Our entire staff s dedicated to providing our patients with the comprehensive care that they require following an auto accident. We recommend that all of our patients receive immediate medical attention following a car accident, even if they don't think that they've been injured. Our auto injury treatment begins with a comprehensive exam as many injuries that are the result of a car accident, such as whiplash, can take a couple of days to show symptoms.
We can see you after your car accident and begin working on your course of treatment right away. Whether you require manipulations to achieve proper spinal alignment, spinal decompression, or cold laser therapy, we provide comprehensive care. Many patients come to us following an accident because they are reluctant to turn to medical practices that rely on drugs and potentially harmful medications. We believe in finding the cause of your pain and discomfort and treating the core injury rather than working to simply mask symptoms. We want you to lead a pain-free life especially following any injuries sustained in a car accident.