Hello Friends,
This is truly an unusual post for me to write, we are open and will remain open unless otherwise directed to do so. We are taking all of the precautionary measures we can and providing our employees with as much PPE as we have. We have hand sanitizer, gloves, masks, wipes etc. and we are washing our hands as much as possible throughout the day. If you need us please call, if you have been traveling, or otherwise could have had possible contact with someone who could potentially be infected we ask that you wait before scheduling an appointment. We are monitoring our employees daily and if at any time one of them should present any symptoms we will immediately cease all work. Please be patient and understanding during this time as this situation unfolds hour by hour and day by day. Don’t get overwhelmed, don’t panic, take care of your loved and yourself and take this opportunity to enjoy your family until this passes. Be well my friends!!
Please understand we are working as diligently as we can to help those who are out of power due to the recent storm, we realize that everyone has their own definition of priority but we take all calls in the order they come in but we put our existing customers on the top of the list. We are working as hard as we can to accommodate as many folks as we can.