We are a Christian based counseling and wellness center. James Pfeiffer has more than 20 years experience in the mental health field. He is a Masters Level Clinical Social Worker. He also carries a B.A. in Psychology of Child/ Adolescent Development and Substance Abuse, is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, experienced Child Play Therapist and trained biofeedback therapist. Mr. Pfeiffer has been in private practice since 1991 facilitating individual, marriage and family therapy. He also facilitates groups for men, premarital, and children. He is a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors and National Association of Social Workers. Church is very important inside as well as outside of the work place and Mr. Pfeiffer has served as a Parent Youth leader at his church and is a very dedicated husband and father.
A note from Mr. Pfeiffer: Mental health and spiritual health are often used interchangeably, I believe there is a distinct difference. Our spiritual life leads us in our pursuit of morality towards others as well as our self. Our mental health gives us the ability and opportunity to interact with the world in a manner acceptable to others. Each vital to ones pursuit of a health life experience. I have been very fortunate to have found out how to help others find their way through life's complexities.