Peninsula Bible Fellowship

(on radcliff avenue northeast)
Churches in Bremerton, WA


9590 Radcliff Avenue Northeast
Bremerton, WA


Are you getting the weekly Life of PBF email? If you'd like to be added to the mailing list, sign up ✍️ https://bit.ly/36tolYQ Here's today's issue hot off the press: https://conta.cc/36nmjcS
PBF Kids invites you to go deeper by doing this WEEKEND ACTIVITY, then join us during the live-stream for the Blue Box KIDS MESSAGE, next head to pbfkids.org for FAMILY CHURCH, then kids can join us for ZOOM at 11:30! There are so many ways to get rooted deeply in the love of God with PBF Kids!
There are still spots open TONIGHT for your family or small group to package meals for Sierra Leone. Let's fill the container with hope and needed supplies! 🍛📓🖍👞🧼🧴🧦 https://peninsulabible.org/share-hope/
Start your Monday with worship 🙌 - The Wandering Worshipers visit Larry and Sharon's home. https://youtu.be/1HTc9hhFLmg YOUTUBE.COM Grace Alone
Singleness is a life-space that is especially powerful for the Kingdom. Even though it's difficult, Paul still calls it a "Gift." Is that as condescending as it sounds? Or is Paul trying to say something bigger? Pastor Kyle Donn shares from 1 Corinthians 7:6-9.
Have Show & Tell this weekend to get your family talking about the value they place on stuff, and how there is something sooo much better than the best thing we own! Then hear more during the blue box KIDS MESSAGE on Sunday's live-stream.
In Matthew 19, Jesus is questioned about marriage and divorce. In going back to Genesis 1, Jesus shows that the the same principles which establish a marriage are those same things which sustain a marriage. Through cultivating a common authority (in Scripture), a common unity (as one-flesh), and a common mission — marriage finds its sustenance. But in the end, what actually has the power to sustain a marriage is ultimately not found in what you can do, but rather in what Christ has done. Namely, the gospel. Preaching by Josh Kluth.
Worship online every Sunday. Peninsula Bible is a church of grace and truth in the heart of Kitsap County.
FOUR ways to worship together tomorrow! 8am & 9:15am on Facebook Live, Boxcast and YouTube. 9:15am and 10:40am in person (kids activities and middle school at 10:40) Sign up at peninsulabible.org
Here's a sneak peek at this weekend's interview with SOME VERY IMPORTANT GUESTS! If you come to our live services at 9:15 or 10:40 please bring a mask. This Weekend's Interview
Did you know there are FOUR worship services this weekend?! Find out what's coming up and how you can jump in at https://conta.cc/3nD9wce Register for in-person services at https://bit.ly/3lCbQPf Also, thank you to those who responded to the recent congregational survey. Some of you asked for an earlier service... check out the new 8:00AM online LIVE service! Please pre-check your family for symptoms before you come, wear a mask and practice social distancing.
Jesus wants us to find good friends and BE good friends! Find the friend in the word search and head to pbfkids.org/word-searches to find more friends!
Join Pastor Brent James as we continue our series Hatch Em, Match Em, Patch Em, and Dispatch Em. Today we consider one of the most important moments in a person's life when they confess Christ as their Savior and make The Greatest Change. Passage: Acts 8:6-24
SAT, OCT 31 AT 2:00 PM PDT Drive Thru Car-nival
Join Pastor Brent James as we continue our series Hatch Em, Match Em, Patch Em, and Dispatch Em. Today we consider one of the most important moments in a person's life when they confess Christ as their Savior and make The Greatest Change. Passage: Acts 8:6-24
Here's the weekly bulletin: https://conta.cc/3nVA3BU If you'd like to join the mailing list, reply here: https://conta.cc/3dhxcxN
THU, OCT 22 AT 4:30 PM PDT Missions Prayer Meet
Do this weekend activity as a family and discuss how there are all kinds of people with different jobs, personalities, and characteristics. But there is one thing that everyone needs. Then watch the blue box KIDS MESSAGE this Sunday to find out what that one thing is that we all need.....
