RM Gantt Construction. Over 20 years of exceptional remodels and additions in Lynchburg! We can build your custom home, or transform your current one into the dream home you have always wanted!
RM Gantt Remodeling and Additions
All the "dry" weather has been wonderful for getting the footings in on this home.
While these wonderful folks are living on their boat located in St John, USVI, we are building their forever home! Making their dreams a reality!
"Land of the free, because of the brave"! Praying for our country today and everyday! Happy Birthday, America! Let freedom ring!
Hiring- Pre-employment drug test, and random screening. CARPENTER with at least 5 years experience. Come join our family! Send resume to randy@RMGantt.com, or drop off resume - 3714 Old Forest Road. (Leave in mailbox)
Simple IRA
A perfect day for setting a hot tub!