Patrick L. Healey L.M.F.T. is a couples counselor and individual therapist. He specializes in EFT in Irvine, CA. Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is a new and effective marital therapy based on attachment theory, the new science of love. Research has shown that couples who participate in EFT become closer and more intimate in their relationship. Over 25 years of outcome studies have shown that EFT works for the vast majority of couples. Couples in conflict quickly learn to recognize the negative emotional cycles that provide the music for their relational dance of destruction. Based on decades of scientific study EFT has been shown to be the most effective marital and couples therapy available today.
EFT is a humanistic treatment that was developed from the understanding of emotion theory and attachment theory. EFT works on the basic principle that people must first arrive at a place before they can leave it. Studies have shown 70%-75% of couples engaged in EFT move from distress to recovery.