Quality Tire and Auto Service


Quality Tire And Auto Service is located just off Cason Lane, in Murfreesboro TN between Captain D's Restaurant and Old-Time Pottery. Quality Tire And Auto Service is a full-service repair shop able to fix your vehicle. Our ASE certified mechanics can perform all of the same services that your local dealer can at a significant cost savings to you! We are your source for tires & auto repair in Murfreesboro, TN.

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Quality Tire and Auto Service locations in US

Quality Tire and Auto Service

US Postal Code:37128

Address: 2560 Rideout Lane, Murfreesboro
Store Hours:
Mon-Fri: 7:00AM - 5:30PM
Sat-Sun: Closed

Quality Tire And Auto Service

US Postal Code:08050

Address: 609 Rt 72, Manahawkin
Store Hours:
Mon-Sat: 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Sun: Closed

Quality Tire And Auto Service

US Postal Code:08005

Address: 858 West Bay Ave, Barnegat
Store Hours:
Mon-Sat: 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Sun: Closed

Quality Tire And Auto Service

US Postal Code:08050

Address: 609 Rt 72, Manahawkin
Store Hours:

Latest Quality Tire and Auto Service news

Christmas is coming and we all could use a little cash. Winter is coming too and you could use some new tires. Come by Quality Tire and Auto and buy four Goodyear Tires and you will automatically be registered for a 1,000 dollars, yes that’s a thousand dollars cold hard cash giveaway to be drawn December 2. In an average month your odds are way better than one in a hundred that you will be facing the holidays with some serious cold cash. Just think all the things you could do, presents you could buy or a trip to take. Come on in and let us put a set of Goodyears on today. If you are sure you don’t need a set (better look again) share this post and one of the lucky persons to share will be drawn randomly for a 100 dollars. Like the man says come take my money. And please don’t let my wife see this!
Want to avoid a speeding ticket? Stick with the herd!
Make sure that your vehicle is ready to roll this season! Visit us today to find the right set of tires for your ride! - https://fal.cn/3aG1i
Don't ignore the warning signs! A minor auto repair issue can turn into a major expense. Visit us today to keep your vehicle in good health! - https://fal.cn/3aCYs
Q: What is preventative maintenance? A: The upkeep and care of your vehicle to prevent the need for major auto repairs. Minor issues can turn into major costs if you aren't careful. Make sure to keep up with your factory-recommended preventative maintenance!
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Did you know that your coolant has a life span? You have to change it regularly. If you don't change your coolant, you may eventually have to replace your radiator, heater core, and water pump! #autorepairtips
Turning your headlights on, even during the daytime, can reduce the chances of you being in a wreck by up to 10% according to a 2010 study from the Minnesota Department of Transportation. For more information: https://www.dot.state.mn.us/research/TRS/2011/TRS1009.pdf
Why are defective cars called lemons? https://fal.cn/3dZ6N
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