Did you miss back-to-school shopping this year? Here's your chance! School SmilePacks (and Hygiene SmilePacks) and are still available. Fill packs together as a family or a small group. Find more information at https://peninsulabible.org/share-hope/ Share this opportunity with friends! SmilePacks will be shipped to Sierra Leone along with desks, shoes, meal packs, and more! 💛
MON, NOV 2 AND 3 MORE "Practice the Presence" Discussion Group
Listen to the THIRD practice in this "Practice the Presence” series (on 7 practices for an anxious age). To get started with more videos, information, and resources, visit peninsulabible.org/practice. 00 - Introduction 01 - Begin with God 02 - End with God 03 - Limit Media 04 - Grow gratitude 05 - Do something physical 06 - Reach out to others 07 - Sabbath worship Please SHARE if helpful to you. #formation
Hear why PBF member Carl Johnson recommends the book “Jesus: the God Who Knows Your Name” by Max Lucado. #bookrecommendations #takeupandread
Listen to the SECOND practice in this "Practice the Presence” series (on 7 practices for an anxious age). To get started with more videos, information, and resources, visit peninsulabible.org/practice. 00 - Introduction 01 - Begin with God 02 - End with God 03 - Limit Media 04 - Grow gratitude 05 - Do something physical 06 - Reach out to others 07 - Sabbath worship Please SHARE if helpful to you.
The Wandering Worshipers visit the home of Brad and Roxanne, singing Do It Again by Elevation Worship 🙌 https://youtu.be/SaKHdmRaY6Q YOUTUBE.COM Do It Again - Wandering Worshipers - YouTube
Get involved with CAR-nival on Oct 31 https://youtu.be/u38AZbilmnI Carnival at Peninsula Bible Oct 31 from 2-5 pm
Warning: Worship can lead to joy, and joy may result in fun. 😁 Join the Wandering Worshipers visit with Ben, Megan and their four sons. https://youtu.be/0cpDIWYU-As Want to see new YouTube content from Peninsula Bible? Subscribe at https://bit.ly/2TxpOFX YOUTUBE.COM My Lighthouse - Wandering Worshipers
Plans for Saturday afternoon? You are invited to serve at Car-nival! Serving times are flexible: set up is before 2pm and clean up is after 5pm. Games and traffic teams will serve between 2-5pm. More details will be sent out this week to those who sign up. Sign up here: https://peninsulabible.org/carnival/ PENINSULABIBLE.ORG Carnival – Peninsula Bible Fellowship
Download the FREE guide! Consider joining the 4-week Discussion Group (beginning November 2). Go to peninsulabible.org/practice for short videos, recommended resources, and this downloadable guide.
Are you ready to take the next step and be baptized? PBF is planning Fall Baptisms! Just click the link and fill out the form to let us know you're interested!
Hear why PBF member Karen Harden recommends the book “Surprised By Hope” by N.T. Wright – and why it totally changed her thinking. #bookrecommendations #takeupandread
Download the "Practice the Presence" Discussion Guide (+ additional resources) at peninsulabible.org/practice
Start off your Monday reminding yourself of the goodness of God 💛🍁🍂 May it be the refrain of our hearts all week long. https://youtu.be/rVvgFkZKHck YOUTUBE.COM Goodness Of God
The call of Christ is the call of a lifetime, not just for a season, but for your whole life. Pastor Jim Rueb and former pastor, Joe Schneider. With 77 years of combined pastoral experience, Jim Rueb and Joe Schneider teach from Philippians 1 and John 17 on what it means to engage with the call of Christ and become the sent of Christ.
Peninsula Bible Fellowship added 5 new photos. October 31 at 4:16 PM ·
Peninsula Bible Fellowship added 38 new photos. October 31 at 3:26 PM · Thank you to everyone came and everyone who served! You made this day so fun!
Where is real hope found? In Christ Alone. https://youtu.be/hp8sGIlIl7k Want to see new videos when they're posted? Subscribe on Youtube here: https://bit.ly/3pclyKv and turn on notifications. YOUTUBE.COM In Christ Alone - Wandering Worshipers - YouTube
Bestselling author and missional expert Reggie McNeal speaks about living a Kingdom life from Luke 10:25-37, The Parable of the Good Samaritan.
