scream. You want to be as loud and as aggressive as you can.” These #bigcats aren't known for attacking humans and will likely run away when startled. Read the article: https://bit.ly/353NxTA LMTRIBUNE.COM Not your usual cat video
Panthera's South America Regional Director Esteban Payan talks to CNN about the relationship between people, #wildlife and the #pandemic in #Honduras and around the globe: https://cnn.it/370fAG0 US.CNN.COM Can nature heal itself? What the pandemic has shown us
What kind of #wildcat ambassador are you? Are you a fundraising master Teal Leopard or a political pro Orange Lion? Take the #quiz and earn your badge for one of the seven ambassador teams: https://bit.ly/3dq95gZ TRYINTERACT.COM Which Wild Cat Ambassador Team Are You On?
This #SelfieSunday #leopard was captured on #cameratrap in southern #Africa. These beautiful #bigcats sport densely packed rosettes that become large solid blotches on the lower half of their bodies. Learn more about leopards: https://www.panthera.org/cat/leopard
In Celebration of #InternationalSnowLeopardDay, this week's #FieldWorkFriday takes us to the Tien Shan Mountains of #Kyrgyzstan, where together with Фонд Илбирс and partners from around the world, Snow Leopard Program Conservation Scientist Shannon Kachel conducted fieldwork for his soon-to-be-completed dissertation on the ecology of #snowleopards, #wolves and their shared prey. To help us understand how these #carnivores live out their lives, and their impacts on each other, the team spent many months at a time living #offthegrid, operating entirely on foot and horseback, contending with harsh weather, challenging terrain, and notoriously elusive species. On any given day, gathering the data they were after might entail paddling or wading across ice-cold glacial meltwater streams, climbing into the unknown on the side of unnamed mountains, observing prey species for hours at a time, and visiting clusters of GPS collar locations.
Can you tell which #bigcat each of these photos belongs to? Scroll down to see the answer! The solid spots on the left are from a #cheetah while the rosettes with inner spots on the right belong to a #jaguar.
After 36 days the #jaguar Ousado, rescued from the #Pantanal's fires, has returned home. Thanks to medical treatments from NEX, in Corumbá de Goiás-GO, Ousado made a quick recovery and was discharged from hospital. On October 19, this big cat was anesthetized and collared with a GPS tracker before being released in the same area where he was rescued. Scientists, including Panthera's Fernando Tortato, will monitor his progress and track his movements in Porto Jofre-Pantanal. Ousado’s return home symbolizes the successful efforts of all those fighting fires and rescuing affected #wildlife. Special thanks to all the institutions involved in the rescue, including Ampara Animal, SEMA-MT, UFMT, Panthera, the Pantanal Relief Fund and Instituto Chico Mendes. Video by: Ailton Lara Learn how you can help: https://www.panthera.org/wild-crisis
Panthera's Puma Program Director Mark Elbroch talks to The Weather Channel about that viral #puma video, explaining how these #bigcats move around their landscape and what to do if you come upon one: https://youtu.be/qufbTkrKt7I YOUTUBE.COM Panthera Scientist Talks Puma Video on The Weather Channel
In this LIVE interview, we talk with Vanessa Herranz Muñoz about her work studying #fishingcats in #Cambodia. Learn more about these fascinating #smallcats, what we're doing to study and protect them, and how you can help.
This #FieldworkFriday is a special treat; a look inside a #puma's den to see the adorable kittens inside. Watch and learn how Field Technician Andrew Stratton studies these #bigcats safely and get a glance at Charlotte and her new babies! Together with The Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, we are monitoring Charlotte and many other #cougars on the #Olympic Penninsula.
In this The Southern Times article, they talk about the successful conservation efforts of southern #Africa's Kavango-Zambezi (#KAZA) Transfrontier Conservation Area, an area Panthera is proud to play a key role in. Read more: https://bit.ly/2HmD3qh Region shows the world how to protect wildlife || The Southern Times By: Masimba Gomo -- Aug07,2020 -- 0 Comments 0 Masimba Gomo Harare - Southern Africa has the best-preserved wildlife conservancies in the world, with five countries in the region ranked in the top ten globally by Oxford University’s Wildlife Conservation Research Unit. In partnership with Panthera... Region shows the world how to protect wildlife || The Southern Times By: Masimba Gomo -- Aug07,2020 -- 0 Comments 0 Masimba Gomo Harare - Southern Africa has the best-preserved wildlife conservancies in the world, with five countries in the region ranked in the top ten globally by Oxford University’s Wildlife Conservation Research Unit. In partnership with Panthera... Region shows the world how to protect wildlife || The Southern Times By: Masimba Gomo -- Aug07,2020 -- 0 Comments 0 Masimba Gomo Harare - Southern Africa has the best-preserved wildlife conservancies in the world, with five countries in the region ranked in the top ten globally by Oxford University’s Wildlife Conservation Research Unit. In partnership with Panthera... Region shows the world how to protect wildlife || The Southern Times By: Masimba Gomo -- Aug07,2020 -- 0 Comments 0 Masimba Gomo Harare - Southern Africa has the best-preserved wildlife conservancies in the world, with five countries in the region ranked in the top ten globally by Oxford University’s Wildlife Conservation Research Unit. In partnership with Panthera... Region shows the world how to protect wildlife || The Southern Times By: Masimba Gomo -- Aug07,2020 -- 0 Comments 0 Masimba Gomo Harare - Southern Africa has the best-preserved wildlife conservancies in the world, with five countries in the region ranked in the top ten globally by Oxford University’s Wildlife Conservation Research Unit. In partnership with Panthera... See more at southerntimesafrica.com
As #wildfires rage across #California, Panthera scientists estimate that 300 to 600 of the state's #pumas – up to 15% of the total population – have been killed, injured or negatively impacted thus far this year. These #bigcats are already threatened by habitat loss and fragmentation and reports of injured adults and kittens have made media headlines. Read our entire #pressrelease to learn more: https://bit.ly/3oA4TR1
It's #TigerTuesday! Earth Touch shared this fascinating video of a #tiger stealing a bucket from a fisherman. Panthera's Tiger Program Director John Goodrich thinks it's likely that this #bigcat was a young, dispersing male since they "show much more bold, exploratory behaviors than other tigers." https://bit.ly/35E1UhJ EARTHTOUCHNEWS.COM Why did this tiger steal a bucket from a pair of Russian fishermen? We have some theories.
Exciting news! We estimate that the habitat of up to 600 #jaguars has been burned and otherwise impacted by fires in the greater Brazilian #Pantanal this year. Despite this, a new jaguar birth sparks hope for the restoration of these big cats and their habitat; introducing Pixana and her new cub Fenix! Read all about them in our new #FieldNotes blog: https://bit.ly/3kp9e6Q
Mongabay.com shared our amazing video of the #jaguar Ousado being released back into #Brazil's #Pantanal after being rescued from the region's #wildfires: https://bit.ly/3oUsfRk NEWS.MONGABAY.COM Video: Vets hail ‘victory’ as jaguar burned in Pantanal fires returns to wild
For #FBF check out this Harare Magazine coverage of #WorldLionDay in August: https://bit.ly/3jZDmF6 HARAREMAGAZINE.CO.ZW World Lion Day in Celebration of a languid, lithe and lovely beast. |
In this article, Lonely Planet covers our press announcement about the impacts of #California's #widlfires on the local #puma population. Anywhere between 300 and 600 of these #bigcats have been impacted by the disaster. Read more: https://bit.ly/32gxYHq LONELYPLANET.COM California wildfires have impacted hundreds of big cats this year
November is #MonthoftheJaguar! For #WildlifeWednesday Panthera's South America Regional Director Esteban Payán shows us evidence of just how powerful a #jaguar's bite really is. #MesDelJaguar
“It’s a huge effort, but we are trying to estimate the number of animals killed by fires in the Pantanal this season,” explains Panthera's Fernando Tortato to The National. Read more about the devastating #wildfires impacting #Brazil's #Pantanal: https://bit.ly/3oSUEY5 THENATIONALNEWS.COM Battling fires in Brazil's wetlands: Scorched paws and firefighting scientists
#GivingTuesday is a global day of generosity that will take place on December 1, 2020. This year, over ten of our hubs are involved in this global movement to give back! Check out our online tool kit where you can find out which Wild Cat Ambassador team you’re on, share our tweets and banners and help spread the word about Panthera's critical wild cat conservation efforts: https://bit.ly/3lEqN3v
You can read an excerpt from #Puma Program Director Mark Elbroch's new book "The #Cougar Conundrum: Sharing the World with a Successful Predator" through The Revelator: https://bit.ly/3kAxnH3 THEREVELATOR.ORG What's the Value of a Mountain Lion? • The Revelator
This #SelfieSunday cutie is a #PallasCat! These #smallcats live in sparsely vegetated habitats in the mountains of Central #Asia where they use #marmot burrows and rock cavities to raise their #kittens.
