When it comes to auto immune & chronic illness there is a lot of hope! Dr. Tom O'Bryan's docu-series, Betrayal, is an eye-opener when it comes to chronic and autoimmune illness. Recovery is possible & our vision is greatly affected by chronic & autoimmune illness. We got an excellent response in the past so want to share it again. We all can benefit from this docu-series! Do yourself a favor and watch Betrayal & share with family & friends. Watch now here! https://betrayal.mykajabi.com/registration-success-0001
"Vision can change drastically in the senior years, but these changes do not need to impair one's quality of life with proper eye care." Learn more here...https://www.aoa.org/.../eye-health-for-life/senior-vision...
We Are A Newly Opened Practice & We Are Welcoming New Patients! Please make your appointment here... www.plymouthfamilyoptometry.com or call 774-283-4005
"Eyes Are the Window to the Soul and Your Health!" Learn More.....https://www.urbannaturale.com/eyes-are-the-window-to-the-soul-and-your-health/
Your Eyes Are Your Most Important Asset! Make your appointment with Plymouth Family Optometry HERE.... plymouthfamilyoptometry.com
"Everyone seems to be staring at a screen these days, whether their computer, their smartphone or another digital device." Protect your eyes from digital eye strain by reading more here... https://www.plymouthfamilyoptometry.com/2020/02/26/8-ways-to-protect-your-eyes-at-the-office-2020/
Plymouth Family Optometry is welcoming new patents. We are a newly opened practice & we have a strict COVID19 protocol in place. Make an apt. here...www.plymouthfamilyoptometry.com
Strict COVID-19 Protocol In Place!
Tips to Relax Your Eyes.......
Eat Right for Your Sight! DIET MATTERS! Learn more HERE...https://www.macular.org/cookbook?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI7Ju57MSs7AIVEbbICh2JNQagEAAYAiAAEgKJ3_D_BwE
And Take Care Of Your Most Important Asset, Your Vision! Make an appointment with PLYMOUTH FAMILY OPTOMETRY HERE...https://www.plymouthfamilyoptometry.com/
We Have A Great Selection Of Frames & Our Prices Are Great! We are a new office welcoming new patients with a strict COVID-19 protocol in place!! CHECK US OUT HERE....www.plymouthfamilyoptometry.com
Can regular exercise keep your vision healthy? Exercise plays a big roll in eye health. Learn more HERE... https://versanthealth.com/blog/can-regular-exercise-keep-your-vision-healthy/
AND we are a new practice welcoming new patients! So if you want a very thorough eye exam for contacts or glasses we are happy to serve you HERE...www.plymouthfamilyoptometry.com
Now that face masks are part of our everyday wardrobe, you may notice your eyes getting a little dryer than usual. Here are some tips to keep that from happening:
- Wear a mask that fits snugly around your nose. This will ensure the moisture exits through the side of your mask and not above it.
- Try to blink more frequently.
- Ask us about lubricating eye drops.
Is it Too Late?
Many people think that vision therapy is only for children. However, adults have as much need for this type of vision care as children. Vision therapy is often effective for adults because they are motivated to improve their visual abilities.- College of Optometrists in Vision Development. Enjoy the video below and make your appointment here...www.plymouthfamilyoptometry.com
Adult Vision Therapy Success Story | Wow Vision Therapy
IS VISION THEREAPY JUST FOR KIDS? ABSOLUTLY NOT!! Vision Therapy for Adults: Success Stories https://www.optometrists.org/vision-therapy/vision-therapy-for-adults/vision-therapy-for-adults-success-stories/
5 Reasons To Wear Sunglasses In The Fall... https://www.plymouthfamilyoptometry.com/2020/10/22/5-reasons-to-wear-sunglasses-in-the-fall-2020/
Schedule your appointment today!
Happy Friday and have a great weekend!
Despite the pandemic this year, there are so many things to be grateful for: our wonderful patients, family, and friends—to name a few. Enjoy this time with loved ones and delight in the amazing feast. We wish you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!
We Are Looking Forward To Serving Our Community Another Year! We have a strict COVID-19 protocol in place and we are accepting new patients. Make an appointment here...www.plymouthfamilyoptometry.com
Wash your hands with soap and water before handling contact lenses. Place 1 lens in the palm of your hand, add a generous amount of solution, and gently rub with your finger for about 10 seconds in order to remove any buildup on the lens. Then, rinse the lens with solution. Repeat with the 2nd lens — and ta-da! They’re ready to wear!
We live in a world flooded with digital devices. As a result, you may be starting to experience digital eye strain, which makes your eyes feel sore, tired, watery, and/or dry. To prevent this from occurring, follow the 20-20-20 rule!
Vision Therapy Is Often Just As Effective For Adults As It Is For Children. This Is A Very Exciting Subject! Learn More Here......https://www.optometrists.org/vision-therapy/vision-therapy-for-adults/ And Make Your Appointment At Plymouth Family Optometry Right Here.....https://www.plymouthfamilyoptometry.com/
15 Things You Do That Can Harm Your Eyes. Read More Here.....https://www.plymouthfamilyoptometry.com/2021/01/03/15-things-you-do-that-can-harm-your-eyes/
Plymouth Family Optometry is welcoming new patients. Make your appointment via our website or by calling 774-283-4005. And We Have A Very Strict COVID-19 Protocol In Place!
In 1824, 15-year-old Louis Braille created a reading and writing system for the blind and visually impaired, known as braille, in which raised dots represent the letters of the alphabet. His creation has played a major role in enabling the blind to experience more independence. Each year, on his birthday, we celebrate him and his life-changing invention.
Wishing everyone a year filled with love, laughter, joy, and happiness… Happy New Year! 🥂
Wishing everyone a healthy and very Merry Christmas!