I went to the future and your going to be alright.
The matrix of our body is made of the Food we eat. #nutritionalcleansing #cleansing #refreshed
Demonstration of the neck stretch
Watch Taylor demonstrate the proper hamstring stretch.
The progression of the office from construction to completion!
As we move into the colder months, clean air is even more vital to our health. Indoor air can have 7-10 times more pollution than the outside air. Start by eliminating the sources of toxins, then a good purifier is the key to maintaining clean, healthy air.
I have partnered with Electrolux, The maker of this fantastic air machine and Vacuums to help you have a healthier home. We use this in the office and at home to destroy virus, bacteria, mold and eliminate odors. Message me and we can talk more about the product.
Discounts and Bonuses on nutrition cleansing and coaching are available though Sunday. Don't miss it.