Fantastic news from the #SharaanNatureReserve where on November 8, the KSA saw its most diverse wildlife reintroduction, including 50 Reem, 20 Idmi Gazelle, 25 Ibex and 10 Arabian Oryx. Panthera works with The Royal Commission for AlUla to rewild this important habitat for #Arabianleopards and other #wildlife. We're proud to be part of such an important initiative to protect some of the world’s most magnificent animals.
Dr. Vincent Naudé talks to BizNews.com about his proposal for #wildlife corridors to protect #leopards and their gene flow and Panthera's revolutionary #FursForLife program to replace real #wildcat skin with synthetic fur. Read or listen here for #FelineFriday: https://bit.ly/3ePaE8Y BIZNEWS.COM Hope for at risk leopards: A clever plan for the big cats who love to roam
Today we give a special thanks to the BRASA Purdue club! Once the news of the #Pantanal #wildfires began to spread, these students chose to raise money to support Panthera's #firefighting and #conservation work in the region. Their hard work resulted in a week of events that helped raise over $2,000 for us! Thank you to everyone involved for your support!
This #SelfieSunday is the one-of-a-kind #serval! Our latest #SmallCatSpotlight takes an in-depth look at this adorable feline and Panthera's work to study and protect it. You can read it through our #FieldNotes blog here: https://bit.ly/3kGUyzi
Panthera's KAZA Director Kim Young-Overton talks to bioGraphic about the #pandemic's impacts on #Africa's #wildlife. Without an influx of tourists, some areas have been suffering increased poaching and decreased monitoring of populations. Read more about the likely long-term effects that #COVID19 will have on #KafueNationalPark and other reserves across the continent: https://bit.ly/3pJiXbh BIOGRAPHIC.COM Africa’s Pandemic-fueled Conservation Crisis - bioGraphic
Panthera works with the Royal Commission of AlUla to rewild nature reserves in this region of #SaudiArabia with #Arabianleopards and other critical species. Read more through Arab News: https://bit.ly/3nHUcur ARABNEWS.COM Saudi Arabia’s nature reserves thrive in bid to replenish numbers of threatened animals
This #FieldWorkFriday story comes from Panthera's Jaguar Conflict Program Director Rafael Hoogesteijn. Watch the video and see through his eyes an amazing first-hand encounter with an #ocelot in #Brazil!
"Up to now, 27% of the #Pantanal has burned...The fires altered and impoverished the habitat of the #jaguar in the Pantanal. The #fires were so intense this year that every single person in the Pantanal was negatively affected, including large ranchers and small riverside communities," Panthera's Fernando Tortato tells World Atlas. Panthera continues to work alongside the Pantanal Relief Fund and local communities to mitigate impacts from these dangerous #wildfires. Read more: https://bit.ly/35J79xM WORLDATLAS.COM The World’s Largest Wetland Is Burning - And So Are Its Jaguars
In #HwangeNationalPark, #Zimbabwe, Panthera works with the Scorpion Anti-Poaching Unit (SAPU), alongside Wilderness Safaris and Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority, to detect #poaching patterns and trends. https://bit.ly/371VlGz Wilderness Safaris Supports Scorpion Anti-Poaching Unit in Hwange Despite COVID-19 bringing global travel to a standstill, Wilderness Safaris has reaffirmed its dedication to conserving and restoring Africa’s wilderness by continuing to support vital conservation projects in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe. This included a recent donation from Wilderness Safaris.... Wilderness Safaris Supports Scorpion Anti-Poaching Unit in Hwange Despite COVID-19 bringing global travel to a standstill, Wilderness Safaris has reaffirmed its dedication to conserving and restoring Africa’s wilderness by continuing to support vital conservation projects in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe. This included a recent donation from Wilderness Safaris.... See more at atta.travel
Help us ensure a future for #wildcats. https://www.facebook.com/donate/2539836996315702/?fundraiser_source=pages_card
This #GivingTuesday, we are asking our supporters to renew their covenant with #wildcats and make a promise to save these iconic species. Wild cats and the habitats where they live are resilient- if we allow them to be. Panthera knows that we must consider ourselves a part of nature, not apart from it. Together, we can #ReactRethinkRebirth to provide a healthy future for #wildlife and the wild places where they live. Join us: https://www.panthera.org/react-rethink-rebirth Donate now and have your gift matched! #givingtuesday2020 #conservation #savetheplant #reactrethinkrebirth Giving Tuesday SA Un Día Para Dar México Giving Tuesday Costa Rica Givingtuesdayfrance Un día Para Dar Colombia Dia de Doar MYGiving Giving Tuesday UK GivingTuesday Video by: Milk is Good
One Green Planet shares the story of Gloria- a #jaguar rescued from #wildfires in #Brazil's #Pantanal thanks to the combined work of local community members and organizations like Panthera and the Pantanal Relief Fund. Read more and watch the video: https://bit.ly/2UY5ONu ONEGREENPLANET.ORG Wildfires Harming Jaguar Habitat in Brazil
In this episode of the To Know The Land #podcast, #Puma Program Director Mark Elbroch talks about his book #TheCougarConundrum: https://bit.ly/3l1TDcQ TOKNOWTHELAND.COM Ep. 137 - Dr. Mark Elbroch and The Cougar Conundrum — to know the land
For #TigerTuesday, here's an article by Dailyhunt on the state of the #tiger in northeast #India. Panthera's Jimmy Borah says, "Tigers once roamed many areas across Assam and Arunachal Pradesh, but acute anthropogenic pressure over time has led to their decline or disappearance." Read more: https://bit.ly/3kV5Oby
This #holidayseason you can give back to Panthera while giving gifts to your loved ones! Check out some of our amazing business, corporate and philanthropic partners who help support Panthera’s critical #wildcat #conservation efforts around the globe through our #shoppingguide: https://bit.ly/3nQeWA0 Shared Planet Beauty SpiritHoods Sakroots Roar Ice Cream UK RØAR ICE CREAM Finland Meditation Oasis
We chat with Panthera's Cheetah Director Dr. Kim Young-Overton about #InternationalCheetahDay, the challenges that face these #bigcats in the wild and what Panthera is doing to study and protect them. Learn more about our Cheetah Program: http://bit.ly/2N1R3py
Panthera applauds the passing of the #BigCatPublicSafetyAct (H.R.1380) in the United States House of Representatives yesterday. Panthera supports this bipartisan legislation (which now goes to the Senate) to end commercial #captivebreeding and exploitation of #tigers and other #wildcats in this country. Panthera’s Chief Scientist Dr. John Goodrich stated, “We believe that breeding tigers and other big cats for profit has created an animal welfare, public safety and law enforcement nightmare in the U.S. If rigorously enforced, the Big Cat Public Safety Act will not only protect people and captive-bred cats but will also help to dismantle an industry with insidious implications for big cats by shrinking the availability of their parts for the global illegal wildlife trade.” Read more about our stance on this piece of #legislation and the issue of #commercialcaptivebreeding: https://bit.ly/2VDgHEK Photo by Nick Garbutt Wildlife Photography
Today is #InternationalCheetahDay! The cheetah is widely known as the planet’s fastest land animal, but unknown to many, it is also #Africa’s most threatened #bigcat. Today, there are estimated to be only 7,100 #cheetahs left in the wild. Tune in today at 12pm EST on #InstagramLive to hear from our cheetah expert Dr. Kim Young-Overton. Photo by Sergio Pitamitz Wildlife and Nature Photography
Join us Friday, December 4 at 12pm EST for an #InstagramLIVE session with Panthera KAZA Program Director Dr. Kim Young-Overton in honor of #InternationalCheetahDay!