Don't miss this! Instead of a paper copy, your Peninsula Bible 2020 Annual Report is on YouTube. While you're there, hit subscribe to see new content weekly! https://youtu.be/LPExl6RQQ5k YOUTUBE.COM 2020 Annual Report Video
This has been a difficult year and if you're finding it hard to be thankful this season, try doing this activity as a family to talk about how our sad feelings matter and we can bring them to God with a spirit of Thanksgiving for all he has done for us. Check out the BLUE BOX KIDS MESSAGE to hear more about THANKSGIVING LAMENT.
There's a LOT to celebrate and be thankful for! Watch the 2020 Annual Report & RSVP for the Congregational Meeting at https://peninsulabible.org/annual-report/ Check your inbox or click here for this week's Life of PBF Update (https://conta.cc/3lR0zLn) Want to be added to the email list? Sign up here >> https://conta.cc/3dhxcxN
It's so good celebrate, learn and grow together, even when it looks a little differnet. 🧡 #graceandtruth #kitsapchurch #bremertonchurch #worshiptogether #worshipthrucovid19 #baptism #madenew #rededication #youthbiblestudy #pbfyouth #pbfkids #toppotdonuts
Hear why PBF member Derek Orn recommends the book “Knowing God” by J.I. Packer – and why it profoundly changed his life. #bookrecommendations #takeupandread
Make a blanket fort this weekend in preparation for FAMILY CHURCH!
Happy Thanksgiving 🍁🦃
Grace and gratitude go together. #thanksgiving #practicethepresence #spiritualformation
SAT, DEC 5 AT 8:00 AM PST Men's Coffee & Conversation
"Two people owed money to a certain moneylender. One owed him five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. Neither of them had the money to pay him back, so he forgave the debts of both. Now which of them will love him more?" Simon replied, "I suppose the one who had the bigger debt forgiven." "You have judged correctly," Jesus said (Luke 7:41–43). What a reason for giving thanks! Your debt has been paid. https://youtu.be/VMjGL6qUoeA
"In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." (John 1:4–5) This is from Day 2 of the Honest Advent: a 25-day Devotional (online) group. You can join today!
Check out Catechesis Books for great kids books! Listen in as pastor Josh talks with founder and author, Danielle Hitchens about the role of formation with kids in 2020.
2020 has been stretching for everyone, but consider the extra pressure experienced by single moms during this season. You can be part of sharing hope and lightening the load for moms in our community. If you know of a single mom who could benefit from receiving a gift card, please nominate her! And if you have the financial resources to be a blessing, please give joyfully. Text "HOPE" to 360-295-4880 to nominate or give. #sharehope #forkitsap #kitsapcounty #kitsapchurch #bremertonchurch #hopebombsforsinglemoms
Translated into English in 1855, it's hard to imagine Christmas without this beloved hymn. https://youtu.be/oNp9a9sbPsU YOUTUBE.COM O Holy Night - The Wandering Worshipers
It is our privilege this morning, to hear from Richard Lee - VP of IJM, International Justice MIssion. Find out how God is working to bring freedom and hope across the globe to those enslaved and how you can be part of the solution.
Do a word search this weekend on how we can respond to Jesus, and then join Mr. Steve for the BLUE BOX KIDS MESSAGE to see how he wants to respond to Jesus with a gift!
WED, DEC 16 AT 6:30 PM PST Middle School Christmas Party
🎄May this make your 2020 a little merrier! 🎁 https://vimeo.com/489948501/8373326bd3 VIMEO.COM Merry Christmas from the PBF Staff
Join the 6-week discussion group in 2021 (on Wednesday evenings) and be entered to win a FREE copy of C.S. Lewis' classic "Mere Christianity"! We are giving away TEN copies. See details below. WED, JAN 6, 2021 AT 7:00 PM PST "Mere Christianity" (a 6-week discussion group)
WED, JAN 6, 2021 AT 7:00 PM PST "Mere Christianity" (a 6-week discussion group)
High school students are invited TONIGHT from 6:30-8:30 PM. It's going to be festive! Wear your ugly sweater and merriest mask. TUE, DEC 15 High School Christmas Party
THU, DEC 24 AT 7:00 PM PST Christmas Eve In Person
THU, DEC 24 AT 5:30 PM PST Christmas Eve In Person
Seating for Christmas Eve Service at 2:30 PM is now available. All other in-person services are at capacity (for social distancing). RSVP at https://bit.ly/3mE41bG We will also broadcast online at 4:00, 5:30 & 7:00 PM.
