
(on cromwell bridge)
Veterinarians in Towson, MD


Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours


1209 Cromwell Bridge Rd.
Towson, MD


Pet+ER Photo


We are experiencing some issues with our phone lines. Please call our secondary number443-798-0919. Thank you for your understanding. 
We are experiencing some issues with our phone lines. Please call our secondary number443-798-0919. Thank you for your understanding. 
It was quite the weekend, here at the Pet+E.R. Between our two locations, Towson and Columbia, our team treated 264 pets. Some of those pets were in critical condition and needed immediate hospitalization, some were rushed to Emergency surgery for hours at a time, while some underwent various diagnostics in the pursuit of answers and solutions. And we’ll never forget those that had to say goodbye. Throughout it all, nothing has humbled us more than the collaboration among the team. To accommodate this dramatic increase in visits, 13 additional employees were called in over the weekend. That is 13 individuals, consisting of Customer Services Reps, Doctors, Technicians, and Assistants, all sacrificing time with their family to take care of your four-legged loved ones. Over the weekend these incredible human beings came in early, and stayed late. Voluntarily worked 6+ days in a row. Took naps in their car, in the parking lot, just so they could continue to provide the care your pet deserves. We don’t toot our own horn often, however in this case, we couldn’t do so loud enough. The ER world is a difficult one, that is a reality we all sign up for when we join this field, however nothing could have prepared anyone for this past weekend. And yet, the question we are all asking ourselves is how can we do better? Because that has always been our goal. To serve, to educate, and to comfort. And so we are going to utilize this opportunity to address the feedback we received above and beyond any other : wait times. To add some context to this post, at this moment ER’s(nationwide) are 30%-50% busier than they typically are this time of year - summer is our busy season. The industry is unsure what is creating that dramatic increase at this time, but it’s a very real feeling and our team, like so many others, are feeling it. Areas will always differ, however in ours, other surrounding ER’s were projecting wait times up to 24hrs. In many ways, our ER functions quite like a human ER. Meaning we see/treat incoming pets on a triage basis. By definition, triage means the assignment of degrees of urgency to wounds or illnesses to decide the order of treatment of a large number of patients or casualties. Every patient is assessed by a triage nurse, this is a technician who has been assigned to this incredibly vital position - this nurse acquires all relevant history, medications, baseline vitals, and other information that might be necessary. Based on this evaluation, each pet is assigned a Triage Level ranging from 1-3. Triage Level 1 - Critical, unstable, and requires immediate life-saving measures and medical attention. These are the pets you may see brought in on a gurney, or carried by a running technician straight to our ICU floor(heatstroke is very common this time of year). These are the pets that are pushed immediately to ‘the front of the line’ because if they are not, they will die. More often than not these pets require extensive diagnostics, admittance into our Hospital for long stays, oxygen therapy, possibly emergency surgery, and above all else - extensive attention from our medical team. It goes without saying these take a lot of time. Triage Level 2 - By far, our most commonly seen cases. These are pets who require emergency medical attention, however remain more stable than Level 1. Toxicity, foregin bodies, blockages, infectious diseases, internal system failure/support, major surgeries, fevers, etc. - the list goes on and on with multiple variations. Oftentimes these cases require evenmore diagnostic workup then the other two levels, as we are often unsure what is causing their symptoms or abnormal vitals. Some will hospitalize and some will go home. Some will seek additional/continued care with their primary vet when they open - and some may return to us. While this Level is not in as dire need as Level 1, they could easily become that way if treatment is not acquired, so understandably these pets are assessed and prioritized. Triage Level 3 - We also refer to this level as ‘Stable’. This level often consists of broken nails(that are not profusely bleeding/quick is hanging off), chronic medical concerns that have been ongoing for a long period of time with no change, potential UTI’s, loose stool(with no blood), fleas, etc. Typically, these