This is a great article by our friends and colleagues at Nightlight Christian Adoptions. A great deal of adoptions we facilitate are transracial, and we hear the hearts of our clients who want to love their children well. This article provides some great ways to do so!
Nightlight Christian Adoptions
September 29 at 9:00 AM ·
Here are some recommendations and resources for transracial adoptive parents that we hope will help empower you to have deeper, more beneficial discussions with your kids about race and racism!
Today is National Neighbor Day. How can you be a neighbor to the foster/ adoption community?
1. Collect your kids' clothing that you don't need anymore and donate to a foster closet (or to a foster/adopt family).
2. Take them a meal.
3. Send them an e-card through GrubHub or Uber Eats, so they can choose when their meal comes.
4. Get out and do some yardwork for a foster/adopt family.
5. Offer to babysit while mom and dad get a night out.
What other ideas do you have?
Today is World Gratitude Day! We are thankful for being able to serve the adoption community for over 30 years. We find such joy in bringing families together! Tell us in the comments what you're grateful for today!
This is a great article on some of the unmentioned costs of adoption. Ask us how we can help you navigate these areas!
I Love Adoption //
September 14 at 5:04 PM ·
9 Items You May Not Think to Include in Your Adoption Budget:
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We are rebranding, but we are still providing the same outstanding service to families in South Carolina that we have for over 30 years! We look forward to helping you grow your family! #familiesbyadoption #raygodwinattorney #thirtyyearsinsc #adoptionrocks
*Feel free to drop your pictures below if you are one of the families that Ray has helped! We love updates!
Happy Boss’ Day! The staff at Families by Adoption, LLC think we have a pretty cool boss, who sincerely cares about the families who come to him for help. As an adoptive father of two, Ray knows firsthand the hurdles that couples have to overcome in order to grow their family. We are thankful to be a part of his team—Katie Smith (Marketing Assistant and Adoptive Mom) #adoptionrocks #bossday #bethechange #familiesbyadoption #raygodwinadoptionattorney #lovemakesmiracles
We’re all smiles for this little guy! Congratulations to the “B” family! #familiesbyadoption #covidadoptions #adoptinapandemic #adoptionstrong #adoptionrocks #raygodwinattorney
Congratulations to the “B” family on finalizing their second adoption! #familiesbyadoption #weloveadoption #foreverfamilies #lovemakesafamily #adoptionrocks #raygodwinattorney
Are you a transracial family? What are some questions people have asked you?
Love in many colors: Family takes to social media to raise awareness of transracial adoption
We are just one month away from Orphan Sunday! Learn how you can support foster and adopt families and be a part of changing the world one child at a time.
"Be The Light" on Orphan and Stand Sunday
"An estimated one hundred million Americans have families who have been personally touched by adoption." What's your adoption story?
5 Things To Learn About National Adoption Month
November is National Adoption Month! We can't all adopt, but we can all do something! But if you are interested in learning more about adoption, call our office at 864-241-2883.
Wait No More
November 10 at 7:00 PM ·
Congratulations to the “T” family for finalizing their adoption during National Adoption Month! #foreverfamilies #adoptionrocks #nationaladoptionmonth2020 #raygodwinadoptionattorney
Families by Adoption, LLC / Raymond W. Godwin, Attorney at Law
November 4 at 8:27 PM ·
November is National Adoption Awareness Month. Did you know that every year, approximately 20,000 youth age out of foster care, never having found their forever home (AdoptUSKids)? We have over 30 years of experience working with the Department of Social Services in SC to help children be adopted by their foster families! Every child deserves a home.
November is National Adoption Awareness Month. Did you know that every year, approximately 20,000 youth age out of foster care, never having found their forever home (AdoptUSKids)? We have over 30 years of experience working with the Department of Social Services in SC to help children be adopted by their foster families! Every child deserves a home.
November is National Adoption Awareness Month. Did you know that every year, approximately 20,000 youth age out of foster care, never having found their forever home (AdoptUSKids)? We have over 30 years of experience working with the Department of Social Services in SC to help children be adopted by their foster families! Every child deserves a home.
Congratulations to the “G” family who finalized their adoption this week! #foreverfamily #raygodwinadoptionattorney #adoptinginquarantine
Congratulations to Rhonda Littleton on her new position! We know she'll do a great job as she continues to serve the foster/adopt community!
South Carolina Baptist Convention
January 26 at 8:00 PM ·
Welcome to Rhonda Littleton! Rhonda brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to this ministry. We are blessed to have her join our SERVE team as we seek to equip churches in their work of serving their communities in meaningful ways.
"I am very excited to be the Foster Care Liaison for SCBC. I know God is going to move in a new fresh way to provide More Than Enough resources for foster families, adoptive families and kinship care families in South Carolina. He will use churches to care for vulnerable children and those who care for them."
Congratulations to the “J” family who finalized their adoption today! #fostercareadoption #adoptionrocks #raygodwinadoptionattorney #adoptioninquarantine #virtualadoption
We were so sad to hear of the passing of Judge Long. He was a true advocate for adoption, and he will be missed. Our prayers go out to his family during this time!
'He loved what he did': Family Court Judge Edgar Long dies
Congratulations to the “D” family on finalizing their adoption! #stepfamily #adultadoption #foreverfamilies #adoptionlove #raygodwinadoptionattorney
Some kind of openness in adoption is best for everyone, especially your child. Here's a beautifully transparent article by one adoptive mom.
I Love Adoption //
December 23, 2020 at 10:41 PM ·
"I am no stranger to open adoption. My husband and I decided quite early on in our adoption journey to not just facilitate openness in our adoptions but to pursue it. It is easy early on in this road to be quite cocky and certain that you know it all.
When listening to difficult adoption stories, you figure out exactly where everyone else went wrong. It takes time to realize that the pre-adoption training wasn’t written for “those guys over there” that are struggling; no, it was also written for you and your family."
Read more here:
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