THU, DEC 24 AT 2:30 PM PST Christmas Eve In Person
The proclamation of Jesus' birth to Mary and Joseph. Mary's response of humble servitude, Joseph's response of humble adoption. Will you adopt him and serve him. Let us take the same response as Mary and Joseph. David Kinjorski preaches from Luke 1:18-21 and Matthew 1.
The Buskirks had a special delivery this week! RSVP for Christmas Eve in person, or requests a cheer box to participate from home here >> https://bit.ly/2Wx3VYE
Head to pbfkids.org/family-church for the "My Messy Manger" activity. Then watch this Sunday's BLUE BOX KIDS MESSAGE to hear what Mr. Steve has to tell us about the Messy Manger.
"'Tis more blessed to have Christ in the heart than in the womb." – Jonathan Edwards #advent #Christmas
As 2020 comes to a close... Should nothing of our efforts stand No legacy survive Unless the Lord does raise the house In vain its builders strive To you who boast tomorrow's gain Tell me what is your life A mist that vanishes at dawn All glory be to Christ All glory be to Christ our King All glory be to Christ His rule and reign will ever sing All glory be to Christ His will be done His kingdom come On earth as is above Who is Himself our daily bread Praise Him the Lord of love Let living water satisfy The thirsty without price We'll take a cup of kindness yet All glory be to Christ All glory be to Christ our King All glory be to Christ His rule and reign will ever sing All glory be to Christ When on the day the great I Am The faithful and the true The Lamb who was for sinners slain Is making all things new Behold our God shall live with us And be our steadfast light And we shall ere his people be All glory be to Christ All glory be to Christ our King All glory be to Christ His rule and reign will ever sing All glory be to Christ All glory be to Christ our King All glory be to Christ His rule and reign will ever sing All glory be to Christ (Song by Kings Kaleidoscope) YOUTUBE.COM All Glory Be to Christ - Wandering Worshipers
Talking about Herod - paranoid and a gross dude. Killed his sons and wives. Juxtaposing Christ as Humble King and Herod and his illegitmancy. Have we made ourselves "captain of my own ship" culture. Will we be more like the Magi, or like Herod. They recognized the kingship of Christ. Pastor Kyle teaches from Matthew chapter 2.
A hearty Merry Christmas from our family to yours. Enjoy this old Christmas song sung in a new way about what's truly valuable in life. If you like it, watch the whole service on Youtube - https://youtu.be/2BJrDQrhrzU PENINSULABIBLE.ORG Peninsula Bible Fellowship – A church of grace and truth in the heart of Kitsap County
Are you content?
Hear the story of Jesus' Birth from the eyes of a child! If you enjoy this moment consider watching the rest of our Christmas Eve broadcast on Youtube - https://youtu.be/2BJrDQrhrzU PENINSULABIBLE.ORG Peninsula Bible Fellowship – A church of grace and truth in the heart of Kitsap County
Merry Christmas from our family to yours! Enjoy this unique moment from our Christmas Eve worship. If you enjoy it, watch the rest of the service on Youtube - https://youtu.be/2BJrDQrhrzU
Ready for this weekend's activity? God shows us His love in many different ways. Practice showing love like God.
🎊 Ring in the New Year with free Bible Reading plan 📖 printables, apps and resources. www.peninsulabible.org/Bible-reading
Gifts (cash, check and online) received by December 31, qualify for a 2020 charitable contribution deduction. For your convenience, the church office will be open on Thursday, December 31, from 9:00am–1:00pm. To give online: https://pushpay.com/pay/peninsulabible
This activity is going to be super exciting, but go by so fast and it'll lose its fizziness. We can be like that sometimes too. We get a big burst of energy and get really excited and then we lose our fizziness. In Sunday's BLUE BOX we'll see how Mr. Steve helps diagnose Fizzlessness as an epidemic!
Read a special message from Pastor Brent at https://conta.cc/2Ldl0F1
FRI, JAN 8 Kitsap Day of Prayer & Fasting
Even if you're not part of the Mere Christianity Discussion Group, you are invited to read C.S. Lewis's classic work alongside!