would be considered non-emergent, or symptoms one would refer to their primary care Doctor to address, as they have a long-standing relationship and history with which to work off of. Due to these cases being stable, and not requiring immediate medical attention, they are addressed by an ER Doctor last. Before we entered a pandemic, these were occasionally seen at the ER’s, however now there appears to be an influx of these cases. That’s a normal day, or night, at the ER. Add in COVID-19 and we’re all in new and uncharted territory. Our team is practicing strict social distancing measures, including curbside service, which has slowed our process down. Phones ring off the hook, 24hrs a day, in a time where we are all reliant on phone communication - we want instantaneous answers, however the reality of the situation no longer presents that as an option. It can be frustrating, it can be difficult, however the safety of all involved is absolutely worth it. As a Hospital, and a company, we are always reflecting internally. How can we relieve the stressors of our team and our clients? How can we provide the best care? How can we be more transparent, and mindful? Continuously asking ourselves those questions, among others, is the commitment we made to the community many years ago, and one we intend to maintain many years from now. All that we ask, that we need, in return is kindness and understanding for our team. At the other end of your anger, is a human being - is a soul just as worn out, and scared, as you. The reason for your 5hr wait time, is the dog that was hit by a car, undergoing CPR in the ICU - or the 18 year old cat saying goodbye to the family that grew up with it. The person reading your angry review, just got home after their 6th shift in a row and a 15hr day. And when you think you’re being ignored, or we’re not doing enough, I want us all to think about this past weekend. A Doctor, who had stopped by to pick up her own dog from the Hospital, ended up staying to act as a Technician, because they were so backed up. And then, when the phones rang off the hook, she was at the front desk answering and doing everything she could. Only to assist in a complicated surgery, so that the appropriate amount of hands could be available. This Doctor did an incredible act, and she is not alone. This team is here for you and for your pet. They are here to help, to save, and to comfort. So let’s be kind to them, be kind to each other, and understand we are all united by one constant fact : we love our pets.
We are experiencing some issues with our phone lines. Please call our secondary number443-798-0919. Thank you for your understanding. 
We all want to have beautiful flowers and plants in our homes. We also love to take our pets out for a walk in the woods. But did you know that many of the plants we love can actually be toxic to our animals? Here are some of the most common plants in Maryland that are toxic to our beloved pets. (The following numbers correspond to the numbered flowers in the graphic below) 1. Cardinal Flower - Toxic Part: Everything. Symptoms: vomiting, excessive drooling, diarrhea, abdominal pain, rare heart rhythm changes. 2. Milkweed(Butterfly Weed) - Toxic Part: leaves, stems, roots (Bitter taste tends to limit ingestion ). Symptoms: vomiting, depression, weakness, decreased appetite, diarrhea. Severe symptoms include seizures, difficulty breathing, kidney and liver disease, coma, and even death 3. Lily - Toxic Part: Everything(Toxic to cats only). Symptoms: vomiting, inappetance, kidney disease (can be delayed 1-2 days). Calla lilies and Peace Lilies are less toxic and only cause oral irritation. 4. Groundsel(Ragwort) - Toxic Part: Flowers and upper leaves. Ragwort Honey. Symptoms: Vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, liver disease. 5. Foxglove - Toxic part: Everything (seeds most toxic). Symptoms: Vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, heart disease, death. 6. Snakeplant - Toxic Part: Everything. Symptoms (mild): Vomiting, diarrhea, inappetance. 7. Pothos/Philodendron/Evergreen/Draceana(houseplants) - Toxic parts: Everything (mostly stem and leaf). Symptoms: oral pain, drooling, difficulty, swallowing, vomiting (less likely). 8. Mushrooms - There are a few different poisonous species of mushrooms found in Maryland that can all cause different clinical signs and problems. Death Cap/Death Angel Mushroom (the most toxic).This can cause liver disease and even liver failure in as early as 6-12 hours after ingestion. Other mushrooms can cause neurological changes (“drunk” walking, wobbling, inability to stand, seizures, etc) and gastrointestinal disease (vomiting, diarrhea) Mushrooms can all look the same which can make it difficult to tell what kind of mushroom your dog may have eaten. If you can, collect a sample and take a picture and see a veterinarian. For further resource you can visit **This list does not include all toxic plants. If your pet eats a plant and you are concerned, recommend contacting Pet Poison Helpline (800-213-6680) or ASPCA (888-426-4435) for further recommendations. ** #petercolumbia #petertowson #twentyfourseven #emergencymedicine #veterinary
