Since 1987, PEI has been providing our clients with the confidence of knowing they are our most important asset. No request is too small, we are always available to answer questions and we are always looking out for your best interests.
Unmatched Customer Service
This is a serious, person-to-person business. Attention to detail makes all the difference in matters as important as hiring, promotions, tenants and the security of your company's proprietary information and practices.
Experience Matters
Connecting the dots to complete a picture of a potential candidate may be the most important decision a business can make. Our network of investigators has national hands-on capabilities to research the most current information available. Most electronic government databases can be months behind, inaccurate and subject to input errors.
Our Clients Receive Complete Reports
This valuable information will reveal an informed, experienced, objective observation of each applicant. Copies of the source documents, as well as an explanation of the records, are presented. These components provide insight and information, which disclose maturity, honesty and the ability to meet every day responsibilities.
Protect Your Hiring Decisions
Background checks provide due diligence for the employer in cases of job change, promotions or internal investigations. Your employees all benefit by knowing new members of their team are pre-screened, encouraging a safer work environment. PEI has served a wide variety of businesses with their most important decisions for over 20 years. Who they hire.
Protect Applicant / Employee Identity / Information
Every client gets a secure, password protected workspace on our encrypted web site to safely transmit and archive your confidential candidate applications and completed reports.
Confidential Data Procedure
PEI meets or exceeds state and federal requirements of transmitting confidential information. Consumer reports can only be processed for a permis