"And may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is." - Ephesians 3:18, NLT YOUTUBE.COM Reckless Love - The Wandering Worshipers
There's these disputes that happen in Malachi. "I have loved you," says the Lord, but you say, "How have you loved us?" Brent James teaches from Malachi Chapter 1. God hears and responds to our grumblings and he protects us in our weakness.
SAT, JAN 30 AT 8:00 AM PST Men's Coffee & Conversation
Peninsula Bible Fellowship added 18 new photos. 2 hrs · Thank you to everyone who donated time, money, school supplies, hygiene items and shoes to Children of the Nations for the school in Sierra Leone. And a BIG thank you to @CentralKitsapSchoolDistrict for donating desks!
Need lunch or dinner? Make it count for kids! Mention COTN in person, or use the promo code for 20% of your purchase to benefit Children of the Nations ❤️🍕 HAPPENING NOW MOD Pizza COTN Fundraiser
Brent James is with Alex Amara and 6 others. 6 hrs · Loading up the shipping container to go to the children of Sierra Leone! It’s filled with hygiene and health supplies, educational supplies and tens of thousands of meals. #Godspeed
🎉 Today’s packing day! If you’re able to lift and carry, and you can help for an hour or two, meet at the church parking lot at 10am or after. THU, JAN 14 Share Hope Container Packing Party
Welcome to the second message in the Brand New Day Series, A Study in the Book of Malachi. The message this morning is titled, "Apathetic Worship," and challenges followers of Christ to get back the true heart of worship. Brent James teaches from Malachi 1:6-14
Through the prophet Malachi, God addresses his people by first reminding them of his covenant love for them. Because of his love, God confronts Israel’s priests (those who are meant to be leaders of God’s people) by calling attention to their privileged position and subsequent failure. Malachi 2:1-9 gives thought to what this means to be listeners of God’s word and leaders of God’s people. And ultimately, it points to the hope found in Jesus. Speaker: Pastor Josh Kluth
Hear why PBF member Noreen Sell (attending PBF since 1983!) recommends the book “How to be Free From Bitterness” by Jim Wilson – and why dealing with this subject early in her Christian walk made all the difference. Do you struggle with bitterness? Anger? Taming the tongue? Loving others? #bookrecommendations #takeupandread
The Missions Team invites you to join together for a time of prayer. Mark your calendars for the 4th Thursday of each month.🙏 THU, JAN 28 AT 4:45 PM PST Missions Prayer Meet
THU, JAN 28 AT 4:45 PM PST Missions Prayer Meet
Where do lost socks go?
SAT, JAN 30 AT 8:00 AM PST Men's Coffee & Conversation
Join Pastor Brent James as we study the Book of Malachi and understand the power of a promise and God's appeal to change our cheatin' hearts.
https://youtu.be/HnISMqRSqG4 Listen to over 30 Wandering Worshiper hymns and songs of praise on the Worship Playlist at www.youtube.com/peninsulabiblefellowship YOUTUBE.COM Revelation Song - The Wandering Worshipers
Hear why PBF member Noreen Sell (attending PBF since 1983!) recommends the book “How to be Free From Bitterness” by Jim Wilson – and why dealing with this subject early in her Christian walk made all the difference. Do you struggle with bitterness? Anger? Taming the tongue? Loving others? #bookrecommendations #takeupandread
The Missions Team invites you to join together for a time of prayer. Mark your calendars for the 4th Thursday of each month.🙏 THU, JAN 28 AT 4:45 PM PST Missions Prayer Meet
THU, JAN 28 AT 4:45 PM PST Missions Prayer Meet
Through the prophet Malachi, God addresses his people by first reminding them of his covenant love for them. Because of his love, God confronts Israel’s priests (those who are meant to be leaders of God’s people) by calling attention to their privileged position and subsequent failure. Malachi 2:1-9 gives thought to what this means to be listeners of God’s word and leaders of God’s people. And ultimately, it points to the hope found in Jesus. Speaker: Pastor Josh Kluth
God is on a mission to bring justice to the world, and He wants to start His justice campaign in a place we might not expect - the hearts of His people. The Church. Pastor Kyle shares out of Malachi 2:17-3:5.
