Precision Hearing

(on tabernacle)
Counseling & Mental Health in Saint George, UT
Counseling & Mental Health


321 W Tabernacle St
Saint George, UT


Our goal is to provide you the best possible hearing care based upon your individual needs. We provide an array of services related to evaluation, rehabilitation, and prevention of hearing impairment. These services include comprehensive hearing exams, specialized diagnostic testing, and advanced fitting of hearing instruments and verification techniques.


As mask mandates from states and retailers become more common, you may be having increased difficulty hearing others, especially if your hearing loss is untreated. Now more than ever, it’s crucial you remain connected to everything going on around you. Take steps toward better hearing today.
Are you a Livio AI wearer? With their Hearing Care Anywhere feature, a simple Help Request on the Thrive app can clue us in to what remote fine tuning you may need to further improve your hearing experience, saving you a trip to our office. Check Livio AI’s other impressive features.
Starkey now has the industry’s most complete line of rechargeables. Charge up your life with the rechargeable aid best for your specific hearing loss.
Can COVID-19 cause tinnitus or hearing loss? Our new blog post explains what researchers know so far about potential risks.
The first day of fall is coming soon. If you’re anything like us, you don’t want to miss the sound of crunching leaves. Take our online hearing test from the comfort of your cozy home to ensure you don’t miss out on the season.
We often take hearing for granted. We start accepting a feeling of disconnect as it slowly worsens with age. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Check out what our patients had to say after receiving highly personalized treatment, reconnecting them with the people and the activities they love.
Starkey’s NEW Livio Edge AI now offers the convenience of finding your smartphone with your hearing aids. We’re proud to equip patients with this industry-first technology. Learn more here:
It's easy to take hearing health for granted until it’s disrupting your relationships and the things you love to do. We’re passionate about reconnecting you. Learn more about why we do what we do.
Did you know that October is Protect Your Hearing Month? Now you do! A great place to start your hearing journey is with our online hearing evaluation. It provides a hearing baseline for your provider (us) to work from. Let’s get started.
Dementia, Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline are conditions we all hope to avoid as we get older. A growing body of research has shown that hearing loss plays a role in our ability to stay mentally sharp. Learn more about this groundbreaking research.
Starkey recently welcomed the newest member to the rechargeable family, the BTE R. It is 30% smaller than competitors and even 22% smaller than their non-rechargeable BTE. It delivers 22 hours of battery life! Learn more about Starkey’s most complete line of rechargeables.
The best advice comes from those who have been in your shoes, who know exactly what you’re going through and have made it out the other side. Check out our patient testimonials to learn more about how their life has changed since treating their hearing loss.
Have we met? We’re your neighborhood hearing health provider, nice to meet you! We hope to see you soon. To learn more about our history, our vision for the future and our values click here
Halloween is right around the corner. Many patients have a fear of medical offices, but we’re here to assure you there’s nothing spooky about prioritizing your hearing health. We’ll customize our services to your needs. Take a look at what we offer:
Starkey’s NEW Livio Edge AI uses AI to optimize speech in its environment to offset face masks, social distancing and background noise. We’re proud to partner with them to offer better hearing, regardless of the unusual circumstances we are currently facing, together. Learn more:
Did you know we proudly fit Starkey’s 2.4 GHz custom rechargeable hearing aids? That’s right — they are the world’s first and only custom rechargeable! No more batteries to fumble with or buy. No more wondering if your hearing aids will run out of juice at an inopportune time. Learn more about this stunning technology here:
October is Protect Your Hearing Month. There’s no better time than right now to make your hearing health a priority. Maybe your youth was full of rock concerts or your profession exposed you to noisy environments. Either way, we’ll serve you the best way we know how.
Seeking hearing health care is life changing. It reconnects you with the people and the hobbies you love, even the things you may not have realized you missed. Don’t take our word for it, hear it directly from our patients.
No one gives better advice than those who have been through the same thing as you. We hope you find these patient testimonials to be relatable, helpful and maybe even comforting as you progress on your hearing journey. Hear for yourself:
Did you know that Starkey’s Livio Edge AI has fall detection? This provides peace of mind to both the hearing aid wearer and their loved ones, especially during times when many of us have few if any visitors coming to our homes regularly. Learn more about other industry-leading features in these devices! PRECISIONHEARINGAIDS.COM Starkey Hearing Aids in Casper, WY - Precision Hearing
If hearing aids are worn in the manner they are designed to be worn — meaning all day, every day— then they are guaranteed to be exposed to some pretty rough environments. This can include perspiration, body oils, ear wax, hair spray, lotion, makeup, rain, humidity, dust, pollen, etc. Learn more about how long your devices last and how often you should replace the:
We’re here for you, always. This means carefully evaluating your hearing, meticulously fitting and adjusting your hearing aid and quickly repairing it as needed. How can we help you, right now?
It’s our mission to serve our community better than anyone else. Cutting corners is never acceptable, especially not when it comes to something as crucial as hearing and living better. Learn more about what we’re all about:
Do you ask people to repeat themselves often? This is just one sign you may have hearing loss. Online hearing evaluations are a convenient place to start. Check your hearing today:
For many of us, hearing loss is a natural part of aging. However, you don’t have to accept it as something you can’t change. If you’ve noticed difficulty hearing your loved ones, participating in daily life or enjoying hobbies, it’s time to begin your hearing journey. Take our online evaluation now:
When you hear the word “earwax”, you might immediately think YUCK! But, did you know that earwax actually plays an important role in the health of your ear? Learn more ear wax facts:
Valentine’s Day is later this month. One of the best gifts you can give yourself is better hearing. Your loved ones will appreciate your newfound confidence and more seamless conversations. Now is the time. Start your hearing journey today:
Starkey’s Livio Edge AI hearing aids won a 2021 BIG Innovation Award! With a simple double tap, the hearing aids instantaneously conduct an AI-based analysis of the acoustic environment and make immediate, customized adjustments. The result? Unmatched sound quality for you, the wearer. Learn more about the devices we fit:
We’re the type of people who love talking about the anatomy of the ear, who get excited to conduct hearing evaluations and who have always thought hearing aids are cool. Yes, we exist and we’re ready to serve you! Learn more about us:
Comfort and convenience are both expected aspects of customer and patient service in our digital world. Our online hearing evaluation offers both! Begin your hearing journey, at any time, and in the comfort of your home. We’ll help you plan your next move after that. Check it out:


Company name
Precision Hearing
Counseling & Mental Health


  • What is the phone number for Precision Hearing in Saint George UT?
    You can reach them at: 435-628-9015. It’s best to call Precision Hearing during business hours.
  • What is the address for Precision Hearing on tabernacle in Saint George?
    Precision Hearing is located at this address: 321 W Tabernacle St Saint George, UT 84770.