When it comes to investing in bonds, most of us have two options, we can buy bond funds or we can buy individual bonds. There are advantages and disadvantages to each approach..
Bond Funds or Individual Bonds? – Plum Street Advisors
Q2 Market Commentary: Markets Positioning for Threat of Trade War
Q2 2018 Market Commentary – Plum Street Advisors
Timing fixed income investments based on interest rate predictions is little more than a guessing game. One should think twice before avoiding bonds because the consensus is that they are headed for hard times
Timing the Bond Markets – A Costly Mistake – Plum Street Advisors
As rates rise, the value of existing fixed rate bonds fall. Now what does that mean for the attractiveness of investing in the bond market.
The Impact of Rising Interest Rates – Plum Street Advisors
What do people mean when they say Volatility is back, when people think of volatility they think of it on the downside, meaning the market is underperforming, but that is a common misconception.
Volatility: Same as It Ever Was – Plum Street Advisors