Purrfect Auto

(on pico blvd)
Auto Repair in Los Angeles, CA
Auto Repair


6059 W Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA


Purrfect Auto Service provides a one-stop solution for our customers' automotive maintenance needs. We offers complete auto repair service for both domestic and import automobiles. Our services include fast lube, brake system repair, smog inspection, air conditioning system service, and general automotice repair. Our staff is ASE certified and our motto is SERVICE FIRST. Come experience our service and our deals.


Company name
Purrfect Auto
Auto Repair


  • What is the phone number for Purrfect Auto in Los Angeles CA?
    You can reach them at: 323-870-8321. It’s best to call Purrfect Auto during business hours.
  • What is the address for Purrfect Auto on pico blvd in Los Angeles?
    Purrfect Auto is located at this address: 6059 W Pico Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90035.