Today we give thanks to the Pantanal Relief Fund created by Climb for Conservation, Inc. and the Jaguar Identification Project. Together, they raised almost $30,000 for Panthera to aid the people and wildlife of #Brazil's #Pantanal during this year's #wildfire siege. Funds supported critical #firefighting and #wildliferescue efforts undertaken by groups like Panthera Brasil alongside local communities. Thanks to their dedication, we continue to protect this UNESCO World Heritage Site that is home to many #jaguars and other #wildcats. Photo by Ailton Lara
Panthera works with other NGO's and governments to study the impact of bushmeat hunting on #Africa's #wildlife. In this Mongabay.com article, they mention that one of our estimates puts more than 1,000 tons of illegal bushmeat consumed in Lusaka, #Zambia every year, with much of it coming from the nation's #nationalparks. Read more for #WildlifeWednesday: https://bit.ly/3fNQeO4 NEWS.MONGABAY.COM Bushmeat hunting: The greatest threat to Africa’s wildlife?
This #FieldworkFriday comes from Panthera Snow Leopard Team's conservation scientist Shannon Kachel who tells us, "Although most of the data collected by GPS collars is transmitted via satellite, some remains in the collar - meaning that when a collar falls off the animal (when they have collected enough data) we need to go find it. #Snowleopard M3 dropped his collar 1,000 meters up the side of an unnamed mountain, in steep, technical terrain. Here, Snow Leopard Program Conservation Scientist and Фонд Илбирс biologist Rahim Kulenbekov descend with their prize - the collar and its trove of valuable data."
In this article, Mongabay.com examines rising #poaching pressure on #jaguars, mainly for their body parts. Panthera's Esteban Payán says that jaguars and other #bigcats are being used to fill the demand for parts in the #traditionalchinesemedicine trade that #tigers would normally fill. Read more: https://bit.ly/2LlkbKe NEWS.MONGABAY.COM Poaching pressure mounts on jaguars, the Americas’ iconic big cat
In the latest #PantheraTV episode, Panthera's Angola Co-Manager Geraldo Mayira discusses the importance of working with local communities when it comes to implementing #wildlifeconservation efforts. Geraldo works in Luengue-Luiana National Park alongside indigenous people, government officials and other NGOs to reduce poaching and bring #lions and other #wildlife back to this area. Learn more through our #FieldNotes blog: http://bit.ly/2Mq1K3S This project is supported by IUCN Save Our Species and is co-funded European Commission - Development & Cooperation - EuropeAid
In the latest #PantheraTV episode, Panthera's Angola Co-Manager Geraldo Mayira discusses the importance of working with local communities when it comes to implementing #wildlifeconservation efforts. Geraldo works in Luengue-Luiana National Park alongside indigenous people, government officials and other NGOs to reduce poaching and bring #lions and other #wildlife back to this area. Learn more through our #FieldNotes blog: http://bit.ly/2Mq1K3S This project is supported by IUCN Save Our Species and is co-funded by @European Commission - Development & Cooperation - EuropeAid
Have a minute to give us some feedback? Because you’re a valued member of our community, we want to know your thoughts about our website. Take a minute to tell us about your experience on www.panthera.org. Take the survey here: https://bit.ly/2IsuUBv Photo by Nick Garbutt Wildlife Photography
Today's #TigerTuesday comes from Shared Planet Beauty- the #makeup brand that gives back! With every purchase you make from Shared Planet's #Tiger Collection, they set aside 10% of your order value for donations to select global charities working to protect at-risk animals, including us. This video features our very own Dr. John Goodrich talking about our groundbreaking #TigersForever program.
“After 18 months of intense patrolling, we felt like we were just turning a corner in terms of getting on top of #poaching and wildlife beginning to recover,” says Kim Young-Overton, Director of Panthera’s Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area, which includes #KafueNationalPark. After the #pandemic, tourism plummeted leading to worsening conditions for surrounding communities and increasing poaching of the area's #wildlife. Read more through Earth Touch: https://bit.ly/3mhr4ZU EARTHTOUCHNEWS.COM Africa’s pandemic-fuelled conservation crisis
"I want to thank #BritishArmy Training Support Unit Belize and Defence Infrastructure Organisation on behalf of Panthera for providing the extremely useful replacements of the damaged camera units to our project. We value the relationship with British Army Training Support Unit #Belize, as an example of how an important international stakeholder collaborates with the Belizean conservation community and government of Belize in shared responsibility and sustainable use of protected areas," says Panthera Lead Research Biologist Emma Sanchez. https://bit.ly/37hArEp British Army protects big cats in Belize Rare images of mountain lions, jaguars and ocelots have been captured by a British Army wildlife monitoring programme in the heart of the Belize jungle. British Army protects big cats in Belize Rare images of mountain lions, jaguars and ocelots have been captured by a British Army wildlife monitoring programme in the heart of the Belize jungle. See more at gov.uk
Studying the recovering #tiger population of #India’s Rajaji National Park for 13 years has taught our scientists much about #tigerconservation. From rarely encountering signs of these #bigcats before 2004 to a now-thriving population, we’ve documented how it is possible to recover tigers given the right circumstances. Read more for #TigerTuesday through Panthera's Tiger Program Deputy Director Abishek Harihar's new #FieldNotes blog: https://bit.ly/2Whs7hE
#Puma Program Director Dr. Mark Elbroch talks to Jackson Hole News&Guide about the fascinating dynamics between #mountainlions and #wolves in the #GreaterYellowstoneEcosystem: https://bit.ly/3gKZ4MO JHNEWSANDGUIDE.COM As Jackson Hole’s wolves gained ground, lions stumbled
This #SelfieSunday is a #fishingcat from #Cambodia! She was captured on #cameratrap sniffing and licking marks by the Kla Trey/Cambodian Fishing Cat Project.
This #FieldworkFriday comes from Panthera Snow Leopard Team's conservation scientist Shannon Kachel who tells us, "Although most of the data collected by GPS collars is transmitted via satellite, some remains in the collar - meaning that when a collar falls off the animal (when they have collected enough data) we need to go find it. #Snowleopard M3 dropped his collar 1,000 meters up the side of an unnamed mountain, in steep, technical terrain. Here, Snow Leopard Program Conservation Scientist and Фонд Илбирс biologist Rahim Kulenbekov descend with their prize - the collar and its trove of valuable data."
What happens when you combine a passion for #bigcats and adventure with the influence of Panthera’s late co-founder Dr. #AlanRabinowitz? The answer- a career in #wildlifeconservation that spans continents. Read Panthera Senegal Manager Chele Martinez Marti's account of his career protecting #wildcats and how Dr. Rabinowitz inspired him over the years: https://bit.ly/2KRaWRw #WildlifeWednesday
In this #60SecondScience video, Assistant Director of Panthera's Tiger Program Dr. Abishek Harihar explains the results of a new 13-year study done alongside the Wildlife Institute of India in Rajaji National Park. Scientists found that #tiger survival rates and how long females remain in a habitat are better benchmarks to determine success and long-term recovery of tiger populations. #TigerTuesday Learn more through our #FieldNotes blog: https://bit.ly/2Whs7hE
For #MommyMonday we're sharing one of our favorite #leopard videos. Two years ago, this family was caught on camera in #Gabon’s Batéké Plateau National Park- a hopeful sign of reduced poaching pressure and the Park’s tremendous potential for recovery of leopards, #lions, #chimpanzees, and #gorillas, among others. https://bit.ly/2KObNT1 YOUTUBE.COM Leopard Cubs Give Hope to Gabon
#CaptionThis #leopard for #SelfieSunday!
