The toilet is the main indicator of a problem with the sewer lines because they send a large volume of water into the system quickly. If flushing results in a backup and you know of no reason why that should happen, let us inspect the system and make repairs.
If you want to extend the life of your drain pipes and drains, have them professionally cleaned on a regular basis. This keeps them clean and working as they should. The money spent on cleanings is far less than replacements, so it's a smart investment.
Sound familiar? Water is backing up in a drain or toilet, or pooling around a floor drain. The shower is draining slowly. Your drains make gurgling noises, particularly after you run the washing machine or dishwasher. Yes, it’s time to give us a call.
Our fiber optic video cameras do more than show us the problem spots in your sewer or drain lines. They also allow you to see in real time the same thing we see on our portable video monitors. We have the confidence we’ve found the right issues, and you have the confidence we’re fixing the right problems.
Did you know that some types of trees can grow roots that reach 400 feet away from the base of the tree? Before planting a tree on your property, make sure the type of tree you choose does not have a reputation for invasive and extensive root growth, as this could potential cause your sewer lines to rupture.
In newer homes that installed PVC pipes for the drain system, the noises you hear of water running through the drain system are normal. PVC has poor sound insulation and noise is easily transmitted. It is not necessarily an indication of a problem.