If you’re planning to take your pet to the beach, it’s important to know that salt water consumption is toxic and highly dangerous. Pets will likely drink salt water when fresh water isn’t available. So keep a portable bowl nearby and offer them water every 20 minutes to help them stay hydrated. If you discover your pet consumed salt water, seek veterinary care immediately.
Due to our extreme volume of critical and urgent patients, Pet+ER in Towson will be temporarily unable to accommodate stable non-urgent triages. We have highly skilled and knowledgeable technicians who are specially trained for triage and will be available to assess your pet and obtain a brief history. They will then use this information to determine if your pet is stable and non-urgent. We appreciate your support and cooperation as we prioritize the care of all of our patients. Please call us at 410-252-8387 for assistance.
We appreciate your cooperation as we prioritize the care of our patients. We are still unable to accommodate stable, non-urgent patients at this time. Please reach out to us if you need assistance at 410-252-8387.
Due to our extreme volume of critical and urgent patients, Pet+ER in Towson will be temporarily unable to accommodate stable non-urgent triages. We have highly skilled and knowledgeable technicians who are specially trained for triage and will be available to assess your pet and obtain a brief history. They will then use this information to determine if your pet is stable and non-urgent. We appreciate your support and cooperation as we prioritize the care of all of our patients. Please call us at 410-252-8387 for assistance.
Due to our extreme volume of critical and urgent patients, Pet+ER in Towson will be temporarily unable to accommodate stable non-urgent triages. We have highly skilled and knowledgeable technicians who are specially trained for triage and will be available to assess your pet and obtain a brief history. They will then use this information to determine if your pet is stable and non-urgent. We appreciate your support and cooperation as we prioritize the care of all of our patients. Please call us at 410-252-8387 for assistance.
Due to our extreme volume of critical and urgent patients, Pet+ER in Towson will be temporarily unable to accommodate stable non-urgent triages. We have highly skilled and knowledgeable technicians who are specially trained for triage and will be available to assess your pet and obtain a brief history. They will then use this information to determine if your pet is stable and non-urgent. We appreciate your support and cooperation as we prioritize the care of all of our patients. Please call us at 410-252-8387 for assistance.
Pet+E.R. - Columbia March 6 at 10:55 AM · Due to our extreme volume of critical and urgent patients, Pet+ER in Columbia will be temporarily unable to accommodate stable non-urgent triages. We have highly skilled and knowledgeable technicians who are specially trained for triage and will be available to assess your pet and obtain a brief history. They will then use this information to determine if your pet is stable and non-urgent. We appreciate your support and cooperation as we prioritize the care of all of our patients. Please call us at (410)441-3304 for assistance.
Due to our extreme volume of critical and urgent patients, Pet+ER in Columbia will be temporarily unable to accommodate stable non-urgent triages. We have highly skilled and knowledgeable technicians who are specially trained for triage and will be available to assess your pet and obtain a brief history. They will then use this information to determine if your pet is stable and non-urgent. We appreciate your support and cooperation as we prioritize the care of all of our patients. Please call us at (410)441-3304 for assistance.


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  • What is the phone number for Pet+ER in Towson MD?
    You can reach them at: 410-252-8387. It’s best to call Pet+ER during business hours.
  • What is the address for Pet+ER on cromwell bridge in Towson?
    Pet+ER is located at this address: 1209 Cromwell Bridge Rd. Towson, MD 21286.
  • What are Pet+ER(Towson, MD) store hours?
    Pet+ER store hours are as follows: Mon-Sun: 24 hours.