Panthera's #tiger conservation work is included in The Starfish Canada's article looking at ten different decade-long #conservation stories: http://bit.ly/3gWRaQD THESTARFISH.CA TEN animals and their stories of conservation in the past ten years — The Starfish Canada
“After 18 months of intense patrolling, we felt like we were just turning a corner in terms of getting on top of #poaching and wildlife beginning to recover,” says Kim Young-Overton, Director of Panthera’s Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area, which includes #KafueNationalPark. After the #pandemic, tourism plummeted leading to worsening conditions for surrounding communities and increasing poaching of the area's #wildlife. Read more through Earth Touch: https://bit.ly/3mhr4ZU EARTHTOUCHNEWS.COM Africa’s pandemic-fuelled conservation crisis
Join us on #InstagramLIVE as we remember Panthera co-founder Dr. #AlanRabinowitz on Tuesday, December 29 at 12 pm EST with his children Alex and Alana Rabinowitz.
In 2021 Panthera celebrates our 15th Anniversary as the only organization dedicated solely to protecting the planet’s 40 species of #wildcats. Unfortunately, the next 15 years will bring even more threats, including more #climatechange disasters like #wildfires and surging demands for poached wild cat parts. We are ready to ramp up our efforts to study and protect cats in 2021 and for the next 15 years and beyond. Will you join us? Donate here: https://bit.ly/3rsY1pZ
Panthera's Chief Scientist and Tiger Program Director Dr. John Goodrich talks to The Times of India Gwalior Plus about his recent 13-year study with the Wildlife Institute of India on #tiger recovery in #India's Rajaji National Park saying, "This study identifies critical metrics, right under our nose that can help improve how we monitor tigers and ultimately implement conservation initiatives carried out on the species' behalf across Asia." http://bit.ly/38rxqRe TIMESOFINDIA.INDIATIMES.COM Panthera study identifies more reliable metrics to save tigers | Nagpur News - Times of India
This episode of the Cats of the Wild podcast features Panthera #Puma Program Director Dr. Mark Elbroch discussing his book The #Cougar Conundrum and the value of these #bigcats: http://bit.ly/2WNmdoF CATSOFTHEWILD.COM The Value of the Mountain Lion — Cats of the Wild
What happens when you combine a passion for #bigcats and adventure with the influence of Panthera’s late co-founder Dr. #AlanRabinowitz? The answer- a career in #wildlifeconservation that spans continents. Read Panthera Senegal Manager Chele Martinez Marti's account of his career protecting #wildcats and how Dr. Rabinowitz inspired him over the years: https://bit.ly/2KRaWRw #WildlifeWednesday
In this #60SecondScience video, Assistant Director of Panthera's Tiger Program Dr. Abishek Harihar explains the results of a new 13-year study done alongside the Wildlife Institute of India in Rajaji National Park. Scientists found that #tiger survival rates and how long females remain in a habitat are better benchmarks to determine success and long-term recovery of tiger populations. #TigerTuesday Learn more through our #FieldNotes blog: https://bit.ly/2Whs7hE
Our first #SelfieSunday of #2021 reminds us to put our best foot forward for a fresh start, just like these adorable baby #elephants captured on #cameratrap in #SouthAfrica. #HappyNewYear!
Reuters consults Panthera's Jaguar Program Director Howard Quigley in their article on #jaguar conservation efforts in #Argentina. Read it here for #FelineFriday: http://reut.rs/2X6Hbzn REUTERS.COM Opposites attract: Wild and captive jaguars mate in Argentina to save species
Today we celebrate the birthday of Panthera's late co-founder, Dr. #AlanRabinowitz (1953-2018). Known as 'The Indiana Jones of Wildlife Protection,' Alan was a fearless and determined champion for #wildcats. From an early age, he made it his mission to be a voice for the voiceless. Thanks to all of Panthera’s supporters, we have kept his vision alive and will continue to do so into 2021 and beyond. Learn how you can join us: https://bit.ly/3rsY1pZ
"It is heartening to see tigers being translocated into western Rajaji – a habitat that can hold over 40 individuals. Hopefully this supplementation will help avert local extinction of #tigers at this site. But the long term viability of this population can only be ensured by restoring connectivity to eastern Rajaji, and this needs strong political will," says Panthera's Tiger Program Deputy Director Dr. Abishek Harihar. http://bit.ly/3mUSCEI Learn more about Dr. Harihar's 13-year study of the #bigcats of this #NationalPark: https://bit.ly/37Uu1ve HINDUSTANTIMES.COM First tigress tranquilized, radio-collared for translocation to Rajaji Tiger Reserve
Panthera’s #conservation work has long benefitted #smallcats and other #wildlife in the habitats of the iconic seven #bigcats. However, in 2018 we officially launched our Small Cats Program to expand our understanding of these increasingly threatened species and how to protect them. Since then, we have supported projects to directly study and protect over 15 species of small #wildcats including the #fishingcat, #cloudedleopard and #ocelot. Learn more about our 15 years protecting wild cats: https://bit.ly/3rsY1pZ Photo credit: Sebastian Kennerknecht Photography
In celebration of Panthera's late co-founder Dr. Alan Rabinowitz's birthday, we're honored to talk to his children Alex and Alana Rabinowitz about their father's vision and continuing that legacy to protect #wildcats across the planet. Learn how you can join us: https://bit.ly/3rsY1pZ
Panthera Puma Program 20 hrs · Happy Caturday! Here, one of our #OlympicCougarProjects’ camera traps on the #OlympicPeninsula in Washington State caught a bobcat walking by with a freshly killed aplodontia, or mountain beaver. Aplodontia are a Pacific northwest specialty, and are the oldest known rodent in North America, in terms of evolution. They are mostly nocturnal, but while they are out of their burrows and exploring for food, they become prey for bobcats and local mountain lions as well. We are launching new bobcat research in collaboration with the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe in our study area in the next month, and we look forward to learning more about how mountain lions, or cougars as they are called locally, and bobcats compete and coexist on the landscape. Our camera study is a collaborative effort with 5 First Nations. Our partner on everything on the Olympic Peninsula, the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, as well as the Skokomish, Makah, Jamestown S'Klallam, and Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribes. #Bobcat #Bobcats #Pantheracats #Pantherapumaprogram #Caturday #WildlifeScience #Pumaresearch
In 2021 Panthera celebrates its 15th Anniversary as the only organization dedicated solely to protecting the planet’s 40 species of #wildcats. With #scientists, law enforcement experts and wild cat advocates on the ground in 39 countries and hundreds of thousands of supporters around the world, we are building the movement that will ensure wild cats survive for generations to come. Check out our new #FieldNotes blog to read about some of our many groundbreaking accomplishments: https://bit.ly/2LltYA1 Photo credits: Panthera/Kaiberen/NCMRD/SAEF/NAS/UW; Panthera; Panthera/UB/ERI/BAS; Wildlife Institute of India/Uttarakhand Forest Department
Here's a fun article from Mongabay.com for #TBT featuring #jaguars on their Candid Animal Cam: http://bit.ly/2XgAVEV NEWS.MONGABAY.COM How are jaguars different from leopards? Candid Animal Cam is in the Americas
Enjoy #WildlifeWednesday with this video of a #puma from #Belize. The #bigcat is seen here scraping and rolling on the ground, which is how they communicate with other #wildcats and #wildlife.
