I am a neurodevelopmental specialist trained in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of children and adults with learning disabilities, ADHD, and Autism Spectrum Disorder/Asperger’s. My passion is to support and empower individual’s in the success of education, career and life.
My motto is to Support Empower for Success.
Support: No 2 people are the same, therefore support is provided on a client needs basis. I utilize a holistic therapeutic approach, with a specialty in neurodevelopmental disabilities (ADHD, LD, ASD) catered to meet your individualized needs. I support individuals, couples, and families by providing the appropriate tools to cope with the areas you struggle with.
Empower: I believe that knowledge is power. My goal is to empower you by providing you with enough information and knowledge to give you the ability to advocate for yourself and be independent.
Success: Having a disability can be challenging, but it doesn’t mean you can’t succeed. With proper support, I truly believe you can succeed and excel in all areas: Education, Career, and Life!
As Audrey Hepburn says, “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’m possible”