Wisconsinites drink more than half the world's brandy, Korbel says
Distance between vehicle ahead of you.
Neenah Police on Twitter
Sebastian Maniscalco posted a video to playlist WHAT'S WRONG WITH PEOPLE.
September 30 at 11:05 AM ·
One good thing about a pandemic...NO JURY DUTY
Wisconsin Department of Transportation
September 6 at 10:00 AM ·
DRIVE SOBER CONTINUES: Drivers impaired by drugs or alcohol risk the safety of everyone along the roadways. Last year in Wisconsin, there were 6,058 alcohol-related crashes that injured 2,918 people and resulted in 140 deaths. The annual Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over initiative continues through #LaborDay.
It's sometimes easy to take out your frustrations online, especially in times of political unease, such as what we sometimes see today on social media. So, be cautious, or, as our mothers used to say, "think before you speak" or type. For if you don't, there sometimes can be criminal liability. Whether you're Democrat, Republican or just frustrated with life and throw shade as a reaction to your frustrations, don't. Wisconsin doesn't always have a sense of humor:
Wisconsin Statute 942
A Criminal Defamation statute: “(1) Whoever with intent to defame communicates any defamatory matter to a 3rd person without the consent of the person defamed is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. (2) Defamatory matter is anything which exposes the other to hatred, contempt, ridicule, degradation or disgrace in society or injury in the other’s business or occupation.”
Election Deadline Extensions Blocked After Wisconsin Supreme Court Decision
If you're going to get lit, don't drive.
A little humor to end the week. Be careful on the roads and remember, you can get a DUI for alcohol, drugs, and medications. So, take an Uber if you've drank too much.
Canada-US border to remain closed as long as COVID-19 cases are up
I'd say take the word "women" out of the meme and replace it with "police" but they both know what the type of reasoning is all about.
AMS is with Candice Dewar.
October 13 at 12:38 PM ·
Looks like Kaukauna got a new squad. Better get that plate in there soon.
U.S. Supreme Court won't extend Wisconsin deadline to receive absentee ballots
Appeals court stays Wisconsin limits on gatherings
Wisconsin Style
October 21 at 2:25 PM ·
Don’t do it!!
I'm impressed by the staff in holding things together.
A D.A. goes M.I.A. Where is the Waushara County District Attorney?
Wisconsin had to pass a law so that a Municipal Judge could not hold a hearing in a tavern!
Don't get caught hook line and sinker. Give is a call, we know what to do and we can help you!
Be responsible, don't let this be you.
No! This meme is off base. Alcohol companies want you to use their products responsibly. They want you to have a good time. But, they don't want you to abuse their products, nobody does. Be smart, be responsible, call a cab if you've had too much. Be safe, not sorry.
Merry Christmas to you from Pitsch Law Offices, LLC!! 🎄🎁🎉🥳
Outagamie County Sheriff's Office - Greenville Deputies
January 1 at 2:36 PM ·
Beginning today our agency will be partnering up with the Wisconsin State Patrol to provide extra enforcement on Highway 15 from Greenville to New London, as part of a state grant. The goal of this grant is to help reduce crashes on Highway 15.
With today’s weather it’s also a good reminder to make sure your headlights are on due to poor visibility. Have a safe and happy new year!
Well, this isn't good. Times are tough. If you find yourself in a bind, do the right thing. But, if you've made a bad choice, it doesn't mean you're a bad person. We are here to fight for all of the good people who've made some bad mistakes. If you need help because you've made a mistake, give us a call.
Fox Valley restaurant owner, employees accused of cocaine trafficking
Yes, this is kinda funny. But, never blow into those hand-held preliminary breathalyzer test (PBT) machines, as it is the only Field Sobriety Test (FST) you can say no to without there being a penalty. They can't really be used at trial, but can be used to make an arrest decision. So, don't do it.
Ian CurranDAD JOKE Loading...
13 hrs ·
Roses are red,
Our shield is too,
We got your back,
We know what to do.
Atty. Eric Pitsch is up for nomination. Your support today is greatly appreciated!
Nominate your favorites for the 2021 Best of The Valley
George Duke IIDAD JOKE Loading...
February 22 at 4:38 PM ·
Wisconsin bars, restaurants can now sell cocktails to go
Booze-to-go approved by Wisconsin Senate