For #TigerTuesday, read The Sentinel's coverage of growing #tiger numbers in #India's #ManasNationalPark where Panthera works as part of a multi-agency collaborative program: http://bit.ly/2MpvSQq SENTINELASSAM.COM Manas National Park doubling its tiger population since 2010 - Sentinelassam
If we as conservationists want to effect positive, tangible change, we need to create partnerships where local communities have a stake in the success of the #conservation program. “Escuela Jaguar” (Jaguar School) is an important way we pass on this knowledge to the next generation: we work with local schools and students to teach them the importance of #jaguars in their ecosystem. Our workshops help to instill this knowledge at a young age and will inspire children to continue conserving #wildlife as adults. Read more about some of our groundbreaking efforts to protect #wildcats over the past 15 years: https://bit.ly/2LltYA1
Panthera's Esteban Payán speaks to The Guardian about the impact of recent #wildfires on #jaguars in #Brazil's #Pantanal and the importance of #ecotourism to the region: http://bit.ly/2XBYRTx THEGUARDIAN.COM 'A critical time': how Covid-19 piled the pressure on conservation efforts
This #WindowtotheWild video features #cameratrap footage from the Pongara National Park buffer area of #Gabon. Take a glimpse into the wild and spot #chimpanzees, #leopards, #blackleggedmongoose, #Africancivets and #mandrills. https://youtu.be/JoxWmi-p53Y
For #TigerTuesday we're sharing this Inverse article on the #Malayantiger featuring Panthera's #Tiger Program Director Dr. John Goodrich who says there are only about 150 individuals of this subspecies left in the wild. http://bit.ly/3sdWB2O INVERSE.COM Why is the Malayan tiger endangered? Two reasons the big cat is in trouble
Lions have undergone a catastrophic decline and are on the brink of extinction in all but the largest and best managed national parks. The first conservation plan that encompasses the lion’s entire African range, Panthera’s #ProjectLeonardo aims to protect #lions in the key #conservation landscapes that remain. Having identified 14 key #LionLandscapes across the African range, Panthera introduces tools and techniques tailored to specific lion populations and surrounding communities. Read more about some of our groundbreaking efforts to protect #wildcats over the past 15 years: https://bit.ly/2LltYA1 Photo by: Sergio Pitamitz Wildlife and Nature Photography
This #SelfieSunday is the elusive #snowleopard. Panthera’s Snow Leopard Program works across the continent to protect #Asia’s ‘Mountain Ghost.’ Our scientists are conducting surveys on snow leopard and prey populations, training national biologists in #conservation methods, assessing threats, securing habitats, reducing snow leopard attacks on livestock by collaborating with local communities and helping governments establish and implement National Snow Leopard Action Plans. Read more about some of our groundbreaking efforts to protect #wildcats over the past 15 years: https://bit.ly/2LltYA1
In our latest #FieldNotes blog, Panthera Winston Cobb Memorial Fellow Rebecca Peterson writes about her work studying #pumas in #Washington State with the #OlympicCougarProject combining ancient tracking skills with cutting-edge technology: https://bit.ly/39VFYAP
Why do #lions have manes? Panthera Program Manager Kristoffer Everatt says that research points to a lion’s mane as a product of sexual selection, rather than natural selection. This means that females show preferences for bigger, darker manes. Male lions with these traits will then get to mate more and pass on those genes more frequently. This situation is similar to that of a male peacock’s elaborate feather display. Learn more about lions through our blog, where experts answer all your burning questions about this #bigcat: https://bit.ly/2DIDtFj
For #TigerTuesday we're sharing this Sentient Media article on the connection between #COVID19 and the #wildlifetrade that impacts #tigers and other #wildcats: http://bit.ly/38XzO3N SENTIENTMEDIA.ORG In China, Traditional Remedies for COVID-19 Are Fueling the Wildlife Trade
Panthera's Pantanal Jaguar Project is featured in this International Traveller article about exploring #SouthAmerica: https://bit.ly/3svHh1C INTERNATIONALTRAVELLER.COM Insider guides to South America
The #OlympicCougarProject is a partnership between Panthera and local indigenous tribes including the The Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, Skokomish, Makah, Jamestown S’Klallam and Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribes. Together we use remote #cameratraps to answer fundamental questions about #wildlife populations on the north #OlympicPeninsula in #Washington State by capturing photos like this #puma #SelfieSunday. Our work is also aided by a dedicated group of citizen scientists who come from diverse backgrounds but all have a shared passion for wildlife and #cougars in particular. Read more about some of our groundbreaking efforts to protect #wildcats over the past 15 years: https://bit.ly/2LltYA1
If we as conservationists want to effect positive, tangible change, we need to create partnerships where local communities have a stake in the success of the #conservation program. “Escuela Jaguar” (Jaguar School) is an important way we pass on this knowledge to the next generation: we work with local schools and students to teach them the importance of #jaguars in their ecosystem. Our workshops help to instill this knowledge at a young age and will inspire children to continue conserving #wildlife as adults. Read more about some of our groundbreaking efforts to protect #wildcats over the past 15 years: https://bit.ly/2LltYA1
For #WildlifeWednesday here's a Quartz article examining the intersection between #COVID19 and #conservation in some of #Africa's parks, featuring insight from Panthera's KAZA Director, Dr. Kim Young-Overton: http://bit.ly/3iLYfoa QZ.COM Photos: Africa’s nature parks are in the midst of a pandemic-induced conservation crisis
Happy #TigerTuesday! The #tiger in this video is scent spraying- a common form of communication for #wildcats. Learn more about the biggest of the #bigcats through our #FieldNotes blog featuring top tiger scientists: http://bit.ly/2OqAd6s
Panthera's Rafael Hoogesteijn appears on Project Management Institute's Projectified Podcast about helping #ecosystems recover from #wildfires. Listen, or read the transcript, here: https://bit.ly/398oBxl
This #SelfieSunday subject is a #leopard captured on #cameratrap in the #SabiSandGameReserve of #SouthAfrica. These #bigcats are known for having the most diverse diet of any #wildcat and will eat a wide variety of prey. Learn more about leopards and other wild cats by signing up for our email list: https://www.panthera.org/stand-wild-cats
Here's a fascinating article on the #PallasCat for #FunFactFriday courtesy of Mental Floss: http://bit.ly/3p1hGvk MENTALFLOSS.COM 13 Fascinating Facts About Pallas’s Cats
In our latest #FieldNotes blog, Panthera Winston Cobb Memorial Fellow Rebecca Peterson writes about her work studying #pumas in #Washington State with the #OlympicCougarProject combining ancient tracking skills with cutting-edge technology: https://bit.ly/39VFYAP
It's that time of year again- grant period is open! You can be part of the Panthera team by applying for one of our grants or fellowships including the Kaplan Graduate Awards, Sabin Snow Leopard Program, Small Cat Action Fund and Winston Cobb Memorial Fellowship. The application period is February 15 through March 15. Check out our grant pages for more information: http://bit.ly/3aPEZ4N
Panthera’s #JaguarCorridorInitiative is the only conservation program that seeks to protect jaguars across their entire six million km2 range in partnership with governments, corporations, and local communities. Our scientists work to mitigate human-jaguar conflict surrounding livestock predation by training ranchers in anti-predator husbandry techniques, such as building predator-proof enclosures. Panthera’s field teams also educate local communities about overhunting of jaguar prey species, which encourages livestock predation. Read more about some of our groundbreaking efforts to protect #wildcats over the past 15 years: https://bit.ly/2LltYA1 Photo by: Sergio Pitamitz Wildlife and Nature Photography
This #SelfieSunday is a #serval. These small #wildcats are known for their distinctive ears and Olympic-worthy jumping abilities. Learn more about these #smallcats through our #FieldNotes blog: https://bit.ly/3kGUyzi
This rare #cameratrap footage shows a #jaguar attacking and killing an #ocelot. Panthera's Howard Quigley talks to Mongabay.com about the fascinating incident. Read more for #FelineFriday: http://bit.ly/2NAMtBz NEWS.MONGABAY.COM Cat fight: Jaguar ambushes ocelot in rare camera trap footage
What is bushmeat poaching and why do conservationists consider it some #wildcats' greatest threat? In our latest #PantheraTV episode, Panthera's Lion Program Bushmeat Manager Kristoffer Everatt explores this complicated issue, how Panthera is addressing it and how we are helping communities explore alternatives to #bushmeatpoaching.