No matter what you're walking through, you are not alone. 💛 https://youtu.be/pAM5b22bIMQ YOUTUBE.COM Another in the Fire - The Wandering Worshipers
Write a note of encouragment or prayer for someone who has been 'holding down the fort' during an unexpectedly long deployment. Your note will be hand written on a valentine card and given with some sweets & treats! Write it here >>> https://bit.ly/3aoS1qo
Find out what's coming up! Here's the weekly bulletin: https://conta.cc/3r4CkeR If you'd like to receive updates in your inbox, join the mailing list: https://peninsulabible.org/opt-in/
WED, FEB 17 AT 7:00 PM PST Ash Wednesday
Today is an opportunity to invest time into what is unseen but real and lasting. Please wear a mask and self-check prior to coming. Or, join via Zoom (details in event description). 🙏 🌎. 💛 https://fb.me/e/h3rVrgLiM THU, JAN 28 Missions Prayer Meet
God is on a mission to bring justice to the world, and He wants to start His justice campaign in a place we might not expect - the hearts of His people. The Church. Pastor Kyle shares out of Malachi 2:17-3:5.
FRI, FEB 12 AT 3:30 PM PST Sweets & Treats for Nimitz Spouses
Hear why PBF member Valerie Otheim recommends the book “Heaven” by Randy Alcorn. What comes to your mind when you think of heaven? Animals? Sports? Commerce? Geography? Find out why all that matters. #bookrecommendations #takeupandread
We are giving away 10 FREE copies of “Knowing Christ” by Mark Jones (for those who sign up for the 9-week Zoom study beginning Monday evening, February 15). For more information and to sign-up, visit https://peninsulabible.org/knowing-christ/.
MON, FEB 15 AT 7:00 PM PST "Knowing Christ" (a 9-week study)
No matter what you're walking through, you are not alone. 💛 https://youtu.be/pAM5b22bIMQ YOUTUBE.COM Another in the Fire - The Wandering Worshipers
It's time to make sure your friend or neighbor whose spouse is serving on the Nimitz knows about this drive-thru event TODAY from 3:30-5:30. It's a drive-thru gifting! Totally free-- and they could win one of 10 date nights (valued at $100 each). Spread the word!
FRI, FEB 12 Sweets & Treats for Nimitz Spouses
Have you missed attending the 8 AM service in person? Well, starting this Sunday, you're welcome back! Livestream will continue, but as you are ready, you're invited to come in person (with masks and social distancing). Please pre-register at https://bit.ly/3tKESRw
SAT, FEB 27 AT 8:00 AM PST Men's Breakfast
What is the “blessed” life? What do we mean when we use the word, “blessed”? Do we mean the same thing God means? In Malachi 3:13-18, some conclude the blessed life is found apart from God. Others respond differently. What do we learn from this difference? And how does God respond? Pastor Josh teaches from Malachi Chapter 3:13-18.
Worship & preparation for the season of Lent
THU, FEB 25 AT 4:45 PM PST Missions Prayer Meet
RSVP for the Ash Wednesday (which begins the 40-day Lent season) service tonight here 👉 https://peninsulabible.org/ash-wednesday/ Josh Kluth February 17 at 6:57 AM · ASH WEDNESDAY Listen is as Douglas McKelvey, author of “Every Moment Holy”, shares how Lent helps to "Teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom" (Psalm 90:12). (See previous video from Doug on benefits of the "Church Calendar")
Sign up for Ash Wednesday Service at https://peninsulabible.org/ash-wednesday/ WED, FEB 17 Ash Wednesday
As we approach the Lenten season (starting tomorrow, Ash Wednesday), some might ask "Is there any benefit to following the church calendar?" Josh Kluth February 16 at 11:57 AM · "It’s become the sort of poetic rhythm and cadence that I get to live through each year making me mindful of some of the largest truths of the faith." – Douglas McKelvey
Every culture has their apocalyptic ideas about the end of the world and time. Payday is coming: those who fear the Lord, good news is yours, for those who don't fear the Lord, bad news is for you. God calls us to remember his laws and statutes, to fear his name. Malachi ends with a sense that Apocalypse is coming and a desire for Utopia. Pastor Brent James teaches from Malachi Chapter 4.