For #WildlifeWednesday here's a Quartz article examining the intersection between #COVID19 and #conservation in some of #Africa's parks, featuring insight from Panthera's KAZA Director, Dr. Kim Young-Overton: http://bit.ly/3iLYfoa QZ.COM Photos: Africa’s nature parks are in the midst of a pandemic-induced conservation crisis
We hope those of you stuck in the snow are enjoying it as much as this #SelfieSunday subject is. This female #puma was recently caught checking out one of our #cameratraps on the #OlympicPeninsula right after the first snowfall of the year. Learn more about the #OlympicCougarProject: https://bit.ly/39VFYAP
People reports on lucky photographer Anurag Gawande capturing a melanistic #leopard on camera in #India's Tadoba National Park recently: http://bit.ly/3cL1xab Read more about #blackcats and melanism through our #FieldNotes blog: http://bit.ly/2q06iGq PEOPLE.COM Extremely Rare and 'Majestic' Black Leopard Spotted in Indian Wildlife Park
#NewsAlert: Panthera's newest anti-poaching project is saving #jaguars in #CentralAmerica using sound. By monitoring gunshots, barking dogs and conversations, acoustic technology is helping #wildlife authorities focus limited patrolling personnel and curtail poachers. “Innovation is key to outsmarting wildlife poachers armed with ever-evolving tactics and an endless supply of troops. With this in mind, our acoustic monitoring project has enabled us to deploy wildlife patrols in the areas and at the precise times of day and week where illegal activity is most expected," says Panthera’s Jaguar Program Honduras Country Director Franklin Castañeda. Read the entire #pressrelease: https://bit.ly/3tfy4v3
In this episode of PantheraTV LIVE we chat with Panthera President and CEO Fred Launay about our 15th Anniversary and what we have in store for the next 15 years and beyond.
Some reading for your #WildlifeWednesday courtesy of The Wildlife Society: Panthera Puma Program Director Mark Elbroch discusses his research on #pumas and #wolves in #Wyoming and how these two predators interact: https://wildlife.org/wolf-expansion-in-wyoming-curtails-puma-population/ WILDLIFE.ORG Wolf expansion in Wyoming curtails puma population - THE WILDLIFE SOCIETY
Join us on #FacebookLIVE tomorrow, Thursday, February 4 at 10 am EST for an interview with Panthera President and CEO Fred Launay to celebrate our 15th Anniversary!
Have you signed up for Panthera's monthly E-News yet? Don't miss out on news about our latest research saving #jaguars with sound, studying #pumas in the pacific northwest and explaining the love lives of #lions. There's still time to register before next week's February issue full of the latest in #wildcat science, videos and more. Sign-up here: http://bit.ly/2VLtuas
In this episode of #PantheraTVLIVE we chat with Panthera's Lion Program Director Dr. Paul Funston about the social dynamics of #lions and #lionprides and why understanding these complicated patterns help us protect these #bigcats. https://youtu.be/edeQ9lVXmD0
Join us on Friday, February 12 for an (almost) #ValentinesDay special event: PantheraTV LIVE with Lion Program Director Paul Funston to discuss the "love lives" of the most social of #bigcats! Tune in to learn all about #lions at 10 am EST on Panthera's Instagram account.
Today we celebrate #InternationalDayofWomenandGirlsinScience by highlighting one of our amazing field technicians: Marike Louw! Grime-covered, dust-smothered, torn shirt sweaty, with a hammer, pole or #PantheraCam camera-trap in hand. Oh - and let’s not forget the seemingly permanently muddy 4x4 vehicle. That’s how you will recognize a Panthera research field technician! Marike Louw is proud to be part of the Long-term Leopard Monitoring Program in #southernAfrica where the aim is to investigate trends in #leopard densities over time across their range. But how does one estimate the densities of a canny and elusive #bigcat? Cue in the camera-traps! Marike sets up and runs #cameratrap surveys in various, often far-flung corners of the wilderness in #SouthAfrica, gathering data of leopard populations in different landscapes. Read more about some of the outstanding women of Panthera through our #FieldNotes blog: https://bit.ly/371Id4T
The fishing cat is a remarkably unique #smallcat but time is running out as this unique species is losing habitat and falling victim to trapping, snaring, poisoning and traffic collisions. #FishingCatFebruary is a month-long awareness campaign to educate about and advocate for the #fishingcat organized by our partner the Fishing Cat Conservation Alliance. This team of researchers and conservationists across the cat's eight-country range are working to protect this incredible water-loving #wildcat and the ecosystems on which it relies. Follow the Fishing Cat Conservation Alliance as they work to bring people from all walks of life together in this #conservation effort. Photo by: The Fishing Cat Project
Today, only about 3,900 #tigers are left in the wild, occupying a mere four percent of their former range. Panthera’s #TigersForever program is being carried out across #Asia with the goal of increasing tiger numbers at each site by at least 50 percent over a ten-year period. We work with governments, communities and other organizations to mitigate the most pressing threats facing the species by training and outfitting law enforcement patrols and investigative teams to secure protected areas. For #TigerTuesday, read more about some of our groundbreaking efforts to protect #wildcats over the past 15 years: https://bit.ly/2LltYA1 Photo by Wild Photography by Alvis Lazarus
It's #FieldWorkFriday featuring some amazing #cameratrap photos! Panthera's #ArabianLeopardInitiatives team is on the ground studying #wildlife in #SaudiArabia where #caracals, #wolves, #hyaenas and #foxes have been caught on #cameratrap. Field technician Andrew Spalton says it's encouraging to see the persistence of these large carnivores in the region where Panthera works with the Royal Commission for AlUla (RCU) to recover the Critically Endangered #Arabianleopard. Learn more about our project: http://bit.ly/2kwkR2r
#Cameratrapping is a widely used, non-invasive method to monitor #wildcat populations. We’ve been producing #wildlife monitoring devices called #PantheraCams since 2008 which later evolved into the groundbreaking #PoacherCam with a motion-triggered detection system to instantly distinguish between people and animals—the world's first camera to do so. This trailblazing technology enables law enforcement officials and site security experts to identify, capture and prosecute poachers, saving the lives of #bigcats around the world. Read more about some of our groundbreaking efforts to protect #wildcats over the past 15 years: https://bit.ly/2LltYA1
In this World Atlas article, Panthera’s Puma Program Director Dr. Mark Elbroch talks about his study on the effects of reintroduced #wolves on the #puma population in the southern Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE) in northwest #Wyoming: http://bit.ly/3qrGihI WORLDATLAS.COM Wolves And Humans Giving A Tough Time To Wyoming’s Mountain Lions
Happy #TigerTuesday! Enjoy this #cameratrap footage of these adorable #tiger cubs and their mother from #India.
This photo from #Washington state's #OlympicPeninsula shows a #bobcat print on top of a previously made #puma print. Can you spot both? Read our #FieldNotes blog to learn more about how we study #wildcats in the #PacificNorthwest: https://bit.ly/39VFYAP
Happy #ValentinesDay from Panthera! We hope you enjoy these adorable #wildcat #valentines made to share with your loved ones.
Want to learn more about the revolutionary #JaguarCorridorInitiative? Check out the latest episode of #PantheraTV featuring Panthera's #Jaguar Program Director Howard Quigley to hear how we're protecting these #bigcats across their range in #LatinAmerica by conserving and connecting important pieces of habitat.
In their latest article, Mongabay.com discusses the use of synthetic animal parts, including #wildcat skins and fur to reduce poaching in places such as southern #Africa. "I think it’s really critical that the communities themselves are key players, and key partners, within this entire process," says Panthera's #FursForLife Project Coordinator Jeffrey Dunnink. Our program works with local communities to provide sustainable, culturally-sensitive synthetic furs to save real #leopards. Read more for #WildlifeWednesday: http://bit.ly/3bwhPBt NEWS.MONGABAY.COM Fake it till you save it? Synthetic animal parts pose a conservation conundrum
Panthera's Chief Scientist John Goodrich talks to The Sun about the now-infamous #TigerKing documentary, noting that #cubpetting is a dangerous activity that should not be promoted. Read more for #TigerTuesday: http://bit.ly/3pIHiNo THESUN.CO.UK Inside cruel tiger trade where cats are chained in tiny cages & butchered to make wine - and it's worse than Tiger King
Happy #MommyMonday! This week we're sharing a special treat from 2012- the first known video (filmed from a safe distance) of a #snowleopard mother and cub in a natal den in #Mongolia's Tost Mountains. Because of this #bigcat's secretive and elusive nature, coupled with the extreme and treacherous landscape which they inhabit, their dens are extremely difficult to locate. https://bit.ly/2ZRGOdn Learn more about our Snow Leopard program: https://bit.ly/3ke43Hy YOUTUBE.COM Snow Leopard Mother And Cub In Mongolian Den
Here's a #fishingcat for #SelfieSunday to celebrate #FishingCatFebruary. These #smallcats are known for their distinct bark-like sounds and affinity for aquatic environments. Through Panthera’s #SmallCatActionFund (SCAF), we are studying the fishing cat and their #conservation concerns across their range. From #India to #SriLanka to #Cambodia, we’re shedding light on this elusive species of #wildcat to understand their biology and ecology so that we can better protect them and the wild places where they live.
It's #FieldWorkFriday featuring some amazing #cameratrap photos! Panthera's #ArabianLeopardInitiatives team is on the ground studying #wildlife in #SaudiArabia where #caracals, #wolves, #hyaenas and #foxes have been caught on #cameratrap. Field technician Andrew Spalton says it's encouraging to see the persistence of these large carnivores in the region where Panthera works with the Royal Commission for AlUla (RCU) to recover the Critically Endangered #Arabianleopard. Learn more about our project: http://bit.ly/2kwkR2r
Today we celebrate #WorldWildlifeDay with the 2021 theme of "Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet." We invite you to join us throughout the day as Conexión Jaguar Program Manager Matt Hyde takes over our @PantheraCats Instagram from #Colombia. Join us to explore the forests of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountains where Panthera and the Kogi people partner to protect the #forest, #jaguars and other #wildlife using #carboncredits with ISA Conexiones and South Pole.
Here's a #TransformationTuesday post all the way from #Angola. Thanks to a grant from the Lion Recovery Fund that extensively supports Panthera’s work on the ground in Luengue-Luiana National Park, we've been able to ramp up our efforts. The project, supported by IUCN Save Our Species and is co-funded by WWF-Namibia and the Segre Foundation, allows us to work with the Park Authorities in many different ways including employing community game guards and ecological team members. According to Project Manager Donovan Jooste, "Living and working conditions are never easy out in the African Bush, with endless days and nights dedicated to the protection of Africa’s most valuable resource- its #wildlife. Upgrades like these to a permanent anti-poaching base contributes to the morale and well-being of the men and women that dedicate their lives to ensure that we will still hear the #lions roar in years to come." Learn more about our work in #LuengueLuianaNationalPark: http://bit.ly/2Mq1K3S
Using #cameratraps, Panthera scientists studied how #jaguars and other #wildcats use roads in #Mexico's Calakmul region. With the support of the Secretariat of the Environment of Campeche State, we're determining the best places to build new #wildlife crossings to facilitate connectivity.
#CaptionThis #SelfieSunday blonde #lion from #SouthAfrica!
Did you know that we can use sound to help protect #jaguars and other #wildlife? In this article, Mongabay.com covers Panthera's projects using acoustic monitoring to support our anti-poaching patrols in #Guatemala and #Honduras. Combining this revolutionary practice with more traditional methods like #cameratrapping, ranger patrols and #SMART technology helps us expand critical #conservation efforts across the #JaguarCorridor. https://bit.ly/37QBRWC NEWS.MONGABAY.COM Electronic ears listen to poachers in a key Central American jaguar habitat
A new paper published by the IUCN SSC's Cat Specialist Group discusses the opportunities that #ecotourism has presented scientists with to study #puma behavior in #Patagonia. Panthera Puma Program Director Mark Elbroch says, "It is so exciting to share insights from such puma experts. The unique experiences of guides who work in close proximity to wild pumas will without a doubt begin to fill in so many gaps in our knowledge about the species." Check it out here for #FelineFriday: http://bit.ly/2NrfuA2
This #InternationalWomensDay we're celebrating Panthera scientist Allison Devlin with a new episode of #PantheraTVLIVE. Hear from Dr. Devlin on her work studying #jaguars and the intricacies of being a #womaninconservation including those women who have inspired her along the way. Learn more about the amazing women whom #ChooseToChallenge for a better planet at Panthera: https://bit.ly/3rsKX3B
Join us tomorrow, Monday, March 8 for a special #InstagramLIVE in honor of #InternationalWomensDay! We'll be chatting with Panthera #jaguar researcher Allison Devlin at 12 pm EST. Don't miss it!
“It is my belief that as we lose nature we lose ourselves. We have evolved as a species physically, culturally and spiritually in response to our environment. As we chip away at nature, we are diluting our own spirit.” For #InternationalWomensDay on Monday, we’re spotlighting women who #ChooseToChallenge for a better planet like Panthera Board Member Razan Al Mubarak. She has been an ardent defender of #wildlife and #nature in the United Arab Emirates and across the globe. Now, she’s running to be president of the IUCN. Learn more about Razan and all that she’s accomplished here: https://bit.ly/3uRd3rd
Dr. Carolyn Good and Dr. David Macdonald at our partner Oxford University's Wild Cat Research Unit (Wildlife Conservation Research Unit) published a fascinating paper on the ubiquity of #leopardprint. While #leopard spots seem to be everywhere online and on the runway, leopards are rapidly disappearing from the wild. The paper’s authors see this disconnect as an opportunity to bridge #fashion and #wildlifeconservation and we agree! University of Oxford Trans-Kalahari Predator Programme Read it here: http://bit.ly/389UyVi
Panthera's Lion Program Director Paul Funston joins other scientists for Blood Lions's panel "The Future of South Africa's Commercial Lion Breeding Industry." Panthera opposes the captive breeding of all #wildcats for commercial trade and exploitation. While #SouthAfrica’s #captivebreeding industry has grown exponentially over the past decade, wild #lion populations continue to decline precipitously in much of #Africa, with only 20,000 remaining. In light of the urgent threats to #Africanlions across much of their range, Panthera’s position is that South Africa should immediately begin a responsible phase-out of the captive lion breeding industry. Watch the recorded session here: http://bit.ly/3uQS5ZA Learn more about our stance: https://bit.ly/2NUHs7w Blood Lions was live. March 3 at 6:29 AM · Join this esteemed panel of experts in the fields of advocacy, tourism, welfare, legislation, science/conservation, and investigative perspective as they discuss the future of South Africa's commercial lion breeding industry. Panelists include Dr Paul Funston (Panthera); Keira Powers (SATSA); Lord Michael Ashcroft (Author of "Unfair Game"); Prof Werner Scholtz (Southampton Law School); Ian Michler (Blood Lions) and Dr Louise de Waal (Blood Lions). Moderated by Jeremy Maggs.