It's an early start to tomorrow morning - but this is an incredible movement looking to finish the task of the Great Commission! THU, FEB 25 AT 5:00 AM PST Finishing the Task: Special Update Live with Rick Warren
Hear why PBF member Carrie Jalonen recommends the book “God Has a Name” by John Mark Comer and why it was "a bit of a game-changer" for her. #bookrecommendations #takeupandread
Take a moment to be reminded of who you are and your future hope in Christ--not a wishing-well-like hope, but a blessed assurance--a firm hope secured through Jesus... a promised coming reality of glory divine. 💖 https://youtu.be/mACGrMyR3Q4 __ Love the Wandering Worshipers? Subscribe on YouTube! https://www.youtube.com/peninsulabiblefellowship YOUTUBE.COM Blessed Assurance - Wandering Worshipers
See the weekly bulletin at https://conta.cc/2ZvAKab To receive email updates, sign up at https://peninsulabible.org/opt-in/
Worship & preparation for the season of Lent
Every culture has their apocalyptic ideas about the end of the world and time. Payday is coming: those who fear the Lord, good news is yours, for those who don't fear the Lord, bad news is for you. God calls us to remember his laws and statutes, to fear his name. Malachi ends with a sense that Apocalypse is coming and a desire for Utopia. Pastor Brent James teaches from Malachi Chapter 4.
Jesus as the Sign. Signs are these landmarks or an indicator that something is about to happen. He will cause the rising and falling of many in Israel-- and the Gentiles will someday believe. Pastor Brent James teaches from Ephesians Chapter 2.
Jesus as the Sign. Signs are these landmarks or an indicator that something is about to happen. He will cause the rising and falling of many in Israel-- and the Gentiles will someday believe. Pastor Brent James teaches from Ephesians Chapter 2.
Jesus as the Sign. Signs are these landmarks or an indicator that something is about to happen. He will cause the rising and falling of many in Israel. and the Gentiles will someday believe. Pastor Brent James teaches from Ephesians Chapter 2.
Brent James February 25 at 3:35 PM · Join the team (&me) tonight on zoom to pray for Christians around the world! https://peninsulabible.zoom.us/j/94343546859?fbclid=IwAR0IuZJ8WcJsUHrpG3ao9NxM0pda1ZmoFSAzhCohsM9ESJXDhy12-lE6WrY http://bit.ly/2PfsARl
If you enjoy the Blue Box Messages, leave some love in the comments! The PBF Kids team does an amazing job taking spiritual truths and presenting them in a way that kids (and all the rest of us!) can relate to and easily understand... all with a healthy dose of humor! 😂 Did you know you can watch over 50 episodes!? Find them at: https://www.youtube.com/peninsulabiblefellowship @janesbluebox @pbfkids @snlmercer #bible #bremertonchurch #kitsapchurch #graceandtruth #truthforkids #onlinechurchforkids #onlinebibleteaching #notyourgrandmassundayschool
The Sign of the Bread - Sunday, March 7 Jesus came not just to give bread, but the be the Bread of Life. Pastor Kyle teaches from John 6:22-40.
How is it with your soul? Take a few minutes to remind yourself of these old and timeless truths. 💛 Did you know you can listen to the Wandering Worshipers any time? Find over 40 songs on the Worship Playlist at YouTube.com/peninsulabiblefellowship YOUTUBE.COM Be Still My Soul - Wandering Worship
Jesus as the Sign. Signs are these landmarks or an indicator that something is about to happen. He will cause the rising and falling of many in Israel. and the Gentiles will someday believe. Pastor Brent James teaches from Ephesians Chapter 2.
Brent James February 25 at 3:35 PM · Join the team (&me) tonight on zoom to pray for Christians around the world! https://peninsulabible.zoom.us/j/94343546859?fbclid=IwAR0IuZJ8WcJsUHrpG3ao9NxM0pda1ZmoFSAzhCohsM9ESJXDhy12-lE6WrY http://bit.ly/2PfsARl
SUN, APR 4 AT 7:45 AM PDT AND 3 MORE Easter Sunday Celebration
The Wandering Worshipers videos are such a bright spot in worship services -- sharing music with those near and far. Thank you to all of the folks who have opened their yards and homes thus far. If you'd like to host the Wandering Worshipers at your Kitsap home, email worship@peninsulabible.org #worshipmusic #worshipandpraise #hymns #hymnsoffaith #wanderingworshipers #kitsapcounty #kitsapchurch #bremertonchurch
THU, MAR 25 AT 4:45 PM PDT Missions Prayer Meet
FRI, APR 2 AT 7:00 PM PDT Good Friday Worship Service
SAT, APR 3 AT 10:00 AM PDT Stations on the Highway
Kitsap Public Health District asked us to get the word out that vaccine appointments are available THIS WEEK. Appointment times are Wednesday and Friday from 12:00-3:00pm and Thursday from 2:30-3:30pm at the old St. Michaels/ Harrison hospital in Bremerton. To see if you are eligible, or to schedule an appointment, go to: https://kphd.timetap.com/#/ Free transportation with Kitsap Transit (available anywhere in the county): 360-479-7272. KPHD.TIMETAP.COM Kitsap Public Health District
SUN, APR 4 AT 7:45 AM PDT AND 3 MORE Easter Sunday Celebration
SAT, MAR 27 AT 8:00 AM PDT Men's Breakfast
Have you RSVP'd yet? Join us for this unique drive-thru art show and reflection on Jesus' journey to the cross on April 3, 2021. Drive-thru length is about 25 minutes (+ includes scripture, devotional reflections, opportunities to respond, and complementary gift). For info and RSVP visit peninsulabible.org/stations YOUTUBE.COM STATIONS IN THE STREET
Women, You are invited to a sweet time with God this Saturday. Set aside an hour to let Him speak to you while you journey through Creekside Homestead and through your prayer journal reflection guide (included for each participant). Reserve your spot now 👉 https://bit.ly/30Uamrf SAT, MAR 20 AT 8:00 AM PDT AND 2 MORE Women's Prayer Retreats
SUN, MAR 21 AT 3:30 PM PDT Membership Class
Before the busyness of this week begins, take a few sweet moments to savor The Wonderful Cross https://youtu.be/eixeH_fnpCA Find all the Wandering Worshiper videos on the YouTube Worship Playlist at youtube.com/peninsulabiblefellowship YOUTUBE.COM The Wonderful Cross - Wandering Worship
SUN, APR 4 AT 7:45 AM PDT AND 3 MORE Easter Sunday Celebration
Men, don't miss out on the opportunity to hear from Greg Vandiver THIS Saturday! Come early for coffee & conversation at 7:30am. ☕️ 🥯 🥓 SAT, MAR 27 AT 8:00 AM PDT Men's Breakfast
'And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone."' Mark 16:15 NLT Join together in prayer for the advancement of the Gospel and for those who are serving and being reached all over the world. Thursday, March 25th at 4:45pm in the Fireside Room or on Zoom. THU, MAR 25 AT 4:45 PM PDT Missions Prayer Meet
Jesus' second sign in the Gospel of John is a long-distance miracle. But we have to ask why this is significant. Is it because Jesus wants to demonstrate his divine ability? Or is it because of something more? It turns out, John 4:46-54 is less about the sign of Jesus, and more about our trust in Jesus. Teaching by Josh Kluth
SAT, MAR 27 AT 8:00 AM PDT Men's Breakfast
Have you RSVP'd yet? Join us for this unique drive-thru art show and reflection on Jesus' journey to the cross on April 3, 2021. Drive-thru length is about 25 minutes (+ includes scripture, devotional reflections, opportunities to respond, and complementary gift). For info and RSVP visit peninsulabible.org/stations-on-the-highway YOUTUBE.COM STATIONS IN THE STREET


Company name
Peninsula Bible Fellowship


  • What is the phone number for Peninsula Bible Fellowship in Bremerton WA?
    You can reach them at: 360-692-6549. It’s best to call Peninsula Bible Fellowship during business hours.
  • What is the address for Peninsula Bible Fellowship on radcliff avenue northeast in Bremerton?
    Peninsula Bible Fellowship is located at this address: 9590 Radcliff Avenue Northeast Bremerton, WA 98311.