Today we celebrate #WorldWildlifeDay with the 2021 theme of "Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet." We invite you to join us throughout the day as Conexión Jaguar Program Manager Matt Hyde takes over our @PantheraCats Instagram from #Colombia. Join us to explore the forests of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountains where Panthera and the Kogi people partner to protect the #forest, #jaguars and other #wildlife using #carboncredits with ISA Conexiones and South Pole.
Today's #SelfieSunday is a #snowleopard captured on #cameratrap in #Tajikistan. Utilizing new techniques tailored to monitor #wildlife in remote and rugged landscapes, Panthera’s Snow Leopard Program is collecting a wealth of data to better understand this enigmatic species and how best to protect it.
In #Belize, we work with the British Army's Support Training Unit to develop a monitoring strategy to record #wildlife in and around their essential Jungle Training sites. Using #cameratraps, we assess the impact of military training activity on the #environment. Read more about our partnership: http://bit.ly/3vfrlBY ARMY.MOD.UK British Army’s Rainforest Conservation Teamwork Nominated for Top Award
This #FieldWorkFriday post comes from Panthera scientist Philipp Henschel in #Gabon. He and his team were trying to reach Kessala village, north of the Plateaux Batéké National Park. This public road is the only one leading to this village and unfortunately makes gaining access a daily struggle, even for those who live there. Together with the Gabonese National Park Agency, Panthera tries to improve this road and overall living conditions in the villages neighboring the park. Read more about our efforts to rebuild #lion populations in the park: https://bit.ly/331XLUD
Have you signed up for our mailing list yet? There's still time to do so and receive our March E-News featuring all the best #wildcat blogs, videos and stories from the past month including live interviews with #womeninconservation and videos about #jaguarconservation. Sign-up here: https://bit.ly/3aep1S3
"Unseen Empire" is an exciting (and free!) interactive experience bringing to life a ten-year camera-trap study on the impact of deforestation on the habitat of the #cloudedleopard in #SoutheastAsia. This groundbreaking study (the biggest #cameratrapping project ever attempted) was conducted by Professor David Macdonald from Panthera partner Oxford University's WildCRU. Play the game in your browser or download the app here for #WildlifeWednesday: http://bit.ly/3sQdaS4 UNSEENEMPIRE.COM Unseen Empire
This #InternationalWomensDay we're celebrating Panthera scientist Allison Devlin with a new episode of #PantheraTVLIVE. Hear from Dr. Devlin on her work studying #jaguars and the intricacies of being a #womaninconservation including those women who have inspired her along the way. Learn more about the amazing women whom #ChooseToChallenge for a better planet at Panthera: https://bit.ly/3rsKX3B
Tomorrow is #InternationalAstrologyDay and to celebrate we've created this fun infographic to tell you which #wildcat you're most like according to your #zodiac. Want to learn more about Panthera's work to study and protect all 40 species of wild cats across the globe? Sign up for our monthly E-news and other important updates: https://bit.ly/3aep1S3
In this article, World Atlas covers a study, published in the Journal for Nature Conservation, that examines the correlation between interest in #leopardprint and concern for #leopard conservation while discussing Panthera's campaign to make the connection and protect these #bigcats. http://bit.ly/38VeImb WORLDATLAS.COM Here's How A Leopard-Print Shirt Might Help Save Real Leopards In The Future
Want to go behind the scenes of a virtual #AfricanSafari and learn about #leopards in #SouthAfrica's Sabi Sands? Join Panthera's Leopard Program Director Guy Balme, scientist and photographer James Tyrrell and B&H Photo Video Pro Audio online on Thursday, March 18 at 5:00 pm EST. Learn more: https://bhpho.to/3qPUFf6
Time for another #SmallCatSpotlight! This time we're focusing on the beautiful #ocelot- one of the biggest #smallcats in the Americas. Recognized by their stocky build and beautiful fur coats, populations are decreasing due to habitat loss and fragmentation, as well as persecution related to conflict with humans and small livestock predation. We are studying ocelots in the Brazilian #Pantanal and across #Mesoamerica to learn more about these #wildcats and how to better protect them. Read more through our #FieldNotes blog: https://bit.ly/3eRmmSB
Happy #TigerTuesday! Here's another amazing #cameratrap clip featuring a momma #tiger and her cubs from #India. What's your favorite thing about these #bigcats? Tell us in the comments!
In this article World Atlas covers the big news for small cats: well-known philanthropist, and former Chairman, President and CEO of IDEXX Laboratories, Jonathan Ayers, has joined Panthera’s #GlobalAllianceforWildCats with a generous commitment of at least $US 20 million over the next ten years for #wildcat #conservation, with focus on the protection of the 33 species of #smallcats. https://bit.ly/2QrRGwO WORLDATLAS.COM World's Small Wild Cats Get A Major Conservation Boost
Our latest #60SecondScience video introduces you to Ph.D. candidate Charlotte Hacker who studies #snowleopard diets using DNA metabarcoding across four different countries. This tool is important for helping to create regional #conservation strategies for snow leopards and other #wildlife .
“Wild cat conservation is a very tangible cause on which I know I can have an impact,” Ayers said. “One of the things that drew me to Panthera is its focus on wild cats — and focus leads to impact. Panthera’s suite of talented scientists, my fellow Global Alliance members and I all share a deep-rooted dedication to unearthing the science that will help conserve wild cats, reversing species’ declines, elevating their unsung plight with our voices and making their preservation a global priority for all.” Learn more about our exciting new Global Alliance member: https://www.panthera.org/ayers http://bit.ly/3f4Engd TODAYSVETERINARYBUSINESS.COM Ayers Foundation Gives $20 Million to Protect Wild Cats - Today's Veterinary Business
Join SMART Partnership tomorrow, Wednesday, March 24 at 9am ET for a webinar on this innovative #wildlifeconservation technology featuring Panthera Zambia's Choolwe Mulenga. Register for the #webinar here: http://bit.ly/3c9h7M2 #TechnologyTuesday
#NewsAlert: We are both honored and thrilled to announce that philanthropist Jon Ayers has joined Panthera’s Global Alliance for Wild Cats. Pledging at least $20 million over the next 10 years for #wildcatconservation, Ayers' commitment will shine a spotlight on the 33 species of small cats so unfamiliar to much of the world and provide a magnificent boost to conservation initiatives (including some of the world's first-ever) carried out on their behalf. After suffering a catastrophic bicycling accident in 2019 that left him a quadriplegic, Ayers stepped down as Chairman, President and CEO of IDEXX Laboratories, a veterinary-services corporation focused on the health of cats, other pets and livestock. Since then, Ayers has enthusiastically turned his attention from companion animals to the survival of cats in the wild. “As I embark on this exciting phase of my life and career, I cannot imagine a more meaningful venture than dedicating one’s full-hearted passion to protecting these extraordinary animals – the charismatic wild cats of the world – whose existence is so essential to the health of our planet...Wild cat conservation is a very tangible cause on which I know I can have an impact. One of the things that drew me to Panthera is its focus on wild cats – and focus leads to impact. Panthera’s suite of talented scientists, my fellow Global Alliance members and I all share a deep-rooted dedication to unearthing the science that will help conserve wild cats, reversing species’ declines, elevating their unsung plight with our voices and making their preservation a global priority for all.” Learn more about this exciting news: panthera.org/ayers Photo by Sebastian Kennerknecht Photography
Don't be confused by this #SelfieSunday's familiar appearance- this is a #wildcat! Most closely related to your #housecat, these #smallcats are called #AfricanWildCats (Felis lybica). Just like their domestic cousins, these #felines come in a variety of coat colors and lengths. Learn more about our work studying the world's 33 species of #smallcat: http://bit.ly/2lB9tCw


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Panthera Corporation
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  • What is the phone number for Panthera Corporation in New York NY?
    You can reach them at: 646-786-0400. It’s best to call Panthera Corporation during business hours.
  • What is the address for Panthera Corporation on 40th in New York?
    Panthera Corporation is located at this address: 8 W 40th St